Items where Division is "English Literature" and Year is 2005Number of items: 49. Article
Bullard, P. Bullen, J. B. (2005) Louis Comfort Tiffany and Romano-Byzantine design. The Burlington Magazine, 147 (1227). pp. 390-398. ISSN 0007-6287 (special issue 'Furniture, decorative arts, sculpture') Cheyette, B. (2005) Frantz Fanon and Jean Paul Sartre: blacks and jews. Wasifiri, 44. pp. 7-12. ISSN 0269-0055 (special issue 'Frantz Fanon') Donnell, A. (2005) What it means to stay: reterritorialising the Black Atlantic in Erna Brodber's writing of the local. Third World Quarterly, 26 (3). pp. 479-486. ISSN 1360-2241 doi: 10.1080/01436590500033818 Eliot, S. (2005) Format, copyright, price: some material vectors in iterary culture. Novoje literaturnoje obozrenie, 73. pp. 360-366. Holmes, J. (2005) The Guiana projects: imperial and colonial ideologies in Ralegh and Purchas. Literature & History, 14 (2). pp. 1-13. ISSN 0306-1973
Hutchings, M.
Hutchings, M.
Hutchings, M.
Hutchings, M. Knowles, R. (2005) Carnival and tragedy in Thomas Hardy's novels. The Thomas Hardy Journal, XXI. pp. 109-124. ISSN 0268-5418 Knowles, R. A. (2005) A tragic pattern: 'The convergence of the twain' and Hardy's fiction. The Hardy Society Journal, 1. pp. 41-46. ISSN 1746-4617 McDonald, R. (2005) Strategies of silence: colonial strains in short stories of the troubles. Yearbook of English Studies, 35. pp. 249-263. ISSN 2222-4289 Nash, A. (2005) 'At the gates': new commentaries on a lost text by D. H. Lawrence. Review of English Studies, 56 (227). pp. 767-776. ISSN 1471-6968 doi: 10.1093/res/hgi108 Nash, A. (2005) Walter Besant's 'All sorts and conditions of men' and Robert Louis Stevenson's 'The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'. Notes and Queries, 52 (4). pp. 494-497. ISSN 1471-6941 doi: 10.1093/notesj/gji432
Nixon, M. Parrinder, P. (2005) Entering dystopia, entering Erewhon. Critical Survey, 17 (1). pp. 6-21. ISSN 0011-1570 doi: 10.3167/001115705781002039 Smyth, A. (2005) A new record of the 1613 Globe fire during a performance of Shakespeare's 'King Henry VIII'. Notes and Queries, 52 (2). pp. 214-216. ISSN 1471-6941 doi: 10.1093/notesj/gji230 Woodman, T. (2005) Pope at the centre and at the margins. Studies in the Literary Imagination, 38 (1). ISSN 0039-3819 Book or Report Section
Brauner, D.
Bullard, P. Cheyette, B. (2005) British-Jewish writing and the turn towards diaspora. In: Marcus, L. and Nicholls, P. (eds.) The Cambridge history of twentieth-century English literature. The New Cambridge History of English Literature. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 700-715. ISBN 9780521820776 Donnell, A. (2005) Trans/national dis/connections: silenced networks and strained belongings with reference to Albinia Catherine MacKay and Una Marson. In: Modernist Women Race Nation: Networking Women 1890-1950 Circum-Atalantic Connections. Mango Publishing, pp. 84-96. ISBN 9781902294292 Donnell, A. (2005) Reading for reconciliation in Lawrence Scott’s 'Aelred’s Sin'. In: Masquerade: Caribbean Issue. Moving Worlds: a Journal of Transcultural Writings. ISBN 0954075145 Hardman, C. (2005) 'Our drooping country now erects her head'. Tate's History of King Lear. In: Pavlovski, L. (ed.) Literature Criticism 1400-1800. Gale, Michigan, pp. 347-354. ISBN 9780787687267 Hardman, P. (2005) The true romance of Tristrem and Ysoude. In: Saunders, C. (ed.) Cultural encounters in the romance of medieval England. Studies in Medieval Romance. D. S. Brewer, Cambridge, pp. 85-99. ISBN 9781843840329
