Number of items at this level: 989.
Alenazi, M. M., El-Ebidy, A. M., El-shehaby, O. A., Seleiman, M. F.
ORCID:, Aldhuwaib, K. J. and Abdel-Aziz, H. M. M.
Chitosan and chitosan nanoparticles differentially alleviate salinity stress in Phaseolus vulgaris L. plants.
Plants, 13 (3).
ISSN 2223-7747
doi: 10.3390/plants13030398
Altukhaim, S., George, D., Nagaratnam, K., Kondo, T. and Hayashi, Y.
Enhancement of sense of ownership using virtual and haptic feedback.
Scientific Reports, 14 (1).
ISSN 2045-2322
doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-55162-x
Altwirgai, M. S.
Role of FeoA: interaction with the Fe2+
-Fur complex.
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
doi: 10.48683/1926.00119892
Borra, S., Dey, N. and Sherratt, S. R.
Biometric sensors.
In: Jajodia, S., Samarati, P. and Yung, M. (eds.)
Encyclopedia of Cryptography, Security and Privacy.
Springer, Berlin.
ISBN 9783030715205
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-27739-9_1604-1
Cao, D., Wu, M., Gu, N., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID:, Ghosh, U. and Sharma, P. K.
Joint optimization of computation offloading and resource allocation considering task prioritization in ISAC-assisted vehicular network.
IEEE Internet of Things.
ISSN 2327-4662
doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2024.3360962
Daly, I.
ORCID:, Williams, N.
ORCID: and Nasuto, S. J.
TMS-evoked potential propagation reflects effective brain connectivity.
Journal of Neural Engineering, 21 (6).
ISSN 1741-2552
doi: 10.1088/1741-2552/ad9ee0
Fares, N.
Bringing intelligence to the edge: towards smart and adaptive
residential learning healthcare systems.
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
doi: 10.48683/1926.00117047
Geher-Herczegh, T., Wang, Z., Masuda, T., Vasudevan, N.
ORCID:, Yoshida, R. and Hayashi, Y.
Harmonic resonance and entrainment of
propagating chemical waves by external
mechanical stimulation in BZ self-oscillating
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121 (16).
ISSN 1091-6490
doi: 10.1073/pnas.232033112
Gerrans, J. and Sherratt, R. S.
Comparing XML and JSON characteristics as formats for data serialisation within ultra-low power embedded systems.
IEEE Embedded Systems Letters.
ISSN 1943-0663
doi: 10.1109/LES.2024.3450576
Greenaway, A.-M., Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Nasuto, S.
ORCID: and Ho, A.
Webcam-based eye-tracking of attentional biases in Alzheimer’s disease: a proof-of-concept study.
Clinical Gerontologist, 47 (1).
pp. 98-109.
ISSN 1545-2301
doi: 10.1080/07317115.2023.2240783
Greenaway, A.-M.
ORCID:, Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Nasuto, S.
ORCID: and Ho, A. K.
Rumination in dementia and its relationship with depression, anxiety, and attentional biases.
Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition.
ISSN 1744-4128
doi: 10.1080/13825585.2024.2327679
Hayashi, Y., Alamir, N., Sun, G., Tamagnini, F.
ORCID:, Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Williams, C.
ORCID: and Zheng, Y.
An effective textured Novel Object Recognition Test (tNORT) for repeated measure of whisker sensitivity of rodents.
Behavioural Brain Research, 472.
ISSN 1872-7549
doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2024.115153
He, S., Li, G., Yi, T., Alfarraj, O., Tolba, A., Kumar Sangaiah, A. and Sherratt, R. S.
Graph structure learning-based multivariate time series anomaly detection in Internet of Things for human-centric consumer applications.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 70 (3).
pp. 5419-5431.
ISSN 1558-4127
doi: 10.1109/TCE.2024.3409391
Kikuchi, T., Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Fujito, Y., Fujiwara-Tsujii, N., Kawabata, K., Sugawara, K., Yamaoka, R. and Tsuji, K.
Test of the negative feedback hypothesis of colony size sensing in social insects.
Biology Letters, 20 (6).
ISSN 1744-957X
doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2024.0102
Krueger, J., Krauth, R., Reichert, C., Perdikis, S.
ORCID:, Vogt, S., Huchtemann, T., Dürschmid, S., Sickert, A., Lamprecht, J., Huremovic, A., Görtler, M., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID:, Tsai, I.-C., Knight, R. T., Hinrichs, H., Heinze, H.-J., Lindquist, S., Sailer, M., Millán, J. d. R. and Sweeney-Reed, C. M.
Hebbian plasticity induced by temporally coincident BCI enhances post-stroke motor recovery.
Scientific Reports, 14.
ISSN 2045-2322
doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-69037-8
Vajaria, R., Davis, D., Thaweepanyaporn, K., Dovey, J., Nasuto, S.
ORCID:, Delivopoulos, E.
ORCID:, Tamagnini, F.
ORCID:, Knight, P.
ORCID: and Vasudevan, N.
Estrogen and testosterone secretion from the mouse brain.
Steroids, 204.
ISSN 1878-5867
doi: 10.1016/j.steroids.2024.109398
Voegtle, A.
ORCID:, Terzic, L., Farahat, A., Hartong, N., Galazky, I., Hinrichs, H., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID:, de Oliveira Andrade, A.
ORCID:, Knight, R. T.
ORCID:, Ivry, R. B., Voges, J., Deliano, M., Buentjen, L.
ORCID: and Sweeney-Reed, C. M.
Ventrointermediate thalamic stimulation improves motor learning in humans.
Communications Biology, 7.
ISSN 2399-3642
doi: 10.1038/s42003-024-06462-5
Wang, D., Li, Z., Dey, N., González Crespo, R., Shi, F. and Sherratt, R. S.
Design element extraction of plantar pressure imaging employing meta-learning-based graphic convolutional neural networks.
Applied Soft Computing, 158.
ISSN 1872-9681
doi: 10.1016/j.asoc.2024.111598
Wang, D., Li, Z., Dey, N., Misra, B., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Shi, F.
Curvature generation based on weight-updated boosting using shoe last point-cloud measurements.
Heliyon, 10 (4).
ISSN 2405-8440
doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e26498
Wang, D., Li, Z., Dey, N., Slowik, A., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Shi, F.
Deep self-organizing map neural networks improve the segmentation for inadequate plantar pressure imaging data set.
Network: Computation in Neural Systems.
ISSN 1361-6536
doi: 10.1080/0954898X.2024.2413849
Wang, J., Huang, G., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID:, Huang, D. and Ni, J.
Data secure storage mechanism for IIoT based on blockchain.
Computers, Materials & Continua, 78 (3).
pp. 4029-4048.
ISSN 1546-2226
doi: 10.32604/cmc.2024.047468
Zheng, Y.
ORCID:, Kang, S., O'Neill, J. and Bojak, I.
Spontaneous slow wave oscillations in extracellular field potential recordings reflect the alternating dominance of excitation and inhibition.
Journal of Physiology.
ISSN 1469-7793
doi: 10.1113/JP284587
Adejumo, S., Kikuchi, T., Tsuji, K., Maruyama-Onda, K., Sugawara, K. and Hayashi, Y.
A real-time feedback system stabilises the regulation of worker reproduction under various colony sizes.
PLoS Computational Biology, 19 (3).
ISSN 1553-734X
doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010840
Alasali, F.
ORCID:, Saad, S. M., Saidi, A. S., Itradat, A., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID:, El-Naily, N. and Elkuwafi, F. F.
Powering up microgrids: a comprehensive review of innovative and intelligent protection approaches for enhanced reliability.
Energy Reports, 10.
pp. 1899-1924.
ISSN 23524847
doi: 10.1016/j.egyr.2023.08.068
Ambritta P., N.
ORCID:, Mahalle, P. N.
ORCID:, Patil, R. V.
ORCID:, Dey, N.
ORCID:, Crespo, R. G.
ORCID: and Sherratt, R. S.
Explainable AI for human-centric ethical IoT systems.
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems.
ISSN 2329-924X
doi: 10.1109/tcss.2023.3330738
Davis, D., Vajaria, R., Delivopoulos, E.
ORCID: and Vasudevan, N.
Localisation of oestrogen receptors in stem cells and in stem cell derived neurons of the mouse.
Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 35 (2).
ISSN 0953-8194
doi: 10.1111/jne.13220
Dhar, T., Dey, N., Borra, S. and Sherratt, R. S.
Challenges of deep learning in medical image analysis – improving explainability and trust.
IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society, 4 (1).
pp. 68-75.
ISSN 2637-6415
doi: 10.1109/TTS.2023.3234203
Fares, N. and Sherratt, R. S.
Requirements for adaptive consumer gateways in residential learning healthcare systems: bringing intelligence to the edge.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics.
ISSN 0098-3063
doi: 10.1109/TCE.2023.3326570
Geher-Herczegh, T.
A study of chemical-mechanical coupling in Belousov-Zhabotinsky self-oscillating hydrogels, towards the physical-chemical model of the heart.
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
doi: 10.48683/1926.00119021
Gerrans, J., Donyai, P.
ORCID:, Finlay, K.
ORCID: and Sherratt, R. S.
Smart packaging and returns assessment system.
Gerrans, J., Donyai, P.
ORCID:, Finlay, K.
ORCID: and Sherratt, R. S.
An efficient smart pharmaceutical packaging technology framework to assess the quality of returned medication through non-intrusively recording storage conditions after dispensation.
Technologies, 11 (3).
ISSN 2227-7080
doi: 10.3390/technologies11030075
Ghosh, S., Kamal, S., Chowdhury, L., Neogi, B., Dey, N. and Sherratt, S.
Explainable AI to understand study interest of engineering students.
Education and Information Technologies.
ISSN 1573-7608
doi: 10.1007/s10639-023-11943-x
Haben, S., Voss, M. and Holderbaum, W.
Core concepts and methods in load forcasting.
Springer, Cham, pp384.
ISBN 9783031278518
doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-27852-5
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID: and Yin, X.-X.
Digital filtering techniques using fuzzy-rules based
logic control.
Journal of Imaging, 9 (10).
ISSN 2313-433X
doi: 10.3390/jimaging9100208
Hakimzadeh, A.
ORCID:, Abdala Asbun, A., Albanese, D., Bernard, M.
ORCID:, Buchner, D.
ORCID:, Callahan, B., Caporaso, J. G., Curd, E., Djemiel, C.
ORCID:, Brandström Durling, M.
ORCID:, Elbrecht, V.
ORCID:, Gold, Z., Gweon, S.
ORCID:, Hajibabaei, M.
ORCID:, Hildebrand, F., Mikryukov, V., Normandeau, E., Özkurt, E., M. Palmer, J., Pascal, G.
ORCID:, Porter, T. M., Straub, D., Vasar, M.
ORCID:, Větrovský, T., Zafeiropoulos, H. and Anslan, S.
A pile of pipelines: An overview of the bioinformatics software for metabarcoding data analyses.
Molecular Ecology Resources.
ISSN 1755-0998
doi: 10.1111/1755-0998.13847
Jayasinghe, U., Hwang, F.
ORCID: and Harwin, W. S.
Inertial measurement data from loose clothing worn on the lower body during everyday activities.
Scientific Data, 10 (1).
ISSN 2052-4463
doi: 10.1038/s41597-023-02567-4
Jayasinghe, U., Janko, B., Hwang, F.
ORCID: and Harwin, W. S.
Classification of static postures with wearable sensors mounted on loose clothing.
Scientific Reports, 13 (1).
ISSN 2045-2322
doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-27306-4
Liao, X., Wang, D., Li, Z., Dey, N., Simon, R.S.
ORCID: and Shi, F.
Infrared imaging segmentation employing an explainable deep
neural network.
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, 31 (6).
pp. 1021-1038.
ISSN 1300-0632
doi: 10.55730/1300-0632.4032
Misra, B., Roy, N. D., Dey, N. and Sherratt, R. S.
Visualizing wearable medical device research trends: a co-occurrence network based bibliometric analysis.
Galician Medical Journal, 30 (3).
ISSN 2414-1518
doi: 10.21802/gmj.2023.3.2
Poyner, I. K.
Remote health monitoring – a systems approach to using IoT
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
doi: 10.48683/1926.00119533
Tawalbeh, R., Alasali, F.
ORCID:, Ghanem, Z., Alghazzawi, M., Abu-Raideh, A. and Holderbaum, W.
Innovative characterization and comparative analysis of water level sensors for enhanced early detection and warning of floods.
Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications, 13 (2).
ISSN 2079-9268
doi: 10.3390/jlpea13020026
Villafane Barraza, V., Voegtle, A., de Matos Mansur, B., Reichert, C., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID: and Sweeney-Reed, C. M.
Parietal cortical alpha/beta suppression during prospective memory retrieval.
Cerebral Cortex, 33 (23).
pp. 11235-11246.
ISSN 1460-2199
doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhad359
Wang, J., Ou, W., Wang, W., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID:, Ren, Y. and Yu, X.
Data security storage mechanism based on blockchain network.
Computers, Materials & Continua, 74 (3).
pp. 4933-4950.
ISSN 1546-2218
doi: 10.32604/cmc.2023.034148
Wang, J., Yuan, D., Luo, W., Rao, S., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Hu, J.
Congestion control using in-network telemetry for lossless datacenters.
Computers, Materials & Continua, 75 (1).
pp. 1195-1212.
ISSN 1546-2226
doi: 10.32604/cmc.2023.035932
Zhou, J., Freeman, C. T. and Holderbaum, W.
Multiple model iterative learning control with application to upper limb stroke rehabilitation.
In: 2023 International Interdisciplinary PhD Workshop (IIPhDW), 3-5 May 2023, Wismar, Germany.
doi: 10.1109/iiphdw54739.2023.10124411
Abdalbari, H., Durrani, M., Pancholi, S., Patel, N., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID: and Nicolaou, N.
Brain and brain-heart Granger causality during wakefulness and sleep.
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16.
ISSN 1662-453X
doi: 10.3389/fnins.2022.927111
Armengol, M.
ORCID:, Zoulias, I. D., Gibbons, R. S., McCarthy, I., Andrews, B. J., Harwin, W. S.
ORCID: and Holderbaum, W.
The effect of functional electrical stimulation-assisted posture-shifting in bone mineral density: case series-pilot study.
Spinal cord series and cases, 8 (1).
ISSN 2058-6124
doi: 10.1038/s41394-022-00523-9
Bowen, J. W.
Terahertz light-matter interactions at the nanoscale.
In: Cesaria, M., Lesina, A. C. and Collins, J. (eds.)
Light-Matter Interactions Towards the Nanoscale. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics.
NATO Science for Peace and Security Series (B).
Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 133-145, XV, 364.
ISBN 9789402421378
doi: 10.1007/978-94-024-2138-5_8
Butcher, G.
Improving force values for the unfolding thresholds of talin’s rod subdomains through force-domain simulations
designed for the spatial and temporal ranges of talin.
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
doi: 10.48683/1926.00114682
Cheng, T.-Y., Campler, M. R., Schroeder, D. C., Yang, M., Mor, S. K., Ferreira, J. B. and Arruda, A. G.
Detection of multiple lineages of PRRSV in breeding and growing swine farms.
Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9.
ISSN 2297-1769
doi: 10.3389/fvets.2022.884733
D'Antuono, R.
ORCID: and Bowen, J. W.
Towards super‐resolved terahertz microscopy for cellular imaging.
Journal of Microscopy.
ISSN 1365-2818
doi: 10.1111/jmi.13132
Ghamari, M., Rangel, P., Mehrubeoglu, M., Tewolde, G. and Sherratt, S.
Unmanned aerial vehicle communications for civil applications: a review.
IEEE Access, 10.
pp. 102492-102531.
ISSN 2169-3536
doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3208571
Jayasinghe, U., Hwang, F.
ORCID: and Harwin, W. S.
Comparing loose clothing-mounted sensors with body-mounted sensors in the analysis of walking.
Sensors, 22 (17).
ISSN 1424-8220
doi: 10.3390/s22176605
Mombrikotb, S. B., Van Agtmaal, M., Johnstone, E., Crawley, M. J., Gweon, H. S.
ORCID:, Griffiths, R. I.
ORCID: and Bell, T.
The interactions and hierarchical effects of long-term agricultural stressors on soil bacterial communities.
Environmental Microbiology Reports, 14 (5).
pp. 711-718.
ISSN 1758-2229
doi: 10.1111/1758-2229.13106
Nnaji, A. C., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Becerra, V.
A novel friction model for predicting nonlinear friction dynamics.
International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 38 (2).
pp. 105-120.
ISSN 1746-6180
Norman, D.
ORCID:, Harwin, W.
ORCID: and Hwang, F.
A distributed approach to haptic simulation.
In: Pacheco-Gutierrez, S., Cryer, A., Caliskanelli, I., Tugal, H. and Skilton, R. (eds.)
Annual Conference Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13546.
Springer, Cham, pp. 3-13.
ISBN 9783031159077
doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-15908-4_1
Olorunda, E.
Creating an Active Multisensory Environment for People Living with Dementia (AMuSED).
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
doi: 10.48683/1926.00114677
Olorunda, E.
ORCID:, McCrindle, R.
ORCID: and Heath, P.
Promoting Reminiscence and Social Interaction Through a Multisensory Toolkit – A Non-pharmacological Intervention for People Living with Dementia.
In: 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2022, 26 JUN-1 JUL 2022, Online, pp. 430-437.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-06394-7_54
Paiva, H. M., Galvao, R. K. H., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Yoneyama, T. and Marcolino, M. H.
A two-dimensional RC network topology for fault-tolerant
design of analog circuits.
International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 50 (7).
pp. 2653-2659.
ISSN 1097-007X
doi: 10.1002/cta.3299
Panda, S. S., Tripathy, H. P.
ORCID:, Pattanaik, P.
ORCID:, Mishra, D. K.
ORCID:, Kamilla, S. K., Khandual, A.
ORCID:, Holderbaum, W.
ORCID:, Sherwood, R.
ORCID:, Hawkins, G.
ORCID: and Masakapalli, S. K.
Structural, morphological, optical and electrical characterization of gahnite ferroan nano composite derived from fly ash silica and ZnO Mixture.
Materials, 15 (4).
ISSN 1996-1944
doi: 10.3390/ma15041388
Poyraz Bilgin, I.
Dynamic reorganization of the functional brain networks associated with concept learning: a multimodal approach.
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
doi: 10.48683/1926.00116789
Rodrigues, P. G., Filho, C. A. S., Takahata, A. K., Suyama, R., Attux, R., Castellano, G., Sato, J. R., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID: and Soriano, D. C.
Can dynamic functional connectivity be used to distinguish between resting-state and motor imagery in EEG-BCIs?
In: Benito, R. M., Cherifi, C., Cherifi, H., Moro, E., Rocha, L. M. and Sales-Pardo, M. (eds.)
Complex Networks & Their Applications X. Volume 2, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications COMPLEX NETWORKS 2021.
Studies in Computational Intelligence (1016).
Springer, Cham, pp. 688-699.
ISBN 9783030934125
doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-93413-2_57
Sindi, H. and McCrindle, R.
Use of a home-based social robot to help prevent hypothermia and dehydration in older adults.
In: Stephanidis, C., Antona, M. and Ntoa, S. (eds.)
HCI International 2022 Posters: 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2022, Virtual Event, June 26 – July 1, 2022, Proceedings.
Communications in Computer and Information Science, IV.
Springer, pp. 438-444.
ISBN 978303106393
doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-06394-7_55
Strong, V., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Hayashi, Y.
Active matter as a path planning interpreter.
In: 2nd IMA Conference on Mathematics of Robotics, 8-10 SEPT 2021, Online, pp. 66-77.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-91352-6_7
(IMA 2020. Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics, vol 21.)
Strong, V., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Hayashi, Y.
Electroactive polymer gels as probabilistic reservoir automata for computation.
iScience, 25 (12).
ISSN 2589-0042
doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.105558
Tripathy, H. P., Pattanaik, P., Mishra, D. K., Kamilla, S. K. and Holderbaum, W.
Experimental and probabilistic model validation of ultrasonic MEMS transceiver for blood glucose sensing.
Scientific Reports, 12.
ISSN 2045-2322
doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-25717-x
Wairagkar, M., Villeneuve, E., King, R., Janko, B., Burnett, M., Agarwal, V., Kunkel, D., Ashburn, A., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID:, Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Harwin, W. S.
A novel approach for modelling and classifying sit-to-stand kinematics using inertial sensors.
PLoS ONE, 17 (10).
ISSN 1932-6203
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0264126
Wang, J., Chenchen, H., Xiaofeng, Y., Yongjun, R. and Sherratt, S.
Distributed secure storage scheme based on sharding blockchain.
Computers, Materials & Continua, 70 (3).
pp. 4485-4502.
ISSN 1546-2226
doi: 10.32604/cmc.2022.020648
Wang, J., Wang, L., He, S., Alfarraj, O., Tolba, A. and Sherratt, R. S.
SA-RFR: self-attention based recurrent feature reasoning for image inpainting with large missing area.
Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences, 12.
ISSN 2192-1962
doi: 10.22967/HCIS.2022.12.031
Webb, M., Tracey, M., Harwin, W.
ORCID:, Tokatli, O., Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Johnson, R., Barrett, N.
ORCID: and Jones, C.
Haptic-enabled collaborative learning in virtual reality for schools.
Education and Information Technologies, 27.
pp. 937-960.
ISSN 1573-7608
doi: 10.1007/s10639-021-10639-4
Yin, X.-X., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Sun, L., Bowen, J. W. and Zhang, Y.
A review on the rule-based filtering structure with
applications on computational biomedical images.
Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2022.
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 2040-2295
doi: 10.1155/2022/2599256
Yin, X.-X., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Zhang, Y. and Tian, Z.
MRI radiogenomics for intelligent diagnosis of breast tumors and accurate prediction of neoadjuvant chemotherapy responses — a review.
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine, 214.
ISSN 1872-7565
doi: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2021.106510
Zaraki, A., Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, George, D., Thorpe, H., Strong, V., Larsen, G.-A., Jackson, B. and Holderbaum, W.
Developing a leader-follower kinematic-based control system for a cable-driven hyper-redundant serial manipulator.
In: 2nd IMA Conference on Mathematics of Robotics, 8-10 SEPT 2021, Online, pp. 1-12.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-91352-6_1
(IMA 2020. Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics, vol 21.)
Zenun Franco, R., Fallaize, R., Weech, M.
ORCID:, Hwang, F.
ORCID: and Lovegrove, J. A.
Effectiveness of web-based personalized nutrition advice for adults using the eNutri web app: evidence from the EatWellUK randomized controlled trial.
Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24 (4).
ISSN 1438-8871
doi: 10.2196/29088
Zhang, J., Zou, X., Kuang, L.-D., Wang, J., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Yu, X.
CCTSDB 2021: A more comprehensive traffic sign detection benchmark.
Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences, 12.
ISSN 2192-1962
doi: 10.22967/HCIS.2022.12.023
Andrade, S. I. E., Galvao, R. K. H., Araujo, M. C. U. and Hadjiloucas, S.
Video-based fractional order identification
of diffusion dynamics for the analysis of migration
rates of polar and nonpolar liquids: water
and oil studies.
Review of Scientific Instruments, 92.
ISSN 0034-6748
doi: 10.1063/5.0010988
Butcher, G. G., Harwin, W.
ORCID: and Jones, C.
An efficient alpha helix model and simulation framework for stationary electrostatic interaction force estimation.
Scientific Reports, 11 (1).
ISSN 2045-2322
doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-88369-3
Chatterjee, R., Mazumdar, S., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID:, Halder, R., Maitra, T. and Giri, D.
Real-time speech emotion analysis for smart home assistants.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 67 (1).
pp. 68-76.
ISSN 0098-3063
doi: 10.1109/TCE.2021.3056421
Chauhan, M., Alhamad, H., McCrindle, R., Hui, T. K.L., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Donyai, P.
Medicines as common commodities or powerful potions? What makes medicines reusable in people’s eyes.
Pharmacy, 9 (2).
ISSN 2226-4787
doi: 10.3390/pharmacy9020088
Donyai, P.
ORCID:, McCrindle, R., Hui, T. K. L. and Sherratt, R. S.
Stakeholder views on the idea of medicines reuse in the UK.
Pharmacy, 9 (2).
ISSN 2226-4787
doi: 10.3390/pharmacy9020085
Eberle, H., Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Kurazume, R., Takei, T. and An, Q.
Modelling of hyper-adaptability: from motor coordination to
Advanced Robotics, 35 (13-14).
pp. 802-817.
ISSN 1568-5535
doi: 10.1080/01691864.2021.1943710
El-Attar, A., Ashour, A. S., Dey, N., Abdelkader, H., Abd El-Naby, M. M. and Sherratt, R. S.
Discrete wavelet transform based freezing of gait detection in Parkinson's disease.
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence.
ISSN 1362-3079
doi: 10.1080/0952813X.2018.1519000
Fannon, O. M., Bithell, A., Whalley, B. and Delivopoulos, E.
A fibre alginate co-culture platform for the differentiation of mESC and modelling of the neural tube.
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14.
ISSN 1662-453X
doi: 10.3389/fnins.2020.524346
Fares, N., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Elhajj, I. H.
Directing and orienting ICT healthcare solutions to address the needs of the aging population.
Healthcare, 9 (2).
ISSN 2227-9032
doi: 10.3390/healthcare9020147
Geher-Herczegh, T., Wang, Z., Masuda, T., Yoshida, R., Vasudevan, N.
ORCID: and Hayashi, Y.
Delayed mechanical response to chemical kinetics in self-
oscillating hydrogels driven by the Belousov−Zhabotinsky
Macromolecules, 54 (13).
pp. 6430-6439.
ISSN 0024-9297
doi: 10.1021/acs.macromol.1c00402
Jannah, N., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID: and Al-Malki, J.
Arrhythmia detection using multi-lead ECG spectra and Complex Support Vector Machine classifiers.
Procedia Computer Science, 194.
pp. 69-79.
ISSN 1877-0509
doi: 10.1016/j.procs.2021.10.060
Lam, Y., McCrindle, R., Hui, T. K. L.
ORCID:, Sherratt, S.
ORCID: and Donyai, P.
The effect of quality indicators on beliefs about medicines reuse: an experimental study.
Pharmacy, 9 (3).
ISSN 2226-4787
doi: 10.3390/pharmacy9030128
Murray, A. F. and Delivopoulos, E.
Adhesion and growth of neuralized mouse embryonic stem cells on parylene-C/SiO2 substrates.
Materials, 14 (2).
ISSN 1996-1944
doi: 10.3390/ma14123174
Nakayashiki, K., Tojiki, H., Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Yano, S. and Kondo, T.
Brain processes involved in motor planning are a dominant factor for inducing event-related desynchronization.
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15.
ISSN 1662-453X
doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2021.764281
Nishimura, K., Saracbasi, O. O., Hayashi, Y.
ORCID: and Kondo, T.
Cooperative visuomotor learning experience with peer enhances
adaptability to others.
Advanced Robotics, 35 (13-14).
ISSN 0169-1864
doi: 10.1080/01691864.2021.1913445
Olokodana, I. L., Mohanty, S. P., Kougianos, E. and Sherratt, S. R.
EZcap: a novel wearable for real-time automated seizure detection from EEG signals.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 67 (2).
pp. 166-175.
ISSN 0098-3063
doi: 10.1109/TCE.2021.3079399
Osman, R. and Hwang, F.
E-Commerce design by older adults: the selection and placement of web objects on shopping sites.
Frontiers in Computer Science, 3.
ISSN 2624-9898
doi: 10.3389/fcomp.2021.631241
Pattanaik, P.
ORCID:, Holderbaum, W.
ORCID:, Khandual, A.
ORCID: and Tripathy, H. P.
UVC LED and conducting yarn-based heater for a smart germicidal face mask to protect against airborne viruses.
Materials, 14 (22).
ISSN 1996-1944
doi: 10.3390/ma14226999
Sakabe, N., Altukhaim, S., Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Sakurada, T., Yano, S. and Kondo, T.
Enhanced visual feedback using
Immersive VR affects decision
making regarding hand use with
a simulated impaired limb.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 15.
ISSN 1662-5161
doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2021.677578
Saracbasi, O. O., Harwin, W.
ORCID:, Kondo, T. and Hayashi, Y.
Mutual skill learning and adaptability to others via haptic interaction.
Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 15.
ISSN 1662-5218
doi: 10.3389/fnbot.2021.760132
Sindi, H. and McCrindle, R.
An Internet of Things System with a Social Robot to Reduce the Risk of Hypothermia and Dehydration Occurring in Older Adults.
In: 2021 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, 15-17 DEC 2021, Las Vegas.
doi: 10.1109/csci54926.2021.00297
Wairagkar, M., Hayashi, Y.
ORCID: and Nasuto, S. J.
Dynamics of long-range temporal correlations in broadband EEG during different motor execution and imagery tasks.
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 15.
ISSN 1662-453X
doi: 10.3389/fnins.2021.660032
Wu, Q., Dey, N., Shi, F., González Crespo, R. and Sherratt, S.
Emotion classification on eye-tracking and electroencephalograph fused signals employing deep gradient neural networks.
Applied Soft Computing, 110.
ISSN 1568-4946
doi: 10.1016/j.asoc.2021.107752
Yin, X.-X., Jin, Y., Gao, M. and Hadjiloucas, S.
Artificial intelligence in breast MRI radiogenomics: towards accurate prediction of neoadjuvant chemotherapy responses.
Current Medical Imaging, 17 (4).
pp. 452-458.
ISSN 1875-6603
doi: 10.2174/1573405616666200825161921
Ashour, A. S., Dey, N., Mohamed, W. S., Tromp, J. G., Sherratt, S.
ORCID:, Shi, F. and Luminița, M.
Colored video analysis in wireless capsule endoscopy: a survey of state-of-the-art.
Current Medical Imaging, 16 (9).
pp. 1074-1084.
ISSN 1875-6603
doi: 10.2174/1573405616666200124140915
Cao, L., Dey, N., Ashour, A. S., Fong, S., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID:, Wu, L. and Shi, F.
Diabetic plantar pressure analysis using image fusion.
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79.
pp. 11213-11236.
ISSN 1573-7721
doi: 10.1007/s11042-018-6269-x
Chaki, J., Dey, N., Panigrahi, B., Shi, F., Fong, S. J. and Sherratt, S.
Pattern mining approaches used in social media data.
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 28 (Supp02).
pp. 123-152.
ISSN 0218-4885
doi: 10.1142/S021848852040019X
Chanak, P., Banerjee, I. and Sherratt, R. S.
A green cluster-based routing scheme for large scale wireless sensor networks.
International Journal of Communication Systems, 33 (9).
ISSN 1099-1131
doi: 10.1002/dac.4375
Daly, I., Williams, D., Malik, A., Weaver, J., Kirke, A., Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Miranda, E. and Nasuto, S. J.
Personalised, multi-modal, affective state detection for hybrid brain-computer music interfacing.
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 11 (1).
pp. 111-124.
ISSN 1949-3045
doi: 10.1109/TAFFC.2018.2801811
Donyai, P.
ORCID:, McCrindle, R., Hui, T. and Sherratt, S.
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the government to allow medicines reuse: we must not waste this opportunity to counter our throwaway culture.
The Pharmaceutical Journal.
ISSN 0031-6873
doi: 10.1211/PJ.2020.20208026
Eberle, H., Nasuto, S.
ORCID: and Hayashi, Y.
Synchronisation-based control for a collaborative
Royal Society Open Science, 7 (12).
ISSN 2054-5703
doi: 10.1098/rsos.201267
Fallaize, R., Weech, M.
ORCID:, Zenun Franco, R., Kehlbacher, A., Hwang, F.
ORCID: and Lovegrove, J.
The eNutri app:
using diet quality indices to deliver automated personalised nutrition advice.
Agro Food Industry Hi-Tech, 31 (2).
ISSN 1722-6996
Galvão, R. K. H., Tiexeira, M. C. M., Assunção, E., Paiva, H. M. and Hadjiloucas, S.
Identification of fractional-order transfer functions using exponentially modulated signals with arbitrary excitation waveforms.
ISA Transactions, 103.
pp. 10-18.
ISSN 0019-0578
doi: 10.1016/j.isatra.2020.03.027
Hadjiloucas, S.
Interaction of light with matter in optical fiber sensors: a biomedical engineering perspective.
In: Del Villar, I. and Matias, I. R. (eds.)
Optical fiber sensors: fundamentals for development of optimized devices.
IEEE Press Series on Sensors.
Wiley-IEEE Press.
ISBN 9781119534761
Hui, T. K. L., Donyai, P.
ORCID:, McCrindle, R. and Sherratt, R. S.
Enabling medicine reuse using a digital time temperature humidity sensor in an internet of pharmaceutical things concept.
Sensors, 20 (11).
ISSN 1424-8220
doi: 10.3390/s20113080
(Special Issue: Smart Sensors for eHealth Applications)
Hui, T. K. L., Mohammed, B., Donyai, P.
ORCID:, McCrindle, R. and Sherratt, R. S.
Enhancing pharmaceutical packaging through a technology ecosystem to facilitate the reuse of medicines and reduce medicinal waste.
Pharmacy, 8 (2).
