Number of items: 85.
Andow, J.
Expecting moral philosophers to be reliable.
Dialectica, 69 (2).
pp. 205-220.
ISSN 1746-8361
doi: 10.1111/1746-8361.12092
Andow, J.
How distinctive is philosophers’ intuition talk?
Metaphilosophy, 46 (4-5).
pp. 515-538.
ISSN 1467-9973
doi: 10.1111/meta.12151
Andow, J.
How “intuition” exploded.
Metaphilosophy, 46 (2).
pp. 189-212.
ISSN 1467-9973
doi: 10.1111/meta.12127
Andow, J.
A semantic solution to the problem with aesthetic testimony.
Acta Analytica, 30 (2).
pp. 211-218.
ISSN 0353-5150
doi: 10.1007/s12136-014-0238-4
Blakemore, R. J.
West Africa in the British Atlantic: trade, violence, and empire in the 1640s.
Itinerario, 39 (2).
pp. 299-327.
ISSN 0165-1153
doi: 10.1017/S0165115315000480
Borg, E.
Exploding explicatures.
Mind and Language, 31 (3).
pp. 335-355.
ISSN 1468-0017
doi: 10.1111/mila.12109
Deb Roy, R.
Nonhuman empires.
Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 35 (1).
pp. 66-75.
ISSN 1548-226X
doi: 10.1215/1089201X-2876104
Dickey, E.
Columnar translation: an ancient interpretive tool that the Romans gave the Greeks.
Classical Quarterly, 65 (2).
pp. 807-821.
ISSN 0009-8388
doi: 10.1017/S0009838815000087
Dickey, E.
How Coptic speakers learned Latin? A reconsideration of P. Berol. inv 10582.
Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 193.
pp. 65-77.
ISSN 0084-5388
Dickey, E.
How to say 'please' in post-Classical Latin: Fronto and the importance of archaism.
Journal of Latin Linguistics, 14 (1).
pp. 17-31.
ISSN 2194-8747
doi: 10.1515/joll-2015-0002
Foxley, R.
The logic of ideas in Christopher Hill's English revolution.
Prose Studies: History, Theory, Criticism, 36 (3).
pp. 199-208.
ISSN 0144-0357
doi: 10.1080/01440357.2014.994727
Félix, J.
La monarquia francesa y los financieros en el Antiguo Régimen. El ejemplo de los traitants durante la Guerra de los Nueve Años, 1689-1697 = The French Monarchy and the financiers during the Old Regime. The case of the traitants during the Nine Years War, 1689-1697.
Tiempos Modernos: Revista Electrónica de Historia Moderna, 8 (30).
ISSN 1699-7778
Hansen, N.
ORCID: and Chemla, E.
Linguistic experiments and ordinary language philosophy.
Ratio, 28 (4).
pp. 422-445.
ISSN 1467-9329
doi: 10.1111/rati.12112
Harloe, K.
Winckelmann in the perspective of Altertumswissenschaft: Christian Gottlob Heyne and Friedrich August Wolf.
Aufklärung, 27.
pp. 185-203.
ISSN 0178-7128
Hooker, B.
On Jones's 'Practical Dualism': commentary.
The Virtual Issue (3).
pp. 74-80.
Hooker, B.
The elements of well-being.
Journal of Practical Ethics, 3 (1).
Hooker, B.
Rule consequentialism.
Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
ISSN 1095-5054
Houghton, L. B. T.
Petrarch's third eclogue: the love of poetry and the poetry of love.
Neulateinisches Jahrbuch, 17.
pp. 23-46.
(ISBN: 9783487153759)
Houghton, L. B. T.
The Golden Age returns: Virgil's fourth Eclogue in the political panegyric of the Italian courts.
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 78.
pp. 71-95.
ISSN 2044-0014
Houghton, L. B. T.
'Salve, magna parens': Virgil’s 'laudes Italiae' in Renaissance Italy and beyond.
International Journal of the Classical Tradition, 22 (2).
pp. 180-208.
