Number of items: 28.
Andriessen, D., Kliphuis, E., McKenzie, J.
ORCID: and van Winkelen, C.
Pictures of knowledge management: developing a method for analysing knowledge metaphors in visuals.
Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 7 (4).
pp. 405-414.
ISSN 1479-4411
Hillenbrand, C.
ORCID: and Money, K.
Segmenting stakeholders in terms of corporate responsibility: implications for reputation management.
Australasian Marketing Journal, 17 (2).
pp. 99-105.
ISSN 1441-3582
doi: 10.1016/j.ausmj.2009.05.004
Kalyuzhnova, Y.
Energy issues and challenges in emerging economies: an introduction to the symposium.
Comparative Economic Studies , 51 (2).
pp. 161-164.
ISSN 1478-3320
doi: 10.1057/ces.2008.47
Kalyuzhnova, Y.
ORCID: and Nygaard, C.
Resource nationalism and credit growth in FSU countries.
Energy Policy, 37 (11).
pp. 4700-4710.
ISSN 0301-4215
doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2009.06.024
Kalyuzhnova, Y.
ORCID:, Kutan, A. M. and Yigit, T.
Corruption and economic development in energy-rich economies.
Comparative Economic Studies, 51 (2).
pp. 165-180.
ISSN 0888-7233
doi: 10.1057/ces.2008.46
Kılıç, B. and Kamaşak, R.
Factor pattern of Auckland individualism-collectivism questionnaire: a study of Turkish sample.
ISGUC The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources, 11 (5).
pp. 25-34.
ISSN 1303-2860
doi: 10.4026/1303-2860.2009.0123.x
McKenzie, J.
ORCID:, Woolf, N., van Winkelen, C. and Morgan, C.
Cognition in strategic decision making: model of non-conventional thinking capacities for complex situations.
Management Decision, 47 (2).
pp. 209-232.
ISSN 0025-1747
doi: 10.1108/00251740910938885
Money, K., Hillenbrand, C.
ORCID: and Da Camara, N.
Putting positive psychology to work in organisations.
Journal of General Management, 34 (3).
pp. 21-36.
ISSN 0306-3070
doi: 10.1177/030630700903400302
Stewart, J.-A.
Evaluation of an action learning programme for leadership development of SME leaders in the UK.
Action Learning: Research and Practice, 6 (2).
pp. 131-148.
ISSN 1476-7341
doi: 10.1080/14767330903006802
Stewart, J.-A., Day, M., Print, C. and Favato, G.
Compliance in the supply chain: implications of Sarbanes-Oxley for UK businesses.
The IUP Journal of Supply Chain Management, 6 (1).
pp. 7-19.
ISSN 0972-9267
van Winkelen, C. and McKenzie, J.
Using scenarios to explore the potential for shifts in the relative priority of human, structural and relational capital in generating value.
Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, 7 (4).
pp. 509-516.
ISSN 1479-4411
Book or Report Section
Bruch, H. and Vogel, B.
Messung produktiver organisationaler Energie.
In: Sarges, W., Wottawa, H. and Roos, C. (eds.)
Handbuch wirtschaftspsychologischer Instrumente, Bd. II: Organisationspsychologische Instrumente.
Pabst, Lengerich.
ISBN 9783899675689
Bruch, H. and Vogel, B.
Organisationale Energie Vahlen.
In: Scholz, C. (ed.)
Vahlens großes Personallexikon.
Vahlen, München.
ISBN 9783800634910
Kakabadse, N., Yang, H.
ORCID: and Sanders, R.
The recruitment and evaluation of Boards of Directors in China.
In: Kakabadse, A. and Kakabadse, N. (eds.)
Global boards: one desire, many realities.
Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 236-265.
ISBN 9780230212121
McKenzie, J.
ORCID: and van Winkelen, C.
Embracing opposites – enriching learning by acknowledging and resolving tensions between apparently conflicting business values.
In: Bruining, T. (ed.)
KM for a Changing World.
ECLO, Hertogenbosch, pp. 247-291.
Simister, S.
Managing risk on projects.
In: Harper-Smith, P. and Derry, S. (eds.)
Fast Track to Success: Project Management.
Fast Track Series.
Prentice Hall / Financial Times, pp. 26-28.
ISBN 9780273719922
Stewart, J.-A.
Making it happen - the facilitation bit.
In: McKean, D. (ed.)
Strategy: fast track to success.
Pearson Education Limited, Harlow, p. 154.
ISBN 9780273719908
Vogel, B.
In: Scholz, C. (ed.)
Vahlens großes Personallexikon.
Vahlen, pp. 779-782.
ISBN 9783800634910
Vogel, B.
ORCID: and Bruch, H.
Emotions management.
In: Scholz, C. (ed.)
Vahlens großes personallexikon.
Vahlen, München.
ISBN 9783800634910
Vogel, B.
ORCID: and Bruch, H.
In: Scholz, C. (ed.)
Vahlens großes Personallexikon.
Vahlen, München, pp. 286-288.
ISBN 9783800634910
Conference or Workshop Item
Bruch, H., Menges, J. I., Cole, M. S. and Vogel, B.
High performance work systems and firm performance: the mediating role of organizational energy.
In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 7-11 Aug 2009, Chicago, USA.
Bruch, H., Vogel, B.
ORCID: and Raes, A.
Productive organizational energy as a mediator between strategic leadership and performance.
In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 7-11 Aug 2009, Chicago, USA.
Krummaker, S., Vogel, B.
ORCID: and Kunze, F.
Impact of team energy and leader empowerment on transformational leadership: a follower perspective.
In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 7-11 Aug, Chicago, USA.
McKenzie, J.
ORCID:, Palmer, M. and Miller, L.
Improving the quality of conversations as a mechanism for knowledge sharing and new knowledge development.
In: 9th Annual KM forum conference, 28-29 Jan 2009, Henley Business School, University of Reading.
Money, K. and Hillenbrand, C.
Exploring characteristics of BRB partnerships that can bring societal benefits.
In: Society for Business Ethics Annual Meeting, 6-9 Aug 2009, Chicago, IL.
Rose, S.
ORCID:, Hillenbrand, C.
ORCID: and Money, K.
Corporate identity and the missing link to corporate reputation.
In: Global brand conference: branding and society, 1-3 Sep 2009, Cambridge, UK.
Akrivou, K.
Differentiation and integration in adult development: the role of self-complexity and integrative learning in self-integration.
VDM Verlag, Munich, pp172.
ISBN 9783639151169
Bruch, H. and Vogel, B.
Organisationale Energie: Wie Sie das Potenzial Ihres Unternehmens ausschöpfen. 2nd edition.
Gabler, Wiesbaden, pp290.
ISBN 9783834903440
This list was generated on Mon Mar 17 16:17:44 2025 UTC.