ISSN 2226-4787
doi: 10.3390/pharmacy8020058
Juneja, D. S., Nasuto, S.
ORCID: and Delivopoulos, E.
Fast and efficient differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells into ATP-responsive astrocytes.
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 13.
ISSN 1662-5102
doi: 10.3389/fncel.2019.00579
Kang, S., Hayashi, Y., Bruyns-Haylett, M., Delivopoulos, E.
ORCID: and Zheng, Y.
Model-predicted balance between neural excitation and inhibition was maintained despite of age-related decline in sensory evoked local field potential in rat barrel cortex.
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 14 (24).
ISSN 1662-5137
doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2020.00024
Kashef, S. M. I., El Hafez, A. A. A. A., Sarhan, N. I., El-Shal, A. O., Ata, M. M., Ashour, A. S., Dey, N., Elnaby, M. M. A. and Sherratt, R. S.
Automated image analysis system for renal filtration barrier integrity of potassium bromate treated adult male albino rat.
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79.
pp. 7559-7575.
ISSN 1573-7721
doi: 10.1007/s11042-019-08589-8
Khan, A., Mellor, S., King, R., Janko, B., Harwin, W.
ORCID:, Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID:, Craddock, I. and Plotz, T.
Generalized and efficient skill assessment from IMU data with applications in gymnastics and medical training.
ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare, 2 (1).
pp. 1-21.
ISSN 2691-1957
doi: 10.1145/3422168
Kuang, Y., Wu, Q., Wang, Y., Dey, N., Shi, F., Crespo, R. G. and Sherratt, S.
Simplified inverse filter tracked affective acoustic signals classification incorporating deep convolutional neural networks.
Applied Soft Computing, 97 (A).
ISSN 1568-4946
doi: 10.1016/j.asoc.2020.106775
Li, X., Mota, B., Kondo, T., Nasuto, S.
ORCID: and Hayashi, Y.
EEG dynamical network analysis method reveals the neural signature of visual-motor coordination.
PLoS ONE, 15 (5).
ISSN 1932-6203
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0231767
Lupupa, M. and Hadjiloucas, S.
Fractional-order system identification and equalization in massive MIMO systems.
IEEE Access, 8.
pp. 86481-86484.
ISSN 2169-3536
doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2993099
Nguyen, P. T. M., Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Baptista, M. and Kondo, T.
Collective almost synchronization-based-model to extract and predict features of EEG signals.
Scientific Reports, 10.
ISSN 2045-2322
doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-73346-z
PietrosantI, S., Alasali, F. and Holderbaum, W.
Power management system for RTG crane using fuzzy logic controller.
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 37.
ISSN 2213-1388
doi: 10.1016/j.seta.2020.100639
Schofield, Z., Meloni, G. N., Tran, P., Zerfass, C., Sena, G., Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Grant, M., Contera, S. A., Minteer, S. D., Kim, M., Prindle, A., Rocha, P., Djamgoz, M. B. A., Pilizota, T., Unwin, P. R., Asally, M. and Soyer, O. S.
Bioelectrical understanding and engineering of cell biology.
Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 17 (166).
ISSN 1742-5662
doi: 10.1098/rsif.2020.0013
Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Dey, N.
Low-power wearable healthcare sensors.
Electronics, 9 (6).
ISSN 2079-9292
doi: 10.3390/electronics9060892
(Special Issue: Low-power Wearable Healthcare Sensors)
Sherratt, S.
ORCID: and Dey, N.
Low-power Wearable Healthcare Sensors.
Electronics, 9 (6).
ISBN 9783039364800
doi: 10.3390/books978-3-03936-480-0
Thijssen, P. and Hadjiloucas, S.
State Estimation in Chemometrics 2nd Edition: The Kalman Filter and Beyond.
Woodhead Publishing, pp294.
ISBN 9780081026038
Wang, D., Li, Z., Dey, N., Ashour, A. S., Moraru, L., Sherratt, S.
ORCID: and Shi, F.
Deep-segmentation of plantar pressure images incorporating fully convolutional neural networks.
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, 40 (1).
pp. 546-558.
ISSN 0208-5216
doi: 10.1016/j.bbe.2020.01.004
Wang, J., Chen, W., Wang, L., Ren, Y. and Sherratt, R. S.
Blockchain-based data storage mechanism for industrial Internet of things.
Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing, 26 (5).
pp. 1157-1172.
ISSN 2326-005X
doi: 10.32604/iasc.2020.012174
Wang, J., Gao, Y., Zhou, C., Sherratt, S.
ORCID: and Wang, L.
Optimal coverage multi-path scheduling scheme with multiple mobile sinks for WSNs.
Computers, Materials & Continua, 62 (2).
pp. 695-711.
ISSN 1546-2226
doi: 10.32604/cmc.2020.08674
Wang, J., Wu, W., Liao, Z., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID:, Kim, G.-j., Alfarraj, O., Alzubi, A. and Tolba, A.
A probability preferred priori offloading mechanism in mobile edge computing.
IEEE Access, 8.
pp. 39758-39767.
ISSN 2169-3536
doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2975733
Wu, Y., Wu, Q., Dey, N. and Sherratt, S.
Learning models for semantic classification of insufficient plantar pressure images.
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 6 (1).
pp. 51-61.
ISSN 1989-1660
doi: 10.9781/ijimai.2020.02.005
Yang, L., Li, Y., Wang, J. and Sherratt, S.
Sentiment analysis for e-commerce product reviews in Chinese based on sentiment lexicon and deep learning.
IEEE Access, 8.
pp. 23522-23530.
ISSN 2169-3536
doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2969854
Yang, N., Dey, N., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Shi, F.
Recognize basic emotional statesin speech by machine learning techniques using mel-frequency cepstral coefficient features.
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 39 (2).
pp. 1925-1936.
ISSN 1875-8967
doi: 10.3233/JIFS-179963
Yano, S., Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Murata, Y., Imamizu, H., Maeda, T. and Kondo, T.
Statistical learning model of the sense of agency.
Frontiers in Psychology, 11.
ISSN 1664-1078
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.539957
Yin, X.-X., Yin, L. and Hadjiloucas, S.
Pattern classification approaches for breast cancer
identification via MRI: state‐of‐the‐art and vision
for the future.
Applied Sciences, 10 (20).
ISSN 2076-3417
doi: 10.3390/app10207201
Zamkah, A., Hui, T., Andrews, S.
ORCID:, Dey, N., Shi, F. and Sherratt, R. S.
Identification of suitable biomarkers for stress and emotion detection for future personal affective wearable sensors.
Biosensors, 10 (4).
ISSN 2079-6374
doi: 10.3390/bios10040040
Al-Mashhadani, I. B. N. and Hadjiloucas, S.
Bond-graph Input-State-Output Port-Hamiltonian formulation of memristive networks for emulation of Josephson junction circuits.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1322.
ISSN 1742-6588
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1322/1/012040
Alasali, F.
Optimal energy controllers of energy storage systems based on load forecasting for RTG cranes network.
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
doi: 10.48683/1926.00084729
Alasali, F., Haben, S. and Holderbaum, W.
Energy management systems for a network of electrified cranes with energy storage.
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 106.
pp. 210-222.
ISSN 01420615
doi: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2018.10.001
Alasali, F., Luque, A., Mayer, R. and Holderbaum, W.
A comparative study of energy storage systems and active front ends for networks of two electrified RTG cranes.
Energies, 12 (9).
ISSN 1996-1073
doi: 10.3390/en12091771
Benzebouchi, N. E., Azizi, N., Ashour, A. S., Dey, N. and Sherratt, S.
Multi-modal classifier fusion with feature cooperation for glaucoma diagnosis.
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 31 (6).
pp. 841-874.
ISSN 0952-813X
doi: 10.1080/0952813X.2019.1653383
Chaki, J., Dey, N., Shi, F. and Sherratt, R. S.
Pattern mining approaches used in sensor-based biometric recognition: a review.
IEEE Sensors Journal, 19 (10).
pp. 3569-3580.
ISSN 1530-437X
doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2019.2894972
Chen, Y., Chen, G., Wang, Y., Dey, N., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Shi, F.
A distance regularized level-set evolution model based MRI dataset segmentation of brain’s caudate nucleus.
IEEE Access, 7.
pp. 124128-124140.
ISSN 2169-3536
doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2937964
Díaz-Sánchez, D., Marín-Lopez, A., Almenarez, F., Arias, P. and Sherratt, S. R.
TLS/PKI Challenges and certificate pinning techniques for IoT and M2M secure communications.
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 21 (4).
pp. 3502-3531.
ISSN 1553-877X
doi: 10.1109/COMST.2019.2914453
Fadhil, A. F., Kanneganti, R., Gupta, L., Eberle, H. and Vaidyanathan, R.
Fusion of enhanced and synthetic vision system images for runway and horizon detection.
Sensors, 19 (17).
ISSN 1424-8220
doi: 10.3390/s19173802
Galvão, R. K. H. and Hadjiloucas, S.
Measurement and control of emergent
phenomena emulated by resistive-capacitive
networks, using fractionalorder
internal model control and external
adaptive control.
Review of Scientific Instruments, 90.
ISSN 0034-6748
doi: 10.1063/1.5097743
Giovannacci, D., Chung, H.-C., Walker, G. C., Bowen, J. W., Martos-Levif, D., Brissaud, D., Cristofol, L. and Melinge, Y.
Time-domain imaging system in the terahertz range for immovable cultural heritage materials.
Strain, 55 (2).
ISSN 1475-1305
doi: 10.1111/str.12292
Hui, T. K. L.
Towards disappearing user interfaces in ubiquitous computing: human enhancement from super senses to the sixth sense.
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
doi: 10.48683/1926.00088835
Juneja, D. S., Nasuto, S.
ORCID: and Delivopoulos, E.
Deriving functional astrocytes from mouse embryonic stem
cells with a fast and efficient protocol.
In: 41st International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, 23-27 July 2019, Berlin, Germany, pp. 2994-2996.
doi: 10.1109/EMBC.2019.8857058
Li, Z., Wang, D., Dey, N., Ashour, A. S., Sherratt, S.
ORCID: and Shi, F.
Plantar pressure image fusion for comfort fusion in diabetes mellitus using an improved fuzzy hidden Markov model.
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, 39 (3).
pp. 742-752.
ISSN 0208-5216
doi: 10.1016/j.bbe.2019.06.007
Moraru, L., Moldovanu, S., Culea-Florescu, A.-L., Bibicu, D., Dey, N., Ashour, A. S. and Sherratt, S.
Texture spectrum coupled with entropy and homogeneity image features for myocardium muscle characterization.
Current Bioinformatics, 14 (4).
pp. 295-304.
ISSN 2212-392X
doi: 10.2174/1574893614666181220095343
Nguyen, T. M. P., Li, X., Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Yano, S. and Kondo, T.
Estimation of brain dynamics under visuomotor task using functional connectivity analysis based on graph theory.
In: IEEE 19th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE), 28-30 Oct 2019, Athens, Greece, pp. 577-582.
doi: 10.1109/BIBE.2019.00110
Poyner, I. K. and Sherratt, R. S.
Healthcare in rural communities and developing countries – IoT solutions to improve access.
In: Living in the Internet of Things (PETRAS 2019), 1-2 May 2019, London, UK.
Poyner, I. K. and Sherratt, R. S.
Improving access to healthcare in rural communities - IoT as part of the solution.
In: 3rd IET International Conference on Technologies for Active and Assisted Living (TechAAL 2019), 25 Mar 2019, London, UK.
doi: 10.1049/cp.2019.0104
Poyner, I. K. and Sherratt, R. S.
Satellite constellations – opportunities for IoT-enabled healthcare.
In: Living in the Internet of Things (PETRAS 2019), 1-2 May 2019, London, UK.
Sarwar, W., Harwin, W.
ORCID:, Janko, B. and Bell, G.
Multi-compliance printing techniques for the fabrication of customisable hand exoskeletons.
In: IEEE 16th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), 24-28 Jun 2019, Toronto, Canada, pp. 488-493.
doi: 10.1109/ICORR.2019.8779371
Sherratt, S. R.
ORCID:, Janko, B., Hui, T., Harwin, W. S.
ORCID:, Dey, N., Díaz-Sánchez, D., Wang, J. and Shi, F.
Task scheduling to constrain peak current consumption in wearable healthcare sensors.
Electronics, 8 (7).
ISSN 2079-9292
doi: 10.3390/electronics8070789
(Special Issue: Low-power Wearable Healthcare Sensors)
Shi, F., Chen, G., Wang, Y., Yang, N., Chen, Y., Dey, N. and Sherratt, R. S.
Texture features based microscopic image classification of liver cellular granuloma using artificial neural networks.
In: IEEE 8th Joint International Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Conference (ITAIC), 24-26 May 2019, Chongqing, China, pp. 432-439.
doi: 10.1109/ITAIC.2019.8785563
Shi, F., Dey, N., Ashour, A. S., Sifaki-Pistolla, D. and Sherratt, R. S.
Meta-KANSEI modeling with Valence-Arousal fMRI dataset of brain.
Cognitive Computation, 11 (2).
pp. 227-240.
ISSN 1866-9964
doi: 10.1007/s12559-018-9614-5
Stratford, J. P., Edwards, C. L. A., Ghanshyam, M. J., Malyshev, D., Delise, M. A., Hayashi, Y.
ORCID: and Asally, M.
Electrically induced bacterial membrane-potential dynamics correspond to cellular proliferation capacity.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116 (19).
pp. 9552-9557.
ISSN 1091-6490
doi: 10.1073/pnas.1901788116
Thorne, N., Honisch, J. J., Kondo, T., Nasuto, S.
ORCID: and Hayashi, Y.
Temporal structure in haptic signaling under a cooperative task.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 13 (372).
ISSN 1662-5161
doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2019.00372
Wang, C., Li, D., Li, Z., Wang, D., Dey, N., Biswas, A., Moraru, L., Sherratt, S.
ORCID: and Shi, F.
An efficient local binary pattern based plantar pressure optical sensor image classification using convolutional neural networks.
Optik, 185.
pp. 543-557.
ISSN 0030-4026
doi: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2019.02.109
Wang, J., Ju, C., Kim, H.-j., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Lee, S.
A mobile assisted coverage hole patching scheme based on particle swarm optimization for WSNs.
Cluster Computing, 22 (1).
pp. 1787-1795.
ISSN 1386-7857
doi: 10.1007/s10586-017-1586-9
Wang, J., Wu, W., Liao, Z., Sangaiah, A. K. and Sherratt, R. S.
An energy-efficient off-loading scheme for low latency in collaborative edge computing.
IEEE Access, 7.
pp. 149182-149190.
ISSN 2169-3536
doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2946683
Wang, Y., Shi, F., Cao, L., Dey, N., Wu, Q., Ashour, A. S., Sherratt, S.
ORCID:, Rajinikanth, V. and Wu, L.
Morphological segmentation analysis and texture-based support vector machines classification on mice liver fibrosis microscopic images.
Current Bioinformatics, 14 (4).
pp. 282-294.
ISSN 2212-392X
doi: 10.2174/1574893614666190304125221
Webb, M., Tracey, M., Harwin, W.
ORCID:, Tokatli, O., Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Barrett, N.
ORCID:, Jones, C.
ORCID: and Johnson, R.
An investigation of the impact of haptics for promoting understanding of difficult concepts in cell biology.
In: IFIP TC3 Open Conference on Computers in Education, 24-28 Jun 2018, Linz, Austria, pp. 197-206.
Webb, M., Tracey, M., Harwin, W.
ORCID:, Tokatli, O., Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Johnson, R., Barrett, N.
ORCID: and Jones, C.
Design considerations for haptic-enabled virtual reality simulation for interactive learning of nanoscale science in schools.
In: 5th International Conference on Immersive Leaning, 23-27 Jun 2019, London, UK, pp. 56-67.
Wilson, S., Eberle, H., Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Madgwick, S. O.H., McGregor, A., Jing, X. and Vaidyanathan, R.
Formulation of a new gradient descent MARG orientation algorithm: case study on robot teleoperation.
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 130.
pp. 183-200.
ISSN 0888-3270
doi: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2019.04.064
Yang, X. S., Sherratt, S.
ORCID:, Dey, N. and Joshi, A., eds.
Third international congress on information and communication technology.
ICICT 2018, London.
ISBN 9789811311659
Zenun Franco, R., Fallaize, R., Hwang, F.
ORCID: and Lovegrove, J. A.
Strategies for online personalised nutrition advice employed in the development of the eNutri web app.
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 78 (3).
pp. 407-417.
ISSN 0029-6651
doi: 10.1017/S0029665118002707
Zoulias, I. D., Armengol, M., Poulton, A., Andrews, B., Gibbons, R., Harwin, W. S.
ORCID: and Holderbaum, W.
Novel instrumented frame for standing exercising of users with complete spinal cord injuries.
Scientific Reports, 9 (1).
ISSN 2045-2322
doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-49237-3
Boubriak, A., Cooper, A., Hossack, C., Permogorov, D. and Sherratt, R. S.
SlimFS: a thin and unobtrusive file system for embedded systems and consumer products.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 64 (3).
pp. 334-338.
ISSN 0098-3063
doi: 10.1109/TCE.2018.2867826
Brown, L. J. E., Adlam, T., Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Khadra, H., Maclean, L. M., Rudd, B., Smith, T., Timon, C., Williams, E. A. and Astell, A. J.
Computerized self-administered measures of mood and appetite for older adults: the Novel Assessment of Nutrition and Ageing toolkit.
Journal of Applied Gerontology, 37 (2).
pp. 157-176.
ISSN 0733-4648
doi: 10.1177/0733464816630636
Cabreira, A. T. and Hwang, F.
Text or image? Investigating the effects of instruction type on mid-air gesture making with novice older adults.
In: The 10th NordiCHI Conference, 1-3 Oct 2018, Oslo, Norway, pp. 452-459.
(ISBN: 9781450364379)
Eberle, H., Nasuto, S.
ORCID: and Hayashi, Y.
Anticipation from sensation: using anticipating
synchronisation to stabilise a system with inherent sensory delay.
Royal Society Open Science, 5 (3).
ISSN 2054-5703
doi: 10.1098/rsos.171314
Fallaize, R., Franco, R. Z., Pasang, J., Hwang, F.
ORCID: and Lovegrove, J. A.
Popular nutrition-related mobile apps: an agreement assessment against a UK reference method.
JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 17 (2).
ISSN 2291-5222
doi: 10.2196/mhealth.9838
Franco, R. Z.
Online personalised nutrition advice.
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
doi: 10.48683/1926.00084935
Galvão, R. K. H., Kienitz, K. H. and Hadjiloucas, S.
Conversion of descriptor representations to state-space form: an extension of the shuffle algorithm.
International Journal of Control, 91 (10).
pp. 2199-2213.
ISSN 0020-7179
doi: 10.1080/00207179.2017.1336671
Ghamari, M., Villeneuve, E., Soltanpur, C., Khangosstar, J., Janko, B., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Harwin, W.
Detailed examination of a packet collision model for Bluetooth Low Energy advertising mode.
IEEE Access, 6.
pp. 46066-46073.
ISSN 2169-3536
doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2866323
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID: and Michie, C. W.
On the interpretation of responses from hydrogel based distributed microbend fibre optic sensors.
In: IEEE Sensors 2018, 28-31 October 2018, India New Delhi.
Harwin, W. S.
Modelling the air-gap field strength of electric machines to improve performance of haptic mechanisms.
In: EuroHaptics 2018: Haptics: Science, Technology, and Applications, 13-17 June, Pisa, Italy, pp. 94-105.
Holzke, J. and Waller, J.
Improving aircraft-derived temperature observations using data assimilation.
Reinvention: an International Journal of Undergraduate Research, 11 (2).
ISSN 1755-7429
Hui, T. K. L. and Sherratt, S.
Coverage of emotion recognition for common wearable biosensors.
Biosensors, 8 (2).
ISSN 2079-6374
doi: 10.3390/bios8020030
Loureiro, S.
ORCID:, Porta, C., Maity, H. K., Perez, E., Bagno, F. F., Kotecha, A., Fry, E., Ren, J., Stuart, D. I., Hoenemann, H., Serrano, A., van den Born, E., Charleston, B. and Jones, I. M.
Universal detection of foot and mouth disease virus based on the conserved VP0 protein.
Wellcome Open Research, 3.
ISSN 2398-502X
doi: 10.12688/wellcomeopenres.14655.1
Lupupa, M. and Hadjiloucas, S.
Fractional-order system identification of multi-path fading for sensor networks.
In: IEEE Sensors 2018, 28-31 October 2018, India New Delhi.
Nishimura, K., Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Yano, S. and Kondo, T.
Motor learning through cooperative motor experience.
In: International Symposium on Micro-NanoMechatronics and Human Science (MHS), 9-12 Dec 2018, Nagoya, Japan, pp. 1-4.
doi: 10.1109/MHS.2018.8886965
Osman, R. and Hwang, F.
An instrument for assessing e-commerce web object designs against guidelines for older adults.
In: 32nd BCS HCI Conference, 2-6 July 2018, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Pal, P. K. and Sherratt, R. S.
MIMO channel capacity and configuration selection for switched parasitic antennas.
ETRI Journal, 40 (2).
pp. 197-206.
ISSN 2233-7326
doi: 10.4218/etrij.2017-0071
Poyner, I. and Sherratt, S.
Privacy and security of consumer IoT devices for the pervasive monitoring of vulnerable people.
In: Living in the Internet of Things: Cybersecurity of the IoT, 28 - 29 March 2018, Savoy Place, London.
Roesler, O., Aly, A., Taniguchi, T. and Hayashi, Y.
A probabilistic framework for comparing syntactic and semantic grounding of synonyms through cross-situational learning.
In: ICRA 2018 'Representing a Complex World: Perception, Inference, and Learning for Joint Semantic, Geometric, and Physical Understanding', 21-25 May 2018, Brisbane, Australia.
Swaidani, L., Steele, L. and Harwin, W.
Motor shaft vibrations may have a negative effect on ability to implement a stiff haptic wall.
Haptics: Science, Technology, and Applications.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10894.
Springer, pp. 252-263.
ISBN 9783319933986
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-93399-3_23
Theil Cabreira, A. and Hwang, F.
Evaluating the effects of feedback type on older adults’
performance in mid-air pointing and target selection.
In: SUI '18 The 6th ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction, 13–14 Oct 2018, Berlin, Germany, pp. 111-119.
(ISBN: 9781450357081)
Theil Cabreira, A. and Hwang, F.
Movement characteristics and effects of GUI design on how older adults swipe in mid-air.
In: ASSETS '18: 20th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, 22-24 Oct 2018, Galway, Ireland, pp. 420-422.
(ISBN: 9781450356503)
Timon, C. M., Cooper, S. E., Barker, M. E., Astell, A.
ORCID:, Adlam, T., Hwang, F.
ORCID: and Williams, E. A.
A comparison of food portion size estimation by older adults, young adults and nutritionists.
The journal of nutrition, health & aging, 22 (2).
pp. 230-236.
ISSN 1279-7707
doi: 10.1007/s12603-017-0937-9
Tokatli, O., Tracey, M., Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Barrett, N.
ORCID:, Jones, C.
ORCID:, Johnson, R., Webb, M. and Harwin, W.
A classroom deployment of a haptic system for learning cell biology.
In: Eurohaptics 2018, 13-16 Jun 2018, Pisa, Italy.
(Published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volumes 10893 and 10894)
Wang, C., Li, Z., Dey, N., Ashour, A., Fong, S., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID:, Wu, L. and Shi, F.
Histogram of oriented gradient based plantar pressure image feature extraction and classification employing fuzzy support vector machine.
Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 8 (4).
pp. 842-854.
ISSN 2156-7018
doi: 10.1166/jmihi.2018.2310
Wang, J., Cao, J., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Park, J. H.
An improved ant colony optimization-based approach with mobile sink for wireless sensor networks.
Journal of Supercomputing, 74 (12).
pp. 6633-6645.
ISSN 1573-0484
doi: 10.1007/s11227-017-2115-6
White, R. J.
Using topic models to detect behaviour patterns for healthcare monitoring.
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
Williams, N. J., Daly, I. and Nasuto, S. J.
Markov Model-based method to analyse time-varying networks in EEG task-related data.
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 12.
ISSN 1662-5188
doi: 10.3389/fncom.2018.00076
Zeng, D., Dai, Y., Li, F., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Wang, J.
Adversarial learning for distant supervised relation extraction.
Computers, Materials & Continua, 55 (1).
pp. 121-136.
ISSN 1546-2226
doi: 10.3970/cmc.2018.055.121
Zenun Franco, R., Fallaize, R., Lovegrove, J. A.
ORCID: and Hwang, F.
Online dietary intake assessment using a graphical food frequency app (eNutri): usability metrics from the EatWellUK study.
PLoS ONE, 13 (8).
ISSN 1932-6203
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0202006
Al-Mashhadani, I. B.
Integrating bond graph with Port-Hamiltonian formulation for memristor non-linear circuit elements.
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
Alasali, F., Haben, S., Becerra, V. and Holderbaum, W.
Optimal energy management and MPC strategies for electrified RTG cranes with energy storage systems.
Energies, 10 (10).
ISSN 1996-1073
doi: 10.3390/en10101598
Amin, R., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID:, Giri, D., Islam, S. K. H. and Khan, M. K.
A software agent enabled biometric security algorithm for secure file access in consumer storage devices.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 63 (1).
pp. 53-61.
ISSN 0098-3063
doi: 10.1109/TCE.2017.014735
Arora, H., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID:, Janko, B. and Harwin, W.
Analysis of recovery effect in supercapacitors for wearable
In: IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, 8-10 Jan 2017, Las Vegas, USA.
doi: 10.1109/ICCE.2017.7889322
Arora, H., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID:, Janko, B. and Harwin, W.
Experimental validation of the recovery effect in batteries for wearable sensors and healthcare devices discovering the existence of hidden time constants.
The Journal of Engineering, 2017 (10).
pp. 548-556.
ISSN 2051-3305
doi: 10.1049/joe.2017.0303
Bowen, J. W.
Terahertz sensing at the nanoscale.
In: Di Bartolo, B., Collins, J. and Silvestri, L. (eds.)
Nano-Optics: Principles Enabling Basic Research and Applications.
Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 223-234.
ISBN 9789402408690
doi: 10.1007/978-94-024-0850-8_10
Bruyns-Haylett, M., Luo, J., Bruyns-Haylett, A. J., Harris, S., Boorman, L., Milne, E., Vautrelle, N., Hayashi, Y., Whalley, B. J., Jones, M., Berwick, J., Riera, J. and Zheng, Y.
The neurogenesis of P1 and N1: a concurrent EEG/LFP study.
NeuroImage, 146.
pp. 575-588.
ISSN 1053-8119
doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.09.034
Chanak, P., Banerjee, I. and Sherratt, R. S.
Energy-aware distributed routing algorithm to tolerate network failure in wireless sensor networks.
Ad Hoc Networks Journal, 56.
pp. 158-172.
ISSN 1570-8705
doi: 10.1016/j.adhoc.2016.12.006
Dawelbeit, O. and McCrindle, R.
CloudEx: a novel cloud-based task execution framework.
In: Globecom Workshops 2016 IEEE, December 4-8th 2016, Washington DC.
doi: 10.1109/GLOCOMW.2016.7848860
Dawelbeit, O. and McCrindle, R.
Efficient dictionary compression for processing RDF big data using Google BigQuery.
In: IEEE GLOBECOM 2016, December 4-8th 2016, Washington DC.
Deakin, G., Dobbs, E., Bennett, J. M., Jones, I. M.
ORCID:, Grogan, H. M. and Burton, K. S.
Multiple viral infections in Agaricus bisporus - characterisation of 18 unique RNA viruses and 8 ORFans identified by deep sequencing.
Scientific Reports, 7 (1).
ISSN 2045-2322
doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-01592-9
Dey, N., Ashour, A. S., Shi, F. and Sherratt, R. S.
Wireless capsule gastrointestinal endoscopy: direction of arrival estimation based localization survey.
IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, 10 (1).
pp. 2-11.
ISSN 1941-1189
doi: 10.1109/RBME.2017.2697950
Dey, N., Ashour, A. S., Shi, F., Fong, S. J. and Sherratt, R. S.
Developing residential wireless sensor networks for ECG healthcare monitoring.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 63 (4).
pp. 442-449.
ISSN 0098-3063
doi: 10.1109/TCE.2017.015063
Díaz-Sánchez, D., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID:, Almenarez, F., Arias, P. and Marín, A.
Secure store and forward proxy for dynamic IoT applications over M2M networks.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 62 (4).
pp. 389-397.
ISSN 0098-3063
doi: 10.1109/TCE.2016.7838091
Eberle, H., Nasuto, S.
ORCID: and Hayashi, Y.
Integration of visual and joint information to enable linear reaching motions.
Scientific Reports, 7.
ISSN 2045-2322
doi: 10.1038/srep40869
Fafoutis, X., Janko, B., Mellios, E., Hilton, G., Sherratt, S.
ORCID:, Piechocki, R. and Craddock, I.
SPW-1: a low-maintenance wearable activity tracker for residential monitoring and healthcare applications.
In: EAI International Conference on Wearables in Healthcare, 14-15 June 2016, Budapest, Hungary.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-49655-9_37
Fafoutis, X., Vafeas, A., Janko, B., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID:, Pope, J., Elsts, A., Mellios, E., Hilton, G., Oikonomou, G., Piechocki, R. and Craddock, I.
Designing wearable sensing platforms for healthcare in a residential environment.
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology, 3 (12).
ISSN 2411-7145
doi: 10.4108/eai.7-9-2017.153063
Galvão, R. K. H., Matsuura, J. P., Colombo Jr., J. R. and Hadjiloucas, S.
Detecting compositional changes in dielectric materials simulated by three-dimensional RC network models.
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 24 (2).
pp. 1141-1152.
ISSN 1070-9878
doi: 10.1109/TDEI.2017.006203
Ghosh, N., Banerjee, I. and Sherratt, R. S.
On-demand fuzzy clustering and ant-colony optimisation based mobile data collection in wireless sensor network.
Wireless Networks, 24.
ISSN 1022-0038
doi: 10.1007/s11276-017-1635-6
Goto, T., Dobashi, H., Yoshikawa, T., Loureiro, R. C. V., Harwin, W. S.
ORCID:, Miyamura, Y. and Nagai, K.
Utilization of kinematical redundancy of a rehabilitation robot to produce compliant motions under limitation on actuator performance.
In: London, UK, 17-20 July 2017, 2017 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), pp. 646-651.
doi: 10.1109/ICORR.2017.8009321
Hui, T. K. L. and Sherratt, R. S.
Towards disappearing user interfaces for ubiquitous computing: human enhancement from sixth sense to super senses.
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 8 (3).
pp. 449-465.
ISSN 1868-5145
doi: 10.1007/s12652-016-0409-9
Hui, T. K. L., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Diaz Sanchez, D.
Major requirements for building Smart Homes in Smart Cities based on Internet of Things technologies.
Future Generation Computer Systems, 76.
pp. 358-369.
ISSN 0167-739X
doi: 10.1016/j.future.2016.10.026
Jannah, N.
ECG analysis and classification using CSVM, MSVM and SIMCA classifiers.
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
Jannah, N. and Hadjiloucas, S.
A comparison between ECG beat classifiers using multiclass SVM and SIMCA with time domain PCA feature reduction.
In: 2017 UKSim-AMSS 19th International Conference on Modelling & Simulation, 5-7 April 2017, Cambridge University (Emmanuel College), pp. 126-131.
Juneja, D. S., Nasuto, S.
ORCID: and Delivopoulos, E.
Differentiation of functional astrocytes from mouse embryonic stem cells (mESC).
In: XIII European Meeting on Glial Cells in Health and Disease, GLIA, 8-11 July 2017, Edinburgh.
Kadirvelu, B., Hayashi, Y.
ORCID: and Nasuto, S. J.
Inferring structural connectivity using Ising couplings in models of neuronal networks.
Scientific Reports, 7 (1).
ISSN 2045-2322
doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-05462-2
Kang, S., Bruyns-Haylett, M., Hayashi, Y. and Zheng, Y.
Concurrent recording of co-localised electroencephalography and local field potential in rodent.
Journal of Visualized Experiments.
ISSN 1940-087X
doi: 10.3791/56447
King, R. C., Villeneuve, E., White, R. J., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID:, Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Harwin, W. S.
Application of data fusion techniques and technologies for wearable health monitoring.
Medical Engineering & Physics, 42.
pp. 1-12.
ISSN 1350-4533
doi: 10.1016/j.medengphy.2016.12.011
Kitahara, K., Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Yano, S. and Kondo, T.
Target-directed motor imagery of the lower limb enhances event-related desynchronization.
PLoS ONE, 12 (9).
ISSN 1932-6203
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0184245
Moorey, C. L. and Holderbaum, W.
A study on the wireless power transfer efficiency of electrically small, perfectly conducting electric and magnetic dipoles.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, 77.
pp. 111-121.
ISSN 1937-8718
doi: 10.2528/PIERC17062304
Oguntosin, V. W.
Development of soft modular robotics.
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
Oguntosin, V. W., Mori, Y., Kim, H., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID:, Kawamura, S. and Hayashi, Y.
Design and validation of exoskeleton actuated by soft modules towards neurorehabilitation - vision-based control for precise reaching motion of upper limb.
