Number of items: 67.
Angelaki, V.
Social and political theatre in 21st-century Britain: staging crisis.
Methuen Drama Engage.
Bloomsbury, London, pp288.
ISBN 9781474213172
Barreiro, M. S. and Elduque, A.
La mirada y el peso. Iconografía de la clase obrera en 'Chircales' y 'Tierra Nueva'.
Cinémas d’Amérique Latine, 25.
pp. 144-155.
ISSN 1267-4397
Bartley, S.
Hard labour and punitive welfare: the unemployed body at work in participatory performance.
Research in Drama Education, 22 (1).
pp. 62-75.
ISSN 1356-9783
doi: 10.1080/13569783.2016.1263559
Bignell, J.
Broadcasting children's music.
InFormation: Nordic Journal of Art and Research, 6 (2).
pp. 1-16.
ISSN 1893-2479
doi: 10.7577/information.v6i2.2275
(Special issue: Children's Music)
Bignell, J.
Children’s television and public service in contemporary Britain.
In: Dinter, S. and Schneider, R. (eds.)
Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Childhood in Contemporary Britain.
Studies in Childhood, 1700 to the Present.
Routledge, London, UK, pp. 87-102.
ISBN 9781138232105
Bignell, J.
In: Ouellette, L. and Gray, J. (eds.)
Keywords for Media Studies.
New York University Press, New York, pp. 123-125.
ISBN 9781479859610
Bignell, J.
ORCID: and Burchardt, J.
Agents, beneficiaries and victims: picturing people on the land.
In: Haigron, D. (ed.)
The English Countryside: Representations, Identities, Mutations.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 61-82.
ISBN 9783319532721
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-53273-8
Butler, A.
13 ways of looking at a lake.
In: Gibbs, J.
ORCID: and Pye, D. (eds.)
The Long Take: Critical Approaches.
Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 177-191.
ISBN 9781137585721
doi: 10.1057/978-1-137-58573-8_12
Courage, T. V.
Contemporary Chinese independent cinema: urban spaces, mobility, memory.
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
Elduque Busquets, A.
Trilhas cantadas: circulando pelo documentário musical brasileiro.
In: Suppia, A., Guimarães, P. M. and Duccini, M. (eds.)
Gêneros cinematográficos e Audiovisuais: Perspectivas Contemporâneas.
Urutau/Margem da Palavra, Bragança Paulista.
Elduque Busquets, A.
Primer Plano: the popular face of censorship.
L'Atalante. Revista de Estudios Cinematograficos, 23.
pp. 49-62.
ISSN 2340-6992
Elduque, A.
Canção, história e cinema.
In: Carrega, J. and Vitorino Fernandez, S. (eds.)
A Europa e os Impérios Coloniais na Literatura e no Cinema.
Centro de Investigação em Artes e Comunicação da Universidade do Algarve, Faro, pp. 210-223.
ISBN 9789898859242
Elduque, A.
Esperar una mirada: la representación cinematográfica de la pena de muerte.
In: Montero, J. F. and Planes Pedreño, J. A. (eds.)
Cine entre rejas.
Sans Soleil Ediciones, Vitoria-Gasteiz, pp. 203-241.
ISBN 9788494735400
Elduque, A.
Outskirts of reason: the dream in Días de papel and Chircales.
In: Forrest, D., Harper, G. and Rayner, J. (eds.)
Filmurbia: Screening the Suburbs.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 149-168.
ISBN 9781137531759
Elduque, A.
As Belair went by: an interview with Helena Ignez.
In: Solomon, S. (ed.)
Tropicália and Beyond: Dialogues in Brazilian Film History.
Archive Books, Berlin, pp. 123-135.
ISBN 9783943620726
Elduque, A., ed.
Contemporary Brazilian music film.
University of Reading, Reading, pp115.
ISBN 9780704915855
Elduque, A.
Cut it like a tambourine beat: Ricardo Miranda on the editing of 'The Age of the Earth'.
In: Solomon, S. (ed.)
Tropicália and Beyond: Dialogues in Brazilian Film History.
Archive Books, Berlin, pp. 193-209.
ISBN 9783943620726
Elduque, A.
Hungry gazes, digesting closeups: Pasolini, 'Porcile' and the politics of consumption.
Screen, 58 (2).
pp. 119-140.
ISSN 1460-2474
doi: 10.1093/screen/hjx014
Elduque, A.
In: Elduque, A. (ed.)
Contemporary Brazilian Music Film.
University of Reading, Reading, pp. 5-15.
ISBN 9780704915855
Elduque, A.
Making it visible: an interview with Sérgio Roizenblit about 'The Miracle of Santa Luzia'.
In: Elduque, A. (ed.)
Contemporary Brazilian Music Film.
University of Reading, Reading, pp. 103-109.
ISBN 9780704915855
Elduque, A.
Vindicating the composer: an interview with Márcia Derraik about 'Where the Owl Sleeps'.
In: Elduque, A. (ed.)
Contemporary Brazilian Music Film.
