Number of items: 25.
Collinge, W. H. and Harty, C. F.
Stakeholder interpretations of design: Semiotic insights into the briefing process.
Construction Management and Economics, 32 (7-8).
pp. 760-772.
ISSN 0144-6193
doi: 10.1080/01446193.2014.894247
Dent, M. and Tutt, D.
Electronic patient information systems and care pathways: the organisational challenges of implementation and integration.
Health informatics journal, 20 (3).
pp. 176-188.
ISSN 1460-4582
doi: 10.1177/1460458213518545
Flanagan, R.
Whole life thinking and engineering the future.
Frontiers of Engineering Management, 1 (3).
pp. 290-296.
ISSN 2095-7513
doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2014040
Green, S. D.
Blacklisting and other things which go unsaid.
Construction research and innovation, 5 (2).
pp. 16-17.
ISSN 2045-0249
doi: 10.1080/20450249.2014.11873929
Jewell, C., Flanagan, R. and Lu, W.
The dilemma of scope and scale for construction professional
service firms.
Construction Management and Economics, 32 (5).
pp. 473-486.
ISSN 1466-433X
doi: 10.1080/01446193.2013.879194
Lee, S., Nikolic, D.
ORCID: and Messner, J. I.
Framework of the Virtual Construction Simulator 3 for construction planning and management education.
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 29 (2).
ISSN 1943-5487
doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000388
Lu, W., Ye, K., Flanagan, R. and Jewell, C.
Nexus between contracting and construction professional service businesses: empirical evidence from international market.
Journal of Construction Management and Engineering, 140 (2).
ISSN 1943-7862
doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0000802
Ndekugri, I., Chapman, P., Smith, N. and Hughes, W.
Best practice in the training, appointment and remuneration of members of dispute boards for large infrastructure projects.
Journal of Management in Engineering, 30 (2).
pp. 185-193.
ISSN 0733-9364
doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)ME.1943-5479.0000195
Schweber, L.
ORCID: and Haroglu, H.
Comparing the fit between BREEAM assessment and
design processes.
Building Research and Information, 42 (3).
pp. 300-317.
ISSN 1466-4321
doi: 10.1080/09613218.2014.889490
Shipton, C., Hughes, W.
ORCID: and Tutt, D.
Change management in practice: an ethnographic study of changes to contract requirements on a hospital project.
Construction Management and Economics, 32 (7-8).
pp. 787-803.
ISSN 0144-6193
doi: 10.1080/01446193.2014.915336
(special Issue: ARCOM Conference Issue)
Book or Report Section
Schweber, L.
The cultural role of science in policy implementation: Voluntary self-regulation in the UK building sector.
In: Frickel, S. and Hess, D. J. (eds.)
Fields of Knowledge: Science, Politics and Publics in the Neoliberal Age.
Political Power and Social Theory (27).
Emerald, Bingley, UK, pp. 157-191.
ISBN 9781783506682
doi: 10.1108/S0198-871920140000027014
Conference or Workshop Item
Boyd, P., Larsen, G. D. and Schweber, L.
Perspectives on the specification of Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) technology in construction projects.
In: Proceedings 30th Annual ARCOM Conference, 1-3 September 2014, Portsmouth, UK, Association of Researchers in Construction Management, 153–62., 1-3 September, Portsmouth.
Castronovo, F., Nikolic, D.
ORCID:, Zappe, S., Leicht, R. and Messner, J.
Enhancement of learning objectives in construction engineering education: a step toward simulation assessment.
In: Construction Research Congress 2014, 19-21 May 2014, Atlanta, Georgia.
doi: 10.1061/9780784413517.035
Castronovo, F., Nikolic, D.
ORCID:, Zappe, S., Leicht, R. and Messner, J.
Enhancement of learning objectives in construction engineering education: a step towards simulation assessment.
In: Construction Research Congress 2014, 19-21 May 2014, Atlanta, Georgia, pp. 339-348.
doi: 10.1061/9780784413517.035
Dania, A. A., Larsen, G. D. and Ewart, I. J.
Sustainable construction: exploring the capabilities of Nigerian construction firms.
In: 30th Annual ARCOM Conference, 1-3 September 2014, Portsmouth, UK, pp. 3-12.
Davies, R. and Harty, C.
Initial use of an idea capture app in a UK construction organisation.
In: 30th Annual ARCOM Conference, 1-3 Sept 2014, Portsmouth, U.K., pp. 987-996.
Ewart, I. J.
Designing healthy homes.
In: International Conference of Construction in a Changing World, 4-7 May 2014, Sri Lanka, pp. 587-598.
Hopkin, T., Lu, S.-L.
ORCID:, Rogers, P. and Sexton, M.
Placing defects at the heart of high quality new homes: a learning perspective.
In: the 30th Annual ARCOM Conference, 1-3 September, Portsmouth, UK, pp. 1155-1164.
Hughes, W.
Advancing construction industry development, innovative research and new thinking.
In: 8th Construction Industry Development Board (cidb) Postgraduate Conference, 10-11 Feb 2014, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, pp. 33-45.
(ISBN 9780956606082)
Kabiri, S.
ORCID:, Hughes, W.
ORCID: and Schweber, L.
Role conflict in project team dynamics.
In: 30th Annual ARCOM Conference, 1-3 September 2014, Portsmouth, UK.
Kurokawa, M., Schweber, L.
ORCID: and Hughes, W.
Incorporation of different and changing client interests in the course of a project.
In: 28th Annual ARCOM Conference, 01-03 September 2014, Portsmouth, UK, pp. 925-934.
Maftei, L. and Harty, C.
Designers' perspectives on the use of immersive virtual reality technology in practice.
In: 30th Annual ARCOM Conference, 1-3 Sept 2014, Portsmouth, U.K., pp. 175-184.
Maradza, E., Whyte, J. and Larsen, G. D.
Interactive learning in UK construction practice: examining the role of BIM process standards.
In: Proceedings 30th Annual ARCOM Conference, 1-3 September 2014, Portsmouth, UK, September 1-3, Portsmouth.
Richardson, S., Hyde, K., Connaughton, J.
ORCID: and Merefield, D.
Service life of UK supermarkets: origins of assumptions and their impact on embodied carbon estimates.
In: World Sustainable Building Conference 2014 (SB14), 28-30 October 2014, Barcelona.
Flanagan, R., Jewell, C., Lu, W. and Pekericli, M. K.
Auto ID-Bridging the physical and the digital on construction projects.
Chartered Institute of Building, Bracknell, Berkshire, pp. 1-38.
ISBN 1853800191
This list was generated on Tue Mar 18 10:51:51 2025 UTC.