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 11.
ISSN 1662-453X
doi: 10.3389/fnins.2017.00352
Papaioannou, V., Pietrosanti, S., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID:, Becerra, V. M. and Mayer, R.
Analysis of energy usage for RTG cranes.
Energy, 125.
pp. 337-344.
ISSN 0360-5442
doi: 10.1016/
Salis, C., Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Howard, D. and Lallini, N.
Short-term and working memory treatments for improving sentence comprehension in aphasia: a review and a replication study.
Seminars in Speech and Language, 38 (01).
pp. 29-39.
ISSN 0734-0478
doi: 10.1055/s-0036-1597262
Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID:, Janko, B., Hui, T., Harwin, W.
ORCID: and Diaz-Sanchez, D.
Dictionary memory based software architecture for distributed
bluetooth low energy host controllers enabling high
coverage in consumer residential healthcare environments.
In: IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, 8-10 Jan 2017, Las Vegas, USA.
doi: 10.1109/ICCE.2017.7889373
Stewart, G. and McCrindle, R.
Visual impairment simulator for auditing and design.
Journal of Alternative Medical Research, 9 (4).
ISSN 1939-5868
Tabany, M. R., Guy, C. G. and Sherratt, R. S.
A novel downlink semi-persistent packet scheduling scheme for VoLTE traffic over heterogeneous wireless networks.
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2017.
ISSN 1687-1499
doi: 10.1186/s13638-017-0846-y
Tahavori, F., Stack, E., Agarwal, V., Burnett, M., Ashburn, A., Hoseinitabatabaei, S. A. and Harwin, W.
Physical activity recognition of elderly people and people with parkinson's (PwP) during standard mobility tests using wearable sensors.
In: 2017 International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), 14-17 Sep 2017, Wuxi, China.
doi: 10.1109/ISC2.2017.8090858
(ISBN 9781538625248)
Uno, R., Hirata-Mogi, S., Ogai, Y. and Hayashi, Y.
Confidence in expressing novel textures - an analysis of Japanese ideophones that describe visually-induced textures.
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference in Cybernetics 2017.
IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
ISBN 9781538622018
doi: 10.1109/CYBConf.2017.7985768
Villeneuve, E., Harwin, W.
ORCID:, Holderbaum, W.
ORCID:, Janko, B. and Sherratt, R. S.
Reconstruction of angular kinematics from wrist-worn inertial sensor data for smart home healthcare.
IEEE Access, 5.
pp. 2351-2363.
ISSN 2169-3536
doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2640559
Wairagkar, M., McCrindle, R., Robson, H., Meteyard, L., Sperrin, M., Smith, A. and Pugh, M.
MaLT – combined Motor and Language Therapy tool for brain injury patients using kinect.
Methods of Information in Medicine, 56 (2).
pp. 127-137.
ISSN 2511-705X
doi: 10.3414/ME16-02-0015
Wang, D., Li, Z., Dey, N., Ashour, A. S., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Shi, F.
Case-based reasoning for product style construction and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process evaluation modeling using consumers linguistic variables.
IEEE Access, 5.
pp. 4900-4912.
ISSN 2169-3536
doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2677950
Wang, J., Ju, C., Kim, H.-j., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Lee, S.
A PSO based coverage hole patching scheme for WSNs.
In: Park, J., Loia, V., Yi, G. and Sung, Y. (eds.)
Advances in Computer Science and Ubiquitous Computing.
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 474.
ISBN 9789811076053
doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-7605-3_71
Webb, M., Tracey, M., Harwin, W.
ORCID:, Tokatli, O., Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Johnson, R., Barrett, N.
ORCID: and Jones, C.
The potential for haptic-enabled interaction to support collaborative learning in school biology.
In: Resta, P. and Smith, S. (eds.)
Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2017.
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Chesapeake VA, pp. 927-935.
ISBN 9781939797278
Williams, D., Kirke, A., Miranda, E., Daly, I., Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Weaver, J. and Nasuto, S.
Affective calibration of musical feature sets in an emotionally intelligent music composition system.
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 14 (3).
pp. 1-13.
ISSN 1544-3965
doi: 10.1145/3059005
Williams, D., Mears, J., Kirke, A., Miranda, E., Daly, I., Malik, A., Weaver, J., Hwang, F.
ORCID: and Nasuto, S.
A perceptual and affective evaluation of an affectively driven engine for video game soundtracking.
ACM Computers in Entertainment, 14 (3).
Xiao-Xia, Y., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID: and Zhang, Y.
Pattern classification of medical images: computer aided diagnosis.
Springer, pp218.
ISBN 9783319570266
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-57027-3
Yin, X. -X., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Chen, J. -H., Zhang, Y., Wu, J. -L. and Su, M. -Y.
Tensor based multichannel reconstruction for breast tumours identification from DCE-MRIs.
PLoS ONE, 12 (3).
ISSN 1932-6203
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0172111
Zeng, Y., Edwards, M., Stevens, R., Bowen, J. W., Donnan, R. S. and Yang, B.
Terahertz characterisation of UV offset lithographically printed electronic-ink.
Organic Electronics, 48 (September).
pp. 382-388.
ISSN 1566-1199
doi: 10.1016/j.orgel.2017.06.012
Zenun Franco, R., Alawadhi, B., Fallaize, R., Lovegrove, J. A.
ORCID: and Hwang, F.
A web-based graphical food frequency assessment system:
design, development and usability metrics.
Journal of Medical Internet Research Human Factors, 4 (2).
ISSN 2292-9495
doi: 10.2196/humanfactors.7287
Afonso, R. J. M., Galvao, R. K. H., Kienitz, K. H., Alyami, H., Becerra, V. M. and Hadjiloucas, S.
Constrained pre-equalization accounting for multi-path fading emulated using large RC networks: applications to wireless and photonics communications.
Optical and Quantum Electronics, 48 (7).
ISSN 1572-817X
doi: 10.1007/s11082-016-0627-6
Al-Mashhadani, I. and Hadjiloucas, S.
Linearized bond graph of Hodgkin-Huxley memristor neuron model.
In: CNNA 2016; 15th International Workshop on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and their Applications, 23-25 Aug 2016, Dresden, Germany.
Alamer, M. M.
Cellular and molecular mechanisms of action of UV sunscreens in the regulation of growth and motility of
human breast cancer cells.
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
Allen, K.
ORCID:, Hollinworth, N., Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Minnion, A. and Kwiatkowska, G.
Interactive sensory objects for and by people with learning disabilities.
In: International Conference on The Inclusive Museum, August 2015, Los Angeles.
Allen, K.
ORCID:, Hollinworth, N., Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Minnion, A. and Kwiatkowska, G.
Interactive sensory objects for and by people with learning disabilities.
The International Journal of the Interactive Museum, 9 (1).
pp. 21-38.
doi: 10.18848/1835-2014/CGP/v09i01/21-38
Andrews, B., Shippen, J., Armengol, M., Gibbons, R., Holderbaum, W. and Harwin, W.
A design method for FES bone health therapy in SCI.
European journal of translational myology, 26 (4).
pp. 297-300.
ISSN 2037-7452
doi: 10.4081/ejtm.2016.6419
Barrow, A. and Harwin, W.
Design and analysis of a haptic device design for large and fast movements.
Machines, 4 (1).
ISSN 2075-1702
doi: 10.3390/machines4010008
Bishop, J. M., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID:, Tanay, T., Roesch, E. B.
ORCID: and Spencer, M. C.
HeX and the single anthill: playing games with Aunt Hillary.
In: Müller, V. C. (ed.)
Fundamental Issues of Artificial Intelligence.
Synthese Library, 376 (376).
Springer, pp. 369-390.
ISBN 9783319264837
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-26485-1_22
Brown, L. J.E., Adlam, T., Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Khadra, H., Maclean, L. M., Rudd, B., Smith, T., Timon, C., Williams, E. A. and Astell, A. J.
Computer-based tools for assessing micro-longitudinal patterns of cognitive function in older adults.
AGE, 38 (4).
pp. 335-350.
ISSN 0161-9152
doi: 10.1007/s11357-016-9934-x
Chanak, P., Banerjee, I. and Sherratt, R. S.
Mobile sink based fault diagnosis scheme for wireless sensor networks.
Journal of Systems and Software, 119.
pp. 45-57.
ISSN 0164-1212
doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2016.05.041
Chen, L., Jin, J., Daly, I., Zhang, Y., Wang, X. and Cichocki, A.
Exploring combinations of different color and facial expression stimuli for gaze-independent BCIs.
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 10.
ISSN 1662-5188
doi: 10.3389/fncom.2016.00005
Daly, I., Williams, D., Kirke, A., Weaver, J., Malik, A., Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Miranda, E. and Nasuto, S. J.
Affective brain–computer music interfacing.
Journal of Neural Engineering, 13 (4).
ISSN 1741-2560
doi: 10.1088/1741-2560/13/4/046022
Dawelbeit, O.
Investigating elastic cloud based RDF processing.
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
Dong, J., Jackson, J. B., Melis, M., Giovanacci, D., Walker, G. C., Locquet, A., Bowen, J. W. and Citrin, D. S.
Terahertz frequency-wavelet domain deconvolution for stratigraphic and subsurface investigation of art painting.
Optics Express, 24 (23).
pp. 26972-26985.
ISSN 1094-4087
doi: 10.1364/OE.24.026972
Díaz-Sánchez, D., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID:, Almenares, F., Arias, P. and Marín López, A.
Distributed access control and privacy for the internet of me.
In: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, 7-11 Jan 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp. 17-18.
(Print ISBN: 9781467383639)
Díaz-Sánchez, D., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID:, Arias, P., Almenares, F. and Marín López, A. M.
Proxy re-encryption schemes for IoT and crowd sensing.
In: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, 7-11 Jan 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp. 15-16.
(Print ISBN: 9781467383639)
Fafoutis, X., Janko, B., Mellios, E., Hilton, G., Sherratt, S.
ORCID:, Piechocki, R. and Craddock, I.
SPW-1: a low-maintenance wearable activity tracker for residential monitoring and healthcare applications.
In: Giokas, K., Bokor, L. and Hopfgartner , F. (eds.)
eHealth 360°.
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 181.
Springer, pp. 294-305.
ISBN 9783319496542
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-49655-9_37
Franco, R. Z., Fallaize, R., Lovegrove, J. A.
ORCID: and Hwang, F.
Popular nutrition-related mobile apps: a feature assessment.
JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 4 (3).
ISSN 2291-5222
doi: 10.2196/mhealth.5846
Ghamari, A., Janko, B., Sherratt, S.
ORCID:, Harwin, W.
ORCID:, Piechockic, R. and Soltanpur, C.
A survey on wireless body area networks for eHealthcare systems in residential environments.
Sensors, 16 (6).
ISSN 1424-8220
doi: 10.3390/s16060831
Giri, D., Sherratt, S.
ORCID: and Maitra, T.
A novel and efficient session spanning biometric and password based three-factor authentication protocol for consumer USB mass storage devices.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 62 (3).
pp. 283-291.
ISSN 0098-3063
doi: 10.1109/TCE.2016.7613195
Harwin, W.
A control structure for bilateral telemanipulation.
In: TAROS 2016, 2016, Sheffield, pp. 139-145.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-40379-3_14
Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Blake, J. and Nasuto, S.
Anticipatory engineering: anticipation in sensory-motor systems of human.
Anticipation Across Disciplines.
Cognitive Systems Monographs.
ISBN 9783319225982
Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID: and Eberle, H.
Renormalized time scale for anticipating and lagging synchronization.
Physical Review E, 93 (5).
ISSN 2470-0053
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.93.052229
Jawaid, S. and McCrindle, R.
Computerised help information and interaction project for people with memory loss and mild dementia.
Journal of Pain Management, 9 (3).
pp. 265-275.
ISSN 1939-5914
Laszuk, D., Cadenas, O. and Nasuto, S. J.
EMD performance comparison: single vs double floating points.
International journal of signal processing systems, 4 (4).
pp. 349-353.
ISSN 2315-4535
Laszuk, D., Cadenas, J. O. and Nasuto, S. J.
On the phase coupling of two components mixing in empirical mode decomposition.
Advances in Data Science and Adaptive Analysis, 08 (01).
ISSN 2424-922X
doi: 10.1142/S2424922X16500042
Nasuto, S.
ORCID: and Hayashi, Y.
Synapses in digital medium: computational investigations of neural basis of anticipation.
Anticipation Across Disciplines.
Cognitive Systems Monographs.
ISBN 9783319225982
Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID: and Hayashi, Y.
Anticipation: beyond synthetic biology and cognitive robotics.
Biosystems, 148.
pp. 22-31.
ISSN 0303-2647
doi: 10.1016/j.biosystems.2016.07.011
Osman, R. and Hwang, F.
A method to study how older adults navigate in an online grocery shopping site.
In: User Science and Engineering (i-USEr), 2016 4th International Conference on, 23-25 Aug 2016, Malaysia, pp. 247-252.
Pietrosanti, S., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Becerra, V.
Optimal power management strategy for energy storage with stochastic loads.
Energies, 9 (3).
ISSN 1996-1073
doi: 10.3390/en9030175
Pietrosanti, S., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Becerra, V. M.
Modeling power flow in a hoist motor of a rubber-tired gantry crane.
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 52 (3).
pp. 2088-2094.
ISSN 1939-9367
doi: 10.1109/TIA.2016.2529560
Ritzmann, D., Wright, P. S., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Potter, B.
A method for accurate transmission line impedance parameter estimation.
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 65 (10).
pp. 2204-2213.
ISSN 0018-9456
doi: 10.1109/TIM.2016.2556920
Salis, C. and Hwang, F.
ORCID:, eds.
Digital technology and aphasia.
Aphasia, 30 (2-3).
Taylor and Francis, pp. 109-111.
doi: 10.1080/02687038.2015.1109052
Siuly, Yin, X., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID: and Zhang, Y.
Classification of THz pulse signals using two-dimensional cross-correlation feature extraction and non-linear classifiers.
Computer Methods and Programmes in Biomedicine, 127.
pp. 64-82.
ISSN 0169-2607
doi: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2016.01.017
Song, Y., Torres, R. A., Garcia, S., Frometa, Y., Bae, J., Deshmukh, A., Lin, W.-C., Zheng, Y.
ORCID: and Riera, J. J.
Dysfunction of neurovascular/metabolic coupling in chronic focal epilepsy.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 63 (1).
pp. 97-110.
ISSN 0018-9294
doi: 10.1109/TBME.2015.2461496
Stack, E., King, R., Janko, B., Burnett, M., Hammersley, N., Agarwal, V., Hannuna, S., Burrows, A. and Ashburn, A.
Could in-home sensors surpass human observation of people with Parkinson’s at high risk of falling? An ethnographic study.
BioMed research international, 2016.
ISSN 2314-6133
doi: 10.1155/2016/3703745
Theil Cabreira, A. and Hwang, F.
How do novice older users evaluate and perform mid-air gesture interaction for the first time?
In: NordiCHI '16 Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 23 - 27 Oct 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden.
(Article No. 122 )
Villeneuve, E., Harwin, W.
ORCID:, Holderbaum, W.
ORCID:, Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and White, R.
Signal quality and compactness of a dual-accelerometer system for gyro-free human motion analysis.
IEEE Sensors Journal, 16 (16).
pp. 6261-6269.
ISSN 1530-437X
doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2016.2582262
Yin, X.-X., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Zhang, Y., Su, M.-Y., Miao, Y. and Abbott, D.
Pattern identification of biomedical images with time series: contrasting THz pulse imaging with DCE-MRIs.
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 67.
pp. 1-23.
ISSN 09333657
doi: 10.1016/j.artmed.2016.01.005
Yin, X.-X., Zhang, Y., Cao, J., Wu, J.-L. and Hadjiloucas, S.
Exploring the complementarity of THz pulse imaging and DCE-MRIs: toward a unified multi-channel classification and a deep learning framework.
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine, 137.
pp. 87-114.
ISSN 1872-7565
doi: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2016.08.026
Yunusov, T.
ORCID:, Frame, D., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Potter, B.
The impact of location and type on the performance of Low-Voltage network connected Battery Energy Storage Systems.
Applied Energy, 165.
pp. 202-213.
ISSN 03062619
doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.12.045
Zangs, M. J., Adams, P. B. E., Yunusov, T.
ORCID:, Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Potter, B. A.
Distributed energy storage control for dynamic load impact mitigation.
Energies, 9 (8).
ISSN 1996-1073
doi: 10.3390/en9080647
Zoulias, I., Harwin, W.
ORCID:, Hayashi, Y.
ORCID: and Nasuto, S.
Milliseconds matter: temporal order of visuo-tactile stimulation affects the ownership of a virtual hand.
In: Eurohaptics 2016, 4-7 July, London, pp. 479-489.
Alkowatly, M. T., Becerra, V. and Holderbaum, W.
Bioinspired autonomous visual vertical control
of a quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle.
Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 38 (2).
pp. 249-262.
ISSN 1533-3884
doi: 10.2514/1.G000634
Alkowatly, M. T., Becerra, V. M. and Holderbaum, W.
Bio-inspired autonomous visual vertical control of a quadrotor UAV.
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 38 (2).
pp. 249-262.
ISSN 0731-5090
doi: 10.2514/1.G000634
Alkowatly, M. T., Becerra, V. M. and Holderbaum, W.
Body-centric modelling, identification, and acceleration tracking control of a quadrotor UAV.
International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 24 (1).
pp. 29-41.
ISSN 1746-6172
doi: 10.1504/IJMIC.2015.071697
Allen, K.
ORCID:, Hollinworth, N., Hwang, F.
ORCID: and Minnion, A.
Seminar: access all areas.
In: Access all areas, 11 November 2011, Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester.
Allen, K.
ORCID:, Hollinworth, N., Hwang, F.
ORCID: and Minnion, A.
Seminar: sensory objects.
In: Sensory objects, 25 February 2015, Sackler Rooms, British Museum.
Allen, K.
ORCID:, Hollinworth, N., Hwang, F.
ORCID: and Minnion, A.
Sensory objects at the British Museum.
Allen, K.
ORCID:, Hollinworth, N., Hwang, F.
ORCID: and Minnion, A.,
Sensory objects: a case study.
Disability Cooperative Network
Boorman, L., Harris, S., Bruyns-Haylett, M., Kennerley, A., Zheng, Y.
ORCID:, Martin, C., Jones, M., Redgrave, P. and Berwick, J.
Long-latency reductions in gamma power predict hemodynamic changes that underlie the negative BOLD signal.
The Journal of Neuroscience, 35 (11).
pp. 4641-4656.
ISSN 1529-2401
doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2339-14.2015
Bowen, J. W.
Nanostructures in the terahertz range.
In: Di Bartolo, B., Collins, J. and Silvestri, L. (eds.)
Nano-Structures for Optics and Photonics.
NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics.
Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014, pp. 359-372.
ISBN 9789401791328
doi: 10.1007/978-94-017-9133-5
Bowen, J. W., Owen, T., Jackson, J. B., Walker, G. C., Roberts, J. F., Martos-Levif, D., Lascourrèges, P., Giovannacci, D. and Detalle, V.
Cyclododecane as a contrast improving substance for the terahertz imaging of artworks.
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 5 (6).
pp. 1005-1011.
ISSN 2156-342X
doi: 10.1109/TTHZ.2015.2476666
Cadenas Medina, J., Megson, G. M. and Sherratt, S.
Median architecture by accumulative parallel counters.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, Express Briefs, 62 (7).
pp. 661-665.
ISSN 1549-7747
doi: 10.1109/TCSII.2015.2415655
Cadenas, J. O., Sherratt, S.
ORCID:, Howlett, D., Guy, C. and Lundqvist, K.
Virtualization for cost-effective teaching of assembly language programming.
IEEE Transactions on Education, 58 (4).
pp. 282-288.
ISSN 0018-9359
doi: 10.1109/TE.2015.2405895
Chanak, P., Banerjee, I. and Sherratt, R. S.
Simultaneous mobile sink allocation in home environments with applications in mobile consumer robotics.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 61 (2).
pp. 181-188.
ISSN 0098-3063
doi: 10.1109/TCE.2015.7150572
Daly, I., Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Kirke, A., Malik, A., Weaver, J., Williams, D., Miranda, E. and Nasuto, S.
Automated identification of neural correlates of continuous variables.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 242.
pp. 65-71.
ISSN 0165-0270
doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2014.12.012
Daly, I., Scherer, R., Billinger, M. and Mueller-Putz, G.
FORCe: fully online and automated artifact removal for brain-computer interfacing.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 23 (5).
pp. 725-736.
ISSN 1534-4320
doi: 10.1109/TNSRE.2014.2346621
Daly, I., Williams, D., Hallowell, J., Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Kirke, A., Malik, A., Weaver, J., Miranda, E. and Nasuto, S. J.
Music-induced emotions can be predicted from a combination of brain activity and acoustic features.
Brain and Cognition, 101.
pp. 1-11.
ISSN 0278-2626
doi: 10.1016/j.bandc.2015.08.003
Delivopoulos, E.
ORCID:, Ouberai, M., M., Coffey, P. D., Swann, M. J., Shakesheff, K. M. and Welland, M. E.
Serum protein layers on parylene-C and silicon oxide: effect on cell adhesion.
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 126 (1).
pp. 169-177.
ISSN 0927-7765
doi: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2014.12.020
Delivopoulos, E.
ORCID:, Shakesheff, K. M. and Peto, H.
Neuralization of mouse embryonic stem cells in alginate hydrogels under retinoic acid and SAG treatment.
In: 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), 25-29 August 2015, Milan, Italy, pp. 3525-3528.
doi: 10.1109/EMBC.2015.7319153
Ghamari, A., Arora, H., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Harwin, W.
Comparison of low-power wireless communication technologies for wearable health-monitoring applications.
In: 2015 International Conference on Computer, Communications, and Control Technology (I4CT), 21-23 April 2015, Imperial Kuching Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, pp. 1-6.
doi: 10.1109/I4CT.2015.7219525
Giri, D., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID:, Maitra, T. and Amin, R.
Efficient biometric and password based mutual authentication for consumer USB mass storage devices.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 61 (4).
pp. 491-499.
ISSN 0098-3063
doi: 10.1109/TCE.2015.7389804
Gómez-de-Gabriel, J. M. and Harwin, W.
Evaluation of sensor configurations for robotic surgical instruments.
Sensors, 15 (10).
pp. 27341-27358.
ISSN 1424-8220
doi: 10.3390/s151027341
Harrison, I.
Sensory enhancement, a pilot perceptual study of subdermal magnetic implants.
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Yuki, M., Kikuchi, T., Tsuji, K. and Sugawara, K.
Effect of pair interactions on transition probabilities between inactive and active states: achieving collective behaviour via pair interactions in social insects.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 84 (10).
ISSN 1347-4073
doi: 10.7566/JPSJ.84.104801
Jackson, B., Labaune, J., Bailleul-Lesuer, R., D'alessandro, L., Whyte, A., Bowen, J., Menu, M. and Mourou, G.
Terahertz pulse imaging in archaeology.
Frontiers of Optoelectronics, 8 (1).
pp. 81-92.
ISSN 2095-2767
doi: 10.1007/s12200-014-0446-y
Jacyntho, L. A., Teixeira, M. C. M., Assuncão, E., Cardim, R., Galvão, R. K. H. and Hadjiloucas, S.
Identification of fractional-order transfer functions
using a step excitation.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, Express Briefs, 62 (9).
pp. 896-900.
ISSN 1549-7747
doi: 10.1109/TCSII.2015.2436052
Janko, B.
Dual drive series actuator.
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
Jarman, R., Janko, B. and Harwin, W. S.
Current over-stressing small DC motors to evaluate performance limits of electromechanical actuators for haptic applications.
In: IEEE World Haptics Conference, 22-26 Jun 2015, pp. 171-176.
doi: 10.1109/WHC.2015.7177709
Kondo, T., Saeki, M., Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Nakayashiki, K. and Takata, Y.
Effect of instructive visual stimuli on neurofeedback training for motor imagery-based braincomputer interface.
Human Movement Science, 43.
pp. 239-249.
ISSN 0167-9457
doi: 10.1016/j.humov.2014.08.014
Laszuk, D., Cadenas, O. and Nasuto, S. J.
Objective Empirical Mode Decomposition metric.
38th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP).
IEEE, pp. 504-507.
ISBN 9781479984985
doi: 10.1109/TSP.2015.7296314
Moorey, C., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Potter, B.
Investigation of high-efficiency Wireless Power Transfer criteria of resonantly-coupled loops and dipoles through analysis of the figure of merit.
Energies, 8 (10).
pp. 11342-11362.
ISSN 1996-1073
doi: 10.3390/en81011342
Nagai, K., Goto, T., Shimizu, T., Dobashi, H., Ito, K., Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Loureiro, R. C. V., Nasuto, S.
ORCID: and Harwin, W. S.
Feasibility study on EEG driven robotic system to realize efficient stroke rehabilitation.
In: ICORR 2015: 11th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, 11-14 August 2015, Singapore, pp. 199-204.
doi: 10.1109/ICORR.2015.7281199
Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID: and Bishop, J. M.
Steady state resource allocation analysis of the Stochastic Diffusion Search.
Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, 12.
pp. 65-76.
ISSN 2212-683X
doi: 10.1016/j.bica.2015.04.006
Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID:, Bishop, J. M., Roesch, E. B.
ORCID: and Spencer, M.
Zombie mouse in a Chinese Room.
Philosophy & Technology, 28 (2).
pp. 209-223.
ISSN 2210-5433
doi: 10.1007/s13347-014-0150-2
Oguntosin, V. W., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID: and Hayashi, Y.
A compact low-cost electronic hardware design for actuating soft robots.
International Journal of Simulation Systems, Science and Technology, 16 (3).
ISSN 1473-8031
Oguntosin, V., Harwin, W. S.
ORCID:, Kawamura, S., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID: and Hayashi, Y.
Development of a wearable assistive soft robotic device for elbow rehabilitation.
In: The 2015 ICORR 11th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, 11-14 Aug 2015, Singapore, pp. 747-752.
Sainz Martinez, C. and Hwang, F.
TESSA - Toolkit for experimentation with multimodal sensory substitution and augmentation.
In: CHI 15, Apr 18 -25, 2015, Seoul, South Korea, pp. 259-262.
(ISBN: 9781450331463)
Singh, H. and Daly, I.
Translational algorithms: the heart of a brain computer interface.
In: Hassanien, A. E. and Azar, A. T. (eds.)
Brain-computer interfaces: current trends and applications.
Intelligent Systems Reference Library, 74.
Springer International Publishing, London, pp. 97-121.
ISBN 9783319109770
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-10978-7_4
Swain, S., Coughlan, N., Kelly, H., Hwang, F.
ORCID: and Salis, C.
Memo test: standardisation of computerised assessment of auditory verbal short-term memory.
British Aphasiology Society Therapy Symposium.
Sánchez, D. D., Sherratt, S.
ORCID:, Arias, P., Almenarez, F. and Marín, A.
Enabling actor model for crowd sensing and IoT.
In: 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE), 24-26 June 2015, Madrid, Spain.
Timon, C. M., Astell, A. J.
ORCID:, Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Adlam, T. D., Smith, T., Maclean, L., Spurr, D., Forster, S. E. and Williams, E. A.
The validation of a computer-based food record for older adults: the Novel Assessment of Nutrition and Ageing (NANA) method.
British Journal of Nutrition, 113 (4).
pp. 654-664.
ISSN 0007-1145
doi: 10.1017/S0007114514003808
Tse, B., Barrow, A., Quinn, B. and Harwin, W. S.
A smoothed particle hydrodynamics algorithm for haptic rendering of dental filling materials.
In: IEEE World Haptics Conference, 22-26 Jun 2015, Chicago, pp. 321-326.
doi: 10.1109/WHC.2015.7177732
Wairagkar, M., Hayashi, Y.
ORCID: and Nasuto, S.
Movement intention detection from autocorrelation of EEG for BCI.
In: 2015 International Conference on Brain Information and Health.
Wang, J., Cao, J., Li, B., Lee, S. and Sherratt, S.
Bio-inspired ant colony optimization based clustering algorithm with mobile sinks for applications in consumer home automation networks.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 61 (4).
pp. 438-444.
ISSN 0098-3063
doi: 10.1109/TCE.2015.7389797
Wang, M., Daly, I., Allison, B. Z., Jin, J., Zhang, Y., Chen, L. and Wang, X.
A new hybrid BCI paradigm based on P300 and SSVEP.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 244.
pp. 16-25.
ISSN 01650270
doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2014.06.003
Williams, D., Kirke, A., Eaton, J., Miranda, E., Daly, I., Hallowell, J., Roesch, E.
ORCID:, Hwang, F.
ORCID: and Nasuto, S.
Dynamic game soundtrack generation in response to a continously varying emotional trajectory.
In: 56th International Conference: Audio for Games, 11-13 Feb 2015, London, England.
Williams, D., Kirke, A., Miranda, E. R., Roesch, E.
ORCID:, Daly, I. and Nasuto, S.
Investigating affect in algorithmic composition systems.
Psychology of Music, 43 (6).
pp. 831-854.
ISSN 0305-7356
doi: 10.1177/0305735614543282
Williams, D., Kirke, A., Miranda, E., Daly, I., Hallowell, J., Weaver, J., Malik, A., Roesch, E.
ORCID:, Hwang, F.
ORCID: and Nasuto, S.
Investigating perceived emotional correlates of rhythmic density in algorithmic music composition.
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 12 (3).
pp. 1-21.
ISSN 1544-3965
doi: 10.1145/2749466
Williams, N. J., Nasuto, S.
ORCID: and Saddy, D.
Method for exploratory cluster analysis and visualisation of single-trial ERP ensembles.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 250.
pp. 22-33.
ISSN 0165-0270
doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2015.02.007
Yin, X.-X., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, He, J., Zhang, Y., Wang, Y. and Zhang, Z.
Application of complex extreme learning machine to multiclass classification problems with high dimensionality: a THz spectra classification problem.
Digital Signal Processing, 40.
pp. 40-52.
ISSN 1051-2004
doi: 10.1016/j.dsp.2015.01.007
Zoulias, I., Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Harwin, W.
ORCID: and Nasuto, S.
Low-cost HMD and EEG: using visual stimulation by the Oculus Rift® to detect stronger ERDs induced by motion imagery.
In: 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), 25-29 August 2015, Milan, Italy.
Abreu Rosa de Sá, A., Barbosa Soares, A., de Oliveira Andrade, A. and Nasuto, S.
Decomposition of surface electromyographic signal using Hidden Markov Model.
Journal of Health Science, 2 (1).
pp. 28-40.
ISSN 2166-5990
Allen, K.
ORCID:, Hollinworth, N., Hwang, F.
ORCID: and Minnion, A.
Buckets, baskets and boots: exhibition event at MERL.
Allen, K.
ORCID:, Hollinworth, N., Hwang, F.
ORCID: and Minnion, A.
Seminar: sensory objects in progress.
In: Sensory Objects in Progress, 10 June 2014, MERL, Reading.
Allen, K.
ORCID:, Hollinworth, N., Hwang, F.
ORCID: and Minnion, A.
Workshop: sensory objects.
In: Engage 2014, 4 December 2014, Bristol.
Astell, A. J.
ORCID:, Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Brown, L. J. E., Timon, C., Maclean, L. M., Smith, T., Adlam, T., Khadra, H. and Williams, E. A.
Validation of the NANA (Novel Assessment of Nutrition and Ageing) touch screen system for use at home by older adults.
Experimental Gerontology, 60.
pp. 100-107.
ISSN 0531-5565
doi: 10.1016/j.exger.2014.10.008
Astell, A. J.
ORCID:, Malone, B., Williams, G., Hwang, F.
ORCID: and Ellis, M. P.
Leveraging everyday technology for people living with dementia: a case study.
Journal of Assistive Technologies, 8 (4).
pp. 164-176.
ISSN 1754-9450
doi: 10.1108/JAT-01-2014-0004
Ausoni, J. T., Mitchell, R. and Holderbaum, W.
Towards optimizing the selection of neurons in affordable neural networks.
In: The 2014 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 21-24, 2014,, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Bauernfeind, G., Wressnegger, S., Daly, I. and Mueller-Putz, G.
Separating heart and brain: on the reduction of physiological noise from multichannel functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) signals.
Journal of Neural Engineering, 11 (5).
ISSN 1741-2560
doi: 10.1088/1741-2560/11/5/056010
Bauernfeind, G., Wriessnegger, S. C., Daly, I. and Mueller-Putz, G.
Physiological noise reduction from multichannel functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) signals.
In: 6th International Brain-Computer Interface Conference, September 16-19 2014, Graz University of Technology, Austria.
Chanak, P., Banerjee, I., Wang, J. and Sherratt, S.
Obstacle avoidance routing scheme through optimal sink movement for home monitoring and mobile robotic consumer devices.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 60 (4).
pp. 596-604.
ISSN 0098-3063
doi: 10.1109/TCE.2014.7027292
Daly, I., Faller, J., Scherer, R., Sweeney-Reed, C. M., Nasuto, S.
ORCID:, Billinger, M. and Muller-Putz, G. R.
Exploration of the neural correlates of cerebral palsy for sensorimotor BCI control.
