Items where Author is "Davies, Professor Christie"Group by: Item Type | No Grouping Number of items: 62. Davies, C. (2010) Jokes as the truth about Soviet socialism. Folklore, 46. pp. 9-32. ISSN 1406-0949 Davies, C. (2010) Translating English into English in jokes and humour. In: Chiaro, D. (ed.) Translation, humour and literature. Continuum, London, UK, pp. 49-73. ISBN 9781441158239 Davies, C. (2009) Babylon, myth and reality. The New Criterion, 27 (6). pp. 50-51. Davies, C. (2009) Central Europe and the EU. European Journal, 16 (1). ISSN 1351-6620 Davies, C. (2009) Crime as it is spun. The Salisbury Review, 28 (1). pp. 19-20. ISSN 0265-4881 Davies, C. (2009) Estonia, the Russians and us. The Salisbury Review, 27 (4). pp. 8-10. ISSN 0265-4881 Davies, C. (2009) Humor theory and the fear of being laughed at. Humor, International Journal of Humor Research, 22 (1/2). pp. 49-62. ISSN 0933-1719 doi: 10.1515/HUMR.2009.003 Davies, C. (2009) Ireland's romanticizer, Daniel Maclise. The New Criterion, 27 (5). pp. 47-48. ISSN 0734-0222 Davies, C. (2009) Lying in Gdansk about Danzig. The Salisbury Review, 28 (2). pp. 23-25. ISSN 0265-4881 Davies, C. (2009) Mugabe and Israel. The Salisbury Review, 27 (3). pp. 27-30. ISSN 0265-4881 Davies, C. (2009) No laughing matter. The New Criterion, 27 (6). pp. 78-80. ISSN 0734-0222 Davies, C. (2009) Post-Socialist, socialist and never-socialist jokes and humour: Continuities and contrasts. In: Krikmann, A. and Laineste, L. (eds.) Permitted Laughter. ELM Scholarly Press, pp. 17-38. ISBN 9789949446308 Davies, C. (2009) Scottish weakness and Muslim power. Chronicles (November 2). pp. 35-36. Davies, C. (2009) Spain: Anti-Fascists on the March. Chronicles (May 2009). pp. 36-38. Davies, C. (2009) Thoughts on Pinochet and Castro. Chronicles (April 2009). pp. 40-42. Davies, C. (2009) Truth versus equality. The New Criterion, 27 (5). pp. 19-22. ISSN 0734-0222 Davies, C. (2009) Wagging the slumdog. New Criterion, 27 (8). pp. 31-33. Davies, C. (2009) The comparative study of jokes. Society (November 2). ISSN 0147-2011 doi: 10.1007/s12115-009-9279-5 Davies, C. (2008) American jokes about lawyers. Humor, the International Journal of Humor Research, 21 (4). pp. 369-386. ISSN 1613-3722 Davies, C. (2008) Central Europe and the EU: past and future. In: Cahlik, T. (ed.) European Union governance - challenges and opportunities. Matfyzpress, Praha (Prague), pp. 13-31. ISBN 9788073780401 Davies, C. (2008) Curse you Mr Blair. The Salisbury Review, 27. pp. 4-6. ISSN 0265-4881 Davies, C. (2008) Death by degrees. The Salisbury Review, 27. pp. 16-19. ISSN 0265-4881 Davies, C. (2008) Ethnic jokes: implicit religious values and implicit religious identity. In: Bailey, E. (ed.) The secular quest for meaning in life : Denton papers in implicit religion. Edwin Mellen, Lewiston NY, pp. 71-85. ISBN 0773469990 Davies, C. (2008) In from the cold. The New Criterion, 7 (4). pp. 48-50. ISSN 0734-0222 Davies, C., Kuipers, G. , Lewis, P. , Martin, R. A., Oring, E. and Raskin, V. (2008) The Muhammad cartoons and humor research: A collection of essays. Humor the International Journal of Humor Research, 21 (1). pp. 1-46. ISSN 1613-3722 doi: 10.1515/HUMOR.2008.001 Davies, C. (2008) Muslim pressure and Christian appeasement. Chronicles. pp. 20-22. Davies, C. (2008) Remembering Pinochet and cursing Castro. The Salisbury Review, 26 (4). pp. 27-29. ISSN 0265-4881 Davies, C. (2008) Stopped and searched. The Salisbury Review, 26. pp. 23-25. ISSN 0265-4881 Davies, C. (2008) Undertaking the comparative study of humor. In: Raskin, V. (ed.) The primer of humor research. Humor Research (8). Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 157-182. ISBN 9783110186161 Davies, C. (2007) And now for something completely different, the history of the British sense of humour. BBC History Magazine, 8 (6). pp. 38-41. ISSN 1469-8552 Davies, C. (2007) Humour and protest: jokes under communism. International Review of Social History, 52 (Supplement). pp. 291-305. ISSN 1469-512X doi: 10.1017/S0020859007003252 Davies, C. (2007) Nation, social class and style: a comparison of the humour of Britain and America. Stylistika, 15. pp. 99-117. Davies, C. (2006) Comic Welsh English in Shakespeare, a reply to Dirk Delabatista. Humor, the International Journal of Humor Research, 19 (2). pp. 189-200. ISSN 1613-3722 doi: 10.1515/HUMOR.2006.010 Davies, C. (2006) Austria, Muslims and denying the Holocaust. The Salisbury Review, 24 (4). pp. 12-14. ISSN 0265-4881 Davies, C. (2006) How jokes change and may be changed: Simplifying, transforming and revealing. In: Gorski, T. and Chruszczewski, P. (eds.) At the crossroads of linguistic science. Tertium, Krakow, pp. 349-382. Davies, C. (2006) Humour and amity. The Risk of Freedom Briefing, Issue 27. p. 2. Davies, C. (2006) Nuclear power: Safe and essential for Britain, dangerous under socialism and Islam. The Salisbury Review, 25 (1). pp. 7-8. ISSN 1265-4881 Davies, C. (2006) Review of Tom Inglis, truth, power and lies, Irish society and the case of the Kerry babies. British Journal of Criminology, 46. pp. 535-536. ISSN 1464-3529 Davies, C. (2006) Scraping the dustbin, review of Paul Gottfried, The strange death of marxism. The Salisbury Review, 24 (4). pp. 44-45. ISSN 0265-4881 Davies, C. (2006) Time to talk Turkey. Chronicles. pp. 22-25. Davies, C. (2006) Where have all the intellectuals gone? Confronting 21st century philistinism. Economic Affairs, 26 (2). pp. 84-85. ISSN 1468-0270 doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0270.2006.00641_3.x Davies, C. (2006) Youthful memories of India. The Salisbury Review, 24 (3). pp. 14-17. ISSN 0265-4881 Davies, C. (2005) Christie Davies recalls the bulldog spirit of caricaturing. Times Higher Educational Supplement. p. 15. Davies, C. (2005) Dewi the dragon. Y Lolfa, Talybont, pp96. ISBN 9780862437701 Davies, C. (2005) Entry on humour. In: Davies, D. J. and Mates, L. H. (eds.) Encyclopaedia of cremation. Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 249-251. ISBN 9780754637738 Davies, C. (2005) Jokes and groups. Monograph Series, 44. Institute for Cultural Research, London, pp32. ISBN 0904674398 Davies, C. (2005) Not so simple justice. In: Murray, C. and Conway, D. (eds.) Simple justice. Civitas, London, pp. 35-55. ISBN 9781903386446 Davies, C. (2005) Searching for Jones: language, translation, and the cross-cultural comparison of humour. In: Garfitt, T., McMorran, E. and Taylor, J. (eds.) The anatomy of laughter. Studies in Comparative Literature (8). Legenda, Oxford, pp. 70-85. ISBN 1900755726 Davies, C. (2005) The death of religion and the fall of respectable Britain. The New Criterion. pp. 23-29. ISSN 0734-0222 Davies, C. (2005) The economic basis of the strange death of moral Britain. Britain and Overseas, 35 (4). pp. 6-11. Davies, C. (2005) The environmental virtues. In: Anderson, D. (ed.) Decadence, the passing of personal virtue and its replacement by political and psychological slogans. SAU, London, pp. 151-172. ISBN 1904863043 Davies, C. (2004) Chiedere scusa per le crociate? Prometeo, 21 (84). pp. 6-9. Davies, C. and Chlopicki, W. (2004) Dowcipy o polakach w Ameryche-znammienny wytwor wspolczesnego spoleczenstwa masowego. In: Chruszczewski, P. P. (ed.) Aspekty wspolczesnych dyskursow, Jezyk a komunikacja 5 tome 1. Tertium, Kraków, Poland, pp. 59-77. ISBN 8391476464 Davies, C. (2004) Lesbian jokes: some methodological problems. A reply to Janet Bing and Dana Heller. Humor, the International Journal of Humor Research, 17 (3). pp. 311-321. ISSN 1613-3722 doi: 10.1515/humr.2004.014 Davies, C. (2004) Victor Raskin on jokes. Humor, the International Journal of Humor Research, 17 (4). pp. 373-380. ISSN 1613-3722 doi: 10.1515/humr.2004.17.4.373 Davies, C., (2004) The right to joke. Social Affairs Unit, London. pp41. ISBN 0907631215 Davies, C. (2004) The strange death of moral Britain. Transaction, New Brunswick, NJ, USA, pp228. ISBN 9781412806220 Davies, C. (2003) Dark mischief. The Salisbury Review, 22 (1). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0265-4881 Davies, C. (2003) Electronic humor about disasters. In: Narvaez, P. (ed.) Of corpse, death and humor in popular culture. Utah State University Press, Logan Utah, pp. 1-5. ISBN 9780874215595 Davies, C. and Abe, G. (2003) Esunikku Joku. Kōdansha sensho mechie, 268. Kodansha, Tokyo, pp221. ISBN 9784062582681 Davies, C. (2003) A Greek bearing gifts. Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature, 41 (3). pp. 23-35. ISSN 0006 7377 Davies, C. (2003) Kipling's comic and serious verse. The Kipling Journal, 77 (308). pp. 34-54. ISSN 0023-1738 |