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Aston, E. ORCID: (2012) 'Friends in High Places: The Stereotype of Dangerous Thessalian Hospitality in the Later Classical Period.’. Phoenix, 66 (3-4). pp. 247-271. ISSN 0031-8299

Aston, E. ORCID: (2012) Friends in high places: the stereotype of dangerous Thessalian hospitality in the later Classical period. Phoenix, 66 (3-4). pp. 247-271. ISSN 0031-8299


Bell, J. (2012) California crucible: the forging of modern American liberalism. Politics and culture in modern America. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, USA, pp352. ISBN 9780812243871

Bell, J. (2012) Building a left coast: the legacy of the California Popular Front and the challenge to Cold War liberalism in the post-world war two era. Journal of American Studies, 46 (1). pp. 51-71. ISSN 1469-5154 doi: 10.1017/S0021875811001265

Bell, J. (2012) From popular front to liberalism: redefining the political in California in the post-World War Two era. In: Bell, J. and Stanley, T. (eds.) Making Sense of American Liberalism. University of Illinois Press, Urbana, Illinois, pp. 38-61. ISBN 9780252036866

Bell, J. and Stanley, T. (2012) Making sense of American liberalism. University of Illinois Press, Urbana, Illinois. ISBN 9780252036866

Blakemore, R. J. ORCID: (2012) Navigating culture: navigational instruments as cultural artefacts, c. 1550-1650. Journal for Maritime Research, 14 (1). pp. 31-44. ISSN 2153-3369 doi: 10.1080/21533369.2012.672801

Borg, E. ORCID: (2012) Pursuing meaning. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp272. ISBN 9780199588374

Borg, E. ORCID: (2012) Semantics without pragmatics. In: Allen, K. and Jaszczolt, K. (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Pragmatics. Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics. Cambridge University Press, pp. 513-528. ISBN 9780521192071

Borrut, A., Debié, M., Papaconstantinou, A. ORCID:, Pieri, D. and Sodini , J.-P., eds. (2012) Le Proche-Orient de Justinien aux Abbassides: peuplement et dynamiques spatiales. Bibliothèque de l'Antiquité Tardive, 19. Brepols, Turnhout, pp400. ISBN 9782503535722

Burchardt, J. ORCID: (2012) Historicizing counterurbanization: in-migration and the reconstruction of rural space in Berkshire (UK), 1901-51. Journal of Historical Geography, 38 (2). pp. 155-166. ISSN 0305-7488 doi: 10.1016/j.jhg.2011.08.017

Burchardt, J. ORCID: (2012) State and society in the English countryside: the rural community movement 1918-1939. Rural History, 23 (1). pp. 81-106. ISSN 1474-0656 doi: 10.1017/S0956793311000161


Campbell, B. and Yates, M. (2012) Medieval agriculture. In: Dils, J. A. and Yates, M. (eds.) An historical atlas of Berkshire. 2nd Edition. Berkshire Record Society, Reading, pp. 54-55. ISBN 9780954871697

Carter, D. ORCID: (2012) Antigone. In: Markantonatos, A. (ed.) Brill's Companion to Sophocles. Brill's companions in classical studies. Brill, Leiden, pp. 111-128. ISBN 9789004184923


Dancy, J. (2012) McDowell, Williams and Intuitionism. In: Heuer, U. and Lang, G. (eds.) Luck, Value and Commitment: Themes from the Ethics of Bernard Williams. Oxford University Press, pp. 269-290. ISBN 9780199599325

Datta, A. (2012) Refugees and borders in South Asia: the great exodus of 1971. Routledge Studies in South Asian Politics. Routledge, pp232. ISBN 9780415524728

De Gaynesford, M. ORCID: (2012) Integrity and grace. In: Fortuna, S. and Scuriatti, L. (eds.) On Dogville. Dekalog (5). Columbia University Press, Columbia, pp. 81-96. ISBN 9780231163118

De Gaynesford, M. ORCID: (2012) Integrity over time: Korsgaard and the unity criterion. Harvard Review of Philosophy, 18. pp. 50-72. ISSN 1062-6239

Deb Roy, R. ORCID: (2012) Science, medicine and new imperial histories. The British Journal for the History of Science, 45 (3). pp. 443-450. ISSN 0007-0874 doi: 10.1017/S0007087412000672