Frontiers in Neuroengineering, 7 (20).
pp. 1-11.
ISSN 1662-6443
doi: 10.3389/fneng.2014.00020
Daly, I., Hallowell, J., Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Kirke, A., Malik, A., Roesch, E.
ORCID:, Weaver, J., Williams, D., Miranda, E. and Nasuto, S.
Changes in music tempo entrain movement related brain activity.
In: 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, 26-30 Aug. 2014, Chicago, IL, pp. 4595-4598.
Daly, I., Malik, A., Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Roesch, E.
ORCID:, Weaver, J., Kirke, A., Williams, D., Miranda, E. and Nasuto, S.
Neural correlates of emotional responses to music: an EEG study.
Neuroscience Letters, 573.
pp. 52-57.
ISSN 0304-3940
doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2014.05.003
Daly, I., Williams, D., Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Kirke, A., Malik, A., Roesch, E.
ORCID:, Weaver, J., Miranda, E. and Nasuto, S.
Brain-computer music interfacing for continuous control of musical tempo.
In: 6th International Brain-Computer Interface Conference, 16-19 Sept 2014, Graz University of Technology, Austria.
Daly, I., Williams, D., Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Kirke, A., Malik, A., Roesch, E.
ORCID:, Weaver, J., Miranda, E. and Nasuto, S.
Investigating music tempo as a feedback mechanism for closed-loop BCI control.
Brain-Computer Interfaces, 1 (3-4).
pp. 158-169.
ISSN 2326-263X
doi: 10.1080/2326263X.2014.979728
Dawelbeit, O. and McCrindle, R.
A novel cloud based elastic framework for big data preprocessing.
In: 6th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference (CEEC), 2014, September 25-26, Essex, UK.
doi: 10.1109/CEEC.2014.6958549
Ghamari, M., Janko, B., Sherratt, S.
ORCID: and Harwin, W.
Energy-efficient hybrid system for Wireless Body Area Network Applications.
In: The 15th Annual PostGraduate Symposium on the Convergence of Telecommunications, Networking and Broadcasting,, 23-24 June 2014., Liverpool, UK,.
Graham, N. S., Hammond, J. P.
ORCID:, Lysenko, A., Mayes, S., O Lochlainn, S., Blasco, B., Bowen, H. C., Rawlings, C. J., Rios, J. J., Welham, S., Carion, P. W.C., Dupuy, L. X., King, G. J., White, P. J. and Broadley, M. R.
Genetical and comparative genomics of Brassica under altered Ca supply identifies Arabidopsis Ca-transporter orthologs.
The Plant Cell, 26 (7).
pp. 2818-2830.
ISSN 1040-4651
doi: 10.1105/tpc.114.128603
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID: and Galvão, R. K. H.
Fractional order and non-linear system identification
algorithms for biomedical applications.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 490 (1).
ISSN 1742-6588
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/490/1/012141
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Jannah, N., Hwang, F.
ORCID: and Galvão, R. K. H.
On the application of optimal wavelet filter banks for ECG signal classification.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 490 (1).
ISSN 1742-6588
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/490/1/012142
Harris, S., Ma, H., Zhao, M., Boorman, L., Zheng, Y.
ORCID:, Kennerley, A., Bruyns-Haylett, M., Overton, P. G., Berwick, J. and Schwartz, T. H.
Coupling between gamma-band power and cerebral blood volume during recurrent acute neocortical seizures.
NeuroImage, 97.
pp. 62-70.
ISSN 1053-8119
doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.04.014
Hayashi, Y.
ORCID: and Sugawara, K.
Simultaneous coupling of phototaxis and electrotaxis in Volvox algae.
Physical Review E, 89 (4).
ISSN 1539-3755
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.89.042714
Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Spencer, M. and Nasuto, S.
A study of anticipatory non-autonomous systems.
Awareness Science and Technology and Ubi-Media Computing (iCAST-UMEDIA), 2013 International Joint Conference on.
IEEE, pp. 316-318.
doi: 10.1109/ICAwST.2013.6765456
He, D., Kumar, N., Lee, J.-H. and Sherratt, R. S.
Enhanced three-factor security protocol for consumer USB mass storage devices.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 60 (1).
pp. 30-37.
ISSN 0098-3063
doi: 10.1109/TCE.2014.6780922
Hollinworth, N., Allen, K.
ORCID:, Kwiatkowska, G., Minnion, A. and Hwang, F.
Interactive sensory objects for and by people with learning disabilities.
ACM SIGACCESS Accessibility and Computing (109).
pp. 11-20.
ISSN 1558-2337
doi: 10.1145/2637487.2637489
Hollinworth, N., Allen, K.
ORCID:, Kwiatkowska, G., Minnion, A. and Hwang, F.
littleBits go LARGE: making electronics more accessible
to people with learning disabilities.
ASSETS '14 Proceedings of the 16th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers & accessibility.
pp. 305-306.
ISSN 9781450327206
doi: 10.1145/2661334.2661341
Hollinworth, N., Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Allen, K.
ORCID:, Kwiatkowska, G. and Minnion, A.
Making electronics more accessible to people with learning disabilities.
In: Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '14), 26 Apr - 1 May 2014, Toronto, Canada.
Jackson, J. B., Walker, G., Roberts, J., Pike, A., De Talle, V., Giovannacci, D., Mourou, G., Menu, M. and Bowen, J.
Terahertz pulse investigation of paleolithic wall etchings.
In: 39th Int. Conf. on Infrared, Millimeter, and THz Waves (IRMMW-THz),, September 14-19, 2014, Tucson, Arizona, USA,.
doi: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2014.6956054
Jin, J., Daly, I., Huang, M., Zhang, Y. and Wang, X.
An optimized auditory P300 BCI based on spatially distributed sound in different voices.
In: 6th International Brain-Computer Interface Conference, 16-19 Sept 2014, Graz University of Technology, Austria.
Jin, J., Daly, I., Zhang, Y., Wang, X. and Cichocki, A.
An optimized ERP Brain-computer interface based on facial expression changes.
Journal of Neural Engineering, 11 (3).
ISSN 1741-2560
doi: 10.1088/1741-2560/11/3/036004
Jin, J., Daly, I., Zhang, Y., Wang, X. and Cichocki, A.
An optimized ERP brain–computer interface based on facial expression changes.
Journal of Neural Engineering, 11 (3).
ISSN 1741-2560
doi: 10.1088/1741-2560/11/3/036004
Jin, J., Zhang, Y., Wang, X., Daly, I. and Cichocki, A.
Decreasing the interference of visual-based P300 BCI using facial expression changes.
In: Proceeding of the 11th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, June 29 - July 4 2014, Shenyang, China, pp. 2407-2411.
Laird, R., Molero, D., Hwang, F.
ORCID:, McCain, L., Salis, C., Howard, D. and Giles, J.
Design of a computerised treatment for short-term memory deficits in aphasia.
In: International Aphasia Rehabilitation Conference..
Markakis, A., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Potter, B.
Bond graph models of DC-DC converters operating in both CCM
and DCM.
International Journal of Power Electronics, 6 (1).
pp. 18-41.
ISSN 1756-6398
doi: 10.1504/IJPELEC.2014.060706
Mueller-Putz, G., Daly, I. and Kaiser, V.
Motor imagery induced EEG patterns in spinal cord injury patients and their impact on Brain-Computer Interface accuracy.
Journal of Neural Engineering, 11 (3).
ISSN 1741-2560
doi: 10.1088/1741-2560/11/3/035011
Müller-Putz, G. R., Daly, I. and Kaiser, V.
Motor imagery-induced EEG patterns in individuals with spinal cord injury and their impact on brain–computer interface accuracy.
Journal of Neural Engineering, 11 (3).
ISSN 1741-2560
doi: 10.1088/1741-2560/11/3/035011
Nakayashiki, K., Saeki, M., Takata, Y., Hayashi, Y.
ORCID: and Kondo, T.
Modulation of event-related desynchronization during kinematic and kinetic hand movements.
Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 11.
ISSN 1743-0003
doi: 10.1186/1743-0003-11-90
North, L., Robinson, C., Haffegee, A., Sharkey, P. and Hwang, F.
Using virtual environments for trigger identification in addiction treatment.
International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 13 (3).
pp. 369-375.
ISSN 2191-0367
doi: 10.1515/ijdhd-2014-0330
Ramdoo, K., Bowen, J., Dale, O. T., Corbridge, R., Chatterjee, A. and Gosney, M. A.
Opportunistic assessment of hearing in elderly inpatients.
Sage Open Medicine, 2.
ISSN 2158-2440
doi: 10.1177/2050312114528171
Roberts, J., Bowen, J., Brazier, J.
ORCID:, Lonnen, E. and Walker, G.
Discerning the conformation of G-quadruplex forming DNA.
In: 4th EOS Topical Meeting on Terahertz Science & Technology, 2014, Camogli, Italy.
Roesler, O. and Hayashi, Y.
Simulation of a diffusion driven mobile robot.
In: International Conference on Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, 25-29 October 2014, Kemer, Antalya, Turkey.
Rowe, M., Yunusov, T.
ORCID:, Haben, S., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Potter, B.
The real-time optimisation of DNO owned storage devices on the LV network for peak reduction.
Energies, 7 (6).
pp. 3537-3560.
ISSN 1996-1073
doi: 10.3390/en7063537
Rowe, M., Yunusov, T.
ORCID:, Haben, S., Singleton, C., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Potter, B.
A peak reduction scheduling algorithm for storage devices on the low voltage network.
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 5 (4).
pp. 2115-2124.
ISSN 1949-3053
doi: 10.1109/TSG.2014.2323115
Sherratt, S.
Facts, scope, style: a guide to writing papers for
IEEE transactions on consumer electronics.
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 3 (3).
pp. 49-52.
ISSN 2162-2248
doi: 10.1109/MCE.2014.2317889
Trujillo, M., Becerra, V. M. and Hadjiloucas, S.
Applying robust control theory to solve problems in bio-medical sciences: study of an apoptotic model.
Journal of Physics Conference Series, 490 (1).
ISSN 1742-6588
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/490/1/012140
Vassile, M., Ceriotti, M., Becerra, V. M. and Nasuto, S.
An incremental algorithm for the optimization of multiple gravity assist trajectories.
In: Vasile, M. and Becerra, V. M. (eds.)
Computational Intelligence in Aerospace Sciences.
Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, 244.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Reston, VA, pp. 745-779.
ISBN 9781624102608
Vidal-Rosas, E. E., Billings, S. A., Zheng, Y.
ORCID:, Mayhew, J. E., Johnston, D., Kennerley, A. J. and Coca, D.
Reduced-order modeling of light transport in tissue for real-time monitoring of brain hemodynamics using diffuse optical tomography.
Journal of Biomedical Optics, 19 (2).
ISSN 1560-2281
doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.19.2.026008
Wairagkar, M., Daly, I., Hayashi, Y.
ORCID: and Nasuto, S.
Novel single trial movement classification based on temporal dynamics of EEG.
In: 6th International Brain-Computer Interface Conference, September 16-19 2014, Graz University of Technology, Austria.
Wang, J., Zhang, Z., Bin, L., Lee, S. and Sherratt, S.
An enhanced fall detection system for elderly person monitoring using consumer home networks.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 60 (1).
pp. 20-29.
ISSN 0098-3063
doi: 10.1109/TCE.2014.6780921
Williams, D., Kirke, A., Miranda, E., Daly, I., Roesch, E.
ORCID:, Weaver, J. and Nasuto, S.
Evaluating perceptual separation in a pilot system for affective composition.
In: The joint Sound and Music Computing Conference and International Computer Music Conference, 14 - 20 Sept 2014, Athens, Greece.
Yin, X. -X., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID: and Zhang, Y.
Complex extreme learning machine applications in terahertz pulsed signals feature sets.
Computer Methods and Programmes in Biomedicine, 117 (2).
pp. 387-403.
ISSN 0169-2607
doi: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2014.06.002
Zhu, Y., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Chen, J., Long, W. and Li, J.
The chaotic frequency hopping signals for MIMO radar.
Journal of Computational Information Systems, 10 (10).
pp. 4261-4269.
ISSN 1553-9105
Alkowatly, M. T., Becerra, V. M. and Holderbaum, W.
Estimation of visual motion parameters used for bio-inspired navigation.
Journal of Image and Graphics, 1 (3).
pp. 120-124.
ISSN 2301-3699
doi: 10.12720/joig.1.3.120-124
Allen, K.
ORCID:, Hollingworth, N., Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Minnion, A., Kwiatowska, G., Lowe, T. and Weldin, N.
Interactive sensory objects for improving access to heritage.
In: CHI EA '13 CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 27 Apr - 2 May 2013, Paris, pp. 2899-2902.
doi: 10.1145/2468356.2479569
Allen, K.
ORCID:, Hollinworth, N., Hwang, F.
ORCID: and Minnion, A.
Seminar: sensory stories retold.
In: Sensory Stories Retold, 7 May 2013, Museum Of Liverpool.
Allen, K.
ORCID:, Hollinworth, N., Hwang, F.
ORCID: and Minnion, A.
Sensory stories.
Alyami, H. M., Becerra, V. M. and Hadjiloucas, S.
New opportunities for secure communication networks using shaped femtosecond laser pulses inducing filamentation processes in the atmosphere.
Journal of Physics Conference Series, 472.
ISSN 1742-6588
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/472/1/012009
Benn, Y., Wilkinson, I. D., Zheng, Y.
ORCID:, Kadosh, K. C., Romanowski, C. A.J., Siegal, M. and Varley, R.
Differentiating core and co-opted mechanisms in calculation: The neuroimaging of calculation in aphasia.
Brain and Cognition, 82 (3).
pp. 254-264.
ISSN 0278-2626
doi: 10.1016/j.bandc.2013.04.012
Billinger, M., Daly, I., Kaiser, V., Jin, J., Allison, B. and Mueller-Putz, G.
Is it significant? Guidelines for reporting BCI performance.
In: Allison, B. Z., Dunne, S., Leeb, R., Millan, J. D. R. and Nijholt, A. (eds.)
Towards Practical Brain-Computer Interfaces.
Springer, pp. 333-354.
ISBN 9783642297458
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-29746-5_17
Bowen, J.
Terahertz spectroscopy and imaging at the nanoscale for biological and security applications.
In: Di Bartolo, B., Collins, J. and Silvestri, L. (eds.)
Nano-optics for enhancing light-matter interactions on a molecular scale.
NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics.
Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 287-303.
ISBN 9789400753129
Bowen, J., Walker, G., Roychowdhury, S., Jackson, J. B., Roberts, J. F., Matthews, W., Labaune, J., Mourou, G., Menu, M. and Hodder, I.
Image retrieval techniques for THz applications in cultural heritage.
In: 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz),, 1-6 Sept. 2013, Mainz, pp. 1-2.
doi: 10.1109/IRMMW-THz.2013.6665890
Bowen, J. W., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Walker, G. C., Hüebers, H.-W. W. and Schubert, J.
Interferometric technique for measuring terahertz antenna phase patterns.
IEEE Sensors Journal, 13 (1).
pp. 100-110.
ISSN 1530-437X
doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2012.2226714
Bruyns-Haylett, M., Harris, S., Boorman, L., Zheng, Y.
ORCID:, Berwick, J. and Jones, M.
The resting-state neurovascular coupling relationship: rapid changes in spontaneous neural activity in the somatosensory cortex are associated with haemodynamic fluctuations that resemble stimulus-evoked haemodynamics.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 38 (6).
pp. 2902-2906.
ISSN 1460-9568
doi: 10.1111/ejn.12295
Cadenas Medina, J., Sherratt, S.
ORCID:, Huerta, P., Kao, W. C. and Megson, G. M.
Parallel pipelined histogram architecture via c-slow retiming.
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE).
IEEE, pp. 230-231.
ISBN 9781467313612
doi: 10.1109/ICCE.2013.6486871
Cadenas Medina, J. O., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID:, Huerta, P., Kao, W.-C. and Megson, G. M.
C-slow retimed parallel histogram architectures for consumer imaging devices.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics,, 59 (2).
pp. 291-295.
doi: 10.1109/TCE.2013.6531108
Chew, D. J., Zhu, L., Delivopoulos, E.
ORCID:, Minev, I. R., Musick, K. M., Mosse, C. A., Craggs, M., Donaldson, N., Lacour, S. P., McMahon, S. B. and Fawcett, J. W.
A microchannel neuroprosthesis for bladder control after spinal cord injury in rat.
Science Translational Medicine, 5 (210).
ISSN 1946-6242
doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3007186
Daly, I., Nicolaou, N., Nasuto, S.
ORCID: and Warwick, K.
Automated artifact removal from the electroencephalogram; a comparative study.
Clinical EEG and Neuroscience, 44 (4).
pp. 291-306.
ISSN 1550-0594
doi: 10.1177/1550059413476485
Daly, I., Sweeney-Reed, C. M. and Nasuto, S. J.
Testing for significance of phase synchronisation dynamics in the EEG.
Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 34 (3).
pp. 411-432.
ISSN 1573-6873
doi: 10.1007/s10827-012-0428-2
Galvão, R. K. H., Kienitz, K. H., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Walker, G., Bowen, J., Soares, S. F. C. and Araújo, M. C. U.
Multivariate analysis of the dielectric response of materials modeled using networks of resistors and capacitors.
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 20 (3).
pp. 995-1008.
ISSN 1070-9878
doi: 10.1109/TDEI.2013.6518970
Haben, S., Rowe, M., Vukadinovic Greetham, D., Grindrod, P., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID:, Potter, B. and Singleton, C.
Mathematical solutions for electricity networks in a low carbon future.
In: Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2013), 22nd International Conference and Exhibition on, 10-13 June 2013, Stockholm, 0857-0857.
doi: 10.1049/cp.2013.0972
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Hashem, A., Becerra, V. and Galvao, R.
Channel equalization for indoor lighting communications networks.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 450 (1).
ISSN 1742-6588
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/450/1/012051
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Walker, G. C. and Bowen, J. W.
One-port de-embedding technique for the quasi-optical characterization of integrated components.
IEEE Sensors Journal, 13 (1).
pp. 111-123.
ISSN 1530-437X
doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2012.2226713
Hammond, M. W., Xydas, D., Downes, J. H., Bucci, G., Becerra, V., Warwick, K., Constanti, A., Nasuto, S.
ORCID: and Whalley, B.
Endogenous cholinergic tone modulates spontaneous network level neuronal activity in primary cortical cultures grown on multi-electrode arrays.
BMC Neuroscience, 14.
ISSN 1471-2202
doi: 10.1186/1471-2202-14-38
Harwin, W.
ORCID: and Barrow, A.
Multi-finger grasps in a dynamic environment.
Multi-finger grasps in a dynamic environment.
Springer Series on Touch and Haptic Systems.
Springer, pp. 5-30.
ISBN 9781447152033
Hayashi, Y.
ORCID: and Kondo, T.
Mechanism for synchronized motion between two humans in mutual tapping experiments: Transition from alternative mode to synchronization mode.
Physical Review E, 88 (2).
ISSN 1539-3755
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.88.022715
Hayashi, Y.
ORCID: and Sawada, Y.
Transition from an anti-phase error-correction-mode to a synchronization mode in the mutual hand tracking.
Physical Review E, 88 (2).
ISSN 1539-3755
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.88.022704
Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Nagai, K., Ito, K., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID:, Loureiro, R. C. V. and Harwin, W. S.
Analysis of EEG signal to detect motor command generation towards stroke rehabilitation.
In: Pons, J. L., Torricelli, D. and Pajaro, M. (eds.)
Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation.
Biosystems and Biorobotics (1).
Springer, pp. 569-573.
ISBN 9783642345456
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-34546-3_92
(Proceedings of ICNR 2012, the International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation)
Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Biggs, J.
Optimal steady motions for oriented vehicles.
Theoretical Mathematics & Applications, 3 (1).
pp. 85-110.
ISSN 1792-9709
Hollingworth, N., Hwang, F.
ORCID: and Field, D.
Using Delboeuf's illusion to improve point and click performance for older adults.
In: CHI2013, 27 Apr - 2 May 2013, Paris, pp. 1329-1334.
doi: 10.1145/2468356.2468593
Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Hollinworth, N. and Williams, N.
Effects of target expansion on selection performance in older computer users.
ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing, 5 (1).
ISSN 1936-7236
doi: 10.1145/2514848
Jannah, N., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Hwang, F.
ORCID: and Galvao, R. K. H.
Smart-phone based electrocardiogram wavelet decomposition and neural network classification.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 450.
ISSN 1742-6588
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/450/1/012019
Loureiro, R., Harwin, W.
ORCID:, Lamperd, R. and Collin, C.
Evaluation of reach and grasp robot-assisted therapy suggests similar functional recovery patterns on proximal and distal arm segments in sub-acute hemiplegia.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 22 (3).
pp. 593-602.
ISSN 1534-4320
doi: 10.1109/TNSRE.2013.2265263
Lowery, N. L.H., Vahdati, M. M.
ORCID:, Potthast, R. W.E.
ORCID: and Holderbaum, W.
Classification and fault detection methods for fuel cell monitoring and quality control.
Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, 10 (2).
ISSN 1550-624X
doi: 10.1115/1.4023565
Madgwick, S. O. H., Harrison, A. J. L., Sharkey, P. M., Vaidyanathan, R. and Harwin, W. S.
Measuring motion with kinematically redundant accelerometer arrays: theory, simulation and implementation.
Mechatronics, 23 (5).
pp. 518-529.
ISSN 0957-4158
doi: 10.1016/j.mechatronics.2013.04.003
Martin, C., Zheng, Y.
ORCID:, Sibson, N. R., Mayhew, J. E.W. and Berwick, J.
Complex spatiotemporal haemodynamic response following sensory stimulation in the awake rat.
NeuroImage, 66.
pp. 1-8.
ISSN 1053-8119
doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.10.006
Martin, D. M., Laird, R., Hwang, F.
ORCID: and Salis, C.
Computerized short-term memory treatment for older adults with aphasia.
Proceedings of the 15th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility - ASSETS '13.
ACM, pp. 1-2.
ISBN 9781450324052
doi: 10.1145/2513383.2513409
McCrindle, R.
Educational inclusiveness through Ludic engagement and digital creativity.
In: Stephanidis, C. and Antona, M. (eds.)
Universal Access in human-computer interaction. Applications and services for quality of life : 7th International Conference, UAHCI 2013, held as part of HCI International 2013, Las Vegas, NV, USA, July 21-26, 2013, Proceedings, Part III.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8011 (8011).
Springer, Berlin, pp. 195-202.
ISBN 9783642391934
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-39194-1_23
Megson, G.M., Cadenas, J.O., Sherratt, R.S.
ORCID:, Huerta, P. and Kao, W.C.
A parallel quantum histogram architecture.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, Express Briefs, 60 (7).
pp. 437-441.
ISSN 1549-7747
doi: 10.1109/TCSII.2013.2258263
Nagai, K., Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Ito, K., Loureiro, R., Nasuto, S.
ORCID: and Harwin, W.
Proposal of a floating mechanism based on magnetic levitation method toward EEG-driven robotic system.
In: Proceedings of Robotics Symposia (2013).
Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID: and Bishop, J. M.
Of (zombie) mice and animats.
In: Müller, V. C. (ed.)
Philosophy and Theory of Artificial Intelligence.
Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics (5).
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 85-106.
ISBN 978364231673-9 (Print) 9783642316746 (Online)
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-31674-6_7
Paiva, H. M., Duarte, M. A. Q., Galvao, R. K. H. and Hadjiloucas, S.
Wavelet based detection of changes in the composition of RLC networks.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 472.
ISSN 1742-6588
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/472/1/012011
Parfitt, M.
Estimation of magnet separation for magnetic suspension applications.
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
Pezzati, L., Walker, G., Jackson, J. B., Giovannacci, D., Bowen, J., Delandes, B., Labaune, J., Mourou, G., Menu, M., Detalle, V. and Targowski, P.
Terahertz analysis of stratified wall plaster at buildings of cultural importance across Europe.
In: Optics for Arts, Architecture and Archaeology IV, May 30 2013, Munich, Germany, 87900H.
Raos, B. J., Unsworth, C. P., Costa, J. L., Rohde, C. A., Doyle, C. S., Bunting, A. S., Delivopoulos, E.
ORCID:, Murray, A. F., Dickinson, M. E., Simpson, M. C. and Graham, E. S.
Infra-red laser ablative micromachining of parylene-C on SiO2substrates for rapid prototyping, high yield, human neuronal cell patterning.
Biofabrication, 5 (2).
ISSN 1758-5082
doi: 10.1088/1758-5082/5/2/025006
Raos, B. J., Unsworth, C. P., Costa, J. L., Rohde, C. A., Doyle, C. S., Delivopoulos, E.
ORCID:, Murray, A. F., Dickinson, M. E., Simpson, M. C., Graham, E. S. and Bunting, A. S.
Low cost, patterning of human hNT brain cells on parylene-C with UV & IR laser machining.
2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC).
IEEE, pp. 862-865.
doi: 10.1109/EMBC.2013.6609637
Rowe, M., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Potter, B.
Control methodologies: Peak reduction algorithms for DNO owned storage devices on the Low Voltage network.
In: Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE), 2013 4th IEEE/PES, 6-9 Oct, Denmark, pp. 1-5.
doi: 10.1109/ISGTEurope.2013.6695291
Simmons, S., McCrindle, R., Sperrin, M. and Smith, A.
Prescription software for recovery and rehabilitation using Microsoft Kinect.
In: Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth), 2013 7th International Conference on, 5-8 May 2013, Venice, pp. 323-326.
Spencer, M. C., Roesch, E. B., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID:, Tanay, T. and Bishop, J. M.
Abstract platforms of computation.
In: AISB 2013, 3-5 April 2013, Exeter, pp. 25-32.
Threadgold, T., Bowen, J. and Hawkins, G.
Automated algorithms for multilayer thin film filter design using metamaterials.
In: Optical Strategies for Enhancing Sensing, Imaging, Communication and Energy Conversion (NATO Advanced Study Institute), 4-19 July 2013, Erice, Italy.
Tucker, C. A.
Transmission of wireless power by magnetic resonance.
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
doi: 10.17864/1926.36738
Tucker, C. A., Warwick, K. and Holderbaum, W.
A contribution to the wireless transmission of power.
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 47 (5).
pp. 235-242.
ISSN 0142-0615
doi: 10.1016/j.ijepes.2012.10.066
Wagner, I. C., Daly, I. and Valjame, A.
Non-visual and multisensory BCI systems: present and future.
In: Allison, B. Z., Dunne, S., Leeb, R., Millan, J. D. R. and Nijholt, A. (eds.)
Towards Practical Brain-Computer Interfaces.
Springer, pp. 375-393.
ISBN 9783642297458
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-29746-5_19
Walker, G. C., Bowen, J. W., Matthews, W.
ORCID:, Roychowdhury, S., Labaune, J., Mourou, G., Menu, M., Hodder, I. and Jackson, J. B.
Sub-surface terahertz imaging through uneven surfaces:
visualizing Neolithic wall paintings in Çatalhöyük.
Optics Express, 21 (7).
pp. 8126-8134.
ISSN 1094-4087
doi: 10.1364/OE.21.008126
Wang, J., Yin, Y., Zhang, J., Lee, S. and Sherratt, R. S.
Mobility based energy efficient and multi-sink algorithms for consumer home networks.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 59 (1).
pp. 77-84.
ISSN 0098-3063
doi: 10.1109/TCE.2013.6490244
Williams, S., Spiret, C., Dimitriadi, Y. and McCrindle, R.
Guiding e-learning: introducing online informal learning to a global voluntary organisation.
British Journal of Educational Technology, 44 (2).
ISSN 1467-8535
doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8535.2012.01361.x
Williams, V., Victor, C. R. and McCrindle, R.
It is always on your mind: experiences and perceptions of falling of older people and their carers and the potential of a mobile falls detection device.
Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research, 2013.
ISSN 1687-7063
doi: 10.1155/2013/295073
(7 pages)
Benn, Y., Zheng, Y.
ORCID:, Wilkinson, I. D., Siegal, M. and Varley, R.
Language in calculation: A core mechanism?
Neuropsychologia, 50 (1).
pp. 1-10.
ISSN 0028-3932
doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2011.09.045
Bowden, C., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Becerra, V. M.
Strong structural controllability and the multilink inverted pendulum.
IEEE transactions on automatic control, 57 (11).
pp. 2891-2896.
ISSN 0018-9286
doi: 10.1109/TAC.2012.2191180
Bowden, C., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Becerra, V.
Strong structural controllability and the multi-link inverted pendulum.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 57 (11).
pp. 2891-2896.
ISSN 0018-9286
doi: 10.1109/TAC.2012.2191180
Cadenas Medina, O., Megson, G. M., Sherratt, S.
ORCID: and Huerta, P.
Fast median calculation method.
Electronics Letters, 48 (10).
pp. 558-560.
ISSN 0013-5194
doi: 10.1049/el.2012.0343
Daly, I., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID: and Warwick, K.
Brain computer interface control via functional connectivity dynamics.
Pattern Recognition, 45 (6).
pp. 2123-2136.
ISSN 0031-3203
doi: 10.1016/j.patcog.2011.04.034
Delivopoulos, E.
ORCID:, Chew, D. J., Minev, I. R., Fawcett, J. W. and Lacour, S. P.
Concurrent recordings of bladder afferents from multiple nerves using a microfabricated PDMS microchannel electrode array.
Lab on a Chip, 12 (14).
pp. 2540-2551.
ISSN 1473-0197
doi: 10.1039/c2lc21277c
Delivopoulos, E.
ORCID:, Chew, D., Minev, I., Fawcett, J. and Lacour, S. P.
Compliant Multi-electrode Micro-channel Array for Recording Afferent Nerve Activity.
In: Stett, A. and Zeck, G. (eds.)
Proceedings, 8th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Microelectrode Arrays.
NMI Natural and Medical Sciences Institute at the University of Tuebingen, Reutlingen, Germany, pp. 357-360.
Downes, J. H., Hammond, M. W., Xydas, D., Spencer, M. C., Becerra, V. M., Warwick, K., Nasuto, S.
ORCID: and Whalley, B.
Emergence of a small-world functional network in
cultured neurons.
PLoS Computational Biology, 8 (5).
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 1553-734X
doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002522
Fita, A., Bowen, H. C., Hayden, R. M., Nuez, F., Pico, B. and Hammond, J. P.
Diversity in expression of phosphorus (P) responsive genes in Cucumis melo L.
PLoS ONE, 7 (4).
ISSN 1932-6203
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0035387
Galvão, R. K. H., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Kienitz, K. H., Paiva, H. M. and Afonso, R. J. M.
Fractional order modeling of large three-dimensional RC networks.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems I: regular papers, 60 (3).
pp. 624-637.
ISSN 1549-8328
doi: 10.1109/TCSI.2012.2209733
Hadjiloucas, S.
Electronics Letters, 48 (21).
p. 1314.
ISSN 0013-5194
doi: 10.1049/el.2012.3424
Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Nagai, K., Ito, K., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID:, Loureiro, R. C. V. and Harwin, W. S.
A feasible study of EEG-driven assistive robotic system for stroke rehabilitation.
In: 4th Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob 2012), 24-27 Jun 2012, Rome, Italy, pp. 1733-1739.
doi: 10.1109/BioRob.2012.6290919
Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Yuki, M., Sugawara, K., Kikuchi, T. and Tsuji, K.
Rhythmic behavior of social insects from single to multibody.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 60 (5).
pp. 714-721.
ISSN 0921-8890
doi: 10.1016/j.robot.2011.06.016
Kennerley, A. J., Mayhew, J. E., Boorman, L., Zheng, Y.
ORCID: and Berwick, J.
Is optical imaging spectroscopy a viable measurement technique for the investigation of the negative BOLD phenomenon? A concurrent optical imaging spectroscopy and fMRI study at high field (7T).
NeuroImage, 61 (1).
pp. 10-20.
ISSN 1053-8119
doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.03.015
Linton, C., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Biggs, J.
Casimirs and Lax operators from the structure of Lie algebras.
European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 5 (4).
pp. 567-583.
ISSN 1307-5543
Linton, C., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Biggs, J.
Rigid body trajectories in different 6D spaces.
ISRN Mathematical Physics, 2012.
Article ID: 467520.
ISSN 2090-4681
doi: 10.5402/2012/467520
Lowery, N., Potthast, R.
ORCID:, Vahdati, M.
ORCID: and Holderbaum, W.
On discrimination algorithms for ill-posed problems with an application to magnetic tomography.
Inverse Problems, 28 (6).
ISSN 1361-6420
doi: 10.1088/0266-5611/28/6/065010
Minev, I. R., Chew, D. J., Delivopoulos, E.
ORCID:, Fawcett, J. W. and Lacour, S. P.
High sensitivity recording of afferent nerve activity using ultra-compliant microchannel electrodes: an acutein vivovalidation.
Journal of Neural Engineering, 9 (2).
ISSN 1741-2560
doi: 10.1088/1741-2560/9/2/026005
Mitchell, R., Harwin, W.
ORCID:, Cadenas Medina, O., Guy, C., Gong, A., Potter, B. and Warwick, K., eds.
Cybernetics, Circuits and Computing.
Pearson, Harlow, pp499.
ISBN 9781780160672
Myatt, D. R., Hadlington, T., Ascoli, G. A. and Nasuto, S. J.
