Number of items: 21.
Andrews, M.
The stuff of everday life: a brief introduction to the history and definition of printed ephemera.
Art Libraries Journal, 31 (4).
pp. 5-8.
ISSN 0302-4722
Bignell, J.
Programmes and canons.
Critical Studies in Television, 1 (1).
pp. 31-36.
ISSN 1749-6020
Dobraszczyk, P.
Historicizing iron: Charles Driver and the Abbey Mills pumping station (1865-68).
Architectural History, 49.
pp. 223-256.
ISSN 0066-622X
Dyson, M.
ORCID:, Lonsdale, M. and Papaefthimiou, M.
Student perspectives on a virtual learning environment: lessons for einstructors.
Blended learning: promoting dialogue in innovation and practice.
pp. 137-144.
Esbester, M.
"No good reason for the Government to interfere": the State and Railway Employee Safety in Britain, c. 1900-1939.
Business and Economic History Online, 4.
ISSN 0849-6825
Gillieson, K.
The book abstracted.
Dot Dot Dot.
ISSN 1615-1968
Gillieson, K., Andrew, A. and MacKinnon, E.
Start where you are: Graphic ordering influences improvisational dance.
Performance Research, 11 (2).
pp. 67-74.
ISSN 1469-9990
doi: 10.1080/13528160600810616
Gillieson, K., Andrew, A. and Mackinnon, E.
'Start where you are': graphic ordering influences improvisational dance.
Performance Research, 11 (2).
pp. 67-74.
ISSN 1469-9990
doi: 10.1080/13528160600810616
Kindel, E.
Cheap Jack Flash.
Eye, 60.
pp. 46-51.
Kindel, E.
Patents progress: the Adjustable Stencil.
Journal of the Printing Historical Society, 9 (new ser.
pp. 65-92.
Leonidas, G.
Languages, scripts, and typefaces.
Tipografica, 70.
pp. 16-17.
ISSN 0328-7777
Lonsdale, M. d. S., Dyson, M. C.
ORCID: and Reynolds, L.
Reading in examination-type situations: the effects of text layout on performance.
Journal of Research in Reading, 29 (4).
pp. 433-453.
ISSN 1467-9817
doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9817.2006.00317.x
Moseley, J.
Garamond, Griffo and others: the price of celebrity.
Bibliologia, 1.
pp. 17-41.
Reynolds, L., Walker, S.
ORCID: and Duncan, A.
Children's responses to line spacing in early reading books or "Holes to tell you which line you're on".
Visible Language, 40 (3).
pp. 246-267.
Ross, F.
A design for Sri Lanka.
Building Letters, 3.
pp. 20-23.
Twyman, M.
Review of J. Last, the color explosion: nineteenth-century American lithography.
The Ephemerist, 10.
pp. 19-24.
Book or Report Section
Moseley, J.
La lettre antique.
In: Volphilhac-Auger, C. (ed.)
D'une Antiquite l'autre: la litterature antique classique dans les bibliotheques du XVe au XIXe siecle.
ENS Editions, Lyon, pp. 15-27.
Moseley, J.
Stanhope press no 341.
The dawn of modern printing: Stanhope and Industrial Revolution,.
Printing Museum, Tokyo, pp. 93-96.
Twyman, M.
Barnett Freedman: master lithographer.
In: Rogerson, I. (ed.)
Barnett Freedman the graphic art.
Fleece Press, Huddersfield, pp. 192-226.
Conference or Workshop Item
Fadel, L. M. and Dyson, M. C.
Comparing a text- and visual-based interface presenting social information in an online environment.
In: Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, 2006. VL/HCC 2006. IEEE Symposium o, 4-8 September 2006, Brighton, UK, pp. 143-146.
doi: 10.1109/VLHCC.2006.15
Fadel, L. and Dyson, M. C.
The effect of interface design on the enhancement of social presence in online courses.
In: ICL2006, 27-29 September 2006, Villach, Austria.
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