Dickey, E. ORCID:, ed. (2012) The Colloquia of the Hermeneumata Pseudodositheanaa: volume 1 Colloquia Monacensia-Einsidlensia, Leidense-Stephani, and Stephani. Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781107020108

Dickey, E. ORCID: (2012) How to say 'please' in Classical Latin. Classical Quarterly, 62 (2). pp. 731-748. ISSN 1471-6844 doi: 10.1017/S0009838812000286

Dickey, E. ORCID: (2012) Latin loanwords in Greek: a preliminary analysis. In: Leiwo, M., Halla-aho, H. and Vierros, M. (eds.) Variation and Change in Greek and Latin. Papers and Monographs of the Finnish Institute at Athens (17). The Finnish Institute at Athens, Helsinki, pp. 57-70. ISBN 9789526721149

Dickey, E. ORCID: (2012) The rules of politeness and Latin request formulae. In: Probert, P. and Willi, A. (eds.) Laws and Rules in Indo-European. Oxford University Press, pp. 313-328. ISBN 9780199609925

Dickey, E. ORCID: and Ferri, R. (2012) A new edition of the Colloquium Harleianum fragment in P.Prag. 2.118. Zeitschrift fuyrologie und Epigraphik, 180. pp. 127-132. ISSN 0084-5388

Dils, J. A. and Yates, M., eds. (2012) An historical atlas of Berkshire. 2nd Edition. Berkshire Record Society, Reading. ISBN 9780954871697

Duff, T. E. ORCID: and Scott-Kilvert, I. (2012) Plutarch: the age of Alexander. Penguin Classics. Penguin Books, London, pp662. ISBN 9780140449358


Foxley, R. (2012) Freedom of conscience and the ‘Agreements of the People’. In: Baker, P. R. S. and Vernon, E. (eds.) Foundations of freedom: The Agreements of People, the Levellers and the constitutional crisis of the English Revolution. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 117-138. ISBN 9780230542709

Foxley, R. (2012) The Levellers: John Lilburne, Richard Overton, and William Walwyn. In: Lunger Knoppers, L. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Literature and the English Revolution. Oxford Handbooks of Literature. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 272-286. ISBN 9780199560608

Foxley, R. (2012) Radicalism in early modern England: innovation or reformation? In: Bagchi, B. (ed.) The politics of the (im)possible: utopia and dystopia reconsidered. Sage Publications, London, pp. 62-69. ISBN 9788132107347


Gregory, A. (2012) Changing direction on direction of fit. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 15 (5). pp. 603-614. ISSN 1386-2820 doi: 10.1007/s10677-012-9355-6


Hansen, N. ORCID: (2012) J. L. Austin and literal meaning. European Journal of Philosophy, 22 (4). pp. 617-632. ISSN 1468-0378 doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0378.2011.00510.x

Hansen, N. ORCID: (2012) On an alleged truth/falsity asymmetry in context shifting experiments. Philosophical Quarterly, 62 (248). pp. 530-545. ISSN 1467-9213 doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9213.2012.00059.x

Harloe, K. ORCID: and Morley, N. (2012) Introduction: the modern reception of Thucydides. In: Harloe, K. ORCID: and Morley, N. (eds.) Thucydides and the modern world: reception, reinterpretation and influence from the Renaissance to the present. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 1-24. ISBN 9781107019201

Harloe, K. ORCID: and Morley, N., eds. (2012) Thucydides and the modern world: reception, reinterpretation and influence from the Renaissance to the present. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp266. ISBN 9781107019201

Healey, D. (2012) Nasledie GULAGa: Prinuditel'nyi trud sovetskoi epokhi kak vnutrenniaia kolonizatsiia. In: Etkind, A., Uffellmann, D. and Kukulin, I. (eds.) Tam vnutri: praktiki vnutrennei kolonizatsii v kul'turnoi istorii Rossii. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, Moscow, pp. 684-728. ISBN 9785444800027

Healey, D. (2012) Conrades, queers and 'oddballs':sodomy, masculinity and gendered violence in Leningrad Province of the 1950s. Journal of the History of Sexuality, 21 (3). pp. 496-522. ISSN 1535-3605 doi: 10.1353/sex.2012.0053

Hooker, B., ed. (2012) Developing deontology: new essays in ethical theory. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, pp124. ISBN 9781444361945

