Number of items: 34.
Image, M., Gardner, E., Clough, Y., Kunin, W. E., Potts, S. G.
ORCID:, Smith, H. G., Stone, G. N., Westbury, D. B. and Breeze, T. D.
Which interventions contribute most to the net effect of England’s agri-environment schemes on pollination services?
Landscape Ecology, 38.
pp. 271-291.
ISSN 1572-9761
doi: 10.1007/s10980-022-01559-w
McKerchar, M., Potts, S. G., Fountain, M. T., Garratt, M. P. D.
ORCID: and Westbury, D. B.
The potential for wildflower interventions to enhance natural enemies and pollinators in commercial apple orchards is limited by other management practices.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 301.
ISSN 0167-8809
doi: 10.1016/j.agee.2020.107034
Mateos-Fierro, Z., Garratt, M.
ORCID:, Fountain, M., Ashbrook, K. and Westbury, D.
Wildflower strip establishment for the delivery of ecosystem services in sweet cherry orchards.
In: Ecosystem and Habitat Management: Research, Policy, Practice, 27-28 Mar 2018, Worcester, UK, pp. 179-186.
Hammond, K. J., Humphries, D. J., Westbury, D. B., Thompson, A., Crompton, L. A., Kirton, P.
ORCID:, Green, C. and Reynolds, C. K.
The inclusion of forage mixtures in the diet of growing dairy heifers: impacts on digestion, energy utilisation, and methane emissions.
Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 197.
pp. 88-95.
ISSN 0167-8809
doi: 10.1016/j.agee.2014.07.016
Blake, R. J., Woodcock, B. A., Westbury, D. B., Sutton, P. and Potts, S. G.
Novel management to enhance spider biodiversity in existing grass buffer strips.
Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 15 (1).
pp. 77-85.
ISSN 1461-9555
doi: 10.1111/j.1461-9563.2012.00593.x
Blake, R. J., Westbury, D. B., Woodcock, B. A., Sutton, P. and Potts, S. G.
Enhancement of buffer strips can improve provision of multiple ecosystem services.
Outlooks on Pest Management, 23 (6).
pp. 258-262.
ISSN 1743-1026
doi: 10.1564/23dec05
Mauchline, A. L.
ORCID:, Mortimer, S. R.
ORCID:, Park, J. R.
ORCID:, Finn, J. A., Haysom, K., Westbury, D. B., Purvis, G., Louwagie, G., Northey, G., Primdahl, J., Vejre, H., Kristensen, L. S., Teilmann, K. V., Vesterager, J. P., Knickel, K., Kasperczyk, N., Balázs, K., Podmaniczky, L., Vlahos, G., Christopoulos, S., Kroger, L., Aakkula, J. and Yli-Viikari, A.
Environmental evaluation of agri-environment schemes using participatory approaches: experiences of testing the Agri-Environmental Footprint Index.
Land Use Policy, 29 (2).
pp. 317-328.
ISSN 0264-8377
doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2011.07.002
Woodcock, B. A., Westbury, D. B., Brook, A. J., Lawson, C. S., Edwards, A. R., Harris, S. J., Heard, M. S., Brown, V. K. and Mortimer, S. R.
Effects of seed addition on beetle assemblages during the re-creation of species-rich lowland hay meadows.
Insect Conservation and Diversity, 5 (1).
pp. 19-26.
ISSN 1752-4598
doi: 10.1111/j.1752-4598.2011.00132.x
Westbury, D. B., Mortimer, S. R.
ORCID:, Brook, A. J., Harris, S. J., Kessock-Philip, R., Edwards, A. R., Chaney, K., Lewis, P., Dodd, S., Buckingham, D. L. and Peach, W. J.
Plant and invertebrate resources for farmland birds in pastoral landscapes.
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 142 (3-4).
pp. 266-274.
ISSN 0167-8809
doi: 10.1016/j.agee.2011.05.018
Blake, R. J., Westbury, D., Woodcock, B. A., Sutton, P. and Potts, S.
Enhancing habitat to help the plight of the bumblebee.
Pest Management Science, 67 (4).
pp. 377-379.
