Items where Division is "Environmental Systems Science Centre"
Number of items at this level: 550. AAger, G., Wadge, G., Tragheim, D. and Jordan, C., (2008) Volcanic eruption of 29th July 2008 on the island of Montserrat. Technical Report. British Geological Survey pp48. Albaladejo, J., Ortiz, R., García-Franco, N., Navarro, A. R., Almagro, M., Garcia-Pintado, J. and Martínez-Mena, M. (2013) Land use and climate change impacts on soil organic carbon stocks in semi-arid Spain. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 13 (2). pp. 265-277. ISSN 1614-7480 doi: 10.1007/s11368-012-0617-7
Allan, R. P.
Allan, R. P.
Allan, R. P.
Allan, R. P.
Allan, R. P.
Allan, R. P.
Allan, R. P.
Allan, R.P.
Allan, R.P.
Allan, R.P.
Allan, R.P.
Allan, R.P.
Allan, R.P.
Allan, R.P.
Allan, R.P.
Allan, R.P.
Allan, R.P.
Allan, R.P.
Allan, R.P.
Allen, J. I., Aiken, J., Anderson, R., Buitenhuis, E., Cornell, S., Geider, R., Haines, K.
Anderson, D., Hodges, K. I. Arpe, K. and Bengtsson, L., (1979) Meteorological data: kind, distribution, accuracy and representativeness. ECMWF Lecture Notes. 2. Technical Report. ECMWF, Reading, UK. Arpe, K., Bengtsson, L., Dümenil, L. and Roeckner, E. (1994) Impacts of the stratospheric QBO, soil moisture over Siberia and sea surface temperature on the variability of precipitation over India in the ECHAM3 model. In: Boer, G. J. (ed.) Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modeling. WMO/TD (592). World Meteorological Organisation, 7/36-7.38. (TD005787) Arpe, K., Bengtsson, L., Dümenil, L. and Roeckner, E. (1994) The hydrological cycle in the ECHAM3 simulations of the atmospheric circulation. In: Desbois, M. and Desalmand, F. (eds.) Global precipitations and climate change. NATO ASI Series, 1 (26). NATO, pp. 361-377. ISBN 978-3-642-79270-0 Arpe, K., Bengtsson, L., Golitsyn, G. S., Mokhov, I. I., Semenov, V. A. and Sporyshev, P. V. (1998) Association between the Caspian Sea level variablity and ENSO. Österreiche Beiträge zu Meteorologie und Geophysik, 19. ISSN 1016-6254 Arpe, K., Bengtsson, L., Golitsyn, G. S., Mokhov, I. I., Semenov, V. A. and Sporyshev, P. V. (1999) Caspian sea level variability: Long-term GCM simulations. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 1 (2). p. 549. ISSN 1607-7962 Arpe, K., Dümenil, L., Bengtsson, L. and Giorgetta, M. (1994) Variability of the Indian monsoon in the ECHAM3 model, Part II: Sensitivity to sea surface temperatures of the northern Indian ocean, soil moisture over Eurasia and the stratospheric QBO. In: WCRP-84: Proceedings of the international conference on monsoon variability and prediction. WMO/TD (619). WMO. Astin, I. and Di Girolamo, L. (2003) Minimising systematic errors in cloud fraction estimates from cloud radars. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 20. pp. 707-716. ISSN 1520-0426 Astin, I. and Kiemle, C. (2003) Space-borne clear air lidar measurements in the presence of broken cloud. Annales Geophysicae, 21. pp. 1-9. Atkinson, M., Britton, D., Coveney, P., De Roure, D., Garnett, N., Geddes, N., Gurney, R., Haines, K., Hughes, L., Ingram, D., Jeffreys, P., Lyon, L., Osborne, I., Perrott, R., Procter, R., Rusbridge, C., Trefethen, A. and Watson, P. (2009) Century-of-Information Research (CIR): a strategy for research and innovation in the century of information. Prometheus, 27 (1). pp. 27-45. ISSN 0810-9028 doi: 10.1080/08109020802657479 B
Bader, J., Mesquita, M. D. S., Hodges, K.