Hooker, B. (2012) Theory vs anti-theory in ethics. In: Heuer, U. and Lang, G. (eds.) Luck, Value, and Commitment: Themes from the Moral Philosophy of Bernard Williams. Oxford University Press, pp. 19-40. ISBN 9780199599325 doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199599325.003.0002

Houghton, L. and Manuwald, G. (2012) Neo-Latin poetry in the British Isles. Bristol Classical Press, London, pp288. ISBN 9781780930145

Houghton, L. B. T. (2012) Lucan in the Highlands: James Philp's 'Grameid' and the tradition of ancient epic. In: Houghton, L. B. T. and Manuwald, G. (eds.) Neo-Latin Poetry in the British Isles. Bristol Classical Press, London, pp. 190-207. ISBN 9781780930145

Houghton, L. B. T. and Manuwald, G. (2012) Introduction: Musa Britanna. In: Houghton, L. B. T. and Manuwald, G. (eds.) Neo-Latin Poetry in the British Isles. Bristol Classical Press, London, pp. 1-14. ISBN 9781780930145


Kruschwitz, P. and Felice, E. (2012) 'Youth language' in ancient Rome. Omnibus, 64. pp. 6-7.

Kruschwitz, P. (2012) How to avoid profanity in Latin: an exploratory study. Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici, 68. pp. 9-38. ISSN 1724-1693

Kruschwitz, P. (2012) Language, sex, and (lack of) power: reassessing the linguistic discourse about female speech in Latin sources. Athenaeum, 100. pp. 197-229. ISSN 0004-6574

Kruschwitz, P., Campbell, V. and Nicholls, M. (2012) Menedemerumenus: tracing the routes of Pompeian graffiti writers. Tyche, 27. pp. 93-111. ISSN 1010-9161


Lawrence, A. ORCID: (2012) English Cistercian manuscripts of the twelfth century. In: Norton, C. and Park, D. (eds.) Cistercian art and architecture in the British Isles. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 284-299. ISBN 9780521181358

Lawrence-Mathers, A. ORCID: (2012) The true history of Merlin the Magician. Yale University Press, London, pp336. ISBN 9780300144895


Mairs, R. ORCID: (2012) Agathokles (Ptolemaic minster). In: Bagnall, R. S., Brodersen, K., Champion, C. B., Erskine, A. and Huebner, S. R. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA; Oxford, pp. 168-169. ISBN 9781405179355 doi: 10.1002/9781444338386

Mairs, R. ORCID: (2012) Asoka. In: Bagnall, R. S., Brodersen, K., Champion, C. B., Erskine, A. and Huebner, S. R. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 9781405179355 doi: 10.1002/9781444338386

Mairs, R. ORCID: (2012) Bilingual 'tagging' of financial accounts in Demotic and Greek. Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde , 139 (1). pp. 37-44. ISSN 0044-216X doi: 10.1524/zaes.2012.0005

Mairs, R. ORCID: (2012) Bilingualism. In: Bagnall, R. S., Brodersen, K., Champion, C. B., Erskine, A. and Huebner, S. R. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA; Oxford, pp. 1115-1117. ISBN 9781405179355 doi: 10.1002/9781444338386

Mairs, R. ORCID: (2012) Euthydemoss of Bactria. In: Bagnall, R. S., Brodersen, K., Champion, C. B., Erskine, A. and Huebner, S. R. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA; Oxford, pp. 2583-2584. ISBN 9781405179355 doi: 10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah09111

Mairs, R. ORCID: (2012) Glassware from Roman Egypt at Begram (Afghanistan) and the Red Sea Trade. British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan, 18. pp. 61-74. ISSN 2049-5021

Mairs, R. ORCID: (2012) Hellenization. In: Bagnall, R. S., Brodersen, K., Champion, C. B., Erskine, A. and Huebner, S. R. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley-Blackwell, Malden MA, Oxford, pp. 3122-3125. ISBN 9781405179355 doi: 10.1002/9781444338386

Mairs, R. ORCID: (2012) Interpreters and translators in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt. In: Schubert, P. (ed.) Actes du 26e Congrès international de papyrologie Genève 16-21 août 2010. Recherches et Rencontres, 30. Droz, Geneva, pp. 457-462. ISBN 9782600016124

Mairs, R. ORCID: (2012) Interpreting at Vindolanda: commercial and linguistic mediation in the Roman army. Britannia, 43. pp. 17-28. ISSN 1753-5352 doi: 10.1017/S0068113X12000219

