Items where Author is "Kokkoris, Professor Ioannis"Group by: Item Type | No Grouping Number of items: 38. Lianos, I., Kokkoris, I., Komninos, A. and Capobianco, A. (2015) Competition law remedies in Europe. Hart, Oxford, pp492. ISBN 9781841139142 Glader, M. and Kokkoris, I. (2013) Excessive pricing. In: Gonzalez Diaz , E. and Piergiovanni, M. (eds.) Abuse of Dominance Under Article 102 TFEU. EU Competition Law, V. Claeys & Casteels Publishing. ISBN 9789077644133 Kokkoris, I. (2013) Merger control: substantive issues. In: Lianos, I. and Geradin, D. (eds.) Handbook On European Competition Law: Substantive Aspects. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 9781848445536 Kokkoris, I. (2011) Assessment of Article 101 (3) criteria. In: Tzouganatos, D. (ed.) EC and Greek competition law. Sakkoulas, Athens. Kokkoris, I. (2011) Merger control in Europe: the gap in the ECMR and national merger legislations. Routledge research in competition law. Routledge, Abingdon, pp293. ISBN 9780415565134 Kokkoris, I. (2011) Substantive analysis of merger control. In: Tzouganatos, D. (ed.) EC and Greek competition law. Sakkoulas, Athens. Kokkoris, I. (2011) To divest or not to divest: that is the question... In: LaBrosse, J., Olivares-Caminal, R. and Singh, D. (eds.) Managing risk in the financial system. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. ISBN 9780857933812 Kokkoris, I. (2010) Are we underenforcing Article 102 TFEU? In: Etro, F. and Kokkoris, I. (eds.) Competition Law and the Enforcement of Article 102. Oxford University Press, pp224. ISBN 9780199586189 Etro, F. and Kokkoris, I., eds. (2010) Competition Law and the Enforcement of Article 102. Oxford University Press , pp248. ISBN 9780199586189 Kokkoris, I., ed. (2010) Enforcement of competition policy in the European Union — some controversial issues. The Antitrust Bulletin, 55 (4). Federal Legal Publications, Inc, New York. Etro, F. and Kokkoris, I. (2010) Toward an economic approach to Article 102. In: Etro, F. and Kokkoris, I. (eds.) Competition Law and the Enforcement of Article 102. Oxford University Press, pp248. ISBN 9780199586189 Kokkoris, I., ed. (2010) Competition cases from the European Union: the ultimate guide to leading cases from the EU, Member States and EFTA. 2nd edition. Sweet and Maxwell. ISBN 9780414043305 Kokkoris, I. and Marsden, P. (2010) The role of competition and state aid policy in financial and monetary law. Journal of International Economic Law, 13 (3). pp. 875-892. ISSN 1369-3034 doi: 10.1093/jiel/jgq028 Kokkoris, I. and Olivares-Caminal, R. (2010) Antitrust law amidst financial crises. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp538. ISBN 9780521194839 Kokkoris, I. (2010) Cartels amidst crises [in Greek]. Business and Company Law, 2010 (3). pp. 307-311. Zevgolis, N. E. and Kokkoris, I. (2010) Competition enforcement after the Lisbon Treaty: objective of the internal market or means to achieve it? Hellenic Review of European Law, 2010 (1). pp. 29-36. ISSN 0251-6535 Kokkoris, I., Olivares-Caminal, R. and Papadakis, K. (2010) The Greek tragedy: Is there a deus Ex machina? International Corporate Rescue, 7 (4). Kokkoris, I. (2010) Meeting competition: abuse or defence. Hellenic Review of European Law (Internatio). pp. 75-108. ISSN 0251-6535 Kokkoris, I. (2010) Should crisis cartels exist amidst financial crises? The Antitrust Bulletin, 55 (4). ISSN 0003-603X Kokkoris, I. and Katona, K. (2009) Critical analysis of the ECMR reform. In: Kokkoris, I. and Lianos, I. (eds.) The reform of EC competition law: new challenges. Wolters Kluwer, Austin, pp578. ISBN 9789041126924 Kokkoris, I. and Lianos, I., eds. (2009) The reform of EC competition law: new challenges. Wolters Kluwer. ISBN 9789041126924 Kokkoris, I. (2009) A gap in the enforcement of Article 82. British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London, pp134. ISBN 9781905221394 Kokkoris, I. (2009) The marine hoses cartel. Multijurisdictional cooperation and criminal liability. Journal of Business and Company Law. Kokkoris, I. (2009) The EC commission issues a revised version of the merger remedies notice. The Concurrences Review, 2. pp. 1-27. Kokkoris, I. (2009) Assessment of coordinated effects under the European community merger regulation. Ant. N. Sakkoulas Publishers, Athens, pp152. ISBN 9789601521619 Kokkoris, I. (2009) Was there a gap in the ECMR? The Concurrences Review (1). Kokkoris, I. (2009) Assessment of efficiencies in horizontal mergers: the OFT is setting the example. European Competition Law Review, 30 (12). pp. 581-592. ISSN 0144-3054 Kokkoris, I. and Daye, L. (2009) Buyer power in UK merger control. European Competition Law Review, 30 (4). pp. 176-188. ISSN 0144-3054 Kokkoris, I. (2009) Failing firm defence in failing markets. In: Olivares-Caminal, R., LaBrosse, J. R. and Singh, D. (eds.) Financial crisis management and bank resolution. Lloyd's Commercial Law Library. Informa Law. ISBN 9781843118381 Kokkoris, I. (2008) Assessment of vertical mergers: application of the EC non-horizontal merger guidelines. Business and Company Law, 10. Kokkoris, I. (2008) Legal and economic expansion of vertical restraints. In: Kokkoris, I. and Lianos, I. (eds.) Reform of the European and Greek law of free competition. Nomiki Bibliothiki, Athens, pp. 277-292. ISBN 9789602725597 Kokkoris, I. (2008) Legal and economic implications of resale price maintenance. Commercial Law Review. Kokkoris, I. (2008) Potential competition and its implications for mergers. Commercial Law Review. Kokkoris, I. (2008) Abuse of superior bargaining position/abuse of economic dependence and the inapplicability of Article 82. Hellenic Review of European Law. ISSN 0251-6535 (2008 International Edition) Kokkoris, I. (2008) Assessment of mergers inducing coordinated effects in the presence of explicit collusion. World Competition, 31 (4). pp. 499-522. ISSN 1011-4548 Kokkoris, I. (2008) Concerted practices: object or effect infringement? Enforcement of Public Law, 3. Kokkoris, I. and Olivares-Caminal, R. (2008) Lessons from the recent stock exchange merger activity. Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 4 (3). pp. 837-869. ISSN 1744-6422 doi: 10.1093/joclec/nhn002 Kokkoris, I. and Lianos, J. (2008) Reform of the European and Greek law of free competition. Nomiki Bibliothiki, Athens, pp464. ISBN 9789602725597 |