Geofizikalno istraživanje multiperiodne nepokretne baštine u Herzegovini
Čaval, S. Full text not archived in this repository. It is advisable to refer to the publisher's version if you intend to cite from this work. See Guidance on citing. Official URL: Abstract/SummaryApstrakt: Neinvazivna geofizička istraživanja cijenjen su skup tehnika u arheologiji. Posmatrati podzemne aktivnosti kroz vrijeme i odgovoriti na mnoga pitanja iz kojih se razvija strategija daljnjih arheoloških istraživanja, prednost je u smislu interdisciplinarnosti modernih prirodnih i humanističkih naučnih disciplina, među kojima je i arheologija. Provedeno geofizičko istraživanje fokusirano je na nekoliko arheoloških nalazišta u srednjovjekovnim župama Dabar i Rudine, koja pokazuju kontinuitet pogrebnih aktivnosti od praistorije do kasnog srednjeg vijeka. Abstract: Non-destructive geophysical surveys are a much-appreciated set of techniques within archaeology. To observe the underground activities through time and to answer many questions from which to strategize further archaeological research is an advantage brought from modern natural sciences into humanities discipline of Archaeology. Our geophysical survey focused on interesting archaeological sites within medieval župas Dabar and Rudine, that display a continuity of burial activities from prehistory to the late middle ages.
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