Mairs, R. ORCID: (2012) Sopha Grammata: Greek Acrostichs in inscriptions from Arachosia, Lower Nubia and Libya. In: Kwapisz, J., Petrain, D. and Szymanski, M. (eds.) The Muse at Play: Riddles and Wordplay in Greek and Latin Poetry. Beiträge zur Altertumskunde. (305). Walter de Gruyter & Co, Berlin, pp. 277-304. ISBN 9783110270617

Mairs, R. ORCID: (2012) The 'temple with indented niches' at Ai Khanoum: ethnic and civic identity in Hellenistic Bactria. In: Alston, R., van Nijf, O. M. and Williamson, C. (eds.) Cults, creeds and identities in the Greek city after the Classical age. Groningen-Royal Holloway studies on the Greek city after the classical age (3). Peeters, Leuven, pp. 85-111. ISBN 9789042927148

Martel, G. and Tallett, F., eds. (2012) The encyclopedia of war. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford. ISBN 9781405190374

Marzano, A. ORCID: (2012) Ergasterion/Ergastulum. In: Bagnall, R. S., Brodersen, K., Champion, C., Erskine, A. and Huebner, S. (eds.) The Encyclopaedia of Ancient History. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 2488-2489. ISBN 9781405179355 doi: 10.1002/9781444338386

Marzano, A. ORCID: (2012) Land and landholding, Rome. In: Bagnall, R. S., Brodersen, K., Champion, C., Erskine, A. and Huebner, S. (eds.) The Encyclopaedia of Ancient History. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 3886-3888. ISBN 9781405179355 doi: 10.1002/9781444338386

Marzano, A. ORCID: (2012) Latifundia/large estates. In: Bagnall, R. S., Brodersen, K., Champion, C., Erskine, A. and Huebner, S. (eds.) The Encyclopaedia of Ancient History. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 3917-3918. ISBN 9781405179355 doi: 10.1002/9781444338386

Marzano, A. ORCID: (2012) Villa. In: Bagnall, R. S., Brodersen, K., Champion, C., Erskine, A. and Huebner, S. (eds.) The Encyclopaedia of Ancient History. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 6997-7000. ISBN 9781405179355 doi: 10.1002/9781444338386

Mijers, E. (2012) ‘News from the Republick of Letters’: Scottish students, Charles Mackie and the United Provinces, 1650-1750. Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions, 161. Brill, Leiden. ISBN 9789004210684

Mijers, E. (2012) Scotland's fabulous past: Charles Mackie and George Buchanan. In: Mason, R. A. and Erskine, C. (eds.) George Buchanan: Political Thought in Early Modern Britain and Europe. Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 249-268. ISBN 9780754662389

Mijers, E. and Murdoch, S. (2012) Migrant destinations, 1500-1750. In: Devine, T. M. and Wormald, J. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Modern Scottish History. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 320-338. ISBN 9780199563692


Owens, D. (2012) Shaping the normative landscape. Oxford University Press, pp272. ISBN 9780199691500


Papaconstantinou, A. ORCID: (2012) Donation and negotiation: formal gifts to religious institutions in late antiquity. In: Donations et donateurs dans la société et l’art byzantins. Realités byzantines. Desclée, Paris, pp. 75-95.

Papaconstantinou, A. ORCID: (2012) Egypt. In: Johnson, S. F. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Late Antiquity. Oxford University Press, New York and Oxford, pp. 195-223. ISBN 9780195336931 doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195336931.013.0007

Papaconstantinou, A. ORCID: (2012) Les propriétaires ruraux en Palestine du sud et en Égypte entre la conquête perse et l’arrivée des Abbassides. Mélanges de l'Ecole francaise de Rome - Moyen Age, 124 (2). pp. 405-416.