Neuromantic : from semi-manual to semi-automatic reconstruction of neuron morphology.
Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 6 (4).
pp. 1-14.
ISSN 1662-5196
doi: 10.3389/fninf.2012.00004
Nagai, K., Le, T. N., Hayashi, Y.
ORCID: and Ito, K.
Kinematical analysis of redundant drive wire mechanisms with velocity constraint.
Proceedings of ICMA 2012, the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation.
The IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, pp. 1496-1501.
ISBN 9781467312769
doi: 10.1109/ICMA.2012.6284358
Naves, K. F. P., Pereira, A. A., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID:, Russo, I. P. C. and Andrade, A. O.
Analysis of the variability of auditory brainstem response components through linear regression.
Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 5 (9).
pp. 517-525.
ISSN 1937-688X
doi: 10.4236/jbise.2012.59064
Naves, K. F. P., Pereira, A. A., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID:, Russo, I. P. C. and Andrade, A. O.
Assessment of inter-examiner agreement and variability in the manual classification of auditory brainstem response.
BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 11.
ISSN 1475-925X
doi: 10.1186/1475-925X-11-86
Okereke, C., Wittneben , B. and Bowen, F.
Climate change: challenging business,transforming politics.
Business and Society Review, 51 (1).
pp. 7-30.
ISSN 1552-4205
doi: 10.1177/0007650311427659
Okereke, C., Wittneben, B. and Bowen, F.
Climate change: challenging business, transforming politics.
Business & Society, 51 (1).
pp. 7-30.
ISSN 0007-6503
doi: 10.1177/0007650311427659
Roesch, E. B.
ORCID:, Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID: and Bishop, J. M.
Emotion and anticipation in an enactive framework for cognition (response to Andy Clark).
Frontiers in Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 3 (398).
ISSN 1664-1078
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00398
Shaver, A., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Walker, G.C. and Bowen, J.W.
Femtosecond pulse shaping using differential evolutionary algorithm and wavelet operators.
Electronics Letters, 48 (21).
pp. 1357-1358.
ISSN 0013-5194
doi: 10.1049/el.2012.2292
Sweeney-Reed, C. M., Riddell, P. M.
ORCID:, Ellis, J. A., Freeman, J. E. and Nasuto, S. J.
Neural correlates of true and false memory in mild cognitive impairment.
PLoS ONE, 7 (10).
ISSN 1932-6203
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0048357
Tucker, C.A., Warwick, K. and Holderbaum, W.
Efficient wireless power delivery for biomedical implants.
IET Wireless Sensor Systems, 2 (3).
pp. 176-182.
ISSN 2043-6386
doi: 10.1049/iet-wss.2011.0168
Tucker, C.A., Warwick, K. and Holderbaum, W.
Efficient wireless power delivery for biomedical implants.
IET Wireless Sensor Systems, 2 (3).
p. 176.
ISSN 2043-6386
doi: 10.1049/iet-wss.2011.0168
Vanoncini, M., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Andrews, B. J.
Electrical stimulation for trunk control in paraplegia:A feasibility study.
Control Engineering Practice, 20 (12).
pp. 1247-1258.
ISSN 0967-0661
doi: 10.1016/j.conengprac.2012.06.007
Walker, G., Jackson, J. B., Matthews, W., Bowen, J., Labaune, J., Mourou, G. A., Whitaker, J. F., Menu, M. and Hodder, I.
Seeing through walls: sub-surface imaging at Çatalhöyük.
In: Raman and Infrared User Group Meeting, March 2012, Barcelona, Spain.
Walker, G., Labaune, J., Jackson, J. B., Bowen, J., Matthews, W., Whitaker, J. F., Mourou, G. A., Menu, M. and Hodder, I.
Terahertz deconvolution for the analysis of cultural heritage.
In: Advanced Electromagnetics Symposium (AES 2012), 16-19 Apr 2012, Paris, France.
Walker, G. C., Bowen, J. W., Labaune, J., Jackson, J.-B., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Roberts, J., Mourou, G. and Menu, M.
Terahertz deconvolution.
Optics Express, 20 (25).
pp. 27230-27241.
ISSN 1094-4087
doi: 10.1364/OE.20.027230
Williams, S., Spiret, C., Dimitriadi, Y. and McCrindle, R.
Auditing technology uses within a global voluntary organisation.
In: Global TIME: Global Conference on Technology, Innovation, Media & Education, 7-9 February 2012, Online, pp. 104-109.
Zheng, Y.
ORCID:, Luo, J. J., Harris, S., Kennerley, A., Berwick, J., Billings, S. A. and Mayhew, J.
Balanced excitation and inhibition: Model based analysis of local field potentials.
NeuroImage, 63 (1).
pp. 81-94.
ISSN 1053-8119
doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.06.040
Asante, M. and Sherratt, S.
Performance analysis of data transmissions in MPLS and non-MPLS networks.
Journal of Science and Technology (Ghana), 30 (3).
ISSN 0855-0395
Bowen, J. W.
Terahertz spectroscopy of biological systems.
In: Bartolo, B. D. and Collins, J. (eds.)
Biophotonics: spectroscopy, imaging, sensing, and manipulation. First edition.
NATO science for peace and security series B: physics and biophysics.
Springer, pp. 287-303.
ISBN 9789048199761
doi: 10.1007/978-90-481-9977-8_13
Bowen, J. and Gosney, M. A.
Breast cancer in older people.
GM Midlife and Beyond, 41 (12).
pp. 643-648.
Cadenas Medina, O., Sherratt, S.
ORCID:, Huerta, P. and Kao, W.-C.
Parallel pipelined array architectures for real-time histogram computation in consumer devices.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 57 (4).
pp. 1460-1464.
ISSN 0098-3063
doi: 10.1109/TCE.2011.6131111
Cadenas, J., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Huerta, P.
Parallel pipelined histogram architectures.
Electronics Letters, 47 (20).
pp. 1118-1120.
ISSN 0013-5194
doi: 10.1049/el.2011.2390
Chew, D. J., Delivopoulos, E.
ORCID:, Fawcett, J. W. and Lacour, S. P.
Microchannel electrode interfaces to assess bladder afferent activity.
2011 5th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering.
IEEE, pp. 249-252.
ISBN 978-1-4244-4140-2
doi: 10.1109/NER.2011.5910534
Daly, I., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID: and Warwick, K.
Single tap identification for fast BCI control.
Cognitive Neurodynamics, 5 (1).
pp. 21-30.
ISSN 1871-4099
doi: 10.1007/s11571-010-9133-x
Delivopoulos, E.
ORCID: and Murray, A. F.
Controlled adhesion and growth of long term glial and neuronal cultures on Parylene-C.
PLoS ONE, 6 (9).
ISSN 1932-6203
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0025411
Delivopoulos, E.
ORCID:, Minev, I. R. and Lacour, S. P.
Evaluation of negative photo-patternable PDMS for the encapsulation of neural electrodes.
2011 5th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering.
IEEE, pp. 490-494.
doi: 10.1109/NER.2011.5910593
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Walker, G.C. and Bowen, J.
Extending Murty interferometry to the Terahertz part of the spectrum.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 307.
ISSN 1742-6588
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/307/1/012012
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Walker, G.C., Bowen, J.W. and Galvão, R.K.H.
System identification algorithms for the analysis of dielectric responses from broadband spectroscopies.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 310.
ISSN 1742-6588
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/310/1/012002
Hammond, J. P.
ORCID:, Broadley, M. R., Bowen, H. C., Spracklen, W. P., Hayden, R. M. and White, P. J.
Gene expression changes in phosphorus deficient potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) leaves and the potential for diagnostic gene expression markers.
PLoS ONE, 6 (9).
ISSN 1932-6203
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0024606
Hammond, J. P.
ORCID:, Mayes, S., Bowen, H. C., Graham, N. S., Hayden, R. M., Love, C. G., Spracklen, W. P., Wang, J., Welham, S. J., White, P. J., King, G. J. and Broadley, M. R.
Regulatory hotspots are associated with plant gene expression under varying soil phosphorus supply in Brassica rapa.
Plant Physiology, 156 (3).
pp. 1230-1241.
ISSN 1532-2548
doi: 10.1104/pp.111.175612
Harwin, W. S.
ORCID:, Murgia, A. and Stokes, E. K.
Assessing the effectiveness of robot facilitated neurorehabilitation for relearning motor skills following a stroke.
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 49 (10).
pp. 1093-1102.
ISSN 1741-0444
doi: 10.1007/s11517-011-0799-y
(special issue, 'Trends in Rehabilitation Robotics')
Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Tamura, Y., Sase, K., Sugawara, K. and Sawada, Y.
Intermittently-visual tracking experiments reveal the roles of error-correction and predictive mechanisms in the human visual-motor control system.
Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 46 (7).
pp. 391-400.
ISSN 0453-4654
Hollinworth, N. and Hwang, F.
Cursor relocation techniques to help older adults find ‘lost’ cursors.
In: CHI 2011, 7 - 12 May 2011, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 863-866.
doi: 10.1145/1978942.1979068
(Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems)
Hollinworth, N. and Hwang, F.
Cursor relocation techniques to help older adults find 'lost' cursors.
CHI '11 Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference on Human factors in computing systems.
ACM, New York, p. 863.
ISBN 9781450302289
doi: 10.1145/1978942.1979068
Hollinworth, N. and Hwang, F.
Investigating familiar interfaces to help older adults learn computer applications more easily.
In: HCI 2011: 25th British Computer Society Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 4th-8th July 2011, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK.
Jackson, J. B., Bowen, J., Walker, G., Labaune, J., Mourou, G., Menu, M. and Fukunaga, K.
A survey of terahertz applications in cultural heritage conservation science.
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 1 (1).
pp. 220-231.
ISSN 2156-342X
doi: 10.1109/TTHZ.2011.2159538
Jackson, J. B., Labaune, J., Mourou, G. A., Duling, I. N., Walker, G., Bowen, J. and Menu, M.
Terahertz pulse imaging of stratified architectural materials for cultural heritage studies.
In: Pezzati, L. and Salimbeni, R. (eds.)
SPIE Proceedings: O3A: Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology III.
doi: 10.1117/12.888730
Janko, B., Turner, C. P., Cave-Ayland, K. S., Pittuck, M. K., Madgwick, S. O. H. and Harwin, W. S.
A multiple robot solution for urban reconnaissance.
International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems, 4 (1).
pp. 70-86.
ISSN 1755-1595
doi: 10.1504/IJIDSS.2011.037808
Kennerley, A. J., Harris, S., Bruyns-Haylett, M., Boorman, L., Zheng, Y.
ORCID:, Jones, M. and Berwick, J.
Early and late stimulus-evoked cortical hemodynamic responses provide insight into the neurogenic nature of neurovascular coupling.
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 32 (3).
pp. 468-480.
ISSN 1559-7016
doi: 10.1038/jcbfm.2011.163
Lochlainn, S. O., Bowen, H. C., Fray, R. G., Hammond, J. P.
ORCID:, King, G. J., White, P. J., Graham, N. S. and Broadley, M. R.
Tandem quadruplication of HMA4 in the zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) hyperaccumulator Noccaea caerulescens.
Plos One, 6 (3).
ISSN 1932-6203
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0017814
Loureiro, R. C. V., Harwin, W. S.
ORCID:, Nagai, K. and Johnson, M.
Advances in upper limb stroke rehabilitation: a technology push.
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 49 (10).
pp. 1103-1118.
ISSN 1741-0444
doi: 10.1007/s11517-011-0797-0
(special issue 'Trends in rehabilitation robotics')
Markakis, A., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Potter, B.
A comparison between bond graphs switching modelling techniques implemented on a boost dc-dc converter.
In: 2011 IEEE 33rd International Telecommunications Energy Conference (INTELEC), 9-13th October 2011, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 1-7.
McCrindle, R. J., Williams, V. M., Victor, C. R., Harvey, A. P., Nyman, S. R., Barrett, J., Hogarth, H., Levene, P., Smith, R., Panek, P., Edelmayer, G., Mayer, P., Needham, P. and Floratos, N.
Wearable device to assist independent living.
International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 10 (4).
pp. 349-354.
ISSN 2191-1231
doi: 10.1515/IJDHD.2011.052
Milthorp, T., Becerra, V., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Hutt, B.
Adaptive recursive control of a soil testing load frame.
In: 2011 IEEE Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics (RAM), 17-19 Sept. 2011, Qingdao, pp. 102-107.
doi: 10.1109/RAMECH.2011.6070464
Minev, I. R., Chew, D. J., Delivopoulos, E.
ORCID:, Fawcett, J. W. and Lacour, S. P.
Evaluation of an elastomer based gold microelectrode array for neural recording applications.
2011 5th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering.
IEEE, pp. 482-485.
doi: 10.1109/NER.2011.5910591
Miranda, E. R., Nasuto, S.
ORCID:, Troisi, A. R., Downes, J., Chiaramonte, A., Spencer, M., Hammond, M., Xydas, D., Whalley, B., Becerra, V. and Warwick, K.
A musical instrument using in vitro neural networks.
In: International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2011), 31 Jul - 5 Aug 2011, Huddersfield, pp. 567-570.
Murgia, A., Harwin, W.
ORCID:, Prakoonwit, S. and Brownlow, H.
Preliminary observations on the presence of sustained tendon strain and eccentric contractions of the wrist extensors during a common manual task: implications for lateral epicondylitis.
Medical Engineering & Physics, 33 (6).
pp. 793-797.
ISSN 1350-4533
doi: 10.1016/j.medengphy.2011.02.002
Nagai, K., Le, T. N., Hayashi, Y.
ORCID: and Ito, K.
Proposal of redundant drive wire mechanism for producing motions with high acceleration and high precision.
Proceedings of SII-2011, the IEEE 2011 International Symposium on System Integration.
IEEE, pp. 1049-1054.
ISBN 9781457715228
doi: 10.1109/SII.2011.6147594
Okamura,, A. M., Basdogan,, C., Baillie,, S. and Harwin, W. S.
Haptics in medicine and clinical skill acquisition.
IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 4 (3).
pp. 153-154.
ISSN 1939-1412
Portelli, A. J., Daly, I., Spencer, M. and Nasuto, S. J.
Low cost brain-computer interface: first results.
In: Müller-Putz, G. R., Scherer, R., Billinger, M., Kreilinger, A., Kaiser, V. and Neuper, C. (eds.)
Proceedings of the 5th International Brain-Computer Interface Conference 2011.
Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz 2011, Graz University of Technology, Austria, pp. 320-323.
ISBN 9783851251401
Robinson, P.
Like the living end.
In: Bowen, P., Furniss, D. and Woolley, D. (eds.)
The captain's tower: seventy poets celebrate Bob Dylan at seventy.
Seren, Bridgend.
ISBN 9781854115607
Spencer, M. C., Downes, J. H., Xydas, D., Hammond, M. W., Becerra, V. M., Warwick, K., Whalley, B. J. and Nasuto, S. J.
Multiscale evolving complex network model of functional connectivity in neuronal cultures.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 59 (1).
pp. 30-34.
ISSN 0018-9294
doi: 10.1109/TBME.2011.2171340
Spencer, M. C., Downes, J. H., Xydas, D., Hammond, M. W., Becerra, V. M., Whalley, B. J., Warwick, K. and Nasuto, S.
Spatio-temporal dependencies in functional connectivity in rodent cortical cultures.
Paladyn, 3 (3).
pp. 156-163.
ISSN 2081-4836
doi: 10.2478/s13230-012-0002-7
Timon, C. M., Forster, S. E., Marker, M. E., Godfrey, A. J., Hwang, F.
ORCID: and Williams, E. A.
A comparison of younger versus older adults’ ability to estimate food portion sizes.
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 70 (OCE3).
ISSN 1475-2719
doi: 10.1017/S0029665111000917
Trujillo, M. M., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID: and Becerra, V.
A robust controller design method for feedback substitution schemes using genetic algorithms.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 307 (1).
ISSN 1742-6596
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/307/1/012040
Unsworth, C. P., Delivopoulos, E.
ORCID: and Murray, A. F.
Glimpsing regular lattice arrangements of primary rat hippocampal astrocytes on ultra-thin nodes of Parylene-C.
In: 17th Joint Symposium on Neural Computation, June 2011, Institute for Neural Computation, UCSD La Jolla, CA.
Unsworth, C. P., Delivopoulos, E.
ORCID:, Gillespie, T. and Murray, A. F.
Isolating single primary rat hippocampal neurons & astrocytes on ultra-thin patterned parylene-C/silicon dioxide substrates.
Biomaterials, 32 (10).
pp. 2566-2574.
ISSN 0142-9612
doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2010.12.017
Unsworth, C. P., Graham, E.u. S., Delivopoulos, E.
ORCID: and Murray, A. F.
First human hNT astrocytes patterned to single cell resolution on parylene-C/Silicon dioxide substrates.
2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.
IEEE, pp. 3605-3608.
ISBN 978-1-4244-4121-1
doi: 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6090604
Unsworth, C. P., Holloway, H., Delivopoulos, E.
ORCID:, Murray, A. F., Simpson, M. C., Dickinson, M. E. and Graham, E. S.
Patterning and detailed study of human hNT astrocytes on parylene-C/silicon dioxide substrates to the single cell level.
Biomaterials, 32 (27).
pp. 6541-6550.
ISSN 0142-9612
doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2011.05.041
Walker, G., Jackson, J. B., Matthews, W., Bowen, J., Labaune, J., Mourou, G. A., Naftaly, M., Dudley, R., Whitaker, J. F., Menu, M. and Hodder, I.
Seeing through walls at Çatalhöyük.
In: UK Archaeological Science Conference, September 2011, Reading.
Walker, G. C., Bowen, J. W., Naftaly, M. and Dudley, R. A.
A simple fluid cell for the study of aqueous solutions using THz time-domain spectroscopy.
Measurement Science & Technology, 22 (3).
ISSN 0957-0233
doi: 10.1088/0957-0233/22/3/037003
Walker, G. C., Labaune, J., Bowen, J. W., Jackson, J., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Mourou, G. and Menu, M.
Deconvolution: imaging the unturned page.
In: 36th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz 2011), 02-07 Oct 2011, Houston, TX.
Warwick, K., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID:, Becerra, V. M. and Whalley, B. J.
Experiments with an in-vitro robot brain.
In: Yang, C. (ed.)
Computing with instinct: rediscovering artificial intelligence.
Lecture notes in computer science (5987).
Springer, pp. 1-16, 1st Edition, XIII, 163 p.
ISBN 9783642197567
(Sub series: lecture notes in artifical intelligence)
Williams, N., Nasuto, S.
ORCID: and Saddy, J. D.
Evaluation of empirical mode decomposition for event-related potential analysis.
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2011.
ISSN 1687-6180
doi: 10.1155/2011/965237
Xydas, D., Downes, J. H., Spencer, M. C., Hammond, M. W., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID:, Whalley, B. J., Becerra, V. M. and Warwick, K.
Revealing ensemble state transition patterns in multi-electrode neuronal recordings using hidden Markov models.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 19 (4).
pp. 345-355.
ISSN 1534-4320
doi: 10.1109/TNSRE.2011.2157360
Yang, R. and Sherratt, R. S.
Multiband OFDM modulation and demodulation for ultra wideband communications.
In: Lembrikov, B. (ed.)
Novel Applications of the UWB Technologies.
Intech Open Publishing, pp. 3-30.
ISBN 9789533073248
Yunusov, T.
ORCID:, Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Potter, B.
Cost function for sub-agent elements in multi-agent energy management system.
In: Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT Europe) 2011, 5-7 Dec 2011, Manchester, UK, pp. 1-8.
doi: 10.1109/ISGTEurope.2011.6162783
Yunusov, T.
ORCID:, Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Potter, B.
Sub-agent elements for control methods in multi-agent energy management system.
In: 2011 IEEE 33rd International Telecommunications Energy Conference (INTELEC), 9-13th October 2011, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 1-7.
Astell, A.
ORCID:, Williams, L., Adlam, T. and Hwang, F.
NANA: Novel assessment of nutrition and ageing.
Gerontechnology, 9 (2).
pp. 95-96.
ISSN 0304-324X
doi: 10.4017/gt.2010.
Barrow, A.
Improved haptic interaction for large workspace, multi-sensory, dynamic virtual environments.
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
Biggs, J. D. and Holderbaum, W.
Integrable quadratic Hamiltonians on the Euclidean group of motions.
Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, 16 (3).
pp. 301-317.
ISSN 1573-8698
doi: 10.1007/s10883-010-9094-8
Boorman, L., Kennerley, A. J., Johnston, D., Jones, M., Zheng, Y.
ORCID:, Redgrave, P. and Berwick, J.
Negative blood oxygen level dependence in the rat: a model for investigating the role of suppression in neurovascular coupling.
Journal of Neuroscience, 30 (12).
pp. 4285-4294.
ISSN 0270-6474
doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.6063-09.2010
Broadley, M. R., Lochlainn, S. O., Hammond, J. P.
ORCID:, Bowen, H. C., Cakmak, I., Eker, S., Erdem, H., King, G. J. and White, P. J.
Shoot zinc (Zn) concentration varies widely within Brassica oleracea L. and is affected by soil Zn and phosphorus (P) levels.
Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 85 (5).
pp. 375-380.
ISSN 1462-0316
Bruyns-Haylett, M., Zheng, Y.
ORCID:, Berwick, J. and Jones, M.
Temporal coupling between stimulus-evoked neural activity and hemodynamic responses from individual cortical columns.
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 55 (8).
pp. 2203-2219.
ISSN 1361-6560
doi: 10.1088/0031-9155/55/8/006
Chain, B., Bowen, H., Hammond, J.
ORCID:, Posch, W., Rasaiyaah, J., Tsang, J. and Noursadeghi, M.
Error, reproducibility and sensitivity: a pipeline for data processing of Agilent oligonucleotide expression arrays.
BMC Bioinformatics, 11.
ISSN 1471-2105
doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-11-344
Daly, I., Williams, N., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID:, Warwick, K. and Saddy, D.
Single trial BCI operation via Wackermann parameters.
2010 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP).
IEEE, pp. 409-414.
ISBN 9781424478750
doi: 10.1109/MLSP.2010.5588992
Delivopoulos, E.
ORCID:, Murray, A. F. and Curtis, J. C.
Effects of parylene-C photooxidation on serum-assisted glial and neuronal patterning.
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 94A (1).
pp. 47-58.
ISSN 1549-3296
doi: 10.1002/jbm.a.32662
Hadjiloucas, S.
Mapping and controlling molecular processes: The application of control theory and system identification algorithms to ASOPS and other fast pulse spectroscopies.
In: European Science Foundation Workshop, 7-10 June 2010, EPFL Lausanne Switzerland, pp. 101-102.
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Walker, G. and Bowen, J.
Quantifying user perception of foodstuffs using THz spectrometry.
In: 35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz 2010), 05-10 Sep 2010, Rome, Italy.
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Walker, G. C. and Bowen, J. W.
Quantifying user perception of foodstuffs using THz spectrometry.
In: IRMMW-THz 2010: the 35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, 5-10 Sept 2010, Rome, Italy.
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Walker, G. C., Bowen, J. W. and Galvão, R. K. H.
Femto-chemometrics: the signal processing of fast pulse transients.
In: 35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz 2010), 05-10 Sep 2010, Rome, Italy.
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Walker, G. C., Bowen, J. W. and Karatzas, L.
Proposed design for an ultrasonic optical force-feedback microphone.
In: GDR-AFPAC 6th Conference of the GDR 2501 Research on Ultrasound Propagation for NDT jointly with the 10th Anglo-French Physical Acoustics Conference (AFPAC) Organised by the IOP Physical Acoustics Group and the French Group de Recherche (GDR) and GAPSUS, 18-22 January 2010, Castle Green Hotel, Lake District, UK , p. 74.
Harris, S., Jones, M., Zheng, Y.
ORCID: and Berwick, J.
Does neural input or processing play a greater role in the magnitude of neuroimaging signals?
Frontiers in Neuroenergetics, 2.
pp. 1-7.
ISSN 1662-6427
doi: 10.3389/fnene.2010.00015
Harvey, A. P., McCrindle, R. J., Lundqvist, K. O. and Parslow, P. N.
Automatic speech recognition for assistive technology devices.
In: ICDVRAT 2010: The Eighth International Conference on Disability Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, 31 Aug-2 Sept 2010, Valparaiso, Chile.
Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Sugawara, K. and Sawada, Y.
Study of optimization for cooperative motion between two humans in mutual tracking.
In: Proceedings of 4th IMEKO TC 18 Symposium Measurement, Analysis and Modeling of Human Functions, pp. 90-95.
Hernandez-Carrascal, A. and Nasuto, S. J.
Application of Gaussian multi-scale representation to feature tracking in meteorological satellite imagery.
In: 2010 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, 20-24 Sept 2010, Cordoba, Spain.
Hollinworth, N. and Hwang, F.
Relating computer tasks to existing knowledge to improve accessibility for older adults.
ASSETS '10: proceedings of the 12th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on computers and accessibility.
ACM: the Association for Computing Machinery, New York, USA, pp. 147-154.
ISBN 9781605588810
doi: 10.1145/1878803.1878830
Loureiro, R.C.V., Valentine, D., Lamperd, B., Collin, C. and Harwin, W.S.
Gaming and social interactions in the rehabilitation of brain injuries: a pilot study.
In: Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology, 22 - 25 March 2010, Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge , pp. 219-228.
doi: 10.1007/978-1-84996-166-0
Love, C. G., Graham, N. S., Lochlainn, S. O., Bowen, H. C., May, S. T., White, P. J., Broadley, M. R., Hammond, J. P.
ORCID: and King, G. J.
A Brassica exon array for whole-transcript gene expression profiling.
PLoS ONE, 5 (9).
ISSN 1932-6203
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0012812
Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Cadenas, O.
A double data rate (DDR) architecture for OFDM based
wireless consumer devices.
In: IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Jan 2010, Las Vegas, USA.
Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Cadenas, O.
A double data rate (DDR) architecture for OFDM based wireless consumer devices.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 56 (1).
pp. 23-26.
ISSN 0098-3063
doi: 10.1109/TCE.2010.5439121
Spencer, M., Xydas, D., Downes, J. H., Hammond, M., Becerra, V., Warwick, K., Whalley, B. J. and Nasuto, S. J.
Investigation of spatio-temporal dependencies in neuronal functional connectivity.
In: 9th IEEE International Conference on Cybernetic Intelligent Systems, 1-2 Sept 2010, Reading, UK.
Trujillo, M., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID: and Becerra, V. M.
Robust H∞ optimal controller designs for feedback substitution schemes using LSDP and MOGA 9th IEEE International Conference in Systems Man and Cybernetics.
In: 9th IEEE International Conference in Systems Man and Cybernetics, Reading UK.
Tse, B., Harwin, W. S.
ORCID:, Barrow, A., Quinn, B., San Diego, J. and Cox, M.
Design and development of a haptic dental training system - hapTEL.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6192/2010.
pp. 101-108.
ISSN 0302-9743
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-14075-4_15
Unsworth, C.P., Graham, E.S., Delivopoulos, E.
ORCID:, Dragunow, M. and Murray, A.F.
First human hNT neurons patterned on parylene-C/silicon dioxide substrates: Combining an accessible cell line and robust patterning technology for the study of the pathological adult human brain.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 194 (1).
pp. 154-157.
ISSN 0165-0270
doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2010.09.022
Vanoncini, M., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Andrews, B.
Activation of lower back muscles via FES for pressure sores prevention in paraplegia: a case study.
Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, 34 (3).
pp. 224-231.
ISSN 1464-522X
doi: 10.3109/03091900903580504
Warwick, K., Xydas, D., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID:, Becerra, V. M., Hammond, M. W., Downes, J., Marshall, S. and Whalley, B. J.
Controlling a mobile robot with a biological brain.
Defence Science Journal, 60 (1).
pp. 5-14.
ISSN 0011-748X
White, P. J., Hammond, J. P.
ORCID:, King, G. J., Bowen, H. C., Hayden, R. M., Meacham, M. C., Spracklen, W. P. and Broadley, M. R.
Genetic analysis of potassium use efficiency in Brassica oleracea.
Annals of Botany, 105 (7).
pp. 1199-1210.
ISSN 1095-8290
doi: 10.1093/aob/mcp253
Williams, V., McCrindle, R. and Victor, C.
Older people's perceptions of assistive technology — An exploratory pan-European study.
Journal of Integrated Care, 18 (1).
pp. 38-44.
ISSN 1476-9018
doi: 10.5042/jic.2010.0086
Xydas, D., Spencer, M., Downes, J., Hammond, M. W. J., Becerra, V. M., Warwick, K., Whalley, B. J. and Nasuto, S. J.
Application of Poisson-based hidden Markov models to in-vitro neuronal data.
In: 9th IEEE International Conference on Cybernetic Intelligent Systems, 1-2 Sept 2010, Reading, UK.
Zheng, Y.
ORCID:, Pan, Y., Harris, S., Billings, S., Coca, D., Berwick, J., Jones, M., Kennerley, A., Johnston, D., Martin, C., Devonshire, I. M. and Mayhew, J.
A dynamic model of neurovascular coupling: Implications for blood vessel dilation and constriction.
NeuroImage, 52 (3).
pp. 1135-1147.
ISSN 1053-8119
doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2010.01.102
Asante, M. and Sherratt, S.
Improvement of link failure restoration utilising multi-protocol label switching (MPLS) as a means to maintain quality of service (QOS).
Journal of Science and Technology (Ghana), 29 (2).
ISSN 0855-0395
Biggs, J. and Holderbaum, W.
Optimal kinematic control of an autonomous underwater vehicle.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 54 (7).
pp. 1623-1626.
ISSN 0018-9286
doi: 10.1109/tac.2009.2017966
Browne, W., Kawamura, K., Krichmar, J. , Harwin, W.
ORCID: and Wagatsuma, H.
Cognitive robotics: new insights into robot and human intelligence by reverse engineering brain functions.
Robotics and Automation Magazine IEEE, 16 (3).
pp. 17-18.
ISSN 1070-9932
doi: 10.1109/MRA.2009.933617
Connor, R., Williams, S. A., Finch, R. P. and McCrindle, R. J.
Development of 'i-Chiro' - a novel e-learning platform to support the post-qualification training of recent graduates.
In: World Federation of Chiropractic Congress, 30 May - 2 June, 2009, Montreal, Canada.
Delivopoulos, E.
ORCID:, Murray, A. F., MacLeod, N. K. and Curtis, J. C.
Guided growth of neurons and glia using microfabricated patterns of parylene-C on a SiO2 background.
Biomaterials, 30 (11).
pp. 2048-2058.
ISSN 0142-9612
doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2008.12.049
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Franklin, T., Becerra, V. M., Walker, G. C. and Bowen, J. W.
Optimising the feedback loop of a millimetre-wave absolute photoacoustic power meter using H-infinity control synthesis.
Journal of Physics : Conference Series , 178 (1).
p. 12042.
ISSN 1742-6588
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/178/1/012042
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Shaver, A., Walker, G.C. and Bowen, J.W.
Prospects for bio-molecular control using femtosecond transients parametrised in the wavelet domain.
In: Biophotonics: technology and applications meeting, The Institute of Physics, London .
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Walker, G. C., Bowen, J. W. and Karatzas, L. S.
Performance limitations of piezoelectric and force feedback electrostatic transducers in different applications.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 178 (1).
ISSN 1742-6588
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/178/1/012036
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Walker, G. C., Bowen, J. W. and Zafiropoulos, A.
Propagation of errors from a null balance terahertz reflectometer to a sample's relative water content.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 178 (1).
ISSN 1742-6588
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/178/1/012012
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Walker, G.C., Bowen, J.W., Becerra, V.M., Zafiropoulos, A. and Galvão, R.K.H.
High signal to noise ratio THz spectroscopy with ASOPS and signal processing schemes for mapping and controlling molecular and bulk relaxation processes.
Journal of Physics Conference Series, 183.
ISSN 1742-6588
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/183/1/012003
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Zafiropoulos, A. , Walker, G.C. and Bowen, J.W.
Inferring relative water content and water availability using THz radiation.
In: 2nd annual meeting on THz sensing: techniques and applications, The Institute of Physics, London.
Hammond, J.
ORCID:, Broadley, M. R., White, P. J., King, G. J., Bowen, H. C., Hayden, R., Meacham, M. C., Mead, A., Overs, T., Spracklen, W. P. and Greenwood, D. J.
Shoot yield drives phosphorus use efficiency in Brassica oleracea and correlates with root architecture traits.
Journal of Experimental Botany, 60 (7).
pp. 1953-1968.
ISSN 1460-2431
doi: 10.1093/jxb/erp083
Harwin, W.S.
Impedance mismatch: some differences between the way humans and robots control interaction forces.
In: IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR 2009), Kyoto, Japan.
doi: 10.1109/ICORR.2009.5209464
Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Hayashi, Y., Sugawara, K. and Sawada, Y.
Why the hand motion proceeds the target in tracking experiment?
In: The 3rd International Symposium on Mobiligence, 19-21 November 2009, Awaji Island, Japan.
Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Tamura, Y., Sugawara, K. and Sawada, Y.
Roll of the rhythmic component in the proactive control of a human hand.
Artificial Life and Robotics, 14 (2).
pp. 164-167.