ISSN 1526-498X
doi: 10.1002/ps.2136
Blake, R. J., Potts, S.
ORCID:, Westbury, D. B., Woodcock, B. A. and Sutton, P.
New tools to boost butterfly habitat quality in existing grass buffer strips.
Journal of Insect Conservation, 15 (1-2).
pp. 221-232.
ISSN 1572-9753
doi: 10.1007/s10841-010-9339-6
(special issue 'Butterfly Conservation's 6th Int. Symposium: the 2010 target and beyond for Lepidoptera')
Westbury, D. B., Park, J.
ORCID:, Mauchline, A. L.
ORCID:, Crane, R. T. and Mortimer, S. R.
Assessing the environmental performance of English arable and livestock holdings using data from the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN).
Journal of Environmental Management, 92 (3).
pp. 902-909.
ISSN 0301-4797
doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2010.10.051
Peach, W. J., Dodd, S., Westbury, D., Mortimer, S.
ORCID:, Lewis, P., Brook, A. J., Harris, S. J., Kessock-Philip, R., Buckingham, D. L. and Chaney, K.
Cereal-based wholecrop silages: a potential conservation measure for farmland birds in pastoral landscapes.
Biological Conservation, 144 (2).
pp. 836-850.
ISSN 0006-3207
doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2010.11.017
Woodcock, B. A., Edwards, A. R., Lawson, C. S., Westbury, D. B., Brook, A. J., Harris, S. J., Masters, G., Booth, R., Brown, V. K. and Mortimer, S. R.
The restoration of phytophagous beetles in species-rich chalk grasslands.
Restoration Ecology, 18 (5).
pp. 638-644.
ISSN 1061-2971
doi: 10.1111/j.1526-100X.2008.00472.x
Woodcock, B. A., Vogiatzakis, I., Westbury, D., Lawson, C. S., Edwards, A. R., Brook, A. J., Harris, S. J., Lock, K. A., Maczey, N., Masters, G. J., Brown, V. K. and Mortimer, S.
The role of management and landscape context in the restoration of grassland phytophagous beetles.
Journal of Applied Ecology, 47 (2).
pp. 366-376.
ISSN 0021-8901
doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2010.01776.x
Woodcock, B. A., Edwards, A. R., Lawson, C. S., Westbury, D. B., Brook, A. J., Harris, S. J., Brown, V. K. and Mortimer, S. R.
Contrasting success in the restoration of plant and phytophagous beetle assemblages of species-rich mesotrophic grasslands.
Oecologia, 154 (4).
pp. 773-783.
ISSN 0029-8549
doi: 10.1007/s00442-007-0872-2
Woodcock, B. A., Westbury, D. B., Tscheulin, T., Harrison-Cripps, J., Harris, S. J., Ramsey, A. J., Brown, V. K. and Potts, S. G.
Effects of seed mixture and management on beetle assemblages of arable field margins.
Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 125 (1-4).
pp. 246-254.
ISSN 0167-8809
doi: 10.1016/j.agee.2008.01.004
Westbury, D. B., Woodcock, B. A., Harris, S. J., Brown, V. K. and Potts, S. G.
The effects of seed mix and management on the abundance of desirable and pernicious unsown species in arable buffer strip communities.
Weed Research, 48 (2).
pp. 113-123.
ISSN 0043-1737
doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3180.2007.00614.x
Westbury, D. B. and Dunnett, N. P.
The promotion of grassland forb abundance: A chemical or biological solution?
Basic and Applied Ecology, 9 (6).
pp. 653-662.
ISSN 1439-1791
doi: 10.1016/j.baae.2007.08.006
Mortimer, S.R.
ORCID:, Westbury, D. B., Dodd, S., Brook, A. J., Harris, S. J., Kessock-Philip, R., Chaney, K., Lewis, P., Buckingham, D. L. and Peach, W. J.
Cereal-based whole crop silages: potential biodiversity benefits of cereal production in pastoral landscapes.
Aspects of Applied Biology, 81.
pp. 77-86.
ISSN 0265-1491
Mortimer, S.R.