Balmaseda, M. A., Smith, G. C., Haines, K.
Barber, C.R., Allan, R.P.
Barnier, B., LeSommer, J., Molines, J. -M., Penduff, T., Theetten, S., Treguier, A. -M., Madec, G., Biastoch, A., Böning, C., Dengg, J., Gulev, S., Bourdallé, B. R., Chanut, J., Garric, G., Coward, A., de Cuevas, B., New, A., Haines, K. Barnsley, M.J., Settle, J.J., Cutter, M.A., Lobb, D.R. and Teston, F. (2004) The PROBA/CHRIS Mission: A low-cost smallsat for hyperspectral, multi-angle, observations of the Earth surface and atmosphere. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 42. pp. 1512-1520.
Bartels, M., Wei, H.
Bates, P. D., Horritt, M.S., Hunter, N.M., Mason, D. C.
Bates, P.D., Horritt, M.S., Mason, D.C.
Bates, P.D., Horritt, M.S., Mason, D.C.
Bates, P.D., Mason, D.C.
Bates, P.D., Wilson, M., Horritt, M.S., Mason, D.C. Bauer, H. -S., Wulfmeyer, V. and Bengtsson, L. (2008) The representation of a synoptic-scale weather system in a thermodynamically adjusted version of the ECHAM4 general circulation model. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 99 (3-4). pp. 129-153. ISSN 0177-7971 (Print) 1436-5065 (Online) doi: 10.1007/s00703-007-0275-2
Bell, M. J., Haines, K. Bengtsson, L. (1990) Advances in the numerical prediction of the atmospheric circulation in the extra-tropics. In: Extratropical Cyclones. The Erik Palmén Memorial Volume. American Meteorological Society, pp. 194-217. ISBN 978-9991125718 Bengtsson, L. (2004) The Bulletin Interviews: Lennart Bengtsson. World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) Bulletin, 53 (3). pp. 1-10. Bengtsson, L. (1997) Climate Modeling and Prediction. In: Brune, D., Chapman, D. V., Gwynne, M. D. and Pacyna, J. M. (eds.) The Global Environment. Science, Technology and Management. Scandinavian Science Publishers, pp. 31-55. ISBN Print ISBN: 9783527287710; Online ISBN: 9783527619658 Bengtsson, L. (1992) Climate System Modelling Prospect. In: Trenberth, K. (ed.) Climate System Modelling. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 705-724. Bengtsson, L. (1996) Climate modelling and prediction with large-scale computer models - the impact for industry and environment. In: Meuer, H.-W. (ed.) Supercomputer Anwendungen, Architekturen, Trends. K G Saur, pp. 38-55. Bengtsson, L. (1993) Climatic Variations and Climate Change with possible consequences for the Mediterranean. In: Managing the Mediterranean - Information for Decision Making. The Joint ESF-CEC Workshop of 18-20 November 1993, Venice. Venezia : Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, pp. 22-30. Bengtsson, L. (1988) Computer requirements for atmospheric modelling. In: Hoffmann, G.-R. and Snelling, D. F. (eds.) Multiprocessing in meteorological models. Springer Verlag, pp. 109-116. ISBN 978-3642832505 Bengtsson, L. (1980) Current problems in four-dimensional data assimilation. In: ECMWF Seminar on Data Assimilation Methods. Proceedings of ECMWF Seminars. ECMWF, Reading, UK, pp. 195-217. Bengtsson, L. (1981) Data analysis, initialisation and data assimilation. In: International Conference on Preliminary FGGE Data Analysis and Results. WMO, Geneva, pp. 162-185. (Bergen, Norway, 23-27 June 1980) Bengtsson, L. (1991) Data assimilation in Atmospheric Models. In: Latif, M. (ed.) Strategies for Future Climate Research. Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie, pp. 227-250. Bengtsson, L. (1976) Design of a forecasting system for ECMWF. In: ECMWF Seminar on Scientific Foundation of Medium Range Weather Forecasts. ECMWF, Reading, UK, pp. 673-713. Bengtsson, L. (1992) Development in atmospheric modelling and weather prediction - the role and contribution of ECMWF Cost Forum. In: Klose, A. and Dusak, I. (eds.) COST forum: transnational cooperation in science and technology with new European partners. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. ISBN 9789282643761 Bengtsson, L. (1985) ECMWF and the future. In: Medium range weather forecasts: the first 10 years. ECMWF, Reading, England, pp. 109-124. (Proceedings of a seminar to commemorate the 10th anniversary of ECMWF 22 November 1985) Bengtsson, L. (1979) ECMWF global forecasting system. In: WMO/JSC Catalogue of numerical models for the First GARP Global Experiment, Part I: Analysis and forecast system. Secretariat of the World Meterological Organization, pp. 287-340. Bengtsson, L. (1985) Four-Dimensional Data Assimilation into Atmospheric Global Models. In: The Use of satellite data in climate models: proceedings of a conference held in Alpbach, Austria, 10-12 June 1985. ESA SP (244). European Space Agency, pp. 7-17. Bengtsson, L. (1975) Four-dimensional assimilation of meteorological observations. GARP Publication Series, 15. WMO, pp76. Bengtsson, L. (1995) The Hydrological Cycle in Climate and Weather Prediction. In: the First Study Conference on BALTEX, Aug. 28th - Sept. 1st, 1995, Visby, Sweden, pp. 1-17. Bengtsson, L. (1976) Initial data and some practical aspects on weather forecasting. In: Weather Forecasting and Weather Forecasts: Models, Systems and Users. National Center for Atmospheric Research, pp. 254-419. Bengtsson, L. (1978) Introduction and the problems of weather interpretation. In: ECMWF Seminar on the Interpretation and Use of Large Scale Numerical Forecast Products. ECMWF, Reading, UK, pp. 1-16. Bengtsson, L. (1978) Introductory remarks. In: Proceedings of the ECMWF Seminar on Parameterization of the Physical Processes in the Free Atmosphere. ECMWF Seminar Proceedings. ECMWF, Reading, UK, pp. 1-4. Bengtsson, L. (1993) Klima und Wetter auf dem Computer. In: Horizonte - Wie weit reicht unsere Erkenntnis heute? S. Hirzel, pp. 81-103. ISBN 978-3804712805 Bengtsson, L. (1996) Klimatmodeller in Jordens klimat. In: Naturvetenskapliga forskningrådets årsbok. The Swedish Natural Research Council, pp. 83-96. Bengtsson, L. (1981) Medium range forecasting at ECMWF and remaining problems. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Current Problems of Weather Prediction. Publications (253). Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik, Wien, pp. 115-124. (Wien, June 23-26, 1981) Bengtsson, L. (1984) Medium-range forecasting at ECMWF: A review and comments on recent progress. In: Burridge, D. M. and Källen, E. (eds.) Problems and Prospects in Long and Medium Range Weather Forecasting. Springer-Verlag, pp. 21-42. Bengtsson, L. (1985) Medium-range forecasting at the ECMWF. In: Advances in Geophysics. Academic Press, pp. 3-54. Bengtsson, L. (1997) Modelling and Prediction of the Climate System. Mitteilungen der Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, 69. pp. 3-14. Bengtsson, L. (1990) Next Friday's weather. In: Scientific Europe - Research and Technology in 20 Countries. Foundation Scientific Europe, pp. 174-181. ISBN 9073035066 Bengtsson, L. (1982) Numerical modelling of the global atmosphere. In: Holz, P., Zielke, W., Brebbia, C. A., Meissner, U., Pinder, G. F. and Gray, W. (eds.) Finite Elements in Water Resources: 4th International Conference Proceedings. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 1-27. Bengtsson, L. (1979) Numerical prediction of blocking. In: Proceedings of the (Thirteenth) Stanstead Seminar held at Bishop's University, Lennoxville, Québec, Canada, July 9-13, 1979. Publications in Meteorology (123). Department of Meteorology, McGill University, Montreal. Bengtsson, L. (1969) Numerical prediction of upper winds and temperatures and presentation of the numerical forecasts for aeronautical purposes. Aeronautical Meteorology, 95. pp. 197-210. Bengtsson, L. (1989) Numerical weather prediction at the Southern Hemisphere. In: The Third International Conference on Southern Hemisphere Meteorology & Oceanography. The American Meteorological Society, pp. 1-3. Bengtsson, L. (1983) Observational requirements for long-range forecasting. Long-Range Forecasting Research Publications Ser.1. pp. 219-229. Bengtsson, L. (1988) On the growth of errors in data assimilation systems. In: Proceedings of the ECMWF Seminar on Data Assimilation and the use of satellite data. ECMWF, Reading, UK. Bengtsson, L. (1995) On the simulation and validation of the hydrological cycle in the climate System. In: Ditlevsen, P. (ed.) Modern Dynamical Meteorology, Proceedings from a Symposium in Honour of Aksel Wiin-Nielsen. ECMWF Press, pp. 49-68. Bengtsson, L. (1983) Opening lecture. In: Results of the global weather experiment: lectures presented at the thirty-fourth session of the WMO Executive Committee. WMO (610). Secretariat of the World Meteorological Organization, pp. 2-40. ISBN 9789263106100 Bengtsson, L. (1984) Operational Medium Range Weather Prediction at ECMWF. In: 10th Conference on Weather Forecasting and Analysis: June 25-29, 1984, Clearwater Beach, Florida. The American Meteorological Society, pp. 286-300. Bengtsson, L. (1982) Performance and limits of global models in the Mediterranean. Rivista di Meteorologia Aeronautica, 42 (2-3). pp. 123-142. Bengtsson, L. (1976) Problems and prospects for Medium Range Weather Forecasts. In: Weather Forecasting and Weather Forecasts: Models, Systems and Users. National Center for Atmospheric Research, pp. 663-671. Bengtsson, L. (1976) Problems in four-dimensional data assimilation. In: ECMWF Seminar on Scientific Foundation of Medium-Range Weather Forecasts. ECMWF Seminar Proceedings. ECMWF, Reading, UK, pp. 113-138. Bengtsson, L. (1979) Problems of using satellite information in numerical weather prediction. In: Battrick, B. (ed.) Use of Data from Meteorological Satellites. ESA SP (143). The European Space Agency, pp. 87-100, 240pp. (Proceedings of a Technical Conference Held in Lannion, France, 17-21 September 1979) Bengtsson, L. (1996) Recent achievements in the modelling and prediction of atmospheric blocking. In: From atmospheric circulation to global change: Celebration of the 80th birthday of Professor Ye Duzheng. China Meteorological Press, Beijing, pp. 273-288. ISBN 9787502920982 Bengtsson, L. (1981) Review of recent progress made in medium range weather forecasting. In: Seminar on Problems and Prospects in Long and Medium Range Weather Forecasts. ECMWF, Reading, UK, pp. 91-112. Bengtsson, L. (1979) Review of theories for blocking. In: Proc. of the ECMWF Seminar on Dynamical Meteorology and Numerical Weather Prediction. ECMWF, Reading, UK, pp. 235-269. Bengtsson, L. (1987) Satellite Data and Global Weather Prediction. EARSeL News, 32. pp. 15-21. (Keynote address: EARSeL Symposium, 1987) Bengtsson, L. (1987) Status and future development of medium and long range forecasts. In: The Great Projects for Scientific Collaboration East-West-North-South: International Seminar. World Scientific, Singapore, River Edge, New Jersey. Bengtsson, L. (1993) Unsicherheiten bei der Vorhersage des Treibhauseffekts und seiner Auswirkungen. In: Horsch, F., Filby, W. G., Fund, N., Gross, S., Kändler, G. and Reinhardt, W. (eds.) Statuskolloquium des Projektes Europäisches Forschungszentrum für Maßnahmen der Luftreinhaltung. KfK-PEF, 9 (104). Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, pp. 1-22. (Inaccuracies in the prediction of the effects of greenhouse gases) Bengtsson, L. (1976) Verification activities at ECMWF and in Scandinavia. In: Weather Forecasting and Weather Forecasts: Models, Systems and Users. National Center for Atmospheric Research, pp. 721-733. Bengtsson, L. (1981) The Weather Forecast. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 119 (3). pp. 515-537. Bengtsson, L. (1987) Weather Forecasting and Prediction. In: Parker, S. P. (ed.) McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology, 1988. McGraw-Hill, pp. 483-488. ISBN 978-0070461833 Bengtsson, L. (1994) Wie gut können wir das Klima mit einem numerischen Modell der allgemeinen Zirkulation simulieren? In: Observation und Simulation der Atmosphäre. Annalen der Meteorologie (29). Offenbach am Main. ISBN 9783881482967 (Symposium zur Einhundertjahrfeier des Meteorologischen Observatoriums Potsdam (May 6-7, 1993, Potsdam)) Bengtsson, L. (1981) Work of the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts. Ocean Management, 7. pp. 99-105. Bengtsson, L. (1996) The climate response to the changing greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere. In: Anderson, D. L. T. and Willebrand, J. (eds.) Decadal climate variability; dynamics and predictability. NATO ASI, 1. Springer-Berlin, pp. 293-332, Berlin Heidelberg. ISBN 978-3540614593 Bengtsson, L., (1979) The energy balance in the atmosphere and its role in the general circulation. ECMWF Lecture Notes. 8. Technical Report. ECMWF pp69. Bengtsson, L. (1969) An experiment in computerised flight planning. Aeronautical Meteorology, 95. pp. 305-313. Bengtsson, L. (2006) The global energy problem. Energy and Environment, 17 (5). pp. 755-765. Bengtsson, L. (1982) The global weather experiments: results and proposals for future observing systems. In: The interaction between objective analysis and initialization. Proceedings of the 14th Stanstead Seminar held at Bishop's University, Lennoxville, Québec, Canada. Publications in Meteorology (127). Dept. of Meteorology, McGill University and Atmospheric Analysis and Prediction Division, National Cente for Atmospheric Research, Montreal, viii, 193pp. Bengtsson, L. (1998) The hydrological cycle in present and future climate. In: Deutscher Wetterdienst. Vorhersage: Wetter, Klima. Annalen der Meteorologie (36). Offenbach am Main, 206pp. ISBN 978-3-88148-339-1 (Symposium zur Einhundertfünfzigjahrfeier des Preussischen Meteorologischen Instituts (16-17 Oct. 1997, Berlin)) Bengtsson, L. (1981) The impact of FGGE on global medium range weather forecasts. In: International Conference on early results of FGGE and large-scale aspects of its monsoon experiments. WMO, Geneva, pp. 11-26. Bengtsson, L. (1981) The impact of satellite winds and temperatures on numerical weather prediction. In: Satellite meteorology of the Mediterranean. European Space Agency, pp. 33-40. (Proceedings of the International School of Meteorology of the Mediterranean, Erice, Italy, 12-22 November 1980) Bengtsson, L. (1986) The role of GARP in numerical weather prediction. In: National Conference: Scientific Results of the First GARP Global Experiment : January 14-17, 1986, Miami Florida. American Meteorological Society, pp. 58-61. Bengtsson, L. (1976) A suggested procedure for continuous data assimilation. In: Proceedings of the JOC Study Group Conference on 4-dimensional data assimilation. WGNE Reports (11). WMO, pp. 332-341. Bengtsson, L., (1973) A three-parameter model for limited area forecasting. Technical Papers. 