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Items where Division is "English Language and Applied Linguistics" and Year is 2003

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Number of items: 28.


Cook, G. (2003) Applied linguistics. Oxford Introduction to Language Study ELT. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp144. ISBN 978019437598 (series editor: H. G. Widdowson)

Cook, G. (2003) The functions of example sentences: a reply to Vivian Cook. Applied Linguistics, 24 (2). pp. 249-255. ISSN 1477-450X doi: 10.1093/applin/24.2.249


Delidaki, S. and Varlokosta, S. (2003) Testing the aspect first hypothesis: a preliminary investigation into the comprehension of tense in child Greek. ZAS Papers in Linguistics, 29. pp. 73-84. ISSN 1435-9588


Georgiafentis, M., (2003) Towards a phase based analysis of the VOS order in Greek. Reading Working Papers in Linguistics. 7. Working Paper. University of Reading, Reading. pp18.


Haeberli, E. (2003) Categorial features as the source of EPP and abstract case phenomena. In: Brandner, E. and Zinsmeister, H. (eds.) New perspectives on case theory. CSLI Lecture Notes. CSLI, Stanford, pp. 89-126. ISBN 9781575863642

Holton, D., Mackridge, P. and Philipaki-Warburton, I. (2003) Greek: an essential grammar of the modern language. Essential Grammars. Routledge, London, pp296. ISBN 9780415232104

Huang, Y. (2003) On neo-Gricean pragmatics. International Journal of Pragmatics, 1. pp. 77-100. (special issue 'Neo-Gricean pragmatics' )

Huang, Y., (2003) Switch-reference in Amele and logophoric verbal suffix in Gokana: a generalized neo-Gricean pragmatic analysis. Reading Working Papers in Linguistics. 7. Working Paper. University of Reading, Reading. pp23.


Ingham, R., (2003) Negative concord and the loss of the negative particle ne in Late Middle English. Reading Working Papers in Linguistics. 7. Working Paper. University of Reading, Reading. pp20.

Ingham, R. (2003) The changing status of middle English OV order: evidence from two genres. SKY Journal of Linguistics, 16. pp. 75-92. ISSN 1456-8438

Ingham, R. (2003) The development of middle English expletive negative sentences. Transactions of the Philological Society, 101 (3). pp. 411-452. ISSN 1467-968X doi: 10.1111/j.0079-1636.2003.00124.x


Jin, J., (2003) Acquisition of L2 English DP by Korean children. Reading Working Papers in Linguistics. 7. Working Paper. University of Reading, Reading. pp25.

Jones, R. ORCID: and Candlin, C. (2003) Constructing risk across timescales and trajectories: Gay men's stories of sexual encounters. Health, Risk & Society, 5 (2). pp. 199-213. ISSN 1369-8575 doi: 10.1080/1369857031000123966


Kallel, A., (2003) The loss of negative concord and the constant rate hypothesis. Reading Working Papers in Linguistics. 7. Working Paper. University of Reading, Reading. pp13.

Kerswill, P. (2003) Dialect levelling and geographical diffusion in British English. In: Britain, D. and Chesire, J. (eds.) Social dialectology: in honour of Peter Trudgill. IMPACT: Studies in Language and Society (16). Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 223-243. ISBN 9789027218544

Kerswill, P. (2003) Modeller for sprakendring og spredning. In: Akselberg, G., Bodal, A. and Sandoy, H. (eds.) Nordisk dialektologi. Novus, Oslo, pp. 83-114. ISBN 9788270993819

Kotzoglou, G., (2003) Obligatory inversion and the status of head movement: evidence from Greek. Reading Working Papers in Linguistics. 7. Working Paper. University of Reading, Reading. pp33.


Sallabank, J., (2003) 'It won't be the Guernsey French we know': identity issues and language endangerment. Reading Working Papers in Linguistics. 7. Working Paper. University of Reading, Reading. pp28.

Sato, Y., (2003) Japanese learners' linking problems with English psych verbs. Reading Working Papers in Linguistics. 7. Working Paper. University of Reading, Reading. pp19.

Setter, J. ORCID: (2003) A comparison of speech rhythm in British and Hong Kong English. In: Solé, M.J., Recasens, D. and Romero, J. (eds.) Proceedings of the 15th international congress of phonetic sciences. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, pp. 467-470. ISBN 9781876346492

Setter, J. ORCID: and Deterding, D. (2003) Extra final consonants in the English of Hong Kong and Singapore. In: Solé, M.J., Recasens, D. and Romero, J. (eds.) Proceedings of the 15th international congress of phonetic sciences. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, pp. 1875-1878. ISBN 9781876346492

Shockey, L. (2003) A constraint-based approach to phonology of English accents. In: Solé, M.J., Recasens, D. and Romero, J. (eds.) Proceedings of the 15th international congress of phonetic sciences. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, pp. 2733-2736. ISBN 9781876346492


Tonkyn, A. (2003) Revising a speaking test: a new look at What? Why? and How? In: Phipps, S. (ed.) Speaking in the monolingual classroom: need for a fresh approach?: Proceedings of the 8th international Bilkent University school of English language ELT conference. Bilkent University, Ankara, pp. 256-273.

Torgersen, E. (2003) Temporal and semantic factors in perception of the voicing contrast: different processing strategies in L1 and L2. In: Solé, M.J., Recasens, D. and Romero, J. (eds.) Proceedings of the 15th international congress of phonetic sciences. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, pp. 2897-2900. ISBN 9781876346492

Triantafillidou, L. and Varlokosta, S. (2003) Greek as a second language: defining levels of proficiency for foreign students (in Greek). Vivliosynergatiki Publishing, Athens.


Varlokosta, S. and Edwards, S. (2003) A preliminary investigation into binding and co-reference in aphasia. Studies in Greek Linguistics, 23. pp. 555-565. ISSN 1106-9325

Varlokosta, S. and Kotzoglou, G. (2003) I katanomi tis klitikis antonimias stis perioristikes anaforikes protasis Elinikis: mia nea proseggisi (The distribution of the clitic pronoun in Greek restrictive relative clauses: a new approach). In: Theophanopoulou-Kontou, D., Sifianou, M., Lascaratou, C., Georgiafentis, M., and Spyropoulos, V. (eds.) Sigxrones tasis stin Eliniki glosologia: meletes afieromenes stin Irini Philippaki-Warburton (Current trends in Greek linguistics: essays in honour of Irene Philippaki Warburton). Patakis Publications, Athens, pp. 169-191.


Yamamoto, A. (2003) Kotoba-o Kitaeru Igirisu-no Gakko (Theory and practice of language education in British schools). Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, pp219.

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