Papaconstantinou, A. ORCID: (2012) Why did Coptic fail where Aramaic succeeded? Linguistic developments in Egypt and the Near East after the Arab conquest. In: Mullen, A. and James, P. (eds.) Multilingualism in the Graeco-Roman worlds. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 58-76. ISBN 9781107013865

Papaconstantinou, A. ORCID: (2012) A fourth-century inventory of columns and the late Roman building industry. In: Papyrological texts in honor of Roger S. Bagnall. American Studies in Papyrology (53). American Society of Papyrologists, Durham, NC, pp. 215-231. ISBN 9780979975868

Parish, H. (2012) It was never good world sence minister must have wyves”: clerical celibacy, clerical marriage, and anticlericalism in Reformation England. Journal of Religious History, 36 (1). pp. 52-69. ISSN 1467-9809 doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9809.2011.01155.x

Pollmann, K. (2012) “And Without Thorn the Rose”? Augustine’s Interpretations of Genesis 3:18 and the Intellectual Tradition. In: MacDonald, N., Elliott, M. W. and Macaskill, G. (eds.) Genesis and Christian Theology. William B Eerdmans Publishing Co, Grand Rapids, pp. 216-227. ISBN 9780802867254

Pollmann, K. (2012) Tradition and Innovation. The Transformation of Classical Literary Genres in Christian Late Antiquity. In: Ulrich, J., Jacobsen, A.-C. and Brakke, D. (eds.) Invention, Rewriting, Usurpation : Discursive Fights Over Religious Traditions in Antiquity. Early Christianity in the context of antiquity. Frankfurt am Main, pp. 103-120. ISBN 9783631635384

Pollmann, K. and Gill, M., eds. (2012) Augustine Beyond the Book. Intermediality, Transmediality and Reception. Brill, Leiden. ISBN 9789004222137

Preston, J. ORCID: (2012) What are computers (if they're not thinking things)? In: Cooper, S. B., Dawar, A. and Lowe, B. (eds.) How the World Computes: Turing Centenary Conference and 8th Conference on Computability in Europe, CIE 2012, Cambridge UK June 2012 Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7318. Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg, pp. 609-615. ISBN 9783642308697 doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-30870-3_61


Rezk, D. (2012) Seeing Sadat: Thinking Nasser. In: Freedman, L. and Jeffreys, M. (eds.) Scripting Middle East Leaders. Bloomsbury.

Rutherford, I. ORCID: (2012) Grecheskaya Poetika i Blishini Vostik: problemi i perspektivi (Greek poetics and the Near East: problems and perspectives). Arbor Mundi, 12. pp. 46-62.

Rutherford, I. ORCID: (2012) On the impossibility of Centaurs: the reception of Pindar in the Roman Empire. In: Agocs, P., Carey, C. and Rawles, R. (eds.) Receiving the Komos. Ancient and Modern Receptions of the Victory Ode. BICS Supplement (112). Institute of Classical Studies, London, pp. 93-104. ISBN 9781905670345

Rutherford, I. C. ORCID: (2012) Travel and pilgrimage in Roman Egypt. In: Riggs, C. (ed.) The Oxford Companion to Roman Egypt. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 701-716. ISBN 9780199571451


Schroeder, S. ORCID: (2012) Schopenhauer's influence on Wittgenstein. In: Vandenabeele, B. (ed.) A Companion to Schopenhauer. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 367-384. ISBN 9781405171038

Smith, A. C. ORCID: (2012) Aidos. In: Bagnall, R., Brodersen, K., Champion, C., Erskine, A. and Huebner, S. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley, London. ISBN 9781405179355 doi: 10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah17020

Smith, A. C. ORCID: (2012) Aletheia. In: Bagnall, R., Brodersen , K., Champion, C., Erskine, A. and Huebner, S. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley, London. ISBN 9781405179355 doi: 10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah17023

Smith, A. C. ORCID: (2012) Ananke. In: Bagnall, R., Brodersen, K., Champion , C., Erskine , A. and Huebner, S. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. WIley, London. ISBN 9781405179355 doi: 10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah17034

Smith, A. C. ORCID: (2012) Eros/Cupid. In: Bagnall, R., Brodersen , K., Champion , C., Erskine, A. and Huebner, S. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley, London. ISBN 9781405179355 doi: 10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah17145

Smith, A. C. ORCID: (2012) Graces. In: Bagnall, R., Brodersen, K., Champion , C., Erskine, A. and Huebner, S. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley, London. ISBN 9781405179355 doi: 10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah17178

Smith, A. C. ORCID: (2012) Homonoia. In: Bagnall, R., Brodersen , K., Champion , C., Erskine, A. and Huebner, S. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley, London. ISBN 9781405179355 doi: 10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah17203

