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Items where Division is "Department of Mathematics and Statistics"

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Number of items at this level: 2341.

Abery, J. E. and Todd, S. ORCID: (2019) Comparing the MAMS framework with the combination method in multi-arm adaptive trials with binary outcomes. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 28 (6). pp. 1716-1730. ISSN 0962-2802 doi: 10.1177/0962280218773546

Abeyasekera, S. (2005) Multivariate methods for index construction. In: Household Sample Surveys in Developing and Transition Countries. United Nations Publication ST/ESA/STAT/SER.F/96, pp. 367-387. ISBN 9211614813

Abeyasekera, S. (2005) Quantitative analysis approaches to qualitative data: why, when and how? In: Holland, J.D. and Campbell, J. (eds.) Methods in Development Research; Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. ITDG Publishing, Warwickshire, pp. 97-106. ISBN 9781853395727

Abugirda, H. A. H. (2018) Linear and nonlinear non-divergence elliptic systems of partial differential equations. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi: 10.48683/1926.00084874

Abugirda, H. and Katzourakis, N. (2017) Existence of 1D vectorial absolute minimisers in L infinity under minimal assumptions. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 145 (6). pp. 2567-2575. ISSN 0002-9939 doi: 10.1090/proc/13421

Abugirda, H., Ayanbayev, B. and Katzourakis, N. (2020) Rigidity and flatness of the image of certain classes of mappings having tangential laplacian. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 50 (2). pp. 383-396. ISSN 0035-7596 doi: 10.1216/rmj.2020.50.383

Acevedo, W., Reich, S. and Cubasch, U. (2016) Towards the assimilation of tree-ring-width records using ensemble Kalman filtering techniques. Climate Dynamics, 46 (5-6). pp. 1909-1920. ISSN 0930-7575 doi: 10.1007/s00382-015-2683-1

Acevedo, W., de Wiljes, J. and Reich, S. (2017) Second-order accurate ensemble transform particle filters. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 39 (5). A1834-A1850. ISSN 1095-7197 doi: 10.1137/16M1095184

Adamopoulou, P., Doikou, A. and Papamikos, G. (2017) Darboux–Bäcklund transformations, dressing & impurities in multi-component NLS. Nuclear Physics B, 918. pp. 91-114. ISSN 0550-3213 doi: 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2017.02.016

Aizinger, V., Korn, P., Giorgetta, M. and Reich, S. (2015) Large-scale turbulence modelling via α-regularisation for atmospheric simulations. Journal of Turbulence, 16 (4). pp. 367-391. ISSN 1468-5248 doi: 10.1080/14685248.2014.991443

Akhmatskaya, E. and Reich, S. (2008) GSHMC: an efficient method for molecular simulation. Journal of Computational Physics, 227 (10). pp. 4934-4954. ISSN 0021-9991 doi: 10.1016/

Al Azah, M. (2017) Fast evaluation of special functions by the modified trapezium rule. PhD thesis, University of Reading.

Al Azah, M. and Chandler-Wilde, S. N. ORCID: (2021) Computation of the complex error function using modified trapezoidal rules. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis (SINUM), 59 (5). pp. 2346-2367. ISSN 0036-1429 doi: 10.1137/20M1373037

Al Daas, H., Jolivet, P. and Scott, J. A. ORCID: (2022) A robust algebraic domain decomposition preconditioner for sparse normal equations. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 44 (3). pp. 1047-1068. ISSN 1095-7197 doi: 10.1137/21M1434891

Al Daas, H., Rees, T. and Scott, J. ORCID: (2021) Two-level Nystrom-Schur preconditioner for sparse symmetric positive definite matrices. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 43 (6). A3837-A3861. ISSN 1095-7197 doi: 10.1137/21M139548X

Al-Maamori, F. and Hilberdink, T. (2015) An example in Beurling's theory of generalised primes. Acta Arithmetica, 168. pp. 383-395. ISSN 1730-6264 doi: 10.4064/aa168-4-4

Al-Qabani, A., Hilberdink, T. and Virtanen, J. A. (2020) Fredholm theory of Toeplitz operators on doubling Fock Hilbert spaces. Mathematica Scandinavica, 126 (3). pp. 593-602. ISSN 1903-1807 doi: 10.7146/math.scand.a-120920

Al-qabani, A. and Virtanen, J. (2018) Fredholm theory of Toeplitz operators on standard weighted Fock spaces. Annales Academiæ Scientiarum Fennicæ Mathematica, 43. pp. 769-783. ISSN 1798-2383 doi: 10.5186/aasfm.2018.4344