ISSN 1874-6292
doi: 10.1007/s12138-015-0375-1
Houghton, L. B. T.
Virgil's fourth Eclogue and the visual arts.
Papers of the British School at Rome, 83.
pp. 175-220.
ISSN 0068-2462
doi: 10.1017/S0068246215000082
Kruschwitz, P.
And now for something entirely ... the same?! Tradition and change in the Works of Sallust.
St Andrews Historical Journal, 4 (3).
pp. 7-17.
Kruschwitz, P.
Getting on top of things: form and meaning in the pseudo-Vergilian Aetna.
Habis, 46.
pp. 75-97.
ISSN 0210-7694
Kruschwitz, P.
Going out on the tiles: RIB 2491.147 revisited.
Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 196.
pp. 307-312.
ISSN 0084-5388
Kruschwitz, P.
Three short notes on RIB 955 = CLE 1597.
Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 195.
pp. 295-296.
ISSN 0084-5388
Marzano, A.
Sergio Orata e il Lago Lucrino: alcune considerazioni sull’allevamento di ostriche nella Campania romana.
Oebalus. Studi sulla Campania nell’Antichità, 10.
pp. 131-150.
ISSN 1970-6421
Newton, H.
The dying child in seventeenth-century England.
Pediatrics, 136 (2).
pp. 218-220.
ISSN 1098-4275
doi: 10.1542/peds.2015-0971
Nicholls, M.
Libraries and networks of influence in the Roman world.
Segno e Testo, 13.
pp. 125-146.
ISSN 2037-0245
Oderberg, D. S.
All for the good.
Philosophical Investigations, 38 (1-2).
pp. 72-95.
ISSN 1467-9205
doi: 10.1111/phin.12070
Pinder, M.
A revenge problem without the concept of truth.
Thought: A Journal of Philosophy, 4 (3).
pp. 151-161.
ISSN 2161-2234
doi: 10.1002/tht3.168
Probert, P. and Dickey, E.
The ϝhεδιέστας inscription from archaic Argos (SEG 11:314): a reconsideration.
Journal of Hellenic Studies, 135.
pp. 110-131.
ISSN 0075-4269
doi: 10.1017/S0075426915000099
Risso, L.
Time to act: the UK in NATO.
RUSI Journal, 160 (5).
pp. 30-34.
ISSN 1744-0378
doi: 10.1080/03071847.2015.1102540
Schroeder, S.
Mathematics and forms of life.
Nordic Wittgenstein Review.
pp. 111-130.
ISSN 2242-248X
Worley, M.
Punk, Politics and British (fan)zines, 1974-84:'While the world was dying, did you wonder why?
History Workshop Journal, 79 (1).
pp. 76-106.
ISSN 0309-2984
doi: 10.1093/hwj/dbu043
Book or Report Section
Blakemore, R. J.
Orality and mutiny: authority and speech amongst the seafarers of early modern London.
In: Cohen, T. and Twomey, L. (eds.)
Spoken word and social practice: Orality in Europe (1400-1700).
Medieval and Renaissance Authors and Texts (14).
Brill, Leiden, pp. 253-279.
ISBN 9789004288683
Blakemore, R. J.
The legal world of English sailors, c. 1575-1729.
In: Fusaro, M., Allaire, B., Blakemore, R. J.
ORCID: and Vanneste, T. (eds.)
Law, labour, and empire: comparative perspectives on seafarers, c. 1500-1800.
Palgrave MacMillan, Basingstoke, pp. 100-120.
ISBN 9781137447463
Broad, M.
Awkward partners? The British Labour party and European integration in the 1970s.
In: Thiemeyer, G. and Raflik, J. (eds.)
European political parties and the first direct elections to the European Parliament.
Nomos, Baden-Baden, Germany, pp. 119-141.
ISBN 9783848719921
Dancy, J.
More right than wrong.
In: Timmons, M. and Johnson, R. N. (eds.)
Reason, Value, and Respect Kantian Themes from the Philosophy of Thomas E. Hill, Jr.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 101-118.
