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Items where Division is "Walker Institute" and Year is 2020

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Number of items: 25.


Allan, D. and Allan, R. P. ORCID: (2020) Seasonal changes in the North Atlantic cold anomaly: the influence of cold surface waters from coastal Greenland and warming trends associated with variations in subarctic sea ice cover. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124 (12). pp. 9040-9052. ISSN 2169-9275 doi: 10.1029/2019JC015379

Allan, R. ORCID:, Blenkinsop, S., Fowler, H. J. and Champion, A. J. (2020) Atmospheric precursors for intense summer rainfall over the UK. International Journal of Climatology, 40 (8). pp. 3849-3867. ISSN 0899-8418 doi: 10.1002/joc.6431

Allan, R. P. ORCID:, Barlow, M., Byrne, M. P., Cherchi, A., Douville, H., Fowler, H. J., Gan, T. Y., Pendergrass, A. G., Rosenfeld, D., Swann, A. L. S., Wilcox, L. J. ORCID: and Zolina, O. (2020) Advances in understanding large-scale responses of the water cycle to climate change. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1472 (1). pp. 49-75. ISSN 1749-6632 doi: 10.1111/nyas.14337

Allison, L. C. ORCID:, Palmer, M. D. ORCID:, Allan, R. ORCID:, Hermanson, L. ORCID:, Liu, C. ORCID: and Smith, D. M. ORCID: (2020) Observations of planetary heating since the 1980s from multiple independent datasets. Environmental Research Communications, 2 (10). p. 101001. ISSN 2515-7620 doi: 10.1088/2515-7620/abbb39

Bodai, T., Drótos, G., Herein, M., Lunkeit, F. and Lucarini, V. ORCID: (2020) The forced response of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation-Indian monsoon teleconnection in ensembles of Earth System Models. Journal of Climate, 33. pp. 2163-2182. ISSN 1520-0442 doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0341.1

Fazey, I., Schapke, N., Caniglia, G., Hodgson, A., Kendrick, I., Lyon, C., Page, G., Patterson, J., Reidy, C., Strasser, T., Verveen, S., Adams, D., Goldstein, B., Klaes, M., Leicester, G., Linyard, A., McCurdy, A., Ryan, P., Sharpe, B., Silvestri, G., Yansyah Abdurrahim, A., Abson, D., Samson Adetunji, O., Aldunce, P., Alvarez-Pereirax, C., Marie Amparo, J., Amundsen, H., Anderson, L., Andersson, L., Asquith, M., Augenstein, K., Barrie, J., Bent, D., Bentz, J., Bergsten, A., Berzonsky, C., Bina, O., Blackstock, K., Boehnert, J., Bradbury, H., Brand, C., Bohme, J., Mille Bojer, M., Carmen, E., Charli-Joseph, L., Choudhury, S., Chunhachoti-ananta, S., Cockburn, J., Colvin, J., Connon, I., Cornforth, R. ORCID:, Cox, R., Cradock-Henry, N., Cramer, L., Cremaschi, A., Dannevig, H., Day, C., de Lima Hutchison, C., de Vrieze, A., Desai, V., Dolley, J., Duckett, D., Durrant, R., Egermann, M., Elsner, E., Fremantle, C., Fullwood-Thomas, J., Galafassi, D., Gobby, J., Golland, A., Kirana Gonz-lez-Padron, S., Gram-Hanssen, I., Grandin, J., Grenni, S., Gunnell, J., Gusmao, F., Hamann, M., Harding, B., Harper, G., Hesselgren, M., Hestad, D., Heykoop, C., Holm, J., Holstead, K., Hoolohan, C., Horcea-Milcu, A.-I., Geertruida Horlings, L., Howden, S., Angharad Howell, R., Insia Huque, S., Canedo, M., Yvonne Iro, C., Ives, C., John, B., Joshi, R., Juarez-Bourke, S., Wafula Juma, D., Karlsen, B. C., Kliem, L., Kloy, A., Kuenkel, P., Kunze, I., Lam, D., Lang, D., Larkin, A., Light, A., Luederitz, C., Luthe, T., Maguire, C., Mahecha-Groot, A.-M., Malcolm, J., Marshall, F., Maru, Y., McLachlan, C., Mmbando, P., Mohapatra, S., Moore, M.-L., Moriggi, A., Morley-Fletcher, M., Moser, S., Mueller, K. M., Mukute, M., Mühlemeier, S., Otto Naess, L., Nieto-Romero, M., Novo, P., O'Brien, K., O'Connell, D., O'Donnell, K., Olsson, P., Pearson, K. R., Pereira, L., Petridis, P., Peukert, D., Phear, N., Ren.e Pisters, S., Polsky, M., Pound, D., Preiser, R., Rahman, M. S., Reed, M., Revell, P., Rodriguez, I., Rogers, B. C., Rohr, J., Rosenberg, M. N., Ross, H., Russell, S., Ryan, M., Saha, P., Schleicher, K., Schneider, F., Scoville-Simonds, M., Searle, B., Sebhatu, S. P., Sesana, E., Silverman, H., Singh, C., Sterling, E., Stewart, S.-J., Tabara, D., Taylor, D., Thornton, P., Tribaldos, T. M., Tschakert, P., Uribe-Calvo, N., Waddell, S., Waddock, S., van der Merwe, L., van Mierlo, B., van Zwanenberg, P., Velarde, S. J., Washbourn, C.-L., Waylen, K., Weiser, A., Wight, I., Williams, S., Woods, M., Wolstenholme, R., Wright, N., Wunder, S., Wyllie, A. and Young, H. R. (2020) Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: visions of future systems and how to get there. Energy Research and Social Science, 70. 101724. ISSN 2214-6296 doi: 10.1016/j.erss.2020.101724

