Items where Division is "French" and Year is 2014Number of items: 12. Bryden, M. (2014) Beckett's Apertures and Overtures. In: Bailes, S. J. and Till, N. (eds.) Beckett and Musicality. Ashgate, London, pp. 187-198. ISBN 9781472409638 Bryden, M. (2014) 'History is Done': Thomas Merton's Figures of Apocalypse. In: Tonning, E., Feldman, M. and Addyman, D. (eds.) Modernism, Christianity, and Apocalypse. Brill, Amsterdam, pp. 321-338. ISBN 9789004278264 Footitt, H. (2014) Frames and the interpreter in the Imperial War Museum photographic archive. In: Fernandez-Ocampo, A. and Wolf, M. (eds.) Framing the Interpreter: towards a visual perspective. Routledge, Abingdon/New York, pp. 117-127. ISBN 9780415712736
Gehrhardt, M. Knapp, A. (2014) Les Français sous les bombes alliées, 1940-1945. Tallandier, Paris, pp592. ISBN 9791021004610 Knapp, A. (2014) En attendant Sarko? France’s mainstream Right and Centre, 2012-2014. Modern and Contemporary France, 22 (4). pp. 473-489. ISSN 0963-9489 doi: 10.1080/09639489.2014.957963 Leglu, C. (2014) Façonner sa dame: amour et idolâtrie. Revue des langues romanes, 118 (2). pp. 405-428. ISSN 0223-3711 Leglu, C. (2014) "Just as fragments are part of a vessel": a translation into medieval Occitan of the life of Alexander the Great. Florilegium: Journal of the Canadian Society of Medievalists/Société canadienne des médiévistes, 31. pp. 55-76. ISSN 2369-7180 doi: 10.3138/flor.31.03
Mckeane, J.
Mckeane, J.
Mckeane, J. Tucker, G. H. (2014) Rimbaud et la traduction libre en vers latins: de la virtuosité (et de la duplicité) à la subversion. Camenae, 16. (La Poésie néo-latine du XIXe siècle à nos jours, ed. R. Jalabert ) |