ISBN 9780199699575
Dickey, E.
Teaching Latin to Greek speakers in antiquity.
In: Archibald, E.P., Brockliss, W. and Gnoza, J. (eds.)
Learning Latin and Greek from antiquity to the present.
Yale Classical Studies, 37.
Cambridge University Press, pp. 30-51.
ISBN 9781107051645
Dickey, E.
The sources of our knowledge of ancient scholarship.
In: Montanari, F., Matthaios, S. and Rengakos, A. (eds.)
Brill's Companion to Ancient Greek Scholarship.
Brill, pp. 459-514.
ISBN 9789004245945
Duff, T.
Aspect and subordination in Plutarchan narrative.
In: Ash, R., Mossman, J. and Titchener, F. B. (eds.)
Fame and Infamy: essays for Christopher Pelling on characterization in Greek and Roman biography and historiography.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 129-148.
ISBN 9780199662326
Foxley, R.
From native rights to natural equality: the agreement of the people (1647).
In: Hammersley, R. (ed.)
Revolutionary Moments: Reading Revolutionary Texts.
Bloomsbury Academic, London, pp. 11-18.
ISBN 9781472517203
doi: 10.5040/9781474252669.0008
Foxley, R.
Varieties of parliamentarianism.
In: Braddick, M. J. (ed.)
The Oxford Handbook of the English Revolution.
Oxford Handbooks in History.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 414-429.
ISBN 9780199695898
Goff, B.
The Greeks of the WEA.: realities and rhetorics in the first two decades.
In: Stead, H. and Hall, E. (eds.)
Greek and Roman Classics in the British Struggle for Social Reform.
Bloomsbury, London, pp. 216-234.
ISBN 9781472584267
Goff, B.
ORCID: and Simpson, M.
New worlds, old dreams? Postcolonial theory and reception of Greek drama.
In: Bosher, K., Macintosh, F., McConnell, J. and Rankine, P. (eds.)
The Oxford Handbook of Greek Drama in the Americas.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 30-50.
ISBN 9780199661305
doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199661305.013.004
Grant, L.
Royal and aristocratic hospital patronage in Northern France in the twelfth and early thirteenth centuries.
In: Clemens, L., Dort, K. and Schumacher, F. (eds.)
Laienadel und Armenfursorge im Mittelalter.
Trierer Historische Forshungen (71).
Kliomedia, Trier, pp. 105-114.
ISBN 9783898901918
Hansen, N.
Experimental philosophy of language.
Oxford Handbooks Online.
Oxford University Press.
doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199935314.013.53
Harloe, K.
Christian Gottlob Heyne and the changing fortunes of the commentary in the age of Altertumswissenschaft.
In: Kraus, C. S. and Stray, C. (eds.)
Classical Commentaries: Explorations in a scholarly genre.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 435-456.
ISBN 9780199688982
Houghton, L. B. T.
Maritime Maro: Virgil's fourth Eclogue in Renaissance Venice.
In: Hunter, R.L. and Oakley, S. P. (eds.)
Latin literature and its transmission: papers in honour of Michael Reeve.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 171-193.
ISBN 9781107116276
Kruschwitz, P.
Linguistic variation, language change, and Latin inscriptions.
In: Bruun, C. and Edmondson, J. (eds.)
The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy.
Oxford Handbooks in Archaeology.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 721-743.
Mairs, R.
Ancient Egypt.
In: Pochhacker, F. (ed.)
The Routledge encyclopedia of interpreting studies.
Routledge, London.
ISBN 9780415634328
Mairs, R.
Bactria and India.
In: Eidinow, E. and Kindt, J. (eds.)
The Oxford Handbook of Greek Religion.
Oxford Handbooks in Classics and Ancient History.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 637-649.
ISBN 9780199642038
Mairs, R.
Heroes and philosophers? Greek personal names and their bearers in Hellenistic Bactria.
In: Walter, M. N. and Ito-Adler, J. P. (eds.)
