Number of items: 44.
Allen-Vercoe, E., Collighan, R. and Woodward, M. J.
The variant rpoS allele of S-enteritidis strain 27655R does not affect virulence in a chick model nor constitutive curliation but does generate a cold-sensitive phenotype.
Fems Microbiology Letters, 167 (2).
pp. 245-253.
ISSN 0378-1097
doi: 10.1016/s0378-1097(98)00396-6
Andrieu, J., Steele, B. R., Screttas, C. G., Cardin, C.
ORCID: and Fornies, J.
Synthesis of new phosphino amino alcohol ligands via ortho-alkyllithiation reactions. Versatile coordination behavior toward copper(I) and palladium(II).
Organometallics, 17 (5).
pp. 839-845.
ISSN 0276-7333
doi: 10.1021/OM970550E
Calder, P., Yaqoob, P.
ORCID:, Pala, H., Thies, F. and Newsholme, E.
Dietary fish oil suppresses human colon tumour growth in athymic mice.
Clinical Science, 94.
pp. 303-311.
ISSN 0143-5221
Cardin, C.
ORCID:, Cardin, D., Constantine, S. P., Drew, M. G. B., Rashid, H., Convery, M. A. and Fenske, D.
Syntheses and crystal structures of [Sn{2-[(Me3Si)2C]C5H4N}R] [R = C6H2Pri3-2,4,6 1 or CH(PPh2)2 2], two novel heteroleptic tin(II) compounds derived from [Sn-{2-[(Me3Si)2C]C5H4N}Cl], and for [{Sn(C6H2Pri3-2,4,6)2}3] 3, a structural redetermination.
Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions, 1998 (16).
pp. 2749-2756.
ISSN 1364-5447
doi: 10.1039/A802172D
Cardin, C.
ORCID:, Cardin, D., Constantine, S. P., Todd, A. K., Teat, S. J. and Coles, S.
The first structurally authenticated compound containing a bond between divalent tin and tetravalent tin.
Organometallics, 17 (11).
pp. 2144-2146.
ISSN 1520-6041
doi: 10.1021/OM980027F
Copeland, E. L., Clifford, M. N. and Williams, C. M.
Preparation of (–)-epigallocatechin gallate from commercial green tea by caffeine precipitation and solvent partition.
Food Chemistry, 61 (1-2).
pp. 81-87.
ISSN 0308-8146
doi: 10.1016/S0308-8146(97)00111-8
Cottrell, G. S.
ORCID:, Hyde, R. J., Hooper, N. M. and Turner, A. J.
The cloning and functional expression of human pancreatic aminopeptidase P.
Biochemical Society Transactions, 26 (3).
ISSN 1470-8752
Dahrouch, M., Rivière-Baudet, M., Satgé, J., Mauzac, M., Cardin, C.
ORCID: and Thorpe, J. H.
Synthesis and structure of oligomeric dimesitylgermyl-substituted carbodiimides; characterization of higher oligomers.
Organometallics, 17 (4).
pp. 623-629.
ISSN 0276-7333
doi: 10.1021/om970604k
Dam, M. A., de Kanter, F. J.J., Bickelhaupt, F., Smeets, W. J.J., Spek, A. L., Fornies-Camer, J. and Cardin, C.
9,10-Dimetallatriptycenes of group 14: a structural study.
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry , 550 (1-2).
pp. 347-353.
ISSN 0022-328X
doi: 10.1016/S0022-328X(97)00237-4
Demirkan, I., Carter, S. D., Murray, R. D., Blowey, R. W. and Woodward, M. J.
The frequent detection of a treponeme in bovine digital dermatitis by immunocytochemistry and polymerase chain reaction.
Veterinary Microbiology, 60 (2-4).
pp. 285-292.
ISSN 0378-1135
doi: 10.1016/s0378-1135(98)00146-1
Forniés-Cámer, J., Masdeu-Bultó, A. M., Claver, C. and Cardin, C.
Mononuclear platinum(II) and palladium(II) dithiolate complexes as chelate metalloligands for preparation of heterobimetallic d8−d8 complexes.
Inorganic Chemistry, 37 (11).
pp. 2626-2632.
ISSN 0020-1669
doi: 10.1021/IC970557O
Fuller, R. and Gibson, G.
Probiotics and prebiotics: microflora management for improved gut health.