Ioppolo, G. McDonald, R. (2005) Irish literature: tradition and modernity. In: Marcus, L. and Nicholls, P. (eds.) The Cambridge history of twentieth-century English literature. The New Cambridge History of English Literature. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 653-667. ISBN 9780521820776 Parrinder, P. (2005) From Catalonia to England: Orwell's crisis-moments. In: Gomis, A. and Onega, S. (eds.) George Orwell: a centenary celebration. Universitätsverlag Winter, Heidelberg, pp. 143-161. ISBN 9783825350864 Parrinder, P. (2005) The expulsion of the poets. In: Carpi, D. (ed.) Why Plato?: Platonism in twentieth century English literature. Winter, Heidelberg, pp. 68-77. ISBN 9783825350857 Parrinder, P. (2005) The old man and his ghost: Grant Allen, H. G. Wells and popular anthropology. In: Greenslade, W. and Rodgers, T. (eds.) Grant Allen: literature and cultural politics at the fin de siècle. Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 171-183. ISBN 9780754608653 Parrinder, P. (2005) The voice of the unclassed: Gissing and twentieth-century English fiction. In: Ryle, M. and Taylor, J. B. (eds.) George Gissing: voices of the unclassed. The Nineteenth Century Series. Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 145-158. ISBN 9780754636755 Parrinder, P. (2005) Introduction. In: Parrinder, P. (ed.) The sleeper awakes by H. G. Wells. Penguin, London, xiii-xxvi. ISBN 9780141441061 Parrinder, P. (2005) Science and knowledge at the beginning of the twentieth century: versions of the modern Enlightenment. In: Marcus, L. and Nicholls, P. (eds.) The Cambridge history of twentieth-century English literature. The New Cambridge History of English Literature. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 11-29. ISBN 9780521820776 Pilling, J. (2005) From the pointed ones to the bones: Beckett's early poems. In: Hutton, C. (ed.) The Irish book in the twentieth century. Irish Academic Press, Dublin, pp. 68-83. ISBN 9780716533351 Righelato, P. (2005) Raymond Carver. In: Mackean, I. (ed.) The essentials of literature in English, post-1914. Hodder Arnold, pp. 30-33. ISBN 9780340882689 Righelato, P. (2005) Rita Dove. In: Mackean, I. (ed.) The essentials of literature in English, post-1914. Hodder Arnold, pp. 35-37. ISBN 9780340882689 Righelato, P. (2005) Wallace Stevens. In: Mackean, I. (ed.) The essentials of literature in English, post-1914. Hodder Arnold, pp. 144-146. ISBN 9780340882689 Scott, M. (2005) An Ethics of Wonder and the Cure of Poetry: Wordsworth, William James and the American Reader. In: Wordsworth in American Literary Culture. Palgrave, Houndsmills, pp. 212-238. Scott, M. (2005) Introduction. In: Wordsworth in American Literary Culture. Palgrave, Houndsmills, pp. 1-18. Scott, M. (2005) Romantic Poetry. In: The Year's Work in English Studies. Oxford University Press, pp. 613-628. Stoneley, P. (2005) Mark Twain and gender. In: Messent, P. and Budd, L. J. (eds.) A companion to Mark Twain. Blackwell companions to literature and culture. Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 66-77. ISBN 9781405123792 doi: 10.1002/9780470996874.ch5 BookBullen, J. B. (2005) Continental crosscurrents: British criticism and continental art 1810-1910. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp308. ISBN 9780198186915 Holmes, J. (2005) Dante Gabriel Rossetti and the late Victorian sonnet sequence: sexuality, belief and the self. The Nineteenth Century Series. Ashgate, pp200. ISBN 9780754651086 McDonald, R., ed. (2005) Irish writing since 1950. The Yearbook of English Studies, 35. MHRA, Leeds. Parrinder, P. and Partington, J. S., eds. (2005) The reception of H. G. Wells in Europe. The Reception of British and Irish Authors in Europe. Continuum, London, pp464. ISBN 9780826462534 Partington, J. S., ed. (2005) The Wellsian: selected essays on H.G. Wells. Equilibris, Oss, Netherlands, pp239. ISBN 9059760018 Scott, M., ed. (2005) Wordsworth in American Literary Culture. Palgrave, Houndsmills.
Womersley, D., Bullard, P. |