Number of items: 28.
Boyd, P., Larsen, G. D. and Schweber, L.
The co-development of technology and new buildings: incorporating building integrated photovoltaics.
Construction Management and Economics, 33 (5-6).
pp. 349-360.
ISSN 0144-6193
doi: 10.1080/01446193.2015.1074262
Connaughton, J.
ORCID:, Meikle, J. and Teerikangas, S.
Mergers, acquisitions and the evolution of construction professional services firm.
Construction Management and Economics, 33 (2).
pp. 146-159.
ISSN 0144-6193
doi: 10.1080/01446193.2015.1037325
Ewart, I. J.
ORCID: and Harty, C.
Provision of disability adaptations to the home: analysis of household survey data.
Housing Studies, 30 (6).
pp. 901-924.
ISSN 0267-3037
doi: 10.1080/02673037.2014.991379
Green, S. D.
Degrees of austerity.
Construction Research and Innovation, 6 (2).
pp. 12-15.
ISSN 2045-0249
doi: 10.1080/20450249.2015.11873974
Harty, C. and Tryggestad, K.
The hospital building as project and matter of concern: the role of representations in negotiating patient room designs and bodies.
Engineering Project Organization Journal, 5 (2-3).
pp. 95-105.
ISSN 2157-3735
doi: 10.1080/21573727.2015.1046047
Jones, R. V.
ORCID:, Fuertes, A.
ORCID: and Lomas, K. J.
The socio-economic, dwelling and appliance related factors affecting electricity consumption in domestic buildings.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 43.
pp. 901-917.
ISSN 1364-0321
doi: 10.1016/j.rser.2014.11.084
Maftei, L. and Harty, C.
Designing in caves: using immersive visualisations in design practice.
International Journal of Architectural Research: ArchNet-IJAR, 9 (3).
pp. 53-75.
ISSN 1938-7806
doi: 10.26687/archnet-ijar.v9i3.693
(special issue “Design Creativity: "Future Integrated Visualisation Directions”)
Nikolic, D.
ORCID:, Lee, S., Zappe, S. E. and Messner, J. I.
Integrating simulation games into construction curricula: the VCS3 case study.
International Journal of Engineering Education, 31 (6).
pp. 1661-1677.
ISSN 0949-149X
Schweber, L.
Putting theory to work: the use of theory in construction research.
Construction Management and Economics, 33 (10).
pp. 840-860.
ISSN 1466-433X
doi: 10.1080/01446193.2015.1133918
Schweber, L.
ORCID:, Lees, T. and Torriti, J.
Framing evidence: policy design for the zero carbon home.
Building Research and Information, 43 (4).
pp. 420-434.
ISSN 1466-4321
doi: 10.1080/09613218.2015.1004658
Shibeika, A.
ORCID: and Harty, C.
Diffusion of digital innovation in construction: a case study of a UK engineering firm.
Construction Management and Economics, 33 (5-6).
pp. 453-466.
ISSN 0144-6193
doi: 10.1080/01446193.2015.1077982
Book or Report Section
Larsen, G. D.
Innovation diffusion across firms.
In: Dainty, A., Orstavik, F. and Abbott, C. (eds.)
Construction Innovation.
Wiley, UK, pp. 103-115.
ISBN 9781118655535
Singh, A., Connaughton, J.
ORCID: and Davies, R.
Making sense of corporate social responsibility strategies in construction organisations in the UK.
In: Raiden, A. and Aboagye-Nimo, E. (eds.)
Proceedings 31st Annual ARCOM Conference, 7-9 September 2015, Lincoln, UK.
Association of Researchers in Construction Management, Reading, pp. 187-196.
ISBN 9780955239090
Conference or Workshop Item
Bevan, W., Lu, S.-L.
ORCID: and Sexton, M.
An investigation of the required skills for the delivery of low and zero carbon buildings within a region.
In: Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Sustainable Development in Building and Environment, 27th – 29th July, Reading, UK.
Davies, R., Crespin-Mazet, F., Linne, A., Pardo, C., Havenvid, M. I., Harty, C., Ivory, C. and Salle, R.
BIM in Europe: innovation networks in the construction sectors of Sweden, France and the UK.
In: 31st Annual ARCOM Conference, 7-9 September 2015, Lincoln, UK, pp. 1135-1144.
Fillingham, V., Gulliver, S.
ORCID: and Nikolic, D.
Building information Modelling for the optimisation of facilities management: a case study review.
In: CIB W78 Conference, 27-29 Sep 2015, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Heeramun, P., Nikolic, D.
ORCID: and Harty, C.
Technology-enabled collaborative spaces for design and
construction reviews.
In: CIB W78 Conference, 27-29 Sep 2015, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Hopkin, T., Lu, S.-L.
ORCID:, Rogers, P. and Sexton, M.
Detecting defects in UK new-build housing: a learning perspective.
In: the 31st ARCOM Conference, 7th – 9th September, Lincoln, England, UK, pp. 1073-1082.
Hopkin, T., Lu, S.-L.
ORCID:, Rogers, P. and Sexton, M.
Investigating the impact of defects on key stakeholders in the UK new housing sector.
In: 5th International / 11th Construction Specialty Conference, 8th - 10th June, Vancouver, Canada.
Khan, K. I. A., Flanagan, R. and Lu, S.-L.
Managing the complexity of information flow for construction small and medium-sized enterprises (CSMEs) using system dynamics and collaborative technologies.
In: 31st ARCOM Conference, 7th – 9th September, Lincoln, England, UK, pp. 1177-1186.
Kurokawa, M., Schweber, L.
ORCID: and Hughes, W.
Tracing client interests in the course of a project: why are some client interests incorporated whereas others are not?
In: 31st Annual ARCOM Conference, 7-9 September 2015, Lincoln, UK, pp. 743-752.
Lundrigan, C. P., Gil, N. A. and Puranam, P.
The (under) performance of mega-projects: a meta-organizational perspective.
In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2015, 7-11 August 2015, Vancouver.
Medas, M., Cheshire, D., Cripps, A., Connaughton, J.
ORCID: and Peters, M.
Towards BIM-integrated, resource-efficient building services.
In: CIBSE Technical Symposium, 16-17 April 2015, University College London.
Ulutas Duman, D. and Green, S. D.
Understanding competitiveness in complex and dynamic environments: the case of Turkish contracting.
In: 31st Annual ARCOM Conference, 7-9 September 2015, Lincoln, UK.
Young, B., Harty, C., Lu, S.-L.
ORCID: and Davies, R.
Developing temporary manufacturing facilities for residential building: a case of the modern flying factory.
In: the 31st ARCOM Conference, 7th – 9th September, Lincoln, England, UK, pp. 1033-1042.
Hughes, W.
ORCID:, Champion, R. and Murdoch, J.
Construction contracts: law and management. 5th edition.
Routledge, London, pp435.
ISBN 9780415657051
Maftei, L.
The use of immersive virtual reality technology in the design process: a reflective practice approach.
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
Shibeika, A.
Diffusion of Digital Innovation in a Project-based Firm.
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
This list was generated on Tue Mar 18 10:51:43 2025 UTC.