ISSN 1614-7456
doi: 10.1007/s10015-009-0730-x
Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Biggs, J.
Oriented vehicles travelling in spherical space.
In: IASTED Control and Applications 2009, Cambridge, UK.
Hollinworth, N. and Hwang, F.
Learning how older adults undertake computer tasks [poster].
In: 11th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on computers and accessibility (ASSETS 2009), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
doi: 10.1145/1639642.1639697
Ikegami, Y., Nagai, K., Loureiro, R.C.V. and Harwin, W.S.
Design of redundant drive joint with adjustable stiffness and damping mechanism to improve joint admittance.
2009 IEEE 11th international conference on rehabilitation robotics.
International conference on rehabilitation robotics ICORR , 1 & 2.
IEEE, New York, pp. 234-242.
ISBN 9781424437887
doi: 10.1109/ICORR.2009.5209474
Lefebvre, V., Zheng, Y.
ORCID:, Martin, C., Devonshire, I. M., Harris, S. and Mayhew, J. E.
A dynamic causal model of the coupling between pulse stimulation and neural activity.
Neural Computation, 21 (10).
pp. 2846-2868.
ISSN 0899-7667
doi: 10.1162/neco.2009.07-08-820
Loureiro, R.C.V., Lamperd, B., Collin, C. and Harwin, W.S.
Reach and grasp therapy: effects of the Gentle/G System assessing sub-acute stroke whole-arm rehabilitation.
In: IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR 2009), Kyoto, Japan.
doi: 10.1109/ICORR.2009.5209509
Madgwick, S.O.H. , Turner, C.P. and Harwin, W.S.
Adaptation of an commercially available stabilised R/C helicopter to a fully autonomous surveillance UAV.
In: 24th Bristol international unmanned air vehicle systems (UAVS) conference, Bristol, UK.
Martin, W., Williams, V., Victor, C., McCrindle, R. and Barrett, J.
Keeping safe and secure: understanding older peoples' perceptions and experiences of safety and security.
In: XIXth IAGG world congress of gerontology and geriatrics, Paris, France, OD8 168-6.
McCrindle, R., Mountain, G., Clarkson, J., Lansley, P., Cox, T., Damodaran, L., Eccelston, C. and Ward Thompson, C.
KT-EQUAL: putting ageing and disability research into practice [poster PD6 732].
In: XIXth IAGG world congress of gerontology and geriatrics, Paris, France.
Nagai, K., Shiigi, Y. , Ikegami, Y., Loureiro, R. and Harwin, W.S.
Impedance control of redundant drive joints with double actuation.
In: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2009 (ICRA '09), Kobe, Japan.
doi: 10.1109/ROBOT.2009.5152472
Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID:, Bishop, J. M. and De Meyer, K.
Communicating neurons: a connectionist spiking neuron implementation of stochastic diffusion search.
Neurocomputing, 72 (4-6).
pp. 704-712.
ISSN 0925-2312
doi: 10.1016/j.neucom.2008.03.019
Portelli, A.J. and Nasuto, S.J.
Overcoming the limitations of traditional EEG acquisition through the use of capacitive electrodes [poster].
In: PGBioMed 2009, Oxford, UK.
Sevcenco, Y. A., Bowen, P. J., Johnson, M. P., Hilton, M., Welch, M. A. and Miller, M. N.
Mass and size distribution measurement of particulates
from a gas turbine combustor using modern mobility
analyzer and particle sizer.
In: 45th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit and 7th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, August 2009, Denver, Colorado, USA.
The University of Reading
Parallel convolutional coder.
WO 2009/147401 Al.
doi: WO 2009/147401 Al
The University of Reading
Dual carrier modulation soft demapper.
US 2009/0304094 A1.
doi: US 2009/0304094 A1
Smith, T.A., Loureiro, R.C.V. and Harwin, W.S.
3D path planning with novel multiple 2D layered approach for complex human-robot interaction.
In: IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation, Daejeon, South Korea.
doi: 10.1109/CIRA.2009.5423238
Sugawara, K., Yaegashi, K., Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Kikuchi, T. and Tsuji, K.
Modeling the patrol behavior of the Diacamma's gamergate.
Artificial Life and Robotics, 14 (3).
pp. 318-320.
ISSN 1614-7456
doi: 10.1007/s10015-009-0731-9
Sweeney-Reed, C. M. and Nasuto, S. J.
Detection of neural correlates of self-paced motor activity using empirical mode decomposition phase locking analysis.
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 184 (1).
pp. 54-70.
ISSN 0165-0270
doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2009.07.023
Warwick, K., Daly, I. and Nasuto, S.J.
Phase resetting as a mechanism of ERP generation: evidence from the power spectrum.
In: PGBioMed 2009, Oxford, UK.
Wei, H.-L., Zheng, Y.
ORCID:, Pan, Y., Coca, D., Li, L.-M., Mayhew, J.E.W. and Billings, S.A.
Model estimation of cerebral hemodynamics between blood flow and volume changes: A data-based modeling approach.
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 56 (6).
pp. 1606-1616.
ISSN 0018-9294
doi: 10.1109/TBME.2009.2012722
Williams, N., Daly, I., Nasuto, S.J.
ORCID:, Saddy, D.
ORCID: and Warwick, K.
ERP classification using empirical mode decomposition.
In: PGBIOMED, Oxford, UK.
Williams, V., Victor, C., McCrindle, R. and Levene, P.
Using a wearable assistive technology system - opportunities and threats, PB7 366.
In: XIXth IAGG World Congress on Gerontology and Geriatrics, Paris, France.
Yang, R. and Sherratt, R. S.
Fixed point dual carrier modulation performance for wireless USB.
In: IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, June 2009, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 235-238.
Yang, R. and Sherratt, R. S.
Improved and optimal dual circular 32-QAM for MB-OFDM.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 55 (3).
pp. 1121-1126.
ISSN 0098-3063
doi: 10.1109/TCE.2009.5277965
Yuki, M., Hayashi, Y.
ORCID: and Sugawara, K.
Analysis and modeling of Diacamma workers’ behavior.
In: International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics.
Zheng, Y.
ORCID: and Mayhew, J.
A time-invariant visco-elastic windkessel model relating blood flow and blood volume.
NeuroImage, 47 (4).
pp. 1371-1380.
ISSN 1053-8119
doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2009.04.022
Andrade, A. O., Kyberd, P. and Nasuto, S. J.
The application of the Hilbert spectrum to the analysis of electromyographic signals.
Information Sciences, 178 (9).
pp. 2176-2193.
ISSN 0020-0255
doi: 10.1016/j.ins.2007.12.013
Banks, D. and McCrindle, R.J.
Visual eye disease simulator.
In: 7th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies (ICDVRAT 2008), Porto, Portugal, pp. 167-174.
Barrow, A. L. and Harwin, W. S.
High bandwidth, large workspace haptic interaction: flying phantoms.
In: Weisenberger, J., Okamura, A. and MacLean, K. (eds.)
Symposium on Haptics Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems 2008, Proceedings.
IEEE Computer Soc, Los Alamitos, pp. 295-302.
ISBN 9781424420056
Becerra, V. M., Brown, M. and Nasuto, S.
Automatically constructing the semantic web.
In: SSE Systems Engineering Conference 2008, 25-26 Sep 2008, The University of Reading.
Biggs, J. and Holderbaum, W.
Planning rigid body motions using elastic curves.
Mathematics of Control Signals and Systems, 20 (4).
pp. 351-367.
ISSN 0932-4194
doi: 10.1007/s00498-008-0033-0
Bowen, J. W. and Walker, G. C.
The definition and distortion of features in medical terahertz imaging.
In: Illuminated and Enlightened: an IPEM meeting, 29-30 July 2008, Reading, UK.
Bowen, J.W., Walker, G.C. and Hadjiloucas, S.
System-dependent features in terahertz time-domain images and spectra.
In: IOP ISAT meeting on ‘terahertz sensing: techniques and applications', London, UK.
Bowen, J.W., Walker, G.C., Alozie, D. and Hadjiloucas, S.
Achieving sub-wavelength spatial resolution in terahertz imaging by exploiting phase cancellation effects.
In: European Optical Society Annual Meeting: EOSAM - TOM 2: Terahertz Science and Technology, Paris, France.
Broadley, M. R., Hammond, J. P.
ORCID:, King, G. J., Astley, D., Bowen, H. C., Meacham, M. C., Mead, A., Pink, D. A. C., Teakle, G. R., Hayden, R. M., Spracklen, W. P. and White, P. J.
Shoot calcium and magnesium concentrations differ between subtaxa, are highly heritable, and associate with potentially pleiotropic loci in Brassica oleracea.
Plant Physiology, 146 (4).
pp. 1707-1720.
ISSN 0032-0889
doi: 10.1104/pp.107.114645
Broadley, M. R., White, P. J., Hammond, J.
ORCID:, Graham, N. S., Bowen, H. C., Emmerson, Z. F., Fray, R. G., Iannetta, P. P. M., McNicol, J. W. and May, S. T.
Evidence of neutral transcriptome evolution in plants.
New Phytologist, 180 (3).
pp. 587-593.
ISSN 1469-8137
doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2008.02640.x
Coote, S., Murphy, B., Harwin, W.
ORCID: and Stokes, E.
The effect of the GENTLE/s robot-mediated therapy system on arm function after stroke.
Clinical Rehabilitation, 22 (5).
pp. 395-405.
ISSN 0269-2155
doi: 10.1177/0269215507085060
Curtis, J.C., Baldwin, K., Dworak, B.J., Stevenson, J., Delivopoulos, E.
ORCID:, MacLeod, N.K. and Murray, A.F.
Seal Formation in Silicon Planar Patch-Clamp Microstructures.
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 17 (4).
pp. 974-983.
ISSN 1057-7157
doi: 10.1109/JMEMS.2008.924270
Daly, I., Nasuto, S.
ORCID: and Warwick, K.
A new paradigm for BCI research.
In: SSE Systems Engineering Conference 2008, 25-26 Sep 2008, The University of Reading.
Daly, I., Nasuto, S.J.
ORCID: and Warwick, K.
Towards natural human computer interaction in BCI.
In: AISB 2008, Aberdeen, UK.
Downes, J., Hammond, M., Xydas, D., Whalley, B., Becerra, V., Warwick, K. and Nasuto, S.
Real-time and batch control of MEA channel selection and stimulation.
In: 6th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Micro Electrode Arrays (MEA Meeting 2008), Reutlingen, Germany.
Fischer, B.M., Yin, X.X., Ng, B.W.H., Abbott, D., Galvao, R.K.H., Paiva, H.M., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Walker, G.C. and Bowen, J.W.
Subspace and wavelet-packet algorithms for de-noising and classifying broadband THz transients.
In: 33rd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, Pasadena, USA.
doi: 10.1109/ICIMW.2008.4665758
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Shaver, A., Walker, G.C. and Bowen, J.W.
Prospects for bio-molecular control using femtosecond transients parametrised in the wavelet domain [poster].
In: European Optical Society Annual Meeting, Paris, France.
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Walker, G., Bowen, J. and Karatzas, L. S.
An optical force-feedback microphone for sensing biophotonics related photoacoustic and photothermal phenomena.
In: EOS Annual Meeting, 2008, Paris, France, p. 968.
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Walker, G.C., Bowen, J.W. and Karatzas, L.S.
An optical force-feedback microphone for sensing biophotonics related photoacoustic and photo-thermal phenomena [poster].
In: European Optical Society Annual Meeting, Paris, France.
Hammond, M.W., Marshall, S., Downes, J.H., Xydas, D., Nasuto, S.J.
ORCID:, Becerra, V.M., Warwick, K. and Whalley, B.J.
Robust methodology for the study of cultured neuronal networks On MEAs.
In: MEA 6th International Meeting on Substrate-Integrated Microelectrode Arrays, Reutlingen, Germany.
Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Yuki, M., Sugawara, K., Kikuchi, T. and Tsuji, K.
Analysis and modeling of ants’ behavior from single to multi-body.
Artificial Life and Robotics, 13 (1).
pp. 120-123.
ISSN 1614-7456
doi: 10.1007/s10015-008-0571-z
Hernandez-Carrascal, A. and Nasuto, S.J.
A swarm intelligence method for feature tracking in AMV derivation.
In: Ninth International Winds Workshop, Annapolis, Maryland, USA.
Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Biggs, J.
Integrable Hamiltonian systems defined on the Lie groups SO(3) and SU(2): an application to the attitude control of a spacecraft.
In: 5th Wismar Symposium on Automatic Control (AUTSYM 2008), Wismar, Germany.
Hollinworth, N. and Hwang, F.
Improving computer interaction for older people - studying mouse clicks.
In: SSE Systems Engineering Conference 2008, 25-26 Sep 2008, The University of Reading.
Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Batson, H. and Williams, N.
Bringing the target to the cursor: proxy targets for older adults.
In: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Florence, Italy.
doi: 10.1145/1358628.1358760
Martindale, J., Kennerley, A. J., Johnston, D., Zheng, Y.
ORCID: and Mayhew, J. E.
Theory and generalization of Monte Carlo models of the BOLD signal source.
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 59 (3).
pp. 607-618.
ISSN 1522-2594
doi: 10.1002/mrm.21512
McCrindle, R.J. and Banks, D.
Use of image processing techniques to simulate visual impairments and inform design of buildings and public spaces.
In: The 9th International Conference on Low Vision, Montreal, Canada.
Mitchell, R., Browne, W., Harwin, W.
ORCID: and Warwick, K.
Cybernetics and its application.
Pearson , Harlow.
ISBN 9781847764287
Myatt, D.R., Hadlington, T., Skene, N.G., Ascoli, G. and Nasuto, S.J.
Superior 3D tracking of neurites using a modified livewire algorithm.
In: Society for Neuroscience Conference, Portland Oregon, USA.
Nagai, K., Ikegami, Y., Loureiro, R. and Harwin, W.S.
Proposal of an admittance enhanced redundant joint mechanism to improve backdrivability.
In: IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2008), Xian, China.
doi: 10.1109/AIM.2008.4601712
Nasuto, S.
ORCID: and Bishop, M.
Stabilizing swarm intelligence search via positive feedback resource allocation.
In: Krasnogor, N., Nicosia, G., Pavone, M. and Pelta, D. (eds.)
Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization.
Studies in Computational Intelligence, 129.
Springer, New York, pp. 115-123.
ISBN 9783540789864
Nicolaou, N., Nasuto, S.J.
ORCID: and Georgiou, J.
Single-trial event-related potential analysis for brain-computer interfaces.
In: AISB 2008, Aberdeen, UK, pp. 13-19.
Ogata, M., Hondou, T., Hayakawa, Y., Hayashi, Y.
ORCID: and Sugawara, K.
Adaptation-induced collective dynamics of a single-cell protozoan.
Physical Review E, 77.
ISSN 1550-2376
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.77.011917
Parker, S., Nussbaum, G., Sonntag, H., Puhretmair, F., Williams, V., McCrindle, R., Victor, C., Oliver, D., Maguire, M., Mayer, P., Edelmayer, G. and Panek, P.
ENABLE - a view on user's needs.
In: 11th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Linz, AUSTRIA.
Portelli, A.J. and Nasuto, S.J.
Toward construction of an inexpensive brain computer interface for goal oriented applications.
In: AISB 2008, Aberdeen, UK.
Reynolds, P.A. , Newton, T., Cox, M.J., Harwin, W.
ORCID:, Elson, B., Woolford, M., Dunne, S., Hindmarsh, J., Robinson, B., Millar, B., Barrow, A. and Tse, B.
Methods to teach and evaluate dental clinical skills using Haptics.
In: International Association for Dental Research conference (IADR), Toronto, Canada.
Sa, A.A.R., Andrade, A.O., Nasuto, S.J.
ORCID: and Soares, A.B.
Estimation of Hidden Markov Models parameters using differential evolution.
In: AISB 2008, Aberdeen, UK.
Sa, A.A.R., Andrade, A.O., Soares, A.B. and Nasuto, S.J.
Exploration vs exploitation in differential evolution.
In: AISB 2008, Aberdeen, UK.
Sherratt, R. S.
A parallel convolutional coder including embedded puncturing with application to consumer devices.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 54 (4).
pp. 1647-1650.
ISSN 0098-3063
doi: 10.1109/TCE.2008.4711215
Sherratt, R.S.
ORCID:, Khan, J.R. and Cadenas , O.
A Packet/Frame sync detector based on statistical mode with application to wireless-USB.
In: IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE 2008), Portugal.
doi: 10.1109/ISCE.2008.4559528
Skene, N. and Nasuto, S.J.
Methods for comparing and constraining models of dendritic spines.
In: 2nd plenary French conference on Computational Neuroscience (Neurocomp08), Marseille, France.
Vanoncini, M., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Andrews, B.
Development and experimental identification of a biomechanical model of the trunk for functional electrical stimulation control in paraplegia.
Neuromodulation, 11 (4).
pp. 315-324.
ISSN 1094-7159
Vanoncini, M., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Andrews, B.J.
Development of closed loop FES controllers for trunk stabilization in paraplegia.
In: 13th Annual Conference of the IFESS, Freiburg, Germany.
Vanoncini, M., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Andrews, B.J.
Model based development of a FES controller for trunk stabilization in paraplegia.
In: 5th Wismar Symposium on Automatic Control (AUTSYM 2008), Wismar, Germany.
Vanoncini, M., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Andrews, B.J.
A simple biomechanical model of the trunk for FES assisted balance control in paraplegia.
In: 13th Annual Conference of the IFESS, Freiburg, Germany.
Vasile, M., Ceriotti, M., Radice, G., Becerra, V., Nasuto, S.
ORCID: and Anderson, J.,
Global trajectory optimisation: can we prune the solution space when considering deep space manoeuvres?
Technical Report.
Xydas, D., Norcott, D. J., Warwick, K., Whalley, B. J., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID:, Becerra, V. M., Hammond, M. W., Downes, J. and Marshall, S.
Architecture for neuronal cell control of a mobile robot.
In: Bruyninckx, H., Preucil, L. and Kulich, M. (eds.)
European Robotics Symposium 2008.
Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, 44.
Springer-Verlag Berlin, Berlin, pp. 23-31.
ISBN 9783540783152
Yang, R. and Sherratt, R.S.
Dual carrier modulation demapping methods and performances for wireless USB.
In: 9th Annual Postgraduate Symposium: Convergence of Telecommunications, Networking and Broadcasting, Liverpool, UK.
Yang, R. and Sherratt, R.S.
Enhancing MB-OFDM throughput with dual circular 32-QAM.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 54 (4).
pp. 1640-1646.
ISSN 0098-3063
doi: 10.1109/TCE.2008.4711214
Yin, X.X., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Fischer, B.M., Ng, B.W.H., Paiva, H.M., Galvao, R.K.H., Walker, G.C., Bowen, J.W. and Abbott, D.
Classification of lactose and mandelic acid THz spectra using subspace and wavelet-packet algorithms.
In: Conference on Microelectronics - Design, Technology and Packaging III, Canberra, Australia.
Adams, A.A. and McCrindle, R.J.
Pandora’s Box – Social and Professional Issues of the Information Age.
John Wiley and Sons, pp666.
ISBN 9780470065532
Amirabdollahian, F., Harwin, W.S.
ORCID: and Loureiro, R.C.V.
Analysis of the Fugl-Meyer outcome measures assessing the effectiveness of robot-mediated stroke therapy.
In: IEEE 10th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR 2007), Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
doi: 10.1109/ICORR.2007.4428506
Amirabdollahian, F., Loureiro, R., Gradwell, E., Collin, C., Harwin, W.
ORCID: and Johnson, G.
Multivariate analysis of the Fugl-Meyer outcome measures assessing the effectiveness of GENTLE/S robot-mediated stroke therapy.
Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 4 (4).
ISSN 1743-0003
doi: 10.1186/1743-0003-4-4
Andrade, A.O., Nasuto, S.J.
ORCID: and Kyberd, P.J.
Extraction of motor unit action potentials from electromyographic signals through generative topographic mapping.
Journal of the Franklin Institute, 344 (3 - 4).
154 - 179.
Becerra, V. M., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID:, Anderson, J., Ceriotti, M. and Bombardelli, C.
Search space pruning and global optimization of multiple gravity assist trajectories with deep space manoeuvres.
2007 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Vols 1-10, Proceedings.
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation.
IEEE, New York, pp. 957-964.
ISBN 9781424413393
Biggs, J. and Holderbaum, W.
Integrating Hamiltonian systems defined on the Lie groups SO(4) and SO(1,3).
In: 45th European Control Conference (ECC 2007), Kos, Greece.
Biggs, J., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Jurdjevic, V.
Singularities of optimal control problems on some 6-D lie groups.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 52 (6).
pp. 1027-1038.
ISSN 0018-9286
doi: 10.1109/tac.2007.899010
Bowen, J. W., Walker, G. C. and Hadjiloucas, S.
Sample-induced beam distortions in terahertz time domain spectroscopy and imaging systems.
2007 Joint 32nd International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 15th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, Vols 1 and 2.
IEEE, New York, pp. 208-209.
ISBN 9781424414383
Farrimond, J., Nasuto, S.J.
ORCID:, Stephens, G.J. and Whalley, B. J.
NoLITiV: an implementation of nonlinear methods of signal processing: application to pharmacological data.
In: British Pharmacological Society Winter Meeting, Brighton, UK.
Galvao, R. K. H., Izhac, A., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Becerra, V. M. and Bowen, J. W.
MIMO Wiener model identification for large scale fading of wireless mobile communications links.
IEEE Communications Letters, 11 (6).
pp. 513-515.
ISSN 1089-7798
doi: 10.1109/lcomm.2007.070242
Galvao, R.K.H., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Izhac, A., Becerra, V.M. and Bowen, J.M.
Wiener-System subspace identification for mobile wireless mm-wave networks.
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 56 (4).
pp. 1935-1948.
ISSN 0018-9545
doi: 10.1109/TVT.2007.897250
Galvão, R. K. H., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Zafiropoulos, A., Walker, G. C., Bowen, J. W. and Dudley, R.
Optimization of apodization functions in terahertz transient spectrometry.
Optics Letters, 32 (20).
pp. 3008-3010.
ISSN 0146-9592
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Walker, G. C., Bowen, J. W., Paiva, H. A., Galvao, R. K. H. and Dudley, R.
Apodisation, denoising and system identification techniques for THz transients in the wavelet domain.
In: 2007 Joint 32nd International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 15th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, Vols 1 and 2, Cardiff.
Holderbaum, W.
Application of neural network to hybrid systems with binary inputs.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 18 (4).
pp. 1254-1261.
ISSN 1045-9227
doi: 10.1109/tnn.2007.899181
Izzo, D., Becerra, V. M., Myatt, D. R., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID: and Bishop, J. M.
Search space pruning and global optimisation of Multiple Gravity Assist spacecraft trajectories.
Journal of Global Optimization, 38 (2).
pp. 283-296.
ISSN 0925-5001
doi: 10.1007/s10898-006-9106-0
Loureiro, R. C. V. and Harwin, W. S.
Reach & grasp therapy: Design and control of a 9-DOF robotic neuro-rehabilitation system.
2007 IEEE 10th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, Vols 1 and 2.
International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics ICORR.
IEEE, New York, pp. 757-763.
ISBN 9781424413195
Myatt, D. and Nasuto, S.
Three dimensional reconstruction of neurons.
AISB Quarterly, 2007 (125).
pp. 1-2.
ISSN 0268-4179
Nagai, K., Kojima, Y., Yonemoto, T., Okubo, T., Loureiro, R.C.V. and Harwin, W.S.
Structural design of an escort type rehabilitation robot for post-stroke therapies of upper-limb.
In: IEEE 10th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR 2007), Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
doi: 10.1109/ICORR.2007.4428564
Nicolaou, N. and Nasuto, S. J.
Automatic artefact removal from event-related potentials via clustering.
Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems for Signal Image and Video Technology, 48 (1-2).
pp. 173-183.
ISSN 0922-5773
doi: 10.1007/s11265-006-0011-z
Nissen, J., Oliver, D., McCrindle, R.J. and Victor, C.R.
Increasing independence and quality of life through technology: the ENABLE Project.
In: 36th Annual British Society of Gerontology Conference, Sheffield, UK.
Panek, P., Edelmayer, G., Oliver, D., Maguire, M., McCrindle, R.J., Nissen, J., Nussbaum, G., Stanek, O., Victor, C.R. and Zagler, W.L.
ENABLE: a wrist worn device with integrated accessible services to support old people living independently and safely at home.
In: 9th European Conference for Advamcement of Assistive Technology in Europe, San Sebastian, Spain.
Rocon de Lima, E., Andrade, A. O., Pons, J. L., Kyberd, P.- and Nasuto, S.J.
EMD: A novel technique for the study of tremor time series.
IFMBE Proceedings, 14 (8).
pp. 992-996.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-36841-0_236
Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Yang, R. F.
A dual QPSK soft-demapper for multiband OFDM exploiting time-domain spreading and guard interval diversity.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 53 (1).
pp. 46-49.
ISSN 0098-3063
Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID:, Cadenas , O. and Yang, R. F.
A practical low cost architecture for a MB-OFDM equalizer (ECMA-368).
2007 IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, Vols 1 and 2.
IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics.
IEEE, pp. 668-671.
ISBN 781424411092
doi: 10.1109/ISCE.2007.4382235
Sherratt, R.S.
ORCID: and Yang, R.
A dual QPSK soft-demapper for ECMA-368 exploiting time-domain spreading and guard interval diversity.
In: 25th IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE 2007), Las Vegas, USA.
doi: 10.1109/ICCE.2007.341327
Sherratt, R.S.
ORCID:, Zhang, K. and Wilkes, O.J.
A block coprocessor for user data rate improvements to GPRS coding scheme 4.
Journal of Circuits Systems and Computers, 16 (4).
pp. 541-551.
ISSN 0218-1266
doi: 10.1142/S0218126607003848
Smith, T.A., Barrow, A.L., Barrow, R.G. and Harwin, W.S.
A novel haptic interface for navigation in large volume environments.
In: 2nd Joint EuroHaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, Tsukuba, Japan.
doi: 10.1109/WHC.2007.10
Sweeney-Reed, C. M. and Nasuto, S. J.
A novel approach to the detection of synchronisation in EEG based on empirical mode decomposition.
Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 23 (1).
pp. 79-111.
ISSN 0929-5313
doi: 10.1007/s10827-007-0020-3
Victor, C. R., Barrett, J., Martin, W.P. and McCrindle, R.J.
Keeping individuals safe and secure: older peoples’ perceptions of safety and security.
In: Annual Conference of The British Society of Gerontology, Sheffield.
Victor, C.R., Martin, W.P. , McCrindle, R.J. and Barrett, J.
Keeping individuals safe and secure: older peoples’ perspectives on safety and security and the potential of technology.
In: The Gerontological Society of America – The Era of Global Ageing, Challenges and Opportunities, San Francisco.
Walker, G. C., Bowen, J. W., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Zafiropoulos, A., Hadlington, T. and Chamberlain, J. M.
Quantification of boundary definition using pulsed terahertz radiation for wedged geometries.
2007 Joint 32nd International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 15th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, Vols 1 and 2.
IEEE, New York, pp. 512-513.
ISBN 9781424414383
Warwick, K. and Nasuto, S.J.
Authors' response to letter to the editor.
IEEE Magazine Instrumentation and Measurement, 10 (6).
pp. 12-13.
ISSN 1094-6969
doi: 10.1109/MIM.2007.4428576
Williams, N. and Hwang, F.
Investigating novel point-select techniques for older people.
2007 IEEE 10th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, Vols 1 and 2.
International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics ICORR.
IEEE, New York, pp. 614-618.
ISBN 1945-7898
Yang, R. and Sherratt, R.S.
An improved DCM soft-demapper for the MB-OFDM UWB platform exploiting channel-state-information.
In: IEEE/IET 5th International Workshop on Signal Processing for Wireless Communication (SWPC-2007), London, UK.
Yang, R., Sherratt, R.S.
ORCID: and Cadenas, O.
FPGA based dual carrier modulation soft mapper and demapper for the MB-OFDM UWB platform.
In: EPSRC 8th Annual Postgraduate Symposium on the Convergence of Telecommunications, Networking and Broadcasting (PGNET 2007),, Liverpool, UK.
Yau, D. and McCrindle, R.J.
MusiCam: an instrument to demonstrate chromaphonic synesthesia.
Digital Creativity, 18 (2).
pp. 121-127.
ISSN 1462-6268
doi: 10.1080/14626260701401510
Yin, X.X., Ng, B.W.H., Ferguson, B., Abbott, D. and Hadjiloucas, S.
Application of auto regressive models of wavelet sub-bands for classifying Terahertz pulse measurements.
Journal of Biological Systems, 15 (4).
pp. 551-571.
ISSN 0218-3390
doi: 10.1142/S0218339007002374
Zafiropoulos, A., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Walker, G. C., Bowen, J. W. and Dudley, R.
Towards a THz osmometer.
2007 Joint 32nd International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 15th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, Vols 1 and 2.
UNSPECIFIED, New York, pp. 295-296.
ISBN 9781424414383
Al-Khalifah, A., McCrindle, R. and Alexandrov, V.
Immersive open surgery simulation.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3991.
pp. 868-871.
ISSN 0302-9743
Al-khalifah, A. and McCrindle, R.J.
Student perceptions of virtual reality as an education medium.
In: In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2006 (EDMEDIA 2006), Orlando, Florida, USA, 2749 - 2756.
Al-khalifah, A. and McCrindle, R.J.
Students' assessment of immersive virtual reality as a pedagogic medium.
In: 3rd International Conference on Educational Technology (ICET 2006), Calgary, Canada.
Al-khalifah, A., McCrindle, R.J., Sharkey, P.M. and Alexandrov, V.A.
Using virtual reality for medical diagnosis and training.
In: Proc. 6th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, Esbjerg, Denmark, 193 - 200.
Al-khalifah, A., McCrindle, R.J., Sharkey, P.M. and Alexandrov, V.A.
Using virtual reality for medical diagnosis and training.
International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 5 (2).
187 -193.
Andrade, A. O., Nasuto, S.
ORCID:, Kyberd, P., Sweeney-Reed, C. M. and Van Kanijn, F. R.
EMG signal filtering based on Empirical Mode Decomposition.
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 1 (1).
pp. 44-55.
ISSN 1746-8094
doi: 10.1016/j.bspc.2006.03.003
Andrade, A.O., Nasuto, S.J.
ORCID: and Kyberd, P.J.
Simulation of motor unit action potentials through a point distribution model.
In: International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology Congress (ISEK '06), Turin, Italy.
Becerra, V.M., Biggs, J.D., Nasuto, S.J.
ORCID:, Ruiz, V.F., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Izzo, D.
Using Newton's method to search for quasi-periodic relative satellite motion based on nonlinear Hamilton models.
In: 7th Cranfield Conference on Dynamics and Control of Systems and Structures in Space, Greenwich, United Kingdom, 193 - 202.
Biggs, J. and Holderbaum, W.
Integrating control systems defined on the frame bundles of the space forms.
Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Vols 1-14.
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
IEEE, New York, pp. 3849-3854.
ISBN 0191-2216
Bowen, J.
Terahertz sensing and measuring systems.
In: Di Bartolo, B. and Forte, E. (eds.)
Advances in Spectroscopy for Lasers and Sensing.
NATO science series II: mathematics, hhysics and chemistry, Vol. 231.
Springer, London, pp. 103-118.
ISBN 9781402047886
doi: 10.1007/1-4020-4789-4_7
(Proceedings of the NATO advanced study institute on new developments in optics and related fields, in Erice, Sicily, Italy, 6-21 June, 2005)
Bowen, J. W., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Towlson, B. M., Karatzas, L. S., Wootton, S. T. G., Cronin, N. J., Davies, S. R., McIntosh, C. E., Chamberlain, J. M., Miles, R. E. and Pollard, R. D.
Micromachined waveguide antennas for 1.6 THz.
Electronics Letters, 42 (15).
pp. 842-843.
ISSN 0013-5194
doi: 10.1049/el:20061766
De Lima, E.R., Andrade, A.O., Kyberd, P.J. and Nasuto, S.J.
MED: a novel technique for the study of temor time series.
In: World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Seoul, Korea.
De Lima, E.R., Andrade, A.O., Pons, J.L., Kyberd, P.J. and Nasuto, S.J.
Empirical mode decomposition: a novel technique for the study of tremor time series.
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 44 (7).
569- 582.
doi: 10.1007/s11517-006-0065-x
De Meyer, K., Nasuto, S.J.
ORCID: and Bishop, M.J.
Stochastic diffusion optimisation: the application of partial evaluation and stochastic recruitment.
In: Abraham, A., Grosam, C. and Ramos, V. (eds.)
Swarm Intelligence and Data Minig.
Springer Verlag.
Fortunov, D. I., Hwang, F.
ORCID: and Harwin, W. S.
Midpoint perturbation response in haptically-guided movements.
2006 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-15.
IEEE, New York, pp. 5571-5574.
ISBN 9781424400324
doi: 10.1109/IEMBS.2006.260610
Foyle, M. and McCrindle, R.J.
Interaction via motion observation.
International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 4 (4).
345 - 351.
Froese, T., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Galvao, R. K. H., Becerra, V. M. and Coelho, C. J.