Alahmadi, R. (2024) Asymptotic study of Toeplitz determinants with Fisher-Hartwig symbols and their double-scaling limits. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi: 10.48683/1926.00117924

Alasali, F., Haben, S., Becerra, V. and Holderbaum, W. ORCID: (2018) Day-ahead industrial load forecasting for electric RTG cranes. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 6 (2). pp. 223-234. ISSN 2196-5625 doi: 10.1007/s40565-018-0394-4

Alazah, M., Chandler-Wilde, S. N. ORCID: and La Porte, S. (2014) Computing Fresnel integrals via modified trapezium rules. Numerische Mathematik, 128 (4). pp. 635-661. ISSN 0029-599X doi: 10.1007/s00211-014-0627-z

Alberti, T., Daviaud, F., Donner, R. V., Dubrulle, B., Faranda, D. and Lucarini, V. ORCID: (2023) Chameleon attractors in turbulent flows. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 168. 113195. ISSN 1873-2887 doi: 10.1016/j.chaos.2023.113195

Alberti, T., Faranda, D., Lucarini, V. ORCID:, Donner, R. V., Dubrulle, B. and Daviaud, F. (2023) Scale dependence of fractal dimension in deterministic and stochastic Lorenz-63 systems. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 33 (2). 023144. ISSN 1089-7682 doi: 10.1063/5.0106053

Allan, E.F., Coe, R. and Stern, R.D. (2004) General linear models. In: Stern, R.D., Coe, R., Allan, E.F. and Dale, I.C. (eds.) Good Statistical Practice for Natural Resources Research. CAB International, Wallingford, pp. 283-298. ISBN 9780851997223

Allan, E.F., Stern, R.D. and Dale, I.C. (2004) Resources and further reading. In: Stern, R.D., Coe, R., Allan, E.F. and Dale, I.C. (eds.) Good Statistical Practice for Natural Resources Research. CAB International, Wallingford, pp. 365-377. ISBN 9780851997223

Allan, R. ORCID:, Blenkinsop, S., Fowler, H. J. and Champion, A. J. (2020) Atmospheric precursors for intense summer rainfall over the UK. International Journal of Climatology, 40 (8). pp. 3849-3867. ISSN 0899-8418 doi: 10.1002/joc.6431

Alquier, P., Friel, N., Everitt, R. and Boland, A. (2016) Noisy Monte Carlo: convergence of Markov chains with approximate transition kernels. Statistics and Computing, 26 (1). pp. 29-47. ISSN 1573-1375 doi: 10.1007/s11222-014-9521-x

Alshammari, A. O. (2022) Association analysis of genomic sequences. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi: 10.48683/1926.00113855

Alshehri, N. (2024) Numerical integration methods for fast evaluation of the acoustic quasi-periodic Green’s function. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi: 10.48683/1926.00116812

Alswaihli, J. (2020) Iteration of inverse problems and data assimilation techniques for neural field equations. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi: 10.48683/1926.00093937

Alswaihli, J., Potthast, R. ORCID:, Bojak, I. ORCID:, Saddy, D. ORCID: and Hutt, A. (2018) Kernel reconstruction for delayed neural field equations. The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience, 8. 3. ISSN 2190-8567 doi: 10.1186/s13408-018-0058-8

Amezcua, J., Ide, K., Kalnay, E. and Reich, S. (2013) Ensemble transform Kalman-Bucy filters. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 140 (680). pp. 995-1004. ISSN 1477-870X doi: 10.1002/qj.2186

Amin, D. (2016) Computational and theoretical modelling of self-healable polymer materials. PhD thesis, University of Reading.

Amin, D. and Wang, Z. (2020) Nonlinear rheology and dynamics of supramolecular polymer networks formed by associative telechelic chains under shear and extensional flows. Journal of Rheology, 64 (3). pp. 581-600. ISSN 1520-8516 doi: 10.1122/1.5120897

Amin, D., Likhtman, A. E. and Wang, Z. (2016) Dynamics in supramolecular polymer networks formed by associating telechelic chains. Macromolecules, 49 (19). pp. 7510-7524. ISSN 0024-9297 doi: 10.1021/acs.macromol.6b00561

Ammar, G., Mehrmann, V. and Nichols, N. ORCID:, eds. (1993) Linear Algebra and its Applications: special issue on Numerical Linear Algebra Methods in Control, Signals and Systems. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 189. Elsevier.

