ORCID iDs in CentAURCentAUR (2020) ORCID iDs in CentAUR. [CentAUR Administrative Document] (Unpublished)
It is advisable to refer to the publisher's version if you intend to cite from this work. See Guidance on citing. Abstract/SummaryORCID functionality has been added to CentAUR, our institutional repository. This means that you will be able to link your ORCID iD to CentAUR. Once you complete this process, your ORCID record will attempt to confirm your employment at University of Reading and you will be able to import and export publications between the repository and your ORCID record. If you do not already have an ORCID iD, you will be able to sign up for one using the functionality that has been added to the repository. ORCID is an open, not-for-profit, community-based initiative to provide researcher identifiers that enable a wide range of improvements to the scholarly communications ecosystem. University of Reading is a member of the UK JISC ORCID consortium. To find out more about the benefits of ORCID identifiers, visit the University of Reading LibGuide on ORCID. See 'Related URLs' for links to the LibGuide and to the ORCID website.
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