Items where Author is "Gray, Professor Colin"Group by: Item Type | No Grouping Number of items: 52. Gray, C. S. (2013) Perspectives on strategy. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp264. ISBN 9780199674275 Gray, C. (2012) Airpower for strategic effect. Air University Press, Maxwell Airforce Base, AL, pp288. ISBN 9780231703000 Gray, C. S. (2011) Harry S. Truman and the forming of American grand strategy in the Cold War, 1943-1953. In: Murray, W. , Sinnreich, R. H. and Lacey, J. (eds.) The shaping of grand strategy: policy, diplomacy, and war. Cambridge University Press, 210 -253. ISBN 9780521761260 Gray, C. S. and Sheldon, J. B. (2011) Theory ascendant? Spacepower and the challenge of strategic theory. In: Lutes , C. D. and Hays, P. L. (eds.) Toward a Theory of Spacepower: Seleted Essays. National Defense University Press, Washington, DC. Gray, C. S. (2011) Approaching the study of strategy. In: Rotte , R. and Schwarz, C. (eds.) International Security and War: Politics and Grand Strategy in the 21st Century. Defense, Security and Strategies. Nova Science Publishers, New York, pp. 11-22. ISBN 9781616684174 Gray, C. S. (2011) Some thoughts on moral choice and war. Comparative Strategy, 30 (1). pp. 94-97. ISSN 1521-0448 doi: 10.1080/01495933.2011.545690 Gray, C. S. (2010) Gaining compliance: the theory of deterrence and its modern application. Comparative Strategy, 29 (3). pp. 278-283. ISSN 1521-0448 doi: 10.1080/01495933.2010.492198 Gray, C. S. (2010) Moral advantage, strategic advantage? Journal of Strategic Studies, 33 (3). pp. 333-365. ISSN 1743-937X doi: 10.1080/01402391003750010 Gray, C. S. (2010) Strategic thoughts for defence planners. Survival, 52 (3). pp. 159-178. ISSN 0039-6338 doi: 10.1080/00396338.2010.494883 Gray, C. (2010) Coping with uncertainty: dilemmas of defense planning. In: Cimbala, S. J. (ed.) The George W. Bush Defense Program: Policy, Strategy and War. Potomac Books, Dulles, VA, pp. 1-10. ISBN 9781597975087 Gray, C. S., Baylis, J. and Wirtz, J. J., eds. (2010) Strategy in the contemporary world: an introduction to strategic studies. Third edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp480. ISBN 9780199548873 Gray, C. S. (2010) War - continuity in change, and change in continuity. Parameters, 40 (Summer 201). pp. 5-13. ISSN 0031-1723 Gray, C. S. (2010) Why strategy is difficult. In: Sheffield, G. (ed.) War studies reader: from the seventeenth century to the present day and beyond. Continuum, London, UK, pp. 35-46. ISBN 9780826421869 Gray, C. S. and Johnson, J. L. (2010) The practice of strategy. In: Baylis, J., Wirstz, J. and Gray, C. S. (eds.) Strategy in the contemporary world: an introduction to strategic studies. Third edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 372-390. ISBN 9780199548873 Gray, C. S. (2010) The practice of strategy. British Army Review (148). pp. 36-38. ISSN 0952-4134 Gray, C. S. (2010) The strategy bridge: theory for practice. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp336. ISBN 9780199579662 Gray, C. S., (2009) Understanding air power: bonfire of the fallacies. Research paper 2009-3. Other. Air University Press pp39. Gray, C. S. (2009) The 21st Century security environment and the future of war. Parameters, XXXVIII (4). pp. 14-16. Gray, C. S. (2009) Fighting talk: Forty maxims on war, peace, and strategy. Potomac Books, Washington, DC, pp199. ISBN 9781597973076 Gray, C. S. (2009) Mission improbable, fear, culture, and interest: peacemaking, 1943-1949. In: Murray, W. (ed.) The making of peace: Rulers, states, and the aftermath of war. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 265-291. ISBN 9780521517195 Gray, C. S. (2009) National security dilemmas: Challenges and opportunities. Potomac Books, Washington, DC, pp334. ISBN 9781597972628 Gray, C. S. (2009) Out of the wilderness: Prime time for strategic culture. In: Johnson, J.L. (ed.) Strategic Culture and Weapons of Mass Destruction: Culturally Based Insights and Compartive National Security Policymaking. Palgrave Macmillan, New York, pp. 221-241. ISBN 9780230612211 Gray, C. S., Bath, M., Sloan, G. R. F. and Walton, C. D. (2009) The Royal Navy and British security in the twenty-first century: The short game and the long game. The Naval Review, 97 (3). pp. 223-228. Gray, C. S. (2009) Schools for strategy: Teaching strategy for 21st century conflict. Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College , Carlisle, PA, pp63. Gray, C. (2008) Britain's national security: compulsion and discretion. RUSI Journal, 153 (6). pp. 12-18. ISSN 1744-0378 doi: 10.1080/03071840802670007 Gray, C. (2008) Coping with uncertainty: dilemmas of defense planning. Comparative Strategy, 27 (4). pp. 324-331. ISSN 1521-0448 doi: 10.1080/01495930802358414 Gray, C. (2008) Why strategy is difficult. In: Mahnken, T. and Mailo, J. (eds.) Strategic studies: a reader. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 391-397. ISBN 9780415772228 Gray, C. S. (2008) Been there! Done that! Blood in the crystal ball, and with Clausewitz to eternity. In: Yerxa, D. A. (ed.) Recent themes in military history: Historians in conversation. University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, SC, 51-17 & 75. ISBN 9781570037399 Gray, C. (2008) Understanding airpower: bonfire of the fallacies. Strategic Studies Quarterly, 2 (4). pp. 43-83. ISSN 1936-1823 Gray, C. (2007) The Anglo-Irish War, 1919-21: lessons from an irregular conflict. Comparative Strategy, 26 (5). pp. 371-394. ISSN 1521-0448 doi: 10.1080/01495930701750208 Gray, C. (2007) War, peace and international relations: an introduction to strategic history. Routledge, Abingdon, pp320. ISBN 9780415386395 Gray, C. (2007) British and American strategic cultures. In: Democracies in partnership: 400 years of transatlantic engagement, 18-19 April 2007, Norfolk. Gray, C. (2007) The Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) 2006, and the perils of the twenty-first century. In: Thayer, B. A. (ed.) American National Security Policy: Essays in Honor of William R. Van Cleave. National Institute Press, Fairfax, V.A., pp. 141-158. ISBN 9780977622115 Gray, C. (2007) Deterrence: no guarantee but essential. Parliamentary Brief, 11. pp. 25-26. ISSN 1759-9318 Gray, C. (2007) Out of the wilderness: prime time for strategic culture. Comparative Strategy, 26 (1). pp. 1-20. ISSN 1521-0448 doi: 10.1080/01495930701271478 Gray, C., Baylis, J., Wirtz, J. and Cohen, E., eds. (2007) Strategy in the contemporary world. 2nd edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp416. ISBN 9780199289783 Gray, C. (2007) Coping with uncertainty: dilemmas of defence planning. The British Army Review, 143. pp. 36-40. ISSN 0952-4134 Gray, C. S. (2007) Fighting talk: forty maxims on war, peace and strategy. Praeger Security International . Praeger Publishers, Westport, CT, pp208. ISBN 9780275991319 Gray, C. (2007) Irregular warfare: one nature, many characters. Strategic Studies Quarterly, 1 (2). pp. 35-57. ISSN 1936-1823 Gray, C. (2007) The implications of preemptive and preventive War doctrines: a reconsideration. Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College, Carlisle, PA, pp70. Gray, C. (2006) Clausewitz, history and the future strategic world. In: Williamson, M. and Hart Sinnreich, R. (eds.) The past as prologue: the importance of history to the military profession. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 111-132. ISBN 9780521619639 doi: 10.2277/0521619637 Gray, C. (2006) Document no.1: The Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) 2006, and the perils of the twenty-first century. Comparative Strategy, 25 (2). pp. 141-148. ISSN 1521-0448 doi: 10.1080/01495930600754533 Gray, C., (2006) Irregular enemies and the essence of strategy: can the American way of war adapt? Other. The Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College , Carlisle, PA. pp71. Gray, C. (2006) Technology as a dynamic of defence transformation. Defence Studies, 6 (1). pp. 26-51. ISSN 1743-9698 doi: 10.1080/14702430600838461 Gray, C. (2006) With Clausewitz to eternity. Historically Speaking, 7 (3). pp. 35-38. ISSN 1944-6438 Gray, C. (2006) Been there! Done that! Blood in the crystal ball. Historically Speaking, 7 (3). pp. 25-28. ISSN 1944-6438 Gray, C., (2006) Recognizing and understanding revolutionary change in warfare: the sovereignty of context. Report. Strategic Studies Institute, Carlisle, PA. Gray, C. (2006) Stability operations in strategic perspective: a skeptical view. Parameters, XXXVI (2). pp. 4-14. ISSN 0031-1723 Gray, C. S. (2004) Clausewitz, history and the future strategic world. In: Contemporary Essays, Occasional Paper 47. Strategic and Combat Studies Institute, Shrivenham, UK, pp. 1-24. ISBN 1874346370 Gray, C. S. (2004) In defence of the heartland: Sir Halford Mackinder and his critics a hundred years on. Comparative Strategy, 23 (1). pp. 9-25. ISSN 1521-0448 doi: 10.1080/01495930490274454 Gray, C. (2004) In defence of the heartland: Sir Halford Mackinder and his critics a hundred years on. In: Contemporary Essays, Occasional Paper 47. Strategic and Combat Studies Institute, Shrivenham, UK, pp. 25-44. ISBN 1874346370 Gray, C. S. (2004) The sheriff: America's defense of the New World order. University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, pp195. ISBN 9780813123158 |