Number of items: 47.
Hilson, G., Mondlane, S., Hilson, A., Arnall, A.
ORCID: and Laing, T.
Formalizing artisanal and small-scale mining in Mozambique: concerns, priorities and challenges.
Resources Policy, 71.
ISSN 0301-4207
doi: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2021.102001
Hirons, M., Hilson, G., Asase, A. and Hodson, M.
Mining in a changing climate: what scope for forestry-based legacies?
Journal of Cleaner Production, 84.
pp. 430-438.
ISSN 0959-6526
doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.11.025
Hilson, G. and Garforth, C.
‘Everyone now is concentrating on the mining’: drivers and
implications of rural economic transition in the Eastern
Region of Ghana.
Journal of Development Studies, 49 (3).
pp. 348-364.
ISSN 0022-0388
doi: 10.1080/00220388.2012.713469
Hilson, G. and Garforth, C.
'Agricultural poverty' and the expansion of artisanal mining in sub-Saharan Africa: Experiences from southwest Mali and southeast Ghana.
Population Research and Policy Review, 31 (3).
pp. 435-464.
ISSN 1573-7829
doi: 10.1007/s11113-012-9229-6
Hilson, G. and Van Bockstael, S.
Poverty and livelihood diversification in rural Liberia: exploring the linkages between artisanal diamond mining and
smallholder rice production.
Journal of Development Studies, 48 (3).
pp. 413-428.
ISSN 1743-9140
doi: 10.1080/00220388.2011.604414
Hilson, G. and Kamlongera, P.
'Fair trade gold': prospects for Africa's artisanal miners.
In: Utting,, , P., Reed, D. and Reed, A. (eds.)
Business Regulations and Non-State Actors: Whose standards? Whose Development?
Routledge Studies in Development Economics.
Routledge, Abington, pp. 277-287.
ISBN 9780415593113
Hilson, G.
Corporate social responsibility in the extractive industries: experiences from developing countries.
Resources Policy, 37 (2).
pp. 131-137.
ISSN 0301-4207
doi: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2012.01.002
Hilson, G.
Family hardship and cultural values: child labor in Malian artisanal gold mining communities.
World Development, 40 (8).
pp. 1663-1674.
ISSN 0305-750X
doi: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2012.03.017
Hilson, G.
Poverty traps in small-scale mining communities: the case of sub-Saharan Africa.
Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 33 (2).
pp. 180-197.
ISSN 2158-9100
doi: 10.1080/02255189.2012.687352
Abigail, A.-B. and Hilson, G.
Implementing microcredit services for Africa's rural poor: the case of the artisanal mining sector.
In: Farhad, H., Christopher, R. and Tonya, K. M. (eds.)
Microcredit and International Development: Contexts, achievements and challenges.
Routledge Studies in Development Economics.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 156-170.
ISBN 9780415679756
Hilson, G.
Artisanal mining, smallholder farming and livelihood diversification in rural sub-Saharan Africa: an introduction.
Journal of International Development, 23 (8).
pp. 1031-1041.
ISSN 1099-1328
doi: 10.1002/jid.1829
(special issue 'Artisanal Mining, Smallholder Farming and Economic Development in Rural sub-Saharan Africa')
Hilson, G. and van Bockstael, S.
Diamond mining, rice farming, and a ‘Maggi cube’: a viable survivial strategy in rural Liberia?
Journal of International Development, 23 (8).
pp. 1042-1053.
ISSN 1099-1328
doi: 10.1002/jid.1830
Okoh, G. and Hilson, G.
Poverty and livelihood diversification: exploring the linkages between smallholder farming and artisanal mining in rural Ghana.
Journal of International Development, 23 (8).
pp. 1100-1114.
ISSN 1099-1328
doi: 10.1002/jid.1834
(special issue 'Artisanal Mining, Smallholder Farming and Economic Development in Rural sub-Saharan Africa')
Hilson, G. and Ackah-Baidoo, A.
Can microcredit services alleviate hardship in African small-scale mining communities?
World Development, 39 (7).
pp. 1191-1203.