Clinical Microbiology and Infection (4).
pp. 477-480.
Gibson, G.
Prebiotics as microflora management tools.
Gastroenterology International (11).
pp. 20-21.
Gibson, G.
ORCID: and Fuller, R.
Effect of oligofructoses on intestinal microenvironment and faecal flora.
In: Rutgeers, P. and Ghoos, Y. (eds.)
Proceedings of Symposium on Nutrition and the Gastrointestinal Microenvironment.
Nutricia, Belgium, pp. 25-41.
Gibson, G.
ORCID: and Fuller, R.
Probiotics and prebiotics: Microbes on the menu.
CHO, The Sugar Bureau 9 (3).
pp. 1-3.
Gibson, G.
ORCID: and Fuller, R.
The role of probiotics and prebiotics in the functional food concept.
In: Sadler, M.J. and Saltmarsh, M. (eds.)
Functional Foods, The Consumer, the Products and the Evidence.
The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, pp. 3-14.
Gibson, G.
ORCID: and McCartney, A.L.
Modification of gut flora by dietary means.
Biochemical Society Transactions (26).
pp. 222-228.
Gibson, G. R.
Dietary modulation of the human gut microflora using prebiotics.
British Journal of Nutrition, 80 (4).
ISSN 0007-1145
Kok, N. N., Morgan, L. M., Williams, C. M., Roberfroid, M. B., Thissen, J. P. and Delzenne, N. M.
Insulin, glucagon-like peptide 1, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide and insulin-like growth factor I as putative mediators of the hypolipidemic effect of oligofructose in rats.
Journal of Nutrition, 128 (7).
pp. 1099-1103.
ISSN 0022-3166
Macfarlane, G.T., Macfarlane, S. and Gibson, G.
Validation of a three-stage compound continuous culture system for investigating the effect of retention time on the ecology and metabolism of bacteria in the human colonic microbiota.
Microbial Ecology (35).
pp. 180-187.
McCartney, A.L. and Gibson, G.
The application of prebiotics in human health and nutrition.
Proceeding Lactic 97. Which Strains? For Which Products?
Adria Normandie, pp. 59-73.
Mills, I.
The method of predicate least squares refinement.
In: Ernesti, A., Hutson, J. M. and Wright, N. J. (eds.)
Fashioning a model: optimization methods in chemical physics.
Daresbury Laboratories, Warrington, UK.
ISBN 0952273640
Morris, S., Almond, M., Cardin, C.
ORCID:, Drew, M. G. B., Rice, D. A. and Zubavichus, Y.
The anions [(ZrOH(CO3)3)2]6− and [(ZrOH(C2O4)3)2]6−: single crystal X-ray diffraction studies of the complexes guanidinium zirconium carbonate [(C(NH2)3)3ZrOH(CO3)3·H2O]2 and sodium zirconium oxalate Na6(ZrOH(C2O4)3)2·7H2O.
Polyhedron, 17 (13-14).
pp. 2301-2307.
ISSN 0277-5387
doi: 10.1016/S0277-5387(98)00001-1
Nash, A. and Gibson, G.
Probiotics and prebiotics: potential for health promotion.
Food Technology International.
pp. 17-19.
Orejón, A., Masdeu-Bultó, A.M., Echarri, R., Diéguez, M., Forniés-Cámer, J., Claver, C. and Cardin, C.
Rhodium cationic complexes using dithioethers as chiral ligands. Application in styrene hydroformylation.
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry , 559 (1-2).
pp. 23-29.
ISSN 0022-328X
doi: 10.1016/S0022-328X(97)00692-X
Parker, J.
ORCID:, Ames, J. M. and MacDougall, D. B.
The Inclusion of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural in the Sulfite-Inhibited Maillard Reaction Scheme.
In: O'Brien, J., Nursten, H. E., Crabbe, M.J.C. and Ames, J.M. (eds.)
The Maillard Reacton in Foods and Medicine.
RSC, Cambridge, p. 436.
Quinn, T. J. and Mills, I.
The International System of Units (SI). 7th edition.
The International System of Units (SI).
BIPM, Sèvres, France, pp162.
Quinn, T. J. and Mills, I.
The use and abuse of the terms percent, parts per million and parts in 10^n.
Metrologia, 35 (6).
pp. 807-810.