73. Technical Report. Environmental Prediction Research Facility, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California. pp88. Bengtsson, L. and Kallberg, P. (1981) Numerical simulation - assessment of FGGE data with regard to their assimilation in a global data set. In: Advanced Space Research. Pergamon Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 165-187. Bengtsson, L. and Lange, A. A. (1981) Results of the WMO/CAS NWP data study and intercomparison project for forecasts for the Northern Hemisphere in 1979-80. World Meteorological Organization, pp26. Bengtsson, L. and Lighthill, J., eds. (1982) Intense Atmospheric Vortices: Proceedings of the Joint Symposium (IUTAM/IUGG) held at Reading (United Kingdom) July 14-17, 1981. Topics in Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences. Springer-Verlag, pp326. ISBN 9783540116578 Bengtsson, L. and Moen, L. (1971) An operational system for numerical weather prediction. In: Satellite and computer applications to synoptic meteorology: Lectures presented during the scientific discussions at the fifth session of the Commission for Synoptic Meteorology. WMO (283). Secretariat of the World Meteorological Organization, pp. 63-88, 88pp. Bengtsson, L. and Morel, P. A., (1974) The performance of space observing systems for the first GARP Global Experiment. Report Series. 6. Technical Report. Secretariat of the World Meteorological Organization Bengtsson, L. and Simmons, A. J. (1983) Medium range weather prediction operational experience at ECMWF. In: Hoskins, B. and Pearce, R. (eds.) Large Scale Dynamical Processes in the Atmosphere. Academic Press, pp. 337-364. ISBN 978-0123566805 Bengtsson, L. and Söderman, D. (1969) Automatic coding of aerological telegrams at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute. Vaisala News. (B 214) Bengtsson, L. and Temperton, C. (1979) Difference approximations to quasi-geostrophic models. In: Numerical Methods used in Atmospheric Models. GARP Publications Series, 2 (17). GARP, pp. 338-378. Bengtsson, L. and Tibaldi, S. (1988) 10 anni di cooperazione meteorologica europea. Rivista di Meteorologia Aeronautica, 1. pp. 36-43. Bengtsson, L. and Wang, H.-J. (1998) Climate System Modelling. In: Proc. of the Conference on the World Climate Research Programme. Achievements, Benefits and Challenges, Geneva 26-28 August 1997. World Meteorological Organization. Bengtsson, L., Arpe, K. and Roeckner, E. (1993) The impact of SST anomalies on the variability of the atmospheric circulation in the ECHAM3 model. In: Boer, G. J. (ed.) CAS/JSC Working Group on Numerical Experimentation, Report No.18. WMO/TD (533). World Meteorological Organisation, Geneva, 7.18-7.20. Bengtsson, L., Arpe, K., Hollingsworth, A. and Janjic, Z., (1976) A case study of a ten day prediction. ECMWF Technical Report (Miscellaneous). 1. Technical Report. ECMWF, Reading, U.K.. pp105. Bengtsson, L., Botzet, M. and Esch, M. (1997) Numerical simulations of intense tropical storms. In: Diaz, H. F. and Pulwarty, R. S. (eds.) Hurricanes. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 67-90, Chapter 4. Bengtsson, L., Brühl, C., Crutzen, P., Dameris, M., Feichter, J., Grewe, V., Ponater, M., Roeckner, E., Sausen, R., Schlese, U. and Steil, B. (1994) Coupling of dynamical and chemical processes in a GCM. In: Boer, G. J. (ed.) Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modeling. WMO/TD (592). World Meteorological Organisation, 7.13-7.14. Bengtsson, L., Eyre, J. R., Kirchengast, G., Hauchecorne, A., Silvestrin, P. and Ingmann, P., (1996) Atmospheric Profiling Mission - a candidate Earth Explorer mission. ESA Spec. Publications. SP-1196(7). Technical Report. European Space Agency pp58. Bengtsson, L., Hasselmann, K., Rodhe, H., Waszkewitz, J., Cubasch, U., Hegert, G. C., Roeckner, E., Storch, H. v. and Voss, R., (1995) Detection of anthropogenic climate change using a fingerprint method. Max-Planck-Institut fuer Meteorologie Report Series. ETDE-DE--3. Technical Report. Max-Planck-Institut fuer Meteorologie pp28. Bengtsson, L., Kanamitsu, M., Kallberg, P. and Uppala, S. (1982) Diagnostic and predictability studies using FGGE data. In: Seminar on Problems and Prospects in Long and Medium Range Weather Forecasts. ECMWF Seminar Series. ECMWF, Reading, UK, pp. 405-428. (14-18 September 1981) Bengtsson, L., Kanamitsu, M., Kallberg, P. and Uppala, S. (1982) FGGE 4-dimensional Data Assimilation at ECMWF. Bulleting of the American Meteorological Society, 63. pp. 29-43. Bengtsson, L., Kanamitsu, M., Kallberg, P. and Uppala, S. (1982) FGGE Research Activities at ECMWF. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Association, 63. pp. 227-303. Bengtsson, L., Robinson, G. , Anthes, R., Aonashi, K., Bingley, R., Cannon, P., Dodson, A., Elgered, G., Gendt, G., Gurney, R., Jitai, M., Latham, N., Marquardt, C., Mitchell, C., Mlaki, M., Nash, J., Offiler, D., Rhodin, A., Silvestrin, P., Ware, R., Watson, R. and Wergen, W. (2003) Workshop on the use of GPS measurements for water vapour determination. Bulletin of the AMS, 84. pp. 1249-1258. Bengtsson, L., Semenov, V. and Johannessen, O., (2003) The early century warming in the Arctic: a possible mechanism in Report No. 345. Max-Planck-Institut Bengtsson, L. (1991) Advances and prospects in numerical weather prediction. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 117. pp. 855-902. ISSN 1477-870X doi: 10.1002/qj.49711750102 Bengtsson, L. (1994) Climate of the 21st Century. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 117. pp. 3-29. ISSN 0168-1923 Bengtsson, L. (1984) Die mittelfristige Wettervorhersage. Promet - Meteorologische Fortbildung, 14. pp. 2-7. ISSN 0340-4552 Bengtsson, L. (1985) ECMWF - Ten years of European meteorological co-operation. WMO Bulletin, 34. pp. 289-296. ISSN 0042-9767 Bengtsson, L. (1986) ECMWF - ten years of European meteorological co-operation. Meteorological Magazine (115). pp. 150-157. Bengtsson, L. (1986) Four Dimensional Data Assimilation. 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Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 40 (1-3). pp. 1-2. ISSN 0177-7971 (Print) 1436-5065 (Online) doi: 10.1007/BF01027465 Bengtsson, L. (1997) A Numerical Simulation of Anthropogenic Climate Change. Ambio, 26 (1). pp. 58-65. ISSN 1654-7209 Bengtsson, L. (1979) Numerical prediction of atmospheric blocking - A case study. In: Seminar on Dynamical Meteorology and Numerical Weather Forecasting. ECMWF Seminar Proceedings. ECMWF, Reading, UK, pp. 270-329. Bengtsson, L. (2006) On the response of the climate system to solar forcing. Space Science Reviews. ISSN 0038-6308 doi: 10.1007/s11214-006-9056-3 Bengtsson, L. (2007) Tropical cyclones in a warmer climate. WMO Bulletin, 56 (3). pp. 196-203. ISSN 0042-9767 Bengtsson, L. (1984) Vorgeschichte, Zielsetzung und Aufbau des EZMW. Promet - Meteorologische Fortbildung, 14. pp. 1-2. ISSN 0340-4552 Bengtsson, L. and Dümenil, L. (1994) Atmospheric Climate Modelling - A view of Current Activities at MPI Hamburg. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India, Section A: Physical Sciences, 60 (3). pp. 561-592. ISSN 0369-8203 (print version), 2250-1762 (electronic version)
Bengtsson, L. and Hodges, K. I.
Bengtsson, L. and Hodges, K.I. Bengtsson, L. and Schwartz, S. E. (2013) Determination of a lower bound on Earth’s climate sensitivity. Tellus B, 65. ISSN 1600-0889 doi: 10.3402/tellusb.v65i0.21533 Bengtsson, L. and Shukla, J. (1988) Integration of Space and In Situ Observations to Study Global Climate Change. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 69. pp. 1130-1143. ISSN 1520-0477 doi: 10.1175/1520-0477(1988)069<1130:IOSAIS>2.0.CO;2
Bengtsson, L., Arkin, P., Berrisford, P., Bougeault, P., Folland, C. K., Gordon, C., Haines, K. Bengtsson, L., Arpe, K., Roeckner, E. and Schulzweida, U. (1996) Climate predictability experiments with a general circulation model. Climate Dynamics, 12. pp. 261-278. ISSN 0930-7575 (print version); 1432-0894 (electronic version)
Bengtsson, L., Hodges, K.
Bengtsson, L., Hodges, K. I.
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