Comparison of extrasystolic ECG signal classifiers using discrete wavelet transforms.
Pattern Recognition Letters, 27 (5).
pp. 393-407.
ISSN 0167-8655
doi: 10.1016/j.patrec.2005.09.002
Hadjiloucas, S.
Femtosecond optical technologies for biomolecular control.
In: Workshop on wave phenomena, Reading, United Kingdom.
Hadjiloucas, S.
Instrumentation, signal processing and applications of optical and far-infrared spectroscopy.
In: UNSPECIFIED, University of Campinas, Brazil.
Hadjiloucas, S.
THz technologies and models for mobile communications.
In: Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica, San Jose dos Campos, Brazil.
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Shaver, A.K., Walker, G.C., Bowen, J.W. and O'Leary, S.V.
Feedback control of Femtosecond laser pulse shapes using Labview.
In: National Instruments Labview in the Curriculum 2006 Academic Conference, 34 - 45.
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Walker, G.C. and Bowen, J.W.
Femtosecond reserach activities at Reading.
In: LSF User Meeting, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxon.
Hammond, J. P.
ORCID:, Bowen, H. C., White, P. J., Mills, V., Pyke, K. A., Baker, A. J. M., Whiting, S. N., May, S. T. and Broadley, M. R.
A comparison of the Thlaspi caerulescens and Thlaspi arvense shoot transcriptomes.
New Phytologist, 170 (2).
pp. 239-260.
ISSN 0028-646X
doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2006.01662.x
Harwin, W.S.
ORCID:, Patton, J.L. and Edgerton, V.R.
Challenges and opportunities for robot-mediated neurorehabilitation.
Proceedings of the IEEE, 94 (9).
pp. 1717-1726.
ISSN 0018-9219
doi: 10.1109/jproc.2006.880671
Hong, X.
ORCID: and Harwin, W.S.
Finding the point on Bezier Curves with the normal vector passing an external point.
International Journal of Modelling Identification and Control, 1 (4).
doi: 10.1504/IJMIC.2006.012620
Knight, J., Shirsavar, S.A. and Holderbaum, W.
An improved reliability Cuk based solar inverter with sliding mode control.
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 21 (4).
1107 - 1115.
doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2006.876786
Kondaxakis, P., Ruiz, V. F. and Harwin, W. S.
Suboptimal system recovery from communication loss in a multi-robot localization scenario using EKF algorithms.
In: Tokhi, M. O., Virk, G. S. and Hossain, M. A. (eds.)
Climbing and Walking Robots (8th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR 2005)).
Springer-Verlag Berlin, pp. 649-658.
ISBN 3540264132
Loureiro, R.C.V., Johnson, M.J. and Harwin, W.S.
Collaborative tele-rehabilitation: A strategy for increasing engagement.
2006 1st IEEE RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, Vols 1-3.
IEEE, New York, pp. 596-601.
ISBN 9781424400393
Ma, X.Q., McCrindle, R. and Cheng, X.C.
Verifying and fixing password authentication protocol.
In: Song, Y. T. and Lu, C. (eds.)
SNPD 2006: Seventh ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing, Proceedings.
IEEE, Los Alamitos, pp. 324-329.
ISBN 076952611X
McCrindle, R.J.
Importance of image processing for the Olympics.
In: Invited Presentation Proceedings Future Technology Initiatives for the Games: Advancements in Infrastructure Materials, Transport and Landscape Modelling, Surveillance and Broadcasting, London.
Myatt, D. R., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID: and Maybank, S. J.
Towards the automatic reconstruction of dendritic trees using particle filters.
NSSPW: Nonlinear Statistical Signal Processing Workshop - Classical, Unscented and Particle Filtering Methods.
IEEE, pp. 193-196.
ISBN 9781424405794
Myatt, D.R., Bishop, M. and Nasuto, S.
Alternate Recruitment Strategies for SDS.
Artificial life X: proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems.
MIT Press, p. 296.
Myatt, D.R., Nasuto, S.J.
ORCID: and Bishop, M.J.
Exploration vs. exploitation in stochastic diffusion search.
In: Artificial Life X, Bloomington, USA.
Nasuto, S.J.
ORCID: and Bishop, M.J.
Exploration vs. exploitation in naturally inspired search.
In: AISB '06, Bristol, United Kingdom.
Nasuto, S.J.
ORCID:, Bishop, M.J. and Kyberd, P.J.
NESTER: a spiking neuron connectionist implementation of stochastic diffusion search.
In: International Conference on Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems (BICS '06), Lesbos, Greece.
Padbury, D., McCrindle, R.J. and Wei, H.
Perceptive 3-D interface via stereo observation.
In: Proceedings 6th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, Esbjerg, Denmark, 59 - 66.
Padbury, D., McCrindle, R.J. and Wei, H.
Perceptive three dimensional interface via stereo observation.
International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 5 (3).
295 - 301.
Rocon, E., Pons, J. L., Andrade, A. O. and Nasuto, J. S.
Application of EMD as a novel technique for the study of tremor time series.
In: 28th Ann. Conf. IEEE-EMBS, Aug 30 - Sept 3 2006, New York.
Sherratt, R.S.
Design considerations for the multiband OFDM physical layer in consumer electronic products.
In: Glasman, K. and Logunov, A. (eds.)
2006 IEEE Tenth International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, Proceedings.
IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics.
IEEE, New York, pp. 234-238.
ISBN 1424402158
Sherratt, R.S.
Design issues toward a cost effective physical layer for multiband OFDM (ECMA-368) in consumer products.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 52 (4).
pp. 1179-1183.
ISSN 0098-3063
doi: 10.1109/TCE.2006.273131
Sherratt, R.S.
ORCID: and Gao, L.P.
Offering 802.11 MAC frame transport over multiband OFDM for consumer devices.
In: Glasman, K. and Logunov, A. (eds.)
2006 IEEE Tenth International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, Proceedings.
IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics.
IEEE, New York, pp. 230-233.
ISBN 1424402158
Tekko, I.A., Bonner, M.C., Bowen, R.D. and Williams, A.C.
Permeation of bioactive constituents from Arnica montana preparations through human skin in-vitro.
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 58 (9).
pp. 1167-1176.
ISSN 0022-3573
doi: 10.1211/jpp.58.9.0002
Warwick, K. and Nasuto, S. J.
Historical and current machine intelligence.
IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine, 9 (6).
pp. 20-26.
ISSN 1094-6969
doi: 10.1109/MIM.2006.250663
Warwick, K. and Nasuto, S.J.
Rational AI: what does it mean for a machine to be intelligent?
IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine, 9 (6).
pp. 20-26.
Yau, D. and McCrindle, R.J.
MusiCam - an instrument to demonstrate chromaphonic synesthesia.
In: Proceedings 1st International Conference on ArtAbilitation, Esbjerg, Denmark, p. 13.
Al-Khalifah, A. H., McCrindle, R. J. and Alexandrov, V. N.
Combined Implementation of Different Medical Modelling Techniques in a Collaborative Immersive Virtual Environment.
In: The 2005 International Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Visualization Methods (MSV '05), Las Vegas, NA, USA.
Al-Khalifah, A. H., McCrindle, R. J. and Alexandrov, V. N.
Different Modelling Approaches for Medical Applications in CAVE Collaborative Virtual Environments.
In: Central European Multimedia and Virtual Reality Conference 2005 (Eurographics 2005).
Al-Khalifah, A.H., McCrindle, R.J. and Alexandrov, V.N.
Different Medical Modelling Strategies in a Single Collaborative Immersive Virtual Environment.
Vision, Video and Graphics (Eurographics 2005).
77- 84.
ISSN 3905673576
Andrade, A. O., Nasuto, S.
ORCID:, Kyberd, P. and Sweeney-Reed, C. M.
Generative topographic mapping applied to clustering and visualization of motor unit action potentials.
Biosystems, 82 (3).
pp. 273-284.
ISSN 0303-2647
doi: 10.1016/j.biosystems.2005.09.004
Andrade, A., Nasuto, S.J.
ORCID: and Kyberd, P.
The GTM classifier and its application to the classification of motor unit action potentials.
In: 4th IEEE EMBSS UK and Republic of Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics, Reading, UK.
Andrade, A., Nasuto, S.J.
ORCID: and Kyberd, P.
An automatic system for clustering and visualization of motor unit action potentials based on the Generative Topographic Mapping.
In: IEE International Seminar on Medical Applications of Signal Processing, London UK.
Asante, M. and Sherratt, R. S.
Improvement of link failure restoration utilising MPLS as a means to maintain QoS.
In: Arabnia, H. R. and Joshua, R. (eds.)
ICOMP '05: Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Internet Computing.
C S R E a Press, pp. 325-331.
Asante, M. and Sherratt, R.S.
Performance Analysis of Delay and Packet Prioritisation in Convergence Mobile TP Transactions in MPLS Networks.
In: IEEE/IEE/IOP/EPSRC Research Conference in Electronics, Photonics, Communications & Networks and Computing Science, Lancaster, UK.
Becerra, V.M., Garces, F., Nasuto, S.J.
ORCID: and Holderbaum, W.
An Efficient Parameterization of Dynamic Neural Networks for Nonlinear System Identification.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 16 (4).
983 - 988.
doi: 10.1109/TNN.2005.849844
Becerra, V.M., Myatt, D.R., Nasuto, S.J.
ORCID:, Bishop, J.M. and Izzo, D.
An Efficient Pruning Technique for the Global Optimisation of Multiple Gravity Assist Trajectories.
In: Global Optimisation, Almeria, Spain.
Biggs, J. D., Becerra, V., Nasuto, S.
ORCID:, Ruiz, V. and Holderbaum, W.
A search for invariant relative satellite motion.
Technical Report.
Biggs, J. and Holderbaum, W.
The geometry of optimal control solutions on some six dimensional lie groups.
2005 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control & European Control Conference, Vols 1-8.
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control - Proceedings.
Ieee, New York, pp. 1427-1432.
ISBN 0191-2216
Deng, J., Becerra, V.M. and Nasuto, S.J.
A novel dynamic neural network structure for nonlinear system identification.
In: 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague,Czech Republic.
Galvao, R. K. H., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Becerra, V. M. and Bowen, J. W.
Subspace system identification framework for the analysis of multimoded propagation of THz-transient signals.
Measurement Science & Technology, 16 (5).
pp. 1037-1053.
ISSN 0957-0233
doi: 10.1088/0957-0233/16/5/001
Hadjiloucas, S.
Thz technology at the ULL and its potential for cross-disciplinary work at Reading University.
In: Physics Colloquia Presentation, Reading, UK.
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID: and Bowen, J.W.
Measurement facilities for the electronics community at Reading.
In: Poster Presentation at the EPSRC Interconnections, Reading, UK.
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID: and Shaver, A.K.
Labview-Matlab platform for the femtosecond pulse shaping.
In: Software presentatino to the Centre for Basic, Thermal and Length Metrology, Teddington, UK.
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Shaver, A.K., Becerra, V.M., Walker, G.M., Bowen, J.W., O'Leary, S.V., Frasinski, L.J. and Galvao, R.K.H.
Pseudospectral issues in tailored femtosecond pulses. Laser driven plasma acelerators: new sources of energetic particles and radiation.
In: Poster Presentation at the Royal Society Discussion Meeting, London, UK.
Harris, M., Kyberd, P. J. and Harwin, W. S.
Design and development of a dextrous manipulator.
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 27 (2).
pp. 137-152.
ISSN 1477-0369
doi: 10.1191/0142331205tm139oa
Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Schinkel, M.
Optimal Control of Hybrid Systems.
In: Wismar 2005 Symposium on automatic control, Germany.
Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Keates, S., Langdon, P. and Clarkson, J.
A submovement analysis of cursor trajectories.
Behaviour and Information Technology, 24 (3).
205 - 217.
ISSN 1362-3001
doi: 10.1080/01449290412331327474
Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Keates, S., Langdon, P. and Clarkson, P.J.
Movement time for motion-impaired users assisted by force-feedback: effects of movement amplitude, target width and gravity well width.
Universal Access in the Information Society, 4 (2).
85 - 95.
doi: 10.1007/s10209-005-0114-5
Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Langdon, P., Clarkson, P.J. and Keates, S.
A Haptic Toolbar for Motion-Impaired Users.
In: HCI International - 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Las Vegas, NA, USA.
Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Langdon, P., Clarkson, P.J. and Keates, S.
A Model of Cursor Movement for Multiple Haptic Targets.
In: HCI International - 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Las Vegas, NA, USA.
Loureiro, R. C. V., Belda-Lois, J. M., Lima, E. R., Pons, J. L., Sanchez-Lacuesta, J. J. and Harwin, W. S.
Upper limb tremor suppression in ADL via an orthosis incorporating a controllable double viscous beam actuator.
2005 Ieee 9th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics.
International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics ICORR.
Ieee, New York, pp. 119-122.
ISBN 1945-7898
Loureiro, R.C.V., Nagai, K., Campos, F. and Harwin, W.S.
Manageable Machine-Mediated Therapy Systems for Quantitative and Repeatable Neuro-Rehabilitation.
In: Proceedings of the IEEE SMC UK-RI Chapter Conference 2005 on Applied Cybernetics, London, UK.
Ma, X., Cheng, X. and McCrindle, R.J.
Knowledge Based Approach for Mechanically Verifying Security Protocols.
In: Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2005), Edinburgh, Scotland.
Ma, X., Cheng, X. and McCrindle, R.J.
Secrecy Proofs of SET Purchase Request Phase.
In: Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS’05), Xi’an, China.
Ma, X., Cheng, X. and McCrindle, R.J.
Verifying Cardholder Registration Phase in SET Protocol.
In: Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE SMC UK-RI Conference on Applied Cybernetics (AC2005), London, UK.
Martindale, J., Berwick, J., Martin, C., Kong, Y., Zheng, Y.
ORCID: and Mayhew, J.
Long duration stimuli and nonlinearities in the neural–haemodynamic coupling.
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 25 (5).
pp. 651-661.
ISSN 1559-7016
doi: 10.1038/sj.jcbfm.9600060
McCrindle, R.J., Brooks, T., Sharkey, P.M. and Merrick, J.
Editorial: special issue on disability, virtual reality and associated technologies.
International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 4 (3).
151 -152.
McCrindle, R.J., Caffrey, M., Foyle, J., Barrett, D., Booy, D. and Cook, G.K.
Designing Usable and Accessible Public Information Systems.
In: Proc. HCI International 2005, 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Las Vegas, NA, USA.
McCrindle, R.J., Barratt, J., Booy, D. and Cook, G.K.
Designing Hospital Bedside Systems for use by Patients with Visual Impairments.
Elsevier International Congress Series , 1282.
pp. 1041-1045.
doi: 10.1016/j.ics.2005.05.196
McCrindle, R.J., Barrett, J., Booy, D., Cook, G.K. and O'Neill, L.
Accessible Hospital Bedside Systems.
In: Proc. of 3rd Inclusive Design Conference, INCLUDE 2005, London, UK.
McKnight, S., Melder, N., Barrow, A. L., Harwin, W. S.
ORCID: and Wann, J. P.
Perceptual cues for orientation in a two finger haptic grasp task.
World Haptics Conference: First Joint Eurohaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virutual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, Proceedings.
Ieee Computer Soc, Los Alamitos, pp. 549-550.
ISBN 0769523102
Melder, N. and Harwin, W. S.
Force shading and bump mapping using the friction cone algorithm.
World Haptics Conference: First Joint Eurohaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virutual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, Proceedings.
Ieee Computer Soc, Los Alamitos, pp. 573-575.
ISBN 0769523102
Myatt, D.R., Becerra, V.M., Nasuto, S.J.
ORCID: and Bishop, J.M.
GASP: An Efficient Pruning Technique for the Global Optimisation of Multiple Gravity Assist Trajectories.
In: XXXVI°: Annual Conference, Italian Operations Research Society, AIRO 2005, Italy.
Nicolaou, N. and Nasuto, S. J.
Comment on "Performance of different synchronization measures in real data: A case study on electroencephalographic signals".
Physical Review E, 72 (6).
p. 2.
ISSN 1539-3755
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.72.063901
Nicolaou, N. and Nasuto, S. J.
Robustness of mutual information to inter-subject variability for automatic artefact removal from EEG.
2005 27th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-7.
Proceedings of Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.
IEEE, New York, pp. 5991-5994.
ISBN 0780387406
Nicolaou, N. and Nasuto, S.J.
Automatic Artefact Removal from EEG.
In: MLSP'05, Mystic, USA.
Nicolaou, N. and Nasuto, S.J.
Mutual Information for EEG Analysis.
In: IEEE EMBSS UKRI Postgraduate Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics. PGBIOMED'05, Reading, UK.
Nicolaou, N. and Nasuto, S.J.
Rejoinder to 'Performance of different synchronisation measures in real data: A case study on electroencephalograhic signals.
Physical Review E, 72.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.72.063901
Nicolaou, N. and Nasuto, S.J.
Temporal ICA for automatic artefact removal from EEG.
In: ICA/BSS EPSRC Network Workshop on Applied BSS/ICA, Southampton, UK.
Ruiz, V.F. and Nasuto, S.J.
Biomedical image classification methods and techniques.
In: Costaridou, L. (ed.)
Medical Image Analysis Methods.
Taylor & Francis, CRC, p. 504.
ISBN 0849320895
Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Ma, M.
Improved channel estimation in TDMA by reproduction with applications in GSM/GPRS under co-channel interference.
In: 9th International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, 14-16 Jun 2005, Macau, China, pp. 215-219.
Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Makino, S.
Numerical precision requirements on the Multiband Ultra-Wideband system for practical consumer electronic devices.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 51 (2).
pp. 386-392.
ISSN 0098-3063
Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID:, Cadenas , O. and Goswami, N.
A low clock frequency FFT core implementation for multiband full-rate ultra-wideband (UWB) receivers.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 51 (3).
pp. 798-802.
ISSN 0098-3063
Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID:, Cadenas , O., Goswami, N. and Makino, S.
An efficient low power FFT implementation for multiband full-rate ultra-wideband (UWB) receivers.
In: Bradbeer, R. S. and Shum, Y. H. (eds.)
Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Consumer Electronics 2005.
IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics.
IEEE, New York, pp. 209-214.
ISBN 0780389204
Sherratt, R.S.
ORCID:, Zhang, K.Q. and Wilkes, O.J.
Improving CS-4 user data rate in GPRS enabled devices by using a BLER co-processor.
International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, 13 (3).
pp. 239-251.
doi: 10.1007/s10776-005-0013-y
Sweeney-Reed, C.M., Howroyd, J., Andrade, A. and Nasuto, S.J.
Empirical Mode Decomposition for Isolation of Neural Assemblies Underlying Cognitive Acts.
In: 4th IEEE EMBSS UK and Republic of Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics, Reading, UK.
Wu, Y., Sherratt, R.S.
ORCID:, Liu, X. and Megson, G.
Two-Pass Hexagonal Algorithm with Parallel Implementation for Video Coding.
In: IEEE UKRI Chapter Conference on Applied Cybernetics, London, UK.
Zheng, Y.
ORCID:, Johnston, D., Berwick, J., Chen, D., Billings, S. and Mayhew, J.
A three-compartment model of the hemodynamic response and oxygen delivery to brain.
NeuroImage, 28 (4).
pp. 925-939.
ISSN 1053-8119
doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2005.06.042
Asante, M. and Sherratt, R. S.
Convergence Switching and its application to Mobile Internet Protocol (Mobile IP) utilizing Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS).
In: IEEE/IEE/IOP/EPSRC Research Conference in Electronics, Photonics, Communications & Networks, and Computer Science, Hertfordshire, UK.
Asante, M. and Sherratt, R. S.
Convergent Mobile Internet Protocol in Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) Architecture.
In: EPSRC Symposium on the Convergence of Telecommunications, Networking and Broadcasting, Liverpool, UK.
Asante, M. and Sherratt, R. S.
Mobile IP Convergence in MPLS-Based Switching.
In: IASTED International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communication Systems and Applications, Banff, Canada.
Becerra, V. M., Cage, C. N. J., Harwin, W. S.
ORCID: and Sharkey, P. M.
Hardware retrofit and computed torque control of a PUMA 560 robot.
IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 24 (5).
pp. 78-82.
ISSN 0272-1708
doi: 10.1109/MCS.2004.1337867
Bowen, J. W., Walker, G. C., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID: and Berry, E.
The consequences of diffractively spreading beams in ultrafast THz spectroscopy.
In: Thumm, M. and Wiesbeck, W. (eds.)
Conference Digest of the 2004 Joint 29th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 12th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics.
IEEE, New York, pp. 551-552.
ISBN 0780384903
Broadley, M. R., Bowen, H. C., Cotterill, H. L., Hammond, J. P.
ORCID:, Meacham, M. C., Mead, A. and White, P. J.
Phylogenetic variation in the shoot mineral concentration of angiosperms.
Journal of Experimental Botany, 55 (396).
pp. 321-336.
ISSN 0022-0957
doi: 10.1093/jxb/erh002
De Oliveira, A., Kyberd, P. J. and Nasuto, S.
Time Frequency Analysis of surface electromyographic signals via Hilbert Spectrum.
In: XVth ISEK Congress - An invitation to innovation, Roy, Serge H and Bonato, Paaolo and Meyer, Jens, Bostonl, MA, USA.
Delivopoulos, E.
ORCID: and Theocharis, J.B.
A modified PNN algorithm with optimal PD modeling using the orthogonal least squares method.
Information Sciences, 168 (1-4).
pp. 133-170.
ISSN 0020-0255
doi: 10.1016/j.ins.2004.02.001
Ekanem, M., Williams, S. , McCrindle, R. and Oversby, J.
A Learning Object Approach to Facilitate the Production of Individualised Resources by Teachers.
In: Proceedings: EdMedia 2004 World Conference on Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunication, Lugano, Switzerland.
Grujic Supuk, T. , Harwin, W.
ORCID: and Zanchi, V.
Calculating positions of the finger joints centres of rotations in flexion-extension movements from reflective markers.
In: 2nd International Symposium on Measurement, Analysis and Modeling of Human Functions & 1st Mediterranean Conference on Measurement, Genova, Italy.
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Bowen, J. W., Galvao, R. K. H. and Becerra, V. M.
Pulse shaping using state space algorithms.
In: Thumm, M. and Wiesbeck, W. (eds.)
Conference Digest of the 2004 Joint 29th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 12th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics.
IEEE, New York, pp. 415-416.
ISBN 0780384903
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Galvao, R. K. H., Becerra, V. M., Bowen, J. W., Martini, R., Brucherseifer, M., Pellemans, H. P. M., Bolivar, P. H., Kurz, H. and Chamberlain, J. M.
Comparison of subspace and ARX models of a waveguide's terahertz transient response after optimal wavelet filtering.
Ieee Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 52 (10).
pp. 2409-2419.
ISSN 0018-9480
doi: 10.1109/tmtt.2004.835983
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Galvao, R.K.H., Izhac, A., Becerra, V.M. and Bowen, J.W.
A black-box identification framework for wireless terahertz networks.
In: IFAC Symposium, Brazil.
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Izhac, A., Galvao, R. K. H., Bowen, J. W. and Becerra, V. M.
State-space model identification of a wireless THz network.
In: Thumm, M. and Wiesbeck, W. (eds.)
Conference Digest of the 2004 Joint 29th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves and 12th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics.
IEEE, New York, pp. 375-376.
ISBN 0780384903
Hampton, C. R., Bowen, H. C., Broadley, M. R., Hammond, J. P.
ORCID:, Mead, A., Payne, K. A., Pritchard, J. and White, P. J.
Cesium toxicity in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiology, 136 (3).
pp. 3824-3837.
ISSN 0032-0889
doi: 10.1104/pp.104.046672
Harding, P., Sherratt, R.S.
ORCID: and Guy, C.G.
Convergence of Standard Definition (SD) and High Definition (HD) SDI for audio multiplexing and de-multiplexing by implementing modular design.
In: IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, Reading, UK.
Hayashi, Y.
All-or-none (or something in between) transition of DNA.
Europhysics Letters, 68 (4).
pp. 536-542.
ISSN 0295-5075
doi: 10.1209/epl/i2004-10246-x
Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Ullner, M. and Linse, P.
Oppositely charged polyelectrolytes: complex formation and effects of chain asymmetry.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108 (39).
pp. 15266-15277.
ISSN 1520-6106
doi: 10.1021/jp048267y
Holderbaum, W.
ORCID:, Hunt, K. and Gollee, H.
Robust Discrete Control for Paraplegic Standing: Experimental Results.
European Journal of Control, 10 (3).
pp. 277-286.
Hwang, F.
Engineering world health.
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 23 (1).
pp. 10-11.
ISSN 0739-5175
doi: 10.1109/MEMB.2004.1297169
Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Keates, S., Langdon, P. and Clarkson, J.
Mouse movements of motion-impaired users: a submovement analysis.
Proceedings of the ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers and accessibility - ASSETS '04.
ACM, p. 102.
ISBN 1-58113-911-X
doi: 10.1145/1028630.1028649
Knight, J., Shirsavar, S. and Holderbaum, W.
Capacitive idling techniques improve inverter performance.
In: IEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Machine Drives, Proceedings of PEMD04, 31 March - 02 April 2004, Edinburgh, UK, pp. 638-643.
Kondaxakis, P., Ruiz, V. F. and Harwin, W. S.
Compensation of Observability Problem in a Multi-Robot Localization Scenario using CEKF.
In: Proceedings of 2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Sendai, Japan, pp. 1762-1767.
Kong, Y., Zheng, Y.
ORCID:, Johnston, D., Martindale, J., Jones, M., Billings, S. and Mayhew, J.
A model of the dynamic relationship between blood flow and volume changes during brain activation.
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 24 (12).
pp. 1382-1392.
ISSN 1559-7016
doi: 10.1097/01.WCB.0000141500.74439.53
Loureiro, R., Amirabdollahian, F. and Harwin, W.
A Gentle/S approach to robot assisted neuro-rehabilitation.
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 306.
pp. 347-363.
ISSN 0170-8643
Loureiro, R., Colin, C. and Harwin, W.
Robot Aided Therapy: Challenges Ahead for Upper Limb Stroke Rehabilitation.
In: Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, New College, Oxford.
Lubega, J., McCrindle, R., Williams, S., Armitage, U. and Clements, I.
Uses of mobile phones in higher education.
In: Cantoni, L. and McLoughlin, C. (eds.)
ED-MEDIA 2004: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Vols. 1-7.
Assoc Advancement Computing Education, Norfolk, pp. 3951-3956.
ISBN 1880094533
McKnight, S., Melder, N., Barrow, A. L., Harwin, W. S.
ORCID: and Wann, J. P.
Psychophysical size discrimination using multi-fingered haptic interfaces.
In: EuroHaptics, 5-7 June 2004, Munich.
Melder, N. and Harwin, W. S.
Algorithms for Multi-Finger Manipulation of Arbitrary Polygon Based Haptic Objects, Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems.
In: 12th Annual Symposium, Chicago.
Melder, N. and Harwin, W. S.
Extending the friction cone algorithm for arbitrary polygon based haptic objects.
12th International Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, Proceedings.
Ieee Computer Soc, Los Alamitos, pp. 234-241.
ISBN 0769521126
Myatt, D. R., Becerra, V. M., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID: and Bishop, J. M.,
Advanced global optimisation for mission analysis and design.
Ariadna Final Report. 03-4101a.
Technical Report.
ESA Ariadna
Myatt, D. R., Bishop, J. M. and Nasuto, S. J.
Minimum stable convergence criteria for stochastic diffusion search.
Electronics Letters, 40 (2).
pp. 112-113.
ISSN 0013-5194
doi: 10.1049/el:20040096
Nicolaou, N. and Nasuto, S. J.
Temporal Independent Component Analysis for automatic artefact removal from EEG.
In: Proceedings of the IEE Medical Signal and Information Processing Conference, Malta.
Payne, K. A., Bowen, H. C., Hammond, J. P.
ORCID:, Hampton, C. R., Lynn, J. R., Mead, A., Swarup, K., Bennett, M. J., White, P. J. and Broadley, M. R.
Natural genetic variation in caesium (Cs) accumulation by Arabidopsis thaliana.
New Phytologist, 162 (2).
pp. 535-548.
ISSN 1469-8137
doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2004.01026.x
Sharkey, P., McCrindle, R. and Brown, D., eds.
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on disability, virtual reality and associated technologies (ICDVRAT 2004).
The University of Reading, Reading, UK, pp344.
ISBN 0704911442
Sherratt, R. S.
Performance and conformance results of the deterministic DVB-T equalizer.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 50 (1).
pp. 95-99.
ISSN 0098-3063
Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Makino, S.
Soft-bit and numerical precision requirements on multiband full-rate ultra-wideband (UWB) receivers.
2004 IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, Proceedings.
IEEE, New York, pp. 257-261.
ISBN 0780385268
Sweeney-Reed, C. M., Andrade, O. and Nasuto, S. J.
Empirical mode decomposition of eeg signals for synchronisation analysis.
In: PG BioMed Conference, Southampton, UK.
Thomsen, S., Sherratt, R.S.
ORCID: and Harding, P.
High Definition (HD) and Standard Definition (SD) SDI cable transmitter and receiver front end design and conformance.
In: IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, Reading, UK.
Vanoncini, M., Thrasher, T. A., Andrews, B.J. and Holderbaum, W.
Increasing trunk stiffness via FES in paraplegic subjects.
In: Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference of the IFESS and 2nd Conference of FESnet, Bournemouth.
Wing, A. and Harwin, W.
Putting the revolution in neurosciences to work in neororehabilitation.
Academy of Medical Sciences: Report of the Working party on neurorehabilitation 2004.
doi: 1903401070
Amirabdollahian, F., Gradwell, E., Loureiro, R., Colin, C. and Harwin, W.
Effects of the Gentle/s Robot Mediated Therapy on the Outcome of Upper Limb Rehabilitation Post-Stroke: Analysis of the Battle Hospital Data.
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR 2003).
pp. 55-58.
Asante, M. and Sherratt, R.S.
Mobile IP convergence to empower multimedia traffic.
In: IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, Sydney, Australia.
Barrett, J., McCrindle, R.J., Booy, D., Cook, G.K. and Arnold, F.
Inclusive Interfaces for Hospital Information, Communication and Entertainment Systems.
In: Proceedings of 2nd Inclusive Design Conference, INCLUDE 2003, Royal College of Art, London.
Bishop, J.M. and Nasuto, S.J.
Second Order Cybernetics and Enactive Perception.
IEEE Workshop on Cybernetic Intelligence - Challenges and Advances.
Booy, D., McCrindle, R.J., Barrett, J., Cook, G.K. and Arnold, F.
Designing Software Interfaces for a Universal Audience.
In: Proceedings of International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference, Los Angeles, USA.
Bowen, J. W., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID: and Galvâo
Optimisation of integration time in Fourier transform Spectrometry using optimal wavelet transforms.
In: 28th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Otsu, Japan.
Bowen, J.W., Edwards, P. and Hawkins, G.
Filters for astronomy and atmospheric sciences in the 15-40um range.
In: 28th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Otsu, Japan.
Bowen-Jones, E., Brown, D. and Robinson, E. J. Z.
Economic commodity or environmental crisis? An interdisciplinary approach to analysing the bushmeat trade in central and west Africa.
Area, 35 (4).
pp. 390-402.
ISSN 1475-4762
doi: 10.1111/j.0004-0894.2003.00189.x
Broadley, M. R., Bowen, H. C., Cotterill, H. L., Hammond, J. P.
ORCID:, Meacham, M. C., Mead, A. and White, P. J.
Variation in the shoot calcium content of angiosperms.
Journal of Experimental Botany, 54 (386).
pp. 1431-1446.
ISSN 0022-0957
doi: 10.1093/jxb/erg143
Chahal, M.S., Bowen, J.W., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID: and Crabbe, M.J.C.
Cell cycle studies of the non-thermal effects of near-millimetre wave radiation on the growth of S. cerevisiae.
In: 11th IEEE International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, Sendai, Japan.
Cook, G.K., McCrindle, R.J., Barrett, J., Booy, D., O'Neill, L. and Arnold, F.
Assistive Technology at the Hospital Bedside.
In: Proceedings of Association of the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe Conference, Dublin.
Coote, S., Stokes, E.K., Murphy, B.T. and Harwin, W.
The effect of GENTLE/s robot mediated therapy on upper extremity function post stroke.
Proceedings International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR 2003).
pp. 59-61.
De Mayer, K., Bishop, J.M. and Nasuto, S.J.
Stochastic Diffusion: Using Recruitment for Search.
Symposium on Evolvability and Interaction, Queen Mary & Westfield College, London.
Galvâo, R. K. H., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Bowen, J. W. and Coelho, C. J.
Optimal discrimination and classification of THz spectra in the wavelet domain.
Optics Express, 11 (12).
pp. 1462-1473.
ISSN 1094-4087
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Galvao, R. K. H., Becerra, V. M., Bowen, J. W., Martini, R., Brucherseifer, M., Pellemans, H. P. M., Bolivar, P. H., Kurz, H. and Chamberlain, J. M.
Wavelet filtered modelling applied to measurements of a waveguide's THz time domain response.