Liu, C. ORCID:, Allan, R. P. ORCID:, Mayer, M., Hyder, P., Desbruyères, D., Cheng, L., Xu, J., Xu, F. and Zhang, Y. (2020) Variability in the global energy budget and transports 1985–2017. Climate Dynamics, 55. pp. 3381-3396. ISSN 0930-7575 doi: 10.1007/s00382-020-05451-8

Liu, F., Qian, H., Luo, Z. ORCID:, Wang, S. and Zheng, X. (2020) A laboratory study of the expiratory airflow and particle dispersion in the stratified indoor environment. Building and Environment, 180. 106988. ISSN 0360-1323 doi: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2020.106988

Loeb, N. G., Wang, H., Allan, R. P. ORCID:, Andrews, T., Armour, K., Cole, J. N.S., Dufresne, J.‐L., Forster, P., Gettelman, A., Guo, H., Mauritsen, T., Ming, Y., Paynter, D., Proistosescu, C., Stuecker, M. F., Willén, U. and Wyser, K. (2020) New generation of climate models track recent unprecedented changes in Earth's radiation budget observed by CERES. Geophysical Research Letters, 47 (5). e2019GL086705. ISSN 0094-8276 doi: 10.1029/2019GL086705

Meng, X., Zhou, J., Zhang, X., Luo, Z. ORCID:, Gong, H. and Gan, T. (2020) Optimization of the thermal environment of a small-scale data center in China. Energy, 196. 117080. ISSN 0360-5442 doi: 10.1016/

Schwarz, M., Folini, D., Yang, S., Allan, R. P. ORCID: and Wild, M. (2020) Changes in atmospheric shortwave absorption as important driver of dimming and brightening. Nature Geoscience, 13 (2). pp. 110-115. ISSN 1752-0894 doi: 10.1038/s41561-019-0528-y