University of Reading, Reading, pp. 87-89.
ISBN 9780704915855
Elduque, A.
What about the end of the history? An interview with Hernani Heffner.
In: Elduque, A. (ed.)
Contemporary Brazilian Music Film.
University of Reading, Reading, pp. 17-21.
ISBN 9780704915855
Gibbs, J.
Opening movements in Ophuls: long takes, leading characters and luxuries.
In: Gibbs, J.
ORCID: and Pye, D. (eds.)
The long take: critical approaches.
Palgrave Close Readings in Film and Television.
Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, pp. 89-102.
ISBN 9781137585721
Gibbs, J.
Ophuls and film style.
Gibbs, J.
ORCID: and Pye, D.
Opening choices: Notorious (audiovisual essay).
Movie: a journal of film criticism (7).
ISSN 2047-1661
Gibbs, J.
ORCID: and Pye, D.
The Phantom Carriage: a revaluation (audiovisual essay).
Movie: a journal of film criticism (7).
ISSN 2047-1661
Gibbs, J.
ORCID: and Pye, D., eds.
The long take: critical approaches.
Palgrave Close Readings in Film and Television.
Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK.
ISBN 9781137585721
Gonzalez Ortiz, C.
“Teatro Chileno y política: de macro y micropolíticas hacia un Giro Ciudadano".
In: Cottin, G., González, M. and Mella, C. (eds.)
Ideas desde el Reino Unido: críticas y propuestas para el desarrollo de Chile.
Independent, London, pp. 37-52.
ISBN 9789563687712
Hellmich, C. and Purse, L., eds.
Disappearing war: interdisciplinary perspectives on cinema and erasure in the post-9/11 world.
Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp216.
ISBN 9781474416566
Hellmich, C. and Purse, L.
Introduction: film and the epistemology of war.
In: Hellmich, C. and Purse, L. (eds.)
Disappearing War: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Cinema and Erasure in the Post-9/11 World.
Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, UK.
ISBN 9781474416566
Husanovic, E.
Dis-Orient Express: belly dancing, hybrid identities and female oriental ‘other’.
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
Knox, S.
ORCID: and Derhy Kurtz, B. W. L.
Texture, realism, performance: exploring the intersection of transtexts and the contemporary sitcom.
In: Derhy Kurtz, B. W. L. and Bourdaa, M. (eds.)
The Rise of Transtexts: Challenges and Opportunities.
Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies.
Routledge, pp. 49-67.
ISBN 9781138944671
Latto, A.
The fragmented text/the fragmented self: exploring the limits of storytelling practice.
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
Marman, D. T.
Empowering communities through theatre: an applied theatre model for Botswana.
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
McFrederick, M.
Beckett at the Young Vic.
Samuel Beckett Today / Aujourd'hui, 29 (2).
pp. 243-255.
ISSN 0927-3131
doi: 10.1163/18757405-02902003
McFrederick, M.
Staging Beckett: a production history of Samuel Beckett’s
drama in London (1955 – 2010).
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
McMullan, A.
Staging Ireland's Dispossessed: Sarah Jane Scaife's Beckett in the City Project.
Samuel Beckett Today / Aujourd'hui, 29 (2).
pp. 361-374.
ISSN 0927-3131
doi: 10.1163/18757405-02902012
McMullan, A.
ORCID: and Pattie, D.
Introduction: staging Beckett at the margins.
Samuel Beckett Today / Aujourd'hui, 29 (2).
pp. 227-230.
ISSN 0927-3131
doi: 10.1163/18757405-02902001
McMullan, A.
ORCID:, Pattie, D. and Nixon, M.
ORCID:, eds.
Staging Beckett at the Margins / Autres scènes beckettiennes.
Samuel Beckett Today / Aujourd'hui, 29 (2).
Brill, Leiden.
Miller, H. K.
Cinema 66–8: the original London film-makers.
The Moving Image Review & Art Journal (MIRAJ), 6 (1).
pp. 8-23.
ISSN 2045-6298
doi: 10.1386/miraj.6.1-2.8_1
Miller, H. K.
Vent d'est.
Critical Quarterly, 59 (1).
pp. 7-28.
ISSN 0011-1562
doi: 10.1111/criq.12319
Nagib, L.
Academy visual history with Carlos Diegues.
Nagib, L.
Antropofagia e intermidialidade: o caso de como era gostoso o meu francês.
Rebeca - Revista Brasileira de Estudos de Cinema e Audiovisual, 6 (1).
ISSN 2316-9230
doi: 10.22475/rebeca.v6n1.479
Nagib, L.
Bernardet visto de longe.
In: Pinto, I. and Margarido, O. (eds.)
Bernardet 80: impacto e influência no cinema brasileiro.
Paco Editorial/Abraccine, Jundiaí, pp. 21-32.
ISBN 9788546207886
Nagib, L.
Beyond difference: female participation in the Brazilian film revival of the 1990s.
In: Shaw, D. and Martin, D. (eds.)