The Silk Road: Interwoven History. Volume 1: Long-Distance Trade, Culture, and Society.
Cambridge Institutes Press, Cambridge.
Mairs, R.
In: Pochhacker, F. (ed.)
The Routledge Encyclopedia of Interpreting Studies.
Routledge, London.
ISBN 9780415634328
Marzano, A.
Reshaping the past, shaping the present: Andrea de Jorio and Naples' classical heritage.
In: Hughes, J. and Buongiovanni, C. (eds.)
Remembering Parthenope: The Reception of Classical Naples from Antiquity to the Present.
Classical Presences.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 266-283.
ISBN 9780199673933
Marzano, A.
Villas as instigators and indicators of economic growth.
In: Erdkamp, P. and Verboven, K. (eds.)
Structure and performance in the Roman economy : models, methods and case studies.
Collection Latomus (350).
Latomus, Bruxelles, pp. 197-221.
ISBN 9789042932807
Marzano, A.
The variety of Villa production: from agriculture to aquaculture.
In: Erdkamp, P., Verboven, K. and Zuiderhoek, A. (eds.)
Ownership and Exploitation of Land and Natural Resources in the Roman World.
Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 187-206.
ISBN 9780198728924
Oderberg, D. S.
Religion and normative ethics.
In: Oppy, G. (ed.)
The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Philosophy of Religion.
Routledge, London, pp. 316-328.
ISBN 9781844658312
Papaconstantinou, A.
Fusṭāṭ and its governor: administering the province.
In: Treptov, T. and Vorderstrasse, T. (eds.)
A cosmopolitan community: Muslims, Christians and Jews in Old Cairo.
Oriental Institute Museum Publications (38).
Oriental Institute, Chicago, pp. 43-47.
ISBN 9781614910268
Papaconstantinou, A.
In: Papaconstantinou, A.
ORCID:, McLynn, N. and Schwartz, D. (eds.)
Conversion in late antiquity: Christianity, Islam, and beyond.
Ashgate, Farnham, xv-xxxvii.
ISBN 9781409457381
Papaconstantinou, A.
Language and writing.
In: Fluck, C., Helmecke, G. and O'Connell, E. (eds.)
Egypt: faith after the Pharaohs.
British Museum, London, pp. 198-205.
ISBN 9780714151144
Papaconstantinou, A.
Sprache und Schrift.
In: Fluck, C., Helmecke, G. and O'Connell, E. R. (eds.)
Ein Gott: Abrahams Erben am Nil : Juden, Christen und Muslime in Ägypten von der Antike bis zum Mittelalter.
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Berlin, pp. 198-205.
ISBN 9783731901495
Papaconstantinou, A.
The rhetoric of power and the voice of reason: tensions between central and local in the correspondence of Qurra ibn Sharīk.
In: Procházka, S., Reinfandt, L. and Tost, S. (eds.)
Official epistolography and the language(s) of power. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of the Research Network Imperium and Officium: Comparative Studies in Ancient Bureaucracy and Officialdom, University of Vienna, 10-12 November 2010.
Papyrologica Vindobonensia (8).
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna, pp. 267-281.
ISBN 9783700177050
Parish, H. L.
Magic and priestcraft: reformers and reformation.
In: Collins, D. J. (ed.)
The Cambridge History of Magic and Witchcraft in the West From Antiquity to the Present.
CUP, Cambridge.
ISBN 9780521194181
Preston, J.
Logical space and phase-space.
Mind, language and action: proceedings of the 36th International Wittgenstein Symposium.
Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein society – New Series (N.S.) (22).
De Gruyter, pp. 35-44.
ISBN 9783110378795
Rutherford, I.
Arzawan rituals and Greek religion.
In: Stampolidis, N., Maner, C. and Kopanias, K. (eds.)
NOSTOI Indigenous Culture, Migration and Integration in the Aegean Islands and Western Anatolia during the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age.
Ege Yayinlari, Istanbul, pp. 7376-748.
ISBN 9786055250492
Rutherford, I.
Greek fiction and Egyptian fiction: are they related, and, if so, how?