Smith, A. C. ORCID: (2012) Marriage in the Greek world. In: Hermary, A. and Jaeger, B. (eds.) Stages and Circumstances of Life: Work, Hunting, Travel. Thesaurus Cultus et Rituum Antiquorum (6). Getty, Los Angeles, pp. 83-94. ISBN 9781606060735

Smith, A. C. ORCID: (2012) Muses. In: Bagnall, R., Brodersen, K., Champion , C., Erskine , A. and Huebner, S. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley, London. ISBN 9781405179355 doi: 10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah17281

Smith, A. C. ORCID: (2012) Personification: not just a symbolic mode. In: Smith, T. J. and Plantzos, D. (eds.) A Companion to Greek Art. Companions to the Ancient World. Wiley, London. ISBN 9781405186049

Smith, A. C. ORCID: (2012) Personifications. In: Bagnall, R., Brodersen , K., Champion, C., Erskine, A. and Huebner, S. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. WIley, London. ISBN 9781405179355 doi: 10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah17331

Smith, A. C. ORCID: (2012) Tyche. In: Bagnall, R., Brodersen, K., Champion , C., Erskine, A. and Huebner, S. (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley, London. ISBN 9781405179355 doi: 10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah17462

Stack, D. (2012) Charles Darwin's liberalism in 'Natural Selection as affecting civilised nations'. History of Political Thought, 33 (3). 525-554 . ISSN 0143-781X

Stanley, T. and Bell, J. (2012) Introduction: making sense of American liberalism. In: Bell, J. and Stanley, T. (eds.) Making Sense of American Liberalism. University of Illinois Press, pp. 1-13. ISBN 9780252036866

Stratton-Lake, P. (2012) Rational intuitionism. In: Crisp, R. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of the History of Ethics. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 337-357. ISBN 9780199545971

Strawson, G. (2012) I and I: immunity to error through misidentification of the subject. In: Prosser, S. and Recanati, F. (eds.) Immunity to Error Through Misidentification: New Essays. Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom, pp. 202-223. ISBN 9780521198301

Strawson, G. (2012) "We live beyond any tale that we happen to enact". Harvard Review of Philosophy, 18. pp. 73-90. ISSN 2153-9154

Stringer, M. (2012) View from a Tower [poetry]. In: Knowles, A. (ed.) One Moment's Cloud, University of Reading Creative Arts Anthology. University of Reading, Reading. ISBN 9780704915329


Vasunia, P. (2012) Between east and west: mobility and ethnography in Herodotus’ Proem. History and Anthropology, 23 (2). pp. 183-198. ISSN 1477-2612 doi: 10.1080/02757206.2012.675781 (special issue: Rethinking encounters, ethnography and ethnology: continuities and ruptures )


West, E. ORCID: (2012) Family or freedom: free people of color in the antebellum South. New Directions in Southern History. University of Kentucky Press, Lexington, Kentucky, USA, pp256. ISBN 9780813136929

Worley, M. ORCID: (2012) Finding Fascism: the politics of Sir Oswald Mosley, 1929-32. In: Karcher, N. K. and Kjostvedt, A. G. (eds.) Movements and Ideas of the Extreme Right in Europe. Zivilisationen & Geschichte (21). Peter Lang, pp. 103-116. ISBN 9783631601365

Worley, M. ORCID: (2012) Shot by both sides: Punk, politics and the end of “Consensus”. Contemporary British History, 26 (3). pp. 333-354. ISSN 1743-7997 doi: 10.1080/13619462.2012.703013

Worley, M. ORCID: and Goretti, L. (2012) Communist youth, Communist generations : a reappraisal. Twentieth Century Communism: A Journal of International History, 4. pp. 5-13. ISSN 1758-6437


Xenis, G. and Dickey, E. ORCID: (2012) Philemon Fr. 193 K.A. Hermes, 140 (3). pp. 386-389. ISSN 0018-0777


Yates, M. (2012) The descriptions of land found in the inquisitions post mortem and feet of fines: a case study of Berkshire. In: The fifteenth-century inquisitions post mortem: a companion. The Boydell Press, Woodbridge, pp. 145-154. ISBN 9781843837121

Yates, M. (2012) Berkshire landowners in 1316. In: Dils, J. A. and Yates, M. (eds.) An historical atlas of Berkshire. 2nd Edition. Berkshire Record Society, Reading, pp. 52-53. ISBN 9780954871697

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