ISSN 0026-1394
doi: 10.1088/0026-1394/35/6/3
Roberfroid, M.B., Van Loo, J. and Gibson, G.
The bifidogenic nature of chicory inulin and its hydrolysis products.
Journal of Nutrition (128).
pp. 11-18.
Roche, H. M., Zampelas, A., Jackson, K. G.
ORCID:, Williams, C. M. and Gibney, M. J.
The effect of test meal monounsaturated fatty acid: saturated fatty acid ratio on postprandial lipid metabolism.
British Journal of Nutrition, 79 (5).
pp. 419-424.
ISSN 0007-1145
doi: 10.1079/BJN19980071
Roche, H. M., Zampelas, A., Knapper, J. M. E., Webb, D., Brooks, C., Jackson, K. G.
ORCID:, Wright, J. W., Gould, B. J., Kafatos, A., Gibney, M. J. and Williams, C. M.
Effect of long-term olive oil dietary intervention on postprandial triacylglycerol and factor VII metabolism.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 68.
pp. 552-560.
ISSN 0002-9165
Salminen, S., Bouley, C., Boutron-Ruault, M.-C., Cummings, J.H., Franck, A., Gibson, G.
ORCID:, Isolauri, E., Moreau, M.C., Roberfroid, M.B. and Rowland, I.R.
Functional food science and gastrointestinal physiology and function.
British Journal of Nutrition (80).
ISSN 0007-1145
Sznitowska, M., Janicki, S. and Williams, A. C.
Intracellular or intercellular localization of the polar pathway of penetration across stratum corneum.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 87 (9).
pp. 1109-1114.
ISSN 1520-6017
doi: 10.1021/js980018w
Taylor, G. R. and Williams, C. M.
Effects of probiotics and prebiotics on blood lipids.
British Journal of Nutrition, 80.
ISSN 0007-1145
Williams, C., Knapper, F., Webb, D., Brookes, C., Zampelas, A., Tredger, J., Wright, J., Meijer, G., Calder, P., Yaqoob, P.
ORCID: and Gibney, M.
Cholesterol reduction using manufactured foods high in monounsaturated fatty acids: a randomized crossover study.
British Journal of Nutrition, 81.
pp. 439-446.
ISSN 0007-1145
Williams, C. M.
Dietary interventions affecting chylomicron and chylomicron remnant clearance.
Atherosclerosis, 141 (Supplement).
ISSN 0021-9150
doi: 10.1016/S0021-9150(98)00224-X
Williams, C. M.
Nutrition and therapeutics.
Current Opinion in Lipidology, 9 (2).
pp. 165-167.
ISSN 0957-9672
Yaqoob, P.
Monounsaturated fats and immune function.
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 31 (4).
pp. 453-465.
ISSN 1414-431X
Yaqoob, P.
Monounsaturated fats and immune function.
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 57.
pp. 511-520.
ISSN 0029-6651
Yaqoob, P.
ORCID: and Calder, P.
Cytokine production by human peripheral blood mononuclear cells: differential sensitivity to glutamine availability.
Cytokine, 10 (10).
pp. 790-794.
ISSN 1096-0023
Yaqoob, P.
ORCID:, Knapper, J. A., Webb, D. H., Williams, C. M., Newsholme, E. A. and Calder, P. C.
Effect of olive oil on immune function in middle-aged men.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 67 (1).
pp. 129-135.
ISSN 0002-9165
Yaqoob, P.
ORCID:, Newsholme, E. and Calder, P.
Comparison of cytokine production in cultures of whole human blood and purified mononuclear cells.
Cytokine, 11 (8).
pp. 600-605.
ISSN 1096-0023
Zampelas, A., Roche, H., Knapper, J. M. E., Jackson, K. G.
ORCID:, Tornaritis, M., Hatzis, C., Gibney, M. J., Kafatos, A., Gould, B. J., Wright, J. and Williams, C. M.
Differences in postprandial lipaemic response between Northern and Southern Europeans.
Atherosclerosis, 139 (1).
pp. 83-93.
ISSN 0021-9150
Ziemer, C.J. and Gibson, G. R.
An overview of probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics in the functional food concept: perspectives and future strategies.
International Dairy Journal, 8 (5-6).
pp. 473-479.
ISSN 0958-6946
doi: 10.1016/S0958-6946(98)00071-5
This list was generated on Mon Mar 17 18:19:10 2025 UTC.