ISSN 0305-750X
doi: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2010.10.004
Kamlongera, P. and Hilson, G.
Poverty alleviation in rural Malawi: is there a role for artisanal mining?
Journal of Eastern African Studies, 5 (1).
pp. 42-69.
ISSN 1753-1063
doi: 10.1080/17531055.2011.544545
Maconachie, R. and Hilson, G.
Artisanal gold mining: a new frontier in post-conflict Sierra Leone?
Journal of Development Studies, 47 (4).
pp. 595-616.
ISSN 1743-9140
doi: 10.1080/00220381003599402
Hilson, G.
‘Inherited commitments’: do changes in ownership
affect corporate social responsibility (CSR) at African
gold mines?
African Journal of Business Management, 5 (27).
pp. 10921-10939.
ISSN 1993-8233
doi: 10.5897/AJBM10.1608
Maconachie, R. and Hilson, G.
Safeguarding livelihoods or exacerbating poverty?: Artisanal mining and formalization in West Africa.
Natural Resources Forum, 35 (4).
pp. 293-303.
ISSN 0165-0203
doi: 10.1111/j.1477-8947.2011.01407.x
Hilson, G.
'A conflict of interest'? A critical examination of artisanal/large-scale miner relations in sub-Saharan Africa.
Natural Resource Investment And Africa's Development.
New Horizons in Environmental and Energy Law series.
Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham UK, pp. 134-158.
ISBN 9781848446793
Hilson, G. M.
‘Once a miner, always a miner’: Poverty and livelihood diversification in Akwatia, Ghana.
Journal of Rural Studies, 26 (3).
pp. 296-307.
ISSN 0743-0167
doi: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2010.01.002
Banchirigah, S. M. and Hilson, G.
De-agrarianization, re-agrarianization and local economic development: re-orientating livelihoods in African artisanal mining communities.
Policy Sciences, 43 (2).
pp. 157-180.
ISSN 0032-2687
doi: 10.1007/s11077-009-9091-5
Kwai, B. and Hilson, G.
Livelihood diversification and the expansion of artisanal mining in rural Tanzania: drivers and policy implications.
Outlook on Agriculture, 39 (2).
pp. 141-147.
ISSN 0030-7270
doi: 10.5367/000000010791745358
Hilson, G. M.
Child labour in African Artisanal Mining Communities: experiences from Northern Ghana.
Development and Change, 41 (3).
pp. 445-473.
ISSN 1467-7660
doi: 10.1111/j.1467-7660.2010.01646.x
Hilson, G. M. and Clifford, M.
A 'Kimberley protest': diamond mining, export sanctions, and poverty in Awatia, Ghana.
African Affairs, 109 (436).
pp. 431-450.
ISSN 0001-9909
doi: 10.1093/afraf/adq020
Hilson, G. and Clifford, M. J., eds.
Small-scale gold mining, mercury and environmental health: perspectives on rural Ghana.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 41 (3/4).
Hilson, G. and Clifford, M. J.
Small-scale gold mining, the environment and human health: an introduction to the Ghana case.
International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 41 (3-4).
pp. 185-194.
ISSN 1741-5101
doi: 10.1504/IJEP.2010.033229
Hilson, G. and Banchirigah, S. M.
Are alternative livelihood projects alleviating poverty in mining communities? Experiences from Ghana.
Journal of Development Studies, 45 (2).
pp. 172-196.
ISSN 0022-0388
doi: 10.1080/00220380802553057
Hilson, G. and Maconachie, R.
Good governance and the extractive industries in sub-saharan Africa.
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 30 (1).
pp. 52-100.
ISSN 0882-7508
doi: 10.1080/08827500802045511
Carstens, J. and Hilson, G.
Mining, grievance and conflict in rural Tanzania.
International Development Planning Review, 31 (3).
pp. 301-326.
ISSN 1474-6743
doi: 10.3828/idpr.31.3.5
Hilson, G.
Small-scale mining, poverty and economic development in sub-Saharan Africa: An overview.
Resources Policy, 34 (1-2).
pp. 1-5.
ISSN 0301-4207
doi: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2008.12.001
Hilson, G.