ORCID:, Edwards, A. R., Lawson, C. S., Westbury, D. B., Woodcock, B.A., Brook, A. J., Harris, S. J. and Brown, V. K.
Efficacy of methods for using seed of local provenance to enhance grassland diversity.
Aspects of Applied Biology, 82.
pp. 39-48.
ISSN 0265-1491
Edwards, A. R., Mortimer, S. R.
ORCID:, Lawson, C. S., Westbury, D. B., Harris, S. J., Woodcock, B. A. and Brown, V. K.
Hay strewing, brush harvesting of seed and soil disturbance as tools for the enhancement of botanical diversity in grasslands.
Biological Conservation, 134 (3).
pp. 372-382.
ISSN 0006-3207
doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2006.08.025
Storkey, J. and Westbury, D. B.
Managing arable weeds for biodiversity.
Pest Management Science, 63 (6).
pp. 517-523.
ISSN 1526-498X
doi: 10.1002/ps.1375
Edwards, P., Westbury, D. B., Sutton, P. and Marshall, E. J. P.
Principal considerations for arable field margin establishment and management.
Aspects of Applied Biology, 81 (Delivering).
pp. 199-205.
ISSN 0265-1491
Ramsay, A.J., Potts, S.G.
ORCID:, Westbury, D. B., Woodcock, B.A., Tscheulin, T.R., Harris, S.J. and Brown, V.K.
Response of planthoppers to novel margin management in arable systems.
Aspects of Applied Biology, 81 (Delivering).
pp. 47-52.
ISSN 0265-1491
Westbury, D. B. and Dunnett, N. P.
The creation of species-rich grassland on an urban substrate.
Aspects of Applied Biology, 82 (Vegetation).
pp. 123-130.
ISSN 0265-1491
Westbury, D. B. and Dunnett, N. P.
The impact of Rhinanthus minor in newly established meadows on a productive site.
Applied Vegetation Science, 10 (1).
pp. 121-129.
ISSN 1402-2001
doi: 10.1658/1402-2001(2007)10[121:TIORMI]2.0.CO;2
Woodcock, B. A., Potts, S. G.
ORCID:, Westbury, D. B., Ramsay, A. J., Lambert, M., Harris, S. J. and Brown, V. K.
The importance of sward architectural complexity in structuring predatory and phytophagous invertebrate assemblages.
Ecological Entomology, 32 (3).
pp. 302-311.
ISSN 0307-6946
doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2311.2007.00869.x
Ogilvy, S. E., Clarke, J. H., Wiltshire, J. J. J., Harris, D., Morris, A., Jones, N., Smith, B., Henderson, I., Westbury, D. B., Woodcock, B. A. and Pywell, R. G.
SAFFIE - research into research and practice.
In: HGCA Conference, Arable crop protection in the balance: Profit and the environment, pp. 48-57.
Westbury, D. B., Davies, A., Woodcock, B. A. and Dunnett, N. P.
Seeds of change: The value of using Rhinanthus minor in grassland restoration.
Journal of Vegetation Science, 17 (4).
pp. 435-446.
ISSN 1100-9233
doi: 10.1658/1100-9233(2006)17[435:SOCTVO]2.0.CO;2
Woodcock, B. A., Westbury, D. B., Potts, S. G.
ORCID:, Harris, S. J. and Brown, V. K.
Establishing field margins to promote beetle conservation in arable farms.
Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 107 (2-3).
pp. 255-266.
ISSN 0167-8809
doi: 10.1016/j.agee.2004.10.029
Westbury, D. B. and Davies, A.
Yellow rattle - its natural history and use in grassland restoration.
British Wildlife, 17 (2).
pp. 93-98.
ISSN 0958-0956
Morgan, R., Westbury, D. B., Kliem, K. E.
ORCID: and Mould, F. L.
The degradation of Rhinanthus minor (Yellow rattle) in vitro.
In: Proceedings of British Society of Animal Science Annual Conference, York.
Westbury, D. B.
Rhinanthus minor L.
Journal of Ecology, 92 (5).
pp. 906-927.
ISSN 0022-0477
This list was generated on Mon Mar 17 08:20:57 2025 UTC.