CentAUR - Quick Guide for new depositors
Access and log in
- https://reading-9.eprints-hosting.org/on or off campus
- Log in with your Reading username and password. Reading staff only
- Go to 'Manage Deposits' and choose 'New item' or 'Import item'
Timesaving tips
- Avoid adding duplicates: search your publications on CentAUR first to check whether your co-author has already added it. Use 'Search' rather than 'Browse'
- Complete only the mandatory fields (red asterisks) and the Funders and Projects fields
- Use the 'Import' option on the Manage Deposits page to populate the key bibliographic fields for journal articles. (import via DOI is the advised option)
What to add
Please also see the "Add publications to CentAUR" section of our LibGuide and our step-by-step Video guide: how to deposit an article to CentAUR
- Bibliographic details: (author, title etc.) for all research publications that are published or accepted for publication and for other research outputs that have reached the public domain through exhibition or performance. They should be a peer reviewed or equivalent research output.
- Full Text:
- Upload with the bibliographic details the author final manuscript (after peer review and before publisher copyediting and typesetting) for all journal articles and conference proceedings as soon as accepted for publication. This is vital in ensuring that these papers will be eligible for submission to the next REF. For further information see our help pages on open access in the next REF. Please note:
- If the publisher stipulates an embargo period, please still upload as soon as accepted for publication. Repository staff will lock access to the text until the embargo period has expired to comply with the publisher policy
- The published version can be uploaded at a later date, if permitted by the publisher policy
Uploading the full text for all other types of publication or output is optional, although encouraged where copyright permits.
- Format of full text: this should be in a human readable format and usually saved as a PDF
New staff joining the University
You are required to add your back catalogue (2021 onwards), providing bibliographic details and full texts as described in the above section 'What to add'.
For more detail please see the "Add your publications to CentAUR" section of our LibGuide
You can contact centaur@reading.ac.uk to discuss the most efficient way for you to do this and to agree which back catalogue full texts may be required.
Older publications
- Older publications (pre 2021) can be added but may wait for months to be checked and made live by CentAUR staff. Priority is given to publications within the current REF period.
- Items published before you joined the University can be added. Please contact centaur@reading.ac.uk to discuss the most efficient way for you to do this.
Timescales for making your deposit publicly visible
Once you have completed the deposit process for your publication, repository staff will check it and make it 'live'.
The Service note, linked from your Manage Deposits page when you log in, indicates current processing timescales. Contact centaur@reading.ac.uk if you need an item to be made live urgently.
Last updated: 10th May 2021