Items where Division is "School of Humanities" and Year is 2000Number of items: 41. DDavies, P. (2000) Building the ideal: problems of designing domed centralised churches in Renaissance Italy. In: Gomme, A. (ed.) Domes 2000: Papers from the Annual Symposium of the Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain. Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain, Dorking, pp. 57-83. Davies, P. and Hemsoll, D. (2000) Sanmicheli and his patrons: planning for posterity. In: Beltramini, G., Ghisetti Giavarina, A. and Marini, P. (eds.) Studi in onore di Renato Cevese. Centro internazionale di studi di architettura Andrea Palladio, Verona, pp. 161-186. Davies, P. and Hemsoll, D. (2000) Sanmicheli’s architecture and literary theory. In: Clarke, G. and Crossley, P. (eds.) Architecture and Language. Constructing Identity in European Architecture, c. 1000- c. 1650,. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 102-117. ISBN 9780521650786 Davies, P. and Hemsoll, D. (2000) I portali dei palazzi veronesi nel Rinascimento. In: Lanaro, P., Marini, P. and Varanini, G. M. (eds.) Edilizia privata nella Verona rinascimentale. Electa Edizioni, Milan, pp. 252-267. ISBN 978884357654 Davies, P. and Hemsoll, D. (2000) Palazzo Onori. In: Lanaro, P. (ed.) Edilizia privata nella Verona rinascimentale,. Electa Edizioni, Milan, pp. 328-334. ISBN 978884357654
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Duff, T. E. GGardner, J. F. (2000) Status, Sentiment and Strategy in Roman Adoption. In: Corbier, M. (ed.) Adoption et Fosterage. de Boccard, pp. 63-79. KKruschwitz, P. (2000) Die sprachlichen Anomalien der Werbeinschrift CIL X 7296. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 130. pp. 239-240. ISSN 0084-5388 Kruschwitz, P. (2000) Ein Mißverständnis, seine Ursachen und seine Beseitigung. Zu Plaut. Curc. 314–316. Hyperboreus. Studia Classica, 6 (2). pp. 425-429. ISSN 0949-2615 Kruschwitz, P. (2000) Notizen zu CIL I2 1219. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 133. pp. 243-247. ISSN 0084-5388 MMajor, P. (2000) Symptom der zweiten Berlinkrise. In: Ciesla, B., Lemke, M. and Lindenberger, T. (eds.) Sterben für Berlin?: Die Berliner Krisen 1948: 1958. Metropol, Berlin, pp. 221-243. ISBN 9783932482274 Major, P. (2000) 'Torschlußpanik und Mauerbau: "Republikfluht". In: Ciesla, B., Lemke, M. and Lindenberger, T. (eds.) Sterben für Berlin? Die Berliner Krisen 1948: 1958. Metropol, Berlin, pp. 221-243. ISBN 9783932482274
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Papaconstantinou, A. Parish, H. (2000) Clerical marriage and the English Reformation. St Andrews Studies in Reformation History. Ashgate, Aldershot, pp288. ISBN 9780754600381 Parish, H. (2000) The English Reformation to 1559. In: Pettegree, A. (ed.) The Reformation World. Routledge, pp. 225-236. Pollmann, K., ed. (2000) Double Standards in the Ancient and Medieval World. Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft, Göttingen, pp327. ISBN 9783897441101 Pollmann, K. (2000) Introduction. In: Pollmann, K. (ed.) Double Standards in the Ancient and Medieval World. Duenrkohp and Radicke Wissenschaftliche Publikationen, pp. 11-20. ISBN 3897441101 Pollmann, K. (2000) The Splitting of Morality in Matthew 23 and its Exegetical Consequences. In: Pollmann, K. (ed.) Double Standards in the Ancient and Medieval World. Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft. Göttingen, pp. 263-285. ISBN 9783897441101 R
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Schroeder, S. TTaylor, S. (2000) The moderate men in charge. In: Chadwick, H. and Ward, A. (eds.) Not angels but anglicans: a history of Christianity in the British Isles. The Canterbury Press, Norwich, pp. 178-186. ISBN 9781853113529 Taylor, S. (2000) Whigs, Tories and anticlericalism: ecclesiastical courts legislation in 1733. Parliamentary History, 19 (3). pp. 329-355. ISSN 1750-0206 doi: 10.1111/j.1750-0206.2000.tb00599.x Taylor, S. and Parry, J. P. (2000) Parliament and the Church of England from the Reformation to the twentieth century. In: Taylor, S. and Parry, J. P. (eds.) Parliament and the Church, 1529-1960. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 1-13. ISBN 0748614451 Taylor, S. and Parry, J. P., eds. (2000) Parliament and the Church, 1529-1960. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp193. ISBN 0748614451 W
West, E. |