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Towards sustainable mobility: a roadmap for establishing a Community of Practice in Porto

Alonso Raposo, M., Carvalho, J., Lőrincz, M. J. ORCID:, Lawlor, E. and Rosetti, R., (2024) Towards sustainable mobility: a roadmap for establishing a Community of Practice in Porto. Report. SSH Centre, Cambridge.

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In 2023, the SSH CENTRE (Social Sciences and Humanities for Climate, Energy aNd Transport Research Excellence) launched its Knowledge Brokerage Programme on Sustainability Transitions which aims to design and implement Knowledge Brokerage (KB) activities for climate, energy and mobility policy-making. The Programme involves 30 early- and mid-career researchers with a Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) background, organised into six teams, each of which is developing an SSH KB initiative in cooperation with a European city administration. This is the Communities of Practice (CoP) Document of the Mobility Communities KB initiative in Porto, Portugal. The initiative is developed in partnership with the Municipality of Porto. Participants in this work: Daniel Freitas, Head of Carbon Neutrality in Porto; André Brochado, Mayor’s Advisor; Ana Sofia Barreto, Head of the Municipal Mobility Department; Bruno Eugénio, Head of the Municipal Division of Mobility Management; and José Ferreira, Municipal Division of Mobility Planning. The research team consists of: María Alonso Raposo, cambiaMO; Juliana Carvalho, University of Porto - INESC TEC; Máté János Lőrincz, University of Reading; Emma Lawlor, University of Glasgow; and Rebecca Rossetti, University of Bologna. The research team is supported by Julius Wesche, on behalf of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), which is an SSH CENTRE consortium partner. The main aim of this KB initiative is to provide SSH perspectives and methods to help identify the mobility-related challenges faced by the city of Porto and potential strategies leading to improved sustainable urban mobility in line with its strong climate ambitions. The core purpose is to kickstart the formation of a collaborative network where various stakeholders related to mobility in Porto can actively engage in sharing knowledge and forming a CoP. Following the sign-off of the plan (defined in the “”design document”), the main initiative lasted 6 months (February to July 2024). An intermediate workshop (City Hub Workshop) was held on the 17th and 18th of April in Porto. In particular, this CoP report explores the purpose and importance of CoPs, particularly in promoting sustainable mobility practices. Drawing on key findings from the mobility literature, it is explored how CoPs facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration between different stakeholders. Best practices for analysing mobility data from multiple sources within a CoP setting are also highlighted. Ultimately, this report provides the knowledge and practical guidance needed to establish and manage an effective CoP dedicated to advancing sustainable mobility solutions.

Item Type:Report (Report)
Divisions:Science > School of the Built Environment > Energy and Environmental Engineering group
ID Code:120478
Publisher:SSH Centre

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