Xiaoxiong, X., Sahin, O., Luo, Z. ORCID: and Yao, R. ORCID: (2020) Impact of neighbourhood-scale climate characteristics on building heating demand and night ventilation cooling potential. Renewable Energy, 150. pp. 943-956. ISSN 0960-1481 doi: 10.1016/j.renene.2019.11.148

Xiong, W. and Tarnavsky, E. ORCID: (2020) Better agronomic management increases climate resilience of maize to drought in Tanzania. Atmoshpere, 11 (9). 982. ISSN 2073-4433 doi: 10.3390/atmos11090982

Zhang, Y., Yang, X., Yang, H., Zhang, K., Wang, X., Hang, J., Luo, Z. ORCID: and Zhou, S. (2020) Numerical investigations of reactive pollutant dispersion and personal exposure in 3D urban-like models. Building and Environment, 169. 106569. ISSN 0360-1323 doi: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2019.106569

Book or Report Section

John, V. O., Shi, L., Chung, E.-S., Allan, R. P. ORCID:, Buehler, S. A. and Soden, B. J. (2020) Upper tropospheric humidity. In: Blunden, J. and Arndt, D. S. (eds.) State of the Climate in 2019. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101 (8). American Meteorological Society, S45-S46. doi: 10.1175/2020BAMSStateoftheClimate.1

Plumpton, H. and Cornforth, R. ORCID: (2020) BRAVE: building understanding of climate variability into planning of groundwater supplies from low storage aquifers in Africa. In: Supporting the COP26 priorities through research on international development & climate change UK-funded research project showcase. UK Collaborative on Development Research (UKCDR), pp. 14-16.


Bouwer, R., Cornforth, R. ORCID:, Lapworth, D., Mcdonald, D., Marsham, J., Mittal, N., Petty, C., Walker, G. ORCID: and Way, C., (2020) Summary of FCFA work in Kenya. Report. Future Climate for Africa

Cornforth, R. J. ORCID: and Myers, J., (2020) 'BRAVE' groundwater futures for Burkina Faso: critical planning for the water sector. Report. Walker Institute pp23. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3746621

Cornforth, R. J. ORCID:, Clegg, D. and Petty, C., (2020) The integrated database for African policymakers. Report. Walker Institute pp3. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3701722

Walker, G. ORCID:, (2020) Participatory action research using visual methods. Technical Report. Walker Institute doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3980769

Young, H., Plumpton, H., Miret Barrio, J. A., Cornforth, R. J. ORCID:, Petty, C., Todman, L. ORCID:, O'Sullivan, D. M. ORCID:, Wagstaff, C. ORCID:, Mason, O., Shepherd, T. ORCID:, Saabwe, C. and Talwisa, M., (2020) Sweet potato production in Uganda in a changing climate: what is the role for fertilisers. Working Paper. Walker Institute pp8. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3955098

Young, H. R., Cornforth, R. J. ORCID:, Todman, L. C. ORCID:, Miret Barrio, J. A., Shepherd, T. G. ORCID:, Petty, C., O'Sullivan, D. ORCID:, Wagstaff, C. ORCID:, Mason, O. and Talwisa, M., (2020) Assessing the impact of climate change on sweet potato in Uganda. Report. Walker Institute pp4. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3836642


Cornforth, R. ORCID:, Ciampi, L. ORCID: and Myers, J. (2020) Unlocking Africa's groundwater potential. [Video]

Cornforth, R. ORCID:, Ciampi, L. ORCID:, Fairgreave, R. and Danert, K. (2020) Adapting for tomorrow’s environment - innovative, interdisciplinary research work supporting the development of climate resilient societies at the Walker Institute. [Video]

Web Resource

Plumpton, H. and Cornforth, R. ORCID:, Furey, S., ed. (2020) Groundwater country profiles for seven UpGro consortium project countries in Africa. UpGro, (UPGro (2020) “African Groundwater 2020: Online Final Report of the Unlocking the Potential of Groundwater for the Poor Programme (2013-2020),

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