In: Whitmarsh, T. and Thomson, S. (eds.)
The romance between Greece and the East.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 23-37.
ISBN 9781107543003
Rutherford, I.
Pindar's cycle.
In: Fantuzzi, M. and Tsagalis, C. (eds.)
The Greek Epic Cycle and its Ancient Reception: A Companion.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 450-460.
ISBN 9781107012592
Rutherford, I.
Stesichorus the romantic.
In: Finglass, P. J. and Kelly, A. (eds.)
Stesichorus in Context.
Cambridge University Press, pp. 98-108.
ISBN 9781107069732
Rutherford, I. C.
The 'Catalogue of Women' within Greek epic tradition: allusion, intertextuality and traditional referentiality.
In: Anderson, O. and Haug, D. T. T. (eds.)
Relative Chronology of Early Greek Epic Poetry.
Cambridge University Press, pp. 152-167.
ISBN 9781107525917
Schmidt, H. I.
Shaming men, performing power: female authority in Zimbabwe and Tanzania on the eve of colonial rule.
In: Shetler, J. B. and Hodgson, D. (eds.)
Gendering Ethnicity in African History: Women's Subversive Performance of Ethnicity.
Women in Africa and the Diaspora.
University of Wisconsin Press, Madison WI, pp. 265-289.
ISBN 9780299303945
Schroeder, S.
Wittgenstein, Regeln und Bedeutung.
In: Kompa, N. (ed.)
Handbuch Sprachphilosophie.
Schroeder, S.
Wittgenstein: Gebrauch, Sprachspiel, Regeln.
In: Kompa, N. (ed.)
Handbuch Sprachphilosophie.
Springer, Stuttgart, pp. 207-215.
ISBN 9783476025098
Smith, A.
In: Pickup, S., Bergeron, M. and Webb, J. (eds.)
Cypriote Antiquities in Reading. The Ure Museum at the University of Reading and the Reading Museum (Reading Borough Council).
Corpus of Cypriote Antiquities, 30.
Astrom, Uppsala, vii.
ISBN 9789170812019
Dickey, E.
The Colloquia of the Hermeneumata Pseudodositheana II:Colloquium Harleianum, Colloquium Montepessulanum, Colloquium Celtis, and fragments.
Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
ISBN 9781107065390
Fusaro, M., Allaire, B., Blakemore, R. J.
ORCID: and Vanneste, T., eds.
Law, labour, and empire: comparative perspectives on seafarers, c. 1500-1800.
Palgrave MacMillan, Basingstoke, pp357.
ISBN 9781349686049
doi: 10.1057/9781137447463
Kruschwitz, P.
Undying voices: the poetry of Roman Britain.
Peter Kruschwitz,
Kruschwitz, P.
The writing on the wall: Reading’s Latin inscriptions.
Two Rivers Press, Reading.
ISBN 9781901677997
Lee, S.
Art & Ideas.
Phaidon, London, pp352.
ISBN 9780714839837
Mairs, R.
ORCID: and Muratov, M.
Archaeologists, tourists, interpreters: exploring Egypt and the Near East in the late 19th-early 20th centuries.
Bloomsbury, London, pp160.
ISBN 9781472588791
Papaconstantinou, A.
ORCID:, McLynn, N. and Schwartz, D., eds.
Conversion in late antiquity: Christianity, Islam, and beyond.
Ashgate, Farnham, pp436.
ISBN 9781409457381
Parish, H.
Superstition and magic in Early Modern Europe.
Continuum Bloomsbury, London and New York, pp400.
ISBN 9781441168764
Smith, E. J. and Blakemore, R. J.
ORCID:, eds.
Africa in the Atlantic World.
Itinerario, 39 (2).
Cambridge University Press, pp. 215-220.
doi: 10.1017/S0165115315000479
Williams, K.
The edge of the fall.
Orion, London.
ISBN 9781409139911
Web Resource
Kruschwitz, P.,
The petrified muse.
Peter Kruschwitz
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