Andrade-Bejarano, M. (2008) Monthly average temperature modelling. In: Soares, A., Pereira, M. J. and Dimitrakopoulos, R. (eds.) Geoenv Vi - Geostatistics for Environmental Applications, Proceedings. Quantitative Geology and Geostatistics, 15. Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 247-262. ISBN 9781402064470

Andrews, T. P., Nichols, N. ORCID: and Xu, Z., (1990) The form of optimal controllers for tidal power generation schemes. Numerical Analysis Technical Report. 8/90. Technical Report. The University of Reading, Reading.

Arcozzi, N., Mozolyako, P. and Perfekt, K.-M. (2019) Some properties related to trace inequalities for the multi-parameter Hardy operators on poly-trees. Analysis and Mathematical Physics, 9 (3). pp. 937-954. ISSN 1664-235X doi: 10.1007/s13324-019-00327-5

Arden, S., Chandler-Wilde, S. N. ORCID: and Langdon, S. (2007) A collocation method for high frequency scattering by convex polygons. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 204 (2). pp. 334-343. ISSN 0377-0427 doi: 10.1016/

Arens, T., Chandler-Wilde, S. N. ORCID: and DeSanto, J. A. (2006) On integral equation and least squares methods for scattering by diffraction gratings. Communications in Computational Physics, 1 (6). pp. 1010-1042. ISSN 1815-2406

Arens, T., Chandler-Wilde, S. N. ORCID: and Haseloh, K. O. (2002) Solvability and spectral properties of integral equations on the real line: I. Weighted spaces of continuous functions. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 272 (1). pp. 276-302. ISSN 0022-247X doi: 10.1016/S0022-247X(02)00159-2

Arens, T., Chandler-Wilde, S. N. ORCID: and Meier, A. (2000) Integral equation methods for scattering by one-dimensional rough surfaces. In: Bermúdez, A., Gómez, D., Hazard, C., Joly, P. and Roberts, J. E. (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation. SIAM, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, pp. 3-13.

Arens, T., Chandler-Wilde, S.N. ORCID: and Haseloh, K. (2003) Solvability and spectral properties of integral equations on the real line: II Lp spaces and applications. Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, 15. pp. 1-35.

Arroussi, H. (2021) Bergman spaces with exponential type weights. Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2021 (1). 193. ISSN 1029-242X doi: 10.1186/s13660-021-02726-4

Arroussi, H., Gissy, H. and Virtanen, J. A. (2023) Generalized Volterra type integral operators on large Bergman spaces. Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques. ISSN 0007-4497 doi: 10.1016/j.bulsci.2022.103226

Arthurs , N. (2016) An investigation of conservative moving-mesh methods for conservation laws. PhD thesis, University of Reading.

Artzrouni, M., Begg, C. B., Chabiniok, R., Clairambault, J., Foss, A., Hargrove, J., Lee, E. K., Siggers, J. S. and Tindall, M. (2011) The first international workshop on the role and impact of mathematics in medicine: a collective account. American Journal of Translational Research, 3 (5). pp. 492-497. ISSN 1943-8141

Asgarimehr, M., Zavorotny, V., Zhelavskaya, I., Foti, G., Wickert, J. and Reich, S. (2019) Evolving ocean monitoring with GNSS-R: promises in surface wind speed and prospects for rain detection. In: IGARSS 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 28 JUL- 2 AUG 2019, Yokohoma, Japan, pp. 8692-8695. doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2019.8900414 (Proceedings of IGARSS 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium)

Asghari, G., Hu, Z. and Virtanen, J. A. (2024) Schatten class Hankel operators on doubling Fock spaces and the Berger-Coburn phenomenon. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 540 (2). 128596. ISSN 0022-247X doi: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2024.128596

Ashby, B. (2022) Adaptive numerical techniques for problems related to flow in porous media. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi: 10.48683/1926.00113929

Ashby, B., Bortolozo, C., Lukyanov, A. and Pryer, T. (2021) Adaptive modelling of variably saturated seepage problems. The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 74 (1). pp. 55-81. ISSN 0033-5614 doi: 10.1093/qjmam/hbab001

Aslanyan, V. and Daw, C. ORCID: (2024) A note on unlikely intersections in Shimura varieties. Journal of Number Theory. ISSN 1096-1658 doi: 10.1016/j.jnt.2024.02.015

Auhl, D., Ramirez, J., Likhtman, A.E., Chambon, P. and Fernyhough, C. (2008) Linear and nonlinear shear flow behavior of monodisperse polyisoprene melts with a large range of molecular weights. Journal of Rheology, 52 (3). pp. 801-835. ISSN 0148-6055 doi: 10.1122/1.2890780

Aurzada, F., Döring, L. and Savov, M. (2013) Small time Chung-type LIL for Lévy processes. Bernoulli, 19 (1). pp. 115-136. ISSN 1573-9759 doi: 10.3150/11-BEJ395