'Fair trade gold': Antecedents, prospects and challenges.
Geoforum, 39 (1).
pp. 386-400.
ISSN 0016-7185
doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2007.09.003
Hilson, G.
'A load too heavy': Critical reflections on the child labor problem in Africa's small-scale mining sector.
Children and Youth Services Review, 30 (11).
pp. 1233-1245.
ISSN 0190-7409
doi: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2008.03.008
Hilson, G. and Vieira, R.
Challenges with minimising mercury pollution in the small-scale gold mining sector: Experiences from the Guianas.
International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 17 (6).
pp. 429-441.
ISSN 0960-3123
doi: 10.1080/09603120701633396
Hilson, G.
Championing the rhetoric: corporate social responsibility in the Ghanaian mining sector.
Greener Management International, 53.
pp. 43-56.
ISSN 0966-9671
Hilson, G., Hilson, C.J. and Pardie, S.
Improving awareness of mercury pollution in small-scale gold mining communities: Challenges and ways forward in rural Ghana.
Environmental Research, 103 (2).
pp. 275-287.
ISSN 0013-9351
doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2006.09.010
Hilson, G. and Yakovleva, N.
Strained relations: a critical analysis of the mining conflict in Prestea, Ghana.
Political Geography, 26 (1).
pp. 98-119.
ISSN 0962-6298
doi: 10.1016/j.polgeo.2006.09.001
Hilson, G., Yakovleva, N. and Banchirigah, S. M.
'To move or not to move': Reflections on the resettlement of artisanal miners in the western region of Ghana.
African Affairs, 106 (424).
pp. 413-436.
ISSN 0001-9909
doi: 10.1093/afraf/adm038
Hilson, G.
What is wrong with the global support facility for small-scale mining?
Progress in Development Studies., 7 (3).
pp. 235-249.
ISSN 1464-9934
doi: 10.1177/146499340700700304
Hilson, G.
Abatement of mercury pollution in the small-scale gold mining industry: Restructuring the policy and research agendas.
Science of the Total Environment, 362 (1-3).
pp. 1-14.
ISSN 0048-9697
doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2005.09.065
Hilson, G. and Monhemius, A. J.
Alternatives to cyanide in the gold mining industry: what prospects for the future.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 14 (12-13).
pp. 1158-1167.
ISSN 0959-6526
doi: 10.1016/j.clepro.2004.09.005
Hilson, G. and Nyame, F.
Gold mining in Ghana's forest reserves: a report on the current debate.
Area, 38 (2).
pp. 175-185.
ISSN 1475-4762
Hilson, G. M.
Introduction to this special issue, 'Improving Environmental, Economic and Ethical Performance in the Mining Industry'. Part 2: life cycle and process analysis, innovation and technical change.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 14 (12-13).
p. 1039.
ISSN 0959-6526
doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2005.05.020
Hilson, G. M.
Introduction to this special issue, 'Improving environmental, economic and ethical performance in the mining industry': Part 1: Environmental management and sustainable development.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 14 (3-4).
pp. 225-226.
ISSN 0959-6526
doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2005.03.001
Hilson, G. and Pardie, S.
Mercury: An agent of poverty in Ghana's small-scale gold-mining sector?
Resources Policy, 31 (2).
pp. 106-116.
ISSN 0301-4207
doi: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2006.09.001
Haselip, J. and Hilson, G.
Winners and losers from industry reforms in the developing world: experiences from the electricity and mining sectors.
Resources Policy, 30 (2).
pp. 87-100.
ISSN 0301-4207
Hilson, G.
Strengthening artisanal mining research and policy through baseline census activities.
Natural Resources Forum, 29 (2).
pp. 144-153.
ISSN 1477-8947
doi: 10.1111/j.1477-8947.2005.00123.x
Hilson, G. and Potter, C.
Structural adjustment and subsistence industry: artisanal gold mining in Ghana.
Development and Change, 36 (1).
pp. 103-131.
ISSN 1467-7660
doi: 10.1111/j.0012-155X.2005.00404.x
This list was generated on Mon Mar 17 08:22:45 2025 UTC.