In: IEEE 10th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics (THz 2002), 9-10 Sep 2002, Cambridge, UK, pp. 129-132.
doi: 10.1109/THZ.2002.1037608
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Galvao, R. K. H., Bowen, J. W., Martini, R., Brucherseifer, M., Pellemans, H. P. M., Bolivar, P. H., Kurz, H., Digby, J., Parkhurst, G. M. and Chamberlain, J. M.
Measurement of propagation constant in waveguides with wideband coherent terahertz spectroscopy.
Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics, 20 (2).
pp. 391-401.
ISSN 0740-3224
Hammond, J. P.
ORCID:, Bennett, M. J., Bowen, H. C., Broadley, M. R., Eastwood, D. C., May, S. T., Rahn, C., Swarup, R., Woolaway, K. E. and White, P. J.
Changes in gene expression in Arabidopsis shoots during phosphate starvation and the potential for developing smart plants.
Plant Physiology, 132 (2).
pp. 578-596.
ISSN 0032-0889
doi: 10.1104/pp.103.020941
Harwin, W.
ORCID: and Hillman, M.
Special issue on robot mediated neuro-motor therapy - Introduction.
Robotica, 21.
p. 1.
ISSN 0263-5747
doi: 10.1017/s0263574702004575
Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Ullner, M. and Linse, P.
Complex formation in solutions of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes at different polyion compositions and salt content.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 107 (32).
pp. 8198-8207.
ISSN 1520-6106
doi: 10.1021/jp022491a
Holderbaum, W.
Neural Network Application to Linear Systems with Binary Inputs.
In: Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Hawaii.
Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Schauer, T.
Application of Sliding-Mode Control to Knee-Joint Angle: Analysis, Computational Engineering in System Application.
In: IEEE SMC Conference, Lille, France.
Hwang, F.
Partitioning cursor movements in "point and click" tasks.
CHI '03: Human factors in computing systems.
ACM, p. 682.
ISBN 1-58113-637-4
doi: 10.1145/765891.765927
Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Keates, S., Langdon, P. and Clarkson, J.
Gravity well visibility in haptic interfaces for motion-impaired.
Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.
IEEE Catalogue, 2 (03CH37439).
IEEE, pp. 1670-1673.
ISBN 0-7803-7789-3
doi: 10.1109/IEMBS.2003.1279706
Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Keates, S., Langdon, P. and Clarkson, P. J.
Multiple haptic targets for motion-impaired computer users.
Proceedings of CHI'03, the conference on Human factors in computing systems.
ACM, p. 41.
ISBN 1-58113-630-7
doi: 10.1145/642611.642620
Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Langdon, P., Keates, S. and Clarkson, P. J.
The effect of multiple haptic distractors on the performance of motion-impaired users.
In: Eurohaptics 2003, 6 -9 July 2003, Dublin.
Linfoot, S. L. and Sherratt, R.S.
Digital Television Overview.
In: International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, Sydney, Australia.
Loureiro, R., Amirabdollahian, F., Topping, M., Driessen, B. and Harwin, W.
Upper limb robot mediated stroke therapy - GENTLE/s approach.
Autonomous Robots, 15 (1).
pp. 35-51.
ISSN 0929-5593
Loureiro, R., Harwin, W.
ORCID: and Normie, L.
An Investigation on the Properties of Magneto Rheological Fluids for Assisting Upper Limb Movement Disorders on ADL.
Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics.
pp. 211-214.
Loureiro, R., Harwin, W.
ORCID: and Normie, L.
Properties of Magneto Rheological Fluids for Assisting Upper Limb Movement Disorders on ADL.
Special Issue on Rehabilitation Robotics, International Journal of Human-friendly Welfare Robotic Systems, 4 (1).
pp. 7-11.
Manto, M., Topping, M., Soede, M., Sanchez-Lacuesta, J., Harwin, W.
ORCID:, Pons, J., Williams, J., Skaarup, S. and Normie, L.
Dynamically responsive intervention for tremor suppression.
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 22 (3).
pp. 120-132.
ISSN 0739-5175
Martindale, J., Mayhew, J., Berwick, J., Jones, M., Martin, C., Johnston, D., Redgrave, P. and Zheng, Y.
The hemodynamic impulse response to a single neural event.
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 23.
pp. 546-555.
ISSN 1559-7016
doi: 10.1097/01.WCB.0000058871.46954.2B
Melder, N. and Harwin, W. S.
Improved rendering for multi-finger manipulation using friction cone based god-objects.
In: Eurohaptics 2003, 2003, pp. 82-85.
Melder, N., Harwin, W.
ORCID: and Sharkey, P.
Translation and rotation of multi-point contacted virtual objects.
Proceedings of Eurohaptics Conference.
pp. 218-227.
Nicolaou, N. and Nasuto, S.J.
Comparison of Temporal and Standard Independent Component Analysis (ICA) Algorithms for EEG Analysis.
In: ICANN/ICONIP'03, Istanbul, Turkey.
Papadakis, N. G., Zheng, Y.
ORCID: and Wilkinson, I. D.
Analysis of diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging data using principal component analysis.
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 48 (24).
ISSN 1361-6560
doi: 10.1088/0031-9155/48/24/N01
Schauer, T., Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Hunt, K.
Sliding-mode control of knee-joint angle: experimental results.
In: International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society 2002 Conference, 25-29 June 2003, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp. 316-318.
Sharkey, P. M., Becerra, V.M., Browne, W.N., Grimbleby, J., Guy, C., Harwin, W.S.
ORCID:, Linfoot, S., Nasuto, S.J.
ORCID:, Ruiz, V.F., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Shirsavar, S.
On Serving Members in Embargoed Countries - A Response to Dr Adler.
IEEE Spectrum.
p. 8.
Sherratt, R. S.
Performance of GPRS coding scheme detection under severe multipath and co-channel interference as a function of soft-bit width.
WCNC 2003: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Record, Vols 1-3.
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference.
IEEE, pp. 801-805.
ISBN 0780377001
Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Linfoot, S. L.
Deterministic equalization and results of a DVB-T multipath equalizer for both 16-QAM and 64-QAM operation.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 49 (1).
pp. 21-26.
ISSN 0098-3063
Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Yao, X.
Results of GPRS BLER as a Function of Coding Scheme Detection Performance and Signal Dynamic Range.
In: IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, Sydney, Australia.
Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID:, Zhang, K. and Wilkes, O.
Improving Performance in GPRS Enabled Consumer Electronics Devices using a BLER Co-processor.
In: IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, Sydney, Australia.
Wing, A. and Harwin, W.
Putting the revolution in neurosciences to work in neurorehabilitation, Academy of Medical Sciences.
Report of the Working Party on Neurorehabilitation 2003.
Yang, H.H., Williams, S.A. and McCrindle, R.J.
Derivation of a Measurement for Defining Ideal Number of Comments in Code.
In: Proceedings of the 21st IASTED International Conference, Applied Informatics, Innsbruck, Austria.
Amirabdollahian, F., Loureiro, R. and Harwin, W.
Minimum jerk trajectory control for rehabilitation and haptic applications.
In: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2002), 11-15 May 2002, Washington DC, USA, pp. 3380-3385.
doi: 10.1109/ROBOT.2002.1014233
Amirabdollahian, F., Loureiro, R. and Harwin, W.
A case study on the effects of a haptic interface on human arm movements with implications for rehabilitation robotics.
In: 1st Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology: CWUAAT '02, 25-27 Mar 2002, Cambridge, UK.
Bishop, J. M., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID: and de Meyer, K.
Dynamic knowledge representation in connectionist systems.
In: Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN'02, 28-30 Aug 2002, Madrid, Spain, pp. 308-313.
Galvão, R. K. H., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID: and Bowen, J. W.
Use of the statistical properties of the wavelet-transform coefficients for optimization of integration time in Fourier transform spectrometry.
Optics Letters, 27 (8).
pp. 643-645.
ISSN 1539-4794
doi: 10.1364/OL.27.000643
Guy, C. G., Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Townsend, D. M.
Cancellation of siren noise from two-way voice communication inside emergency vehicles.
Computing and Control Engineering, 13 (1).
pp. 5-10.
ISSN 0956-3385
doi: 10.1049/ccej:20020101
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Chahal, M. S. and Bowen, J. W.
Preliminary results on the non-thermal effects of 200-350 GHz radiation on the growth rate of S. cerevisiae cells in microcolonies.
Physics in Medicine and Biology, 47 (21).
pp. 3831-3839.
ISSN 1361-6560
doi: 10.1088/0031-9155/47/21/322
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Galvão, R. K. H. and Bowen, J. W.
Analysis of spectroscopic measurements of leaf water content at terahertz frequencies using linear transforms.
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 19 (12).
pp. 2495-2509.
ISSN 1084-7529
doi: 10.1364/JOSAA.19.002495
EP 1241825
Synchronization of digital data decoders.
EP 1241825.
doi: EP 1241825
Hawkins, P., Smith, J., Alcock, S., Topping, M., Harwin, W.
ORCID:, Loureiro, R., Amirabdollahian, F., Brooker, J. P., Coote, S., Stokes, E., Johnson, G., Mak, P., Collin, C. and Driessen, B.
GENTLE/S project: design and ergonomics of a stroke rehabilitation system.
In: 1st Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology: CWUAAT '02, 25-27 Mar 2002, Cambridge, UK.
Hayashi, Y.
ORCID:, Ullner, M. and Linse, P.
A Monte Carlo study of solutions of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes.
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 116 (15).
pp. 6836-6845.
ISSN 0021-9606
doi: 10.1063/1.1460859
Holderbaum, W.
Control strategy for Boolean input systems.
In: IEEE American Control Conference 2002, 14-16 Jun 2002, Minneapolis, USA, pp. 1260-1265.
Holderbaum, W.
ORCID:, Hunt, K. J. and Gollee, H.
H∞ robust control design for unsupported paraplegic standing: experimental evaluation.
Control Engineering Practice, 10 (11).
pp. 1211-1222.
ISSN 0967-0661
doi: 10.1016/S0967-0661(02)00082-5
Hwang, F.
Student's corner: planning a student conference.
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 21 (5).
p. 12.
ISSN 0739-5175
doi: 10.1109/MEMB.2002.1044149
Hwang, F.
A study of cursor trajectories of motion-impaired users.
Proc. of CHI '02: Human factors in computing systems.
ACM, New York, p. 842.
ISBN :1-58113-454-1
doi: 10.1145/506443.506626
Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Keates, S., Langdon, P. and Clarkson, P.J.
Using cursor measures to determine appropriate computer input assistance for motion-impaired users.
Proceedings of the Second Joint 24th Annual Conference and the Annual Fall Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society] [Engineering in Medicine and Biology.
IEEE, pp. 2437-2438.
ISBN 0-7803-7612-9
doi: 10.1109/IEMBS.2002.1053363
Keates, S., Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Langdon, P., Clarkson, P. J. and Robinson, P.
Cursor measures for motion-impaired computer users.
Assets '02: Proceedings of the fifth international ACM conference on Assistive technologies.
ACM, New York, p. 135.
ISBN 1-58113-464-9
doi: 10.1145/638249.638274
Keates, S., Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Langdon, P., Clarkson, P. J. and Robinson, P.
The use of cursor measures for motion-impaired computer users.
Universal Access in the Information Society, 2 (1).
pp. 18-29.
ISSN 1615-5289
doi: 10.1007/s10209-002-0033-7
Krichmar, J. L. and Nasuto, S. J.
The relationship between neuronal shape and neuronal function.
In: Ascoli, G. A. (ed.)
Computational neuroanatomy: principles and methods.
Humana Press, Totowa, USA, pp. 105-126.
ISBN 9781588290007
Krichmar, J. L., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID:, Scorcioni, R., Washington, S. D. and Ascoli, G. A.
Effects of dendritic morphology on CA3 pyramidal cell electrophysiology: a simulation study.
Brain Research, 941 (1-2).
pp. 11-28.
ISSN 0006-8993
doi: 10.1016/S0006-8993(02)02488-5
Myatt, D. R., Torr, P. H. S., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID:, Bishop, J. M. and Craddock, R.
NAPSAC: high noise, high dimensional model parameterisation - it's in the bag.
In: 13th British Machine Vision Conference, 2-5 Sep 2002, Cardiff, UK, pp. 458-467.
EP 1169696
Background-noise reduction.
Zheng, Y.
ORCID:, Martindale, J., Johnston, D., Jones, M., Berwick, J. and Mayhew, J.
A model of the hemodynamic response and oxygen delivery to brain.
NeuroImage, 16 (3A).
pp. 617-637.
ISSN 1053-8119
doi: 10.1006/nimg.2002.1078
de Meyer, K., Bishop, J. M. and Nasuto, S. J.
Small-world effects in lattice stochastic diffusion search.
In: Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN'02, 28-30 Aug 2002, Madrid, Spain, pp. 147-152.
Amirabdollahian, F., Loureiro, R., Drieseen, B. and Harwin, W.
Error correction movement for machine assisted stroke rehabilitation.
In: 7th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics: ICORR 2001, 25-27 Apr 2001, Evry, France.
Ascoli, G. A., Krichmar, J. L., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID: and Senft, S. L.
Generation, description and storage of dendritic morphology data.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 356 (1412).
pp. 1131-1145.
ISSN 0962-8436
doi: 10.1098/rstb.2001.0905
Ascoli, G. A., Krichmar, J. L., Scorcioni, R., Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID:, Senft, S. L. and Krichmar, G. L.
Computer generation and quantitative morphometric analysis of virtual neurons.
Anatomy and Embryology, 204 (4).
pp. 283-301.
ISSN 1432-0568
doi: 10.1007/s004290100201
Bowen, J. W.
Towards terahertz communications - systems requirements.
In: Miles, R. E., Harrison, P. and Lippens, D. (eds.)
Terahertz sources and systems.
NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry (27).
Kluwer Academic, Dordecht, Netherlands, pp. 269-283.
ISBN 9780792370970
Harwin, W.
ORCID:, Loureiro, R., Amirabdollahian, F., Taylor, M., Stokes, E., Coote, S., Topping, M., Collin, C., Tamparis, S., Kontoulis, J., Munih, M., Hawkins, P. and Drieseen, B.
The GENTLE/S project: a new method of delivering neuro-rehabilitation.
In: 5th European Conference for the Advancement of Assistive Technology: added value to the quality of life (AAATE '01), 3-6 Sep 2001, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp. 36-41.
Holderbaum, W.
ORCID: and Hunt, K.
Application of H-infinity robust control to paraplegic standing.
In: 15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), 21-26 Jul 2002, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 292-298.
Hwang, F.
ORCID:, Keates, S., Langdon, P., Clarkson, P. J. and Robinson, P.
Perception and haptics.
Proceedings of the 2001 workshop on Perceptive User Interfaces - PUI '01.
ACM, New York, p. 1.
doi: 10.1145/971478.971507
Loureiro, R., Amirabdollahian, F., Coote, S., Stokes, E. and Harwin, W.
Using haptics technology to deliver motivational therapies in stroke patients: concepts and initial pilot studies.
In: EuroHaptics 2001, 1-4 Jul 2001, Birmingham, UK, pp. 1-6.
Loureiro, R., Amirabdollahian, F., Driessen, B. and Harwin, W.
A novel method for computing natural path for robot assisted movements in synthetic worlds.
In: 5th European Conference for the Advancement of Assistive Technology: added value to the quality of life (AAATE '01), 3-6 Sep 2001, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp. 262-267.
Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID:, Knape, R. M., Krichmar, J. L. and Ascoli, G. A.
Relation between neuronal morphology and electrophysiology in the Kainate lesion model of Alzheimer's Disease.
Neurocomputing, 38-40.
pp. 1477-1487.
ISSN 0925-2312
doi: 10.1016/S0925-2312(01)00507-0
Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID:, Krichmar, J. L., Scorcioni, R. and Ascoli, G. A.
Algorithmic statistical analysis of electrophysiological data for the investigation of structure-activity relationship in single neurons.
In: International Conference on Complex Systems (ICCS), 21-26 May 2000, Nashua, NH.
Wall, S. A. and Harwin, W. S.
Design of a multiple contact point haptic interface.
In: EuroHaptics 2001, 1-4 Jul 2001, Birmingham, UK, pp. 146-148.
Wall, S. A. and Harwin, W. S.
Interaction of visual and haptic information in simulated environments: texture perception.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2058.
pp. 108-117.
ISSN 0302-9743
doi: 10.1007/3-540-44589-7_12
(issue title 'Haptic human-computer interaction')
Werry, I., Dautenhahn, K. and Harwin, W.
Evaluating the response of children with autism to a robot.
In: Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA'01), 22-26 Jun 2001, Reno, NV, pp. 14-16.
Werry, I., Dautenhahn, K. and Harwin, W.
Investigating a robot as a therapy partner for children with autism.
In: 5th European Conference for the Advancement of Assistive Technology: added value to the quality of life (AAATE '01), 3-6 Sep 2001, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp. 374-378.
Werry, I., Dautenhahn, K., Ogden, B. and Harwin, W.
Can social interaction skills be taught by a social agent? The role of a robotic mediator in autism therapy.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2117.
pp. 57-74.
ISSN 0302-9743
doi: 10.1007/3-540-44617-6_6
(issue titled 'Cognitive technology: instruments of mind')
De Meyer, K. and Nasuto, S.
Attention through self-synchronisation in the spiking neuron stochastic diffusion network.
Consciousness and Cognition, 9 (2).
p. 81.
ISSN 1053-8100
Digby, J.W., McIntosh, C.E., Parkhurst, G.M., Towlson, B.M., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Bowen, J. W., Chamberlain, J.M., Pollard, R.D., Miles, R.E., Steenson, D.P., Karatzas, L.S., Cronin, N.J. and Davies, S.R.
Fabrication and characterization of micromachined rectangular waveguide components for use at millimeter-wave and terahertz frequencies.
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 48 (8).
pp. 1293-1302.
ISSN 0018-9480
doi: 10.1109/22.859472
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID: and Keating , D.
Recent development on amplitude, wavelength, phase and polarisation modulating sensors.
In: Vaezi-Nejad , S. M. (ed.)
Selected topics in advanced solid state and fibre optic sensors.
IET Circuits, Devices and Systems Series 11 .
IET The Institution of Engineering and Technology, Stevenage Herts, pp. 75-122.
ISBN 9780852967799
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID: and Keating, D.
Recent advances in measurement and instrumentation systems based on optical techniques.
In: Vaezi-Nejad , S. M. (ed.)
Selected topics in advanced solid state and fibre optic sensors.
IET Circuits, Devices and Systems Series 11 (11).
IET The Institution of Engineering and Technology, Stevenage Herts, pp. 33-74.
ISBN 9780852967799
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Irvine, J. J. and Bowen, J. W.
Radiometric analysis of the light coupled by optimally cut plastic optical fiber amplitude modulating reflectance displacement sensors.
Review of Scientific Instruments, 71 (8).
pp. 3007-3009.
ISSN 0034-6748
doi: 10.1063/1.1304858
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Irvine, J. and Keating, D. A.
Feedback dew-point sensor utilising optimally cut plastic optical fibres.
Measurement Science and Technology, 11 (1).
p. 1.
ISSN 1361-6501
doi: 10.1088/0957-0233/11/1/301
Linfoot, S. L. and Sherratt, R. S.
Analysis of a DVB-T compliant receiver simulation under various multipath conditions.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 46 (1).
pp. 201-206.
ISSN 0098-3063
doi: 10.1109/30.826399
Linfoot, S.L. and Sherratt, R. S.
Correcting for local oscillator phase offset in a DVB-T compliant receiver under multipath conditions.
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 46 (2).
pp. 306-312.
ISSN 0098-3063
doi: 10.1109/30.846662
Linfoot, S.L. and Sherratt, S.
A study of COFDM in a terrestrial multipath environment.
IEEE/AFCEA EUROCOMM 2000. Information Systems for Enhanced Public Safety and Security (Cat. No.00EX405).
IEEE, pp. 388-391.
ISBN 0-7803-6323-X
doi: 10.1109/EURCOM.2000.874839
Ouerfelli, M., Kumar, V. and Harwin, W. S.
Methods for kinematic modeling of biological and robotic systems.
Medical Engineering & Physics, 22 (7).
pp. 509-520.
ISSN 1350-4533
doi: 10.1016/S1350-4533(00)00063-1
Sherratt, R. S.
A DSP based siren noise cancellation filter system for use with the traditional and new electronic sirens.
In: International Conference on Signal Processing Applications & Technology (ICSPAT '00), 16-19 Oct 2000, Dallas, TX, USA.
Sherratt, S.
Results of a DSP based adaptive cancellation filter system for the chirp, pulsar and localiser sirens.
In: IEEE Nordic Signal Processing Symposium, 13 - 15 June 2000, Kolmarden, Sweden.
Wall, S. A. and Harwin, W. S.
Effect of physical bandwidth on perception of virtual gratings.
In: ASME IMECE 2000 Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environments and Teleoperator Systems, 5-10 Nov 2000, Orlando, Florida, pp. 1033-1039.
Wall, S. A. and Harwin, W. S.
Quantification of the effects of haptic feedback during motor skills tasks in a simulated environment.
In: PURS 2000: 2nd PHANToM Users Research Symposium, 2000, Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 61-69.
Werry, I., Dautenhahn, K. and Harwin, W.
Challenges in rehabilitation robotics: a mobile robot as a teaching tool for children with autism.
In: International Workshop on Recent Advances in Mobile Robots, 29 Jun 2000, Leicester, UK.
Collins, C. E., Miles, R. E., Digby, J. W., Parkhurst, G. M., Pollard, R. D., Chamberlain, J. M., Steenson, D. P., Cronin, N. J., Davies, S. R. and Bowen, J. W.
A new micro-machined millimeter-wave and terahertz snap-together rectangular waveguide technology.
IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, 9 (2).
pp. 63-65.
ISSN 1051-8207
doi: 10.1109/75.755047
Cooper, M., Keating, D. A., Harwin, W. S.
ORCID: and Dautenhahn, K.
Robots in the classroom: tools for accessible education.
In: AAATE Conference, The 5th European Conference for the Advancement of Assistive Technology, 1999, Dusseldorf, Germany.
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID: and Bowen, J. W.
Precision of quasi-optical null-balanced bridge techniques for transmission and reflection coefficient measurements.
Review of Scientific Instruments, 70 (1).
ISSN 0034-6748
doi: 10.1063/1.1149568
Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Karatzas, L. S. and Bowen, J. W.
Measurements of leaf water content using terahertz radiation.
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 47 (2).
pp. 142-149.
ISSN 0018-9480
doi: 10.1109/22.744288
Harwin, W. S.
Robots with a gentle touch: advances in assistive robotics and prosthetics.
Technology and Health Care, 7 (6).
pp. 411-417.
ISSN 1878-7401
Harwin, W. S.
ORCID: and Wall, S. A.
Mechatronic design of a high frequency probe for haptic interaction.
In: The 6th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice, 1999, Middle Eastern Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, pp. 111-118.
Harwin, W. S.
ORCID: and Wall, S. A.
Modelling human dynamics in-situ for rehabilitation and therapy robots.
In: The 6th International Conference On Rehabilitation Robotics, Stanford, California, USA, pp. 170-176.
Iwamoto, S., Kumagai, H., Hayashi, Y.
ORCID: and Miyawaki, O.
Conductance and relaxations of gelatin films in the glassy and rubbery states.
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 26 (5).
pp. 345-351.
doi: 10.1016/S0141-8130(99)00105-1
Kazemi, H., Wootton, S. T. G., Cronin, N. J., Davies, S. R., Miles, R. E., Pollard, R. D., Chamberlain, J. M., Steenson, D. P. and Bowen, J. W.
Active micromachined integrated terahertz circuits.
International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 20 (5).
pp. 967-974.
ISSN 0195-9271
doi: 10.1023/A:1021734503826
Nasuto, S.
ORCID: and Bishop, M.
Convergence analysis of stochastic diffusion search.
Journal of Parallel Algorithms and Applications, 14 (2).
pp. 89-107.
ISSN 1744-5779
doi: 10.1080/10637199808947380
Nasuto, S. J.
Resource allocation analysis of the stochastic diffusion search.
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
Nasuto, S. J.
ORCID:, Dautenhahn, K. and Bishop, J. M.
Communication as an emergent metaphor for neuronal operation.
In: Nehaniv, C. L. (ed.)
Computation for Metaphors, Analogy and Agent.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (1562).
Springer Verlag, pp. 372-386.
ISBN 9783540659594
Ouerfelli, M., Kumar, V. and Harwin, W. S.
Kinematic modeling of head-neck movements.
IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part A-Systems and Humans, 29 (6).
pp. 604-615.
ISSN 1083-4427
doi: 10.1109/3468.798064
Prokopiou, P. A., Harwin, W. S.
ORCID: and Tzafestas, S. G.
Enhancement of a telemanipulator design with a human arm model.
In: Tzafestas, S. G. and Schmidt, G. (eds.)
Progress in system and robot analysis and control design.
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 243 (243).
Springer, Berlin/London, pp. 445-456.
ISBN 9781852331238
doi: 10.1007/BFb0110528
Prokopiou, P. A., Tzafestas, S. G. and Harwin, W. S.
A novel scheme for human-friendly and time-delays robust neuropredictive teleoperation.
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 25 (4).
pp. 311-340.
ISSN 1573-0409
doi: 10.1023/A:1008126212102
Sherratt, R. S.
Television broadcast reception.
Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
ISBN 9780471346081
doi: 10.1002/047134608X.W1518
Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID: and Jones, D. J.
The application of affine projection to the development of a siren noise cancellation system.
Applied Signal Processing, 6 (3).
pp. 130-143.
ISSN 0941-0635
Sherratt, R. S.
ORCID:, Townsend, D. M. and Guy, C. G.
Cancellation of siren noise from two way voice communications inside emergency vehicles.
In: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1999, 15-19 March 1999, Phoenix, Arizone, USA, pp. 2395-2398.
doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.1999.758421
Süssemilch, I. and Harwin, W. S.
Design of an active arm support for assisting arm movements.
In: Tzafestas, S. G. and Schmidt, G. (eds.)
Progress in system and robot analysis and control design.
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences (243).
Springer, pp. 435-444.
ISBN 9781852331238
doi: 10.1007/BFb0110528
Wall, S. S. and Harwin, W. S.
Modelling of surface identifying characteristics using Fourier series.
In: The Winter Annual Meeting of ASMEDSC - ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division, 1999, pp. 65-71.
Chen, S., Rahman, T. and Harwin, W. S.
Performance statistics of a head-operated force-reflecting rehabilitation robot system.
IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering, 6 (4).
pp. 406-414.
ISSN 1063-6528
doi: 10.1109/86.736155
Chen, S., Rahman, T., Foulds, R., Heredia, E. and Harwin, W. S.
A virtual headstick for people with spinal cord injuries.
Robotica, 16 (5).
pp. 499-507.
ISSN 0263-5747
doi: 10.1017/S0263574798000654
Collins, C.E., Miles, R.E., Pollard, R. D., Steenson, D.P., Digby, J.W., Parkhurst, G.M., Chamberlain, J.M., Cronin, N.J., Davies, S.R. and Bowen, J. W.
Millimeter-wave measurements of the complex dielectric constant of an advanced thick film UV photoresist.
Journal of Electronic Materials, 27 (6).
ISSN 0361-5235
doi: 10.1007/s11664-998-0059-6
Collins, C.E., Miles, R.E., Pollard, R.D., Steenson, D.P., Digby, J.W., Parkhurst, G.M., Chamberlain, J.M., Cronin, N.J., Davies, S.R. and Bowen, J. W.
Technique for micro-machining millimetre-wave rectangular waveguide.
Electronics Letters, 34 (10).
pp. 996-997.
ISSN 0013-5194
doi: 10.1049/el:19980665
Foster, G.T., Wenn, D.E.N. and Harwin, W. S.
Generating virtual environments to allow increased access to the built environment.
In: The 2nd European Conference Disability, Virtual Reality & Associated Technologies, 1998, Skövde, Sweden, pp. 1-9.
Harwin, W. S.
ORCID:, Leiber, L. O., Austwick, G. P.G. and Dislis, C.
Clinical potential and design of programmable mechanical impedances for orthotic applications.
Robotica, 16 (5).
pp. 523-530.
ISSN 0263-5747
doi: 10.1017/S026357479800068X
Nasuto, S.
ORCID: and Bishop, J.
Neural Stochastic Diffusion Search Network-a theoretical solution to the binding problem.
Proc. ASSC2, the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, 19.
Nasuto, S.
ORCID:, Bishop, M. J. and Lauria, S.
Time complexity analysis of the stochastic diffusion search.
Neural Computation, 98.
Sherratt, R. S.
Use of the LMS adaptive signal processing technique to improve signal data rates from practical oil well logging equipment.
In: Simulation '98. International Conference on (Conf. Publ. No. 457) , 30 Sept - 02 Oct 1998, York, UK, pp. 350-353.
doi: 10.1049/cp:19980662
Sherratt, R. S.
Using modelling tools to optimise the calculation and subsequent reduction of cable distortion parameters with application to oil well logging systems.
In: The Use of Systems Analysis and Modelling Tools: Experiences and Applications (Ref. No. 1998/413), IEE Colloquium on , 20 Mar 1998, London, UK, 13/1-13/6.
doi: 10.1049/ic:19980597
Sherratt, R. S.
A specific pole placement technique to minimise hardware requirements within a real time terrestrial and cable video echo canceller.
In: High Performance Architectures for Real-Time Image Processing (Ref. No. 1998/197), IEE Colloquium on , 12 Feb 1998, London, 10/1-10/5.
doi: 10.1049/ic:19980050
Sherratt, S.
A fast single-pass deterministic video deghoster for terrestrial transmitted video.
Signal Processing: Image Communication, 13 (2).
pp. 111-118.
ISSN 0923-5965
doi: 10.1016/S0923-5965(97)00051-9
Harwin, W. S.
Design and control of a compliant mobile arm support for assisting arm movements.
In: Anogianakis, G., Buhler, C. and Soede, M. (eds.)
Advancement of Assistive Technology.
Assistive Technology Research , 32.
IOS Press, Inc., pp. 320-325.
ISBN 9789051993615
Jayachandran, V., Rahman, T., Salganicoff, M., Heredia, E. and Harwin, W. S.
Calibration of closed loop controllers for setting impedances in force-reflecting systems.
In: ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division Conference 1996, 17-22 Nov 1996, Atlanta, GA, USA.
Michie, W.C., Culshaw, B., McLean, A., Konstantaki, M. and Hadjiloucas, S.
Distributed water ingress and water potential measurements using fibre optics.
Cement and Concrete Composites, 19 (1).
pp. 35-44.
ISSN 0958-9465
doi: 10.1016/S0958-9465(96)00039-X
Sherratt, R. S.
Local oscillator phase lock under multipath for video deghoster systems.
In: Signal Processing Systems, 1997. SIPS 97 - Design and Implementation., 1997 IEEE Workshop on , 03-05 Nov 1997, Leicester, UK, pp. 311-319.
doi: 10.1109/SIPS.1997.626250
Sherratt, R. S.
The findings from a single pass deghoster prototype for terrestrial transmitted video.
In: DSP Chips in Real-Time Instrumentation and Display Systems (Digest No: 1997/300), IEE Colloquium on , 24 Sept 1997, Leicester, UK, 3/1-3/4.
doi: 10.1049/ic:19970994
Williams, S. A. and McCrindle, R. J.
Configuration management.
In: 8th International Workshop on Software Technology and Engineering Practice (STEP '97) (including CASE '97), 14-18 July 1997, London.
Bowen, J. W.
A solid-state noise source for millimetre wave spectrometry.
International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 17 (3).
pp. 479-491.
ISSN 1572-9559
doi: 10.1007/BF02088023
Hadjiloucas, S.
Optical sensors and techniques for plant-water relations.
PhD thesis, University of Reading.
Harwin, W. S.
ORCID: and Rahman, T.
Analysis of force-reflecting telerobotic systems for rehabilitation applications.
In: ECDVRAT 1996: 1st European Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, 8-10 Jul 1996, Maidenhead, UK, pp. 171-178.
Irvine, J. J., Hadjiloucas, S.
ORCID:, Keating, D. A. and Usher, M. J.
Automatic optical fibre feedback potometer for transpiration studies.
Measurement Science and Technology, 7 (11).
pp. 1611-1618.
ISSN 1361-6501
doi: 10.1088/0957-0233/7/11/010
Sherratt, R. S.
Deterministic IIR video deghoster for all ghost carrier phases.
Electronics Letters, 32 (10).
pp. 868-870.
ISSN 0013-5194
doi: 10.1049/el:19960580
Sherratt, R. S.
Identification and minimization of IIR tap coefficients for the cancellation of complex multipath in terrestrial television.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 6 (6).
pp. 703-706.
ISSN 1051-8215
doi: 10.1109/76.544745
Sherratt, R. S.
Identifying multipath within terrestrial video using a locally modified GCR signal.
Electronics Letters, 32 (25).
pp. 2314-2315.
ISSN 0013-5194
doi: 10.1049/el:19961583
Sherratt, S.
Reduction of vestigial sideband effects due to multipath transmission in terrestrial broadcast television.
PhD thesis, Salford University.
Bowen, J.
Astigmatism in tapered slot antennas.
International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 16 (10).
pp. 1733-1756.
ISSN 0195-9271
doi: 10.1007/BF02068685
Cole, C. and Bowen, J. W.
Synthesis method for visible and infrared broadband spaceflight antireflection coatings.
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