Latin American Women Filmmakers.
I.B. Tauris, London/New York, pp. 31-47.
ISBN 9781784537111
Nagib, L.
Colonialism as fantastic realism in 'Tabu'.
In: Liz, M. (ed.)
Portuguese Cinema: Globalizing the Nation.
I.B. Tauris, London/New York.
Nagib, L.
Kuarup, o filme.
La Furia Umana, 30.
ISSN 2037-0431
Nagib, L.
Le Parricide, le cinéma d’auteur et le Vigo de Salles Gomes.
Archives, 109 (111).
pp. 48-52.
Nagib, L.
Mysteries of Lisbon and intermedial history-telling.
Aniki: Portuguese Journal of the Moving Image, 4 (2).
pp. 375-391.
ISSN 2183-1750
Nagib, L.
Realist cinema as world cinema.
In: Stone, R. and Cooke, P. (eds.)
The Routledge Companion to World Cinema.
Routledge, Abingdon-on-Thames, pp. 310-322.
ISBN 9781138918801
Nagib, L.
Tierra, utopía y mito fundador. De Glauber Rocha a Walter Salles.
Enfoco (52).
pp. 22-33.
Nagib, L.
Yaaba, cinefilia e realismo sem fronteiras.
Revista África(s), 4 (7).
pp. 61-70.
ISSN 2446-7375
Nagib, L.
The horizontal spread of a vertical malady: cosmopolitanism and history in Pernambuco’s recent cinematic sensation.
In: Delgado, M. M., Hart, S. M. and Johnson, R. (eds.)
A Companion to Latin American Cinema.
Wiley Blackwell Companions to National Cinemas.
Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, New Jersey, pp. 343-355.
ISBN 9781118552889
O'Brien, A.
Film and the natural environment: elements and atmospheres.
Short Cuts.
Wallflower Press, London, pp114.
ISBN 9780231182652
O'Brien, A.
Roberto Rossellini presents.
In: Gibbs, J.
ORCID: and Pye, D. (eds.)
The Long Take: Critical Approaches.
Palgrave Close Readings in Film and Television.
Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 117-132.
ISBN 9781137585721
Purse, L.
Ambiguity, ambivalence and absence in Zero Dark Thirty.
In: Purse, L. and Hellmich, C. (eds.)
Disappearing War Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Cinema and Erasure in the Post-9/11 World.
Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 131-148.
ISBN 9781474416566
Purse, L.
Between phonographic perfection and resistance: Titãs – life even looks like a party.
In: Elduque Busquets, A. (ed.)
Contemporary Brazilian Music Film.
University of Reading, Reading, pp. 91-98.
ISBN 9780704915855
Purse, L.
Confronting the impossibility of impossible bodies: Tom Cruise and the ageing male action hero movie.
In: Yu, S. Q. and Austin, G. (eds.)
Revisiting Star Studies: Cultures, Themes and Methods.
Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 162-184, 320 pages.
ISBN 9781474404310
Purse, L.
Digital visceral: textural play and the flamboyant gesture in digital screen violence.
Journal of Popular Film & Television, 45 (1).
pp. 16-25.
ISSN 0195-6051
doi: 10.1080/01956051.2017.1270137
Purse, L.
Working space: gravity (Alfonso Cuarón) and the digital long take.
In: Pye, D. and Gibbs, J.
ORCID: (eds.)
The Long Take: Critical Approaches.
Palgrave Close Readings in Film and Television.
Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 221-238.
ISBN 9781137585721
Reid, T.
Theatre without walls: the National Theatre of Scotland.
Journal of Contemporary Drama in English, 5 (1).
pp. 86-97.
ISSN 2195-0156
doi: 10.1515/jcde-2017-0007
Smart, B.
‘Drama for people ‘in the know’: Television World Theatre (BBC 1957-59) and Festival (BBC 1963-64).
Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 37 (1).
pp. 34-48.
ISSN 0143-9685
doi: 10.1080/01439685.2016.1272810
Solomon, S.
William Faulkner in Hollywood: screenwriting for the studios.
The South on Screen.
University of Georgia Press, Athens, GA, pp320.
ISBN 9780820351131
Solomon, S.
In: Solomon, S. (ed.)
Tropicália and Beyond: Dialogues in Brazilian Film History.
Archive Books and University of Reading, Berlin, pp. 7-31.
ISBN 9783943620726
Solomon, S., ed.
Tropicália and beyond: dialogues in Brazilian film history.
Archive Books and University of Reading, Berlin, pp304.
ISBN 9783943620726
Woods, F.
Streaming British youth television: online BBC Three as a transitional mome.
Cinema Journal, 57 (1).
pp. 140-146.
ISSN 1527-2087
doi: 10.1353/cj.2017.0065
Wrigley, A.
Higher education and public engagement: Open University and BBC drama co-productions on BBC2 in the 1970s.
Journal of British Cinema and Television, 14 (3).
pp. 377-393.
ISSN 1755-1714
doi: 10.3366/jbctv.2017.0379
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