Ayanbayev, B. (2020) Some problems in vectorial calculus of variations in L∞. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi: 10.48683/1926.00093438

Ayanbayev, B. and Katzourakis, N. ORCID: (2021) On the inverse source identification problem in L ∞ for fully nonlinear elliptic PDE. Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, 49 (3). pp. 815-829. ISSN 2305-2228 doi: 10.1007/s10013-021-00515-6

Ayanbayev, B. and Katzourakis, N. (2021) Vectorial variational principles in L∞ and their characterisation through PDE systems. Applied Mathematics & Optimization, 83 (2). pp. 833-848. ISSN 1432-0606 doi: 10.1007/s00245-019-09569-y

Ayres, K. and Glaister, P. (2012) A technique for delivering individualised formative problems and examples. In: HEA-STEM Annual Conference 2012, 12-13 April 2012, Imperial College London, England.

Ayres, K., Biggs, N. and Glaister, P. (2012) Statistical monitoring of student performance: an early warning system. In: HEA-STEM Annual Conference 2012, 12-13 April 2012, Imperial College London.

Ayres, K. (2002) Paternal exclusion in the presence of substructure. Forensic Science International, 129 (2). pp. 142-144. ISSN 0379-0738 doi: 10.1016/S0379-0738(02)00231-1

Ayres, K. and Balding, D.J. (1998) Measuring departures from Hardy-Weinberg: a Markov chain Monte Carlo method for estimating the inbreeding coefficient. Heredity, 80 (6). pp. 769-777. ISSN 1365-2540 doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2540.1998.00360.x

Ayres, K. and Glaister, P. (2012) Setting the right hurdle: progression to the final year of an MMath programme. MSOR Connections, 12. pp. 31-33. ISSN 1473-4869

Ayres, K., Chaseling, J. and Balding, D. J. (2002) Implications for DNA identification arising from an analysis of Australian forensic databases. Forensic Science International, 129 (2). pp. 90-98. ISSN 0379-0738 doi: 10.1016/S0379-0738(02)00232-3

Ayres, K., Glaister, P. and Smith, C. ORCID: (2012) The benefits of an undergraduate teaching and learning placement scheme in mathematics and statistics. MSOR Connections, 12. pp. 2-5. ISSN 1473-4869

Ayres, K., Wilcox, A. and Glaister, P. (2013) Diversity in mathematics assessment equals diversity in opinion? MSOR Connections, 13 (2). pp. 15-23. ISSN 1473-4869 doi: 10.11120/msor.2013.00012

Ayres, K. L. (2000) Relatedness testing in subdivided populations. Forensic Science International, 114 (2). pp. 107-115. ISSN 0379-0738 doi: 10.1016/S0379-0738(00)00289-9

Ayres, K. L. (2000) A two-locus forensic match probability for subdivided populations. Genetica, 108 (2). pp. 137-143. ISSN 1573-6857 doi: 10.1023/A:1004152931349

Ayres, K. L. and Balding, D. J. (2001) Measuring gametic disequilibrium from multilocus data. Genetics, 157 (1). pp. 413-423. ISSN 0016-6731

Ayres, K. L. and Powley, W. M. (2005) Calculating the exclusion probability and paternity index for X-chromosomal loci in the presence of substructure. Forensic Science International, 149 (2-3). pp. 201-203. ISSN 0379-0738 doi: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2004.06.017

Ayres, K. L. and Underwood, F. M. (2010) Electronic marking of statistics assessments for bioscience students. Bioscience Education, 15. c4. ISSN 1479-7860 doi: 10.3108/beej.15.c4

Ayres, K. L., Talukder, Y. and Breuer, J. (2010) Humoral immunity following chickenpox is influenced by geography and ethnicity. Journal of Infection, 61 (3). pp. 244-251. ISSN 0163-4453 doi: 10.1016/j.jinf.2010.06.012

Bach, E. ORCID: (2021) parasweep: a template-based utility for generating, dispatching, and post-processing of parameter sweeps. SoftwareX, 13. 100631. ISSN 2352-7110 doi: 10.1016/j.softx.2020.100631

Bach, E. ORCID: and Ghil, M. (2023) A multi‐model ensemble Kalman filter for data assimilation and forecasting. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 15 (1). e2022MS003123. ISSN 1942-2466 doi: 10.1029/2022MS003123

Bach, E. ORCID:, Colonius, T., Scherl, I. and Stuart, A. (2024) Filtering dynamical systems using observations of statistics. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 34 (3). 033119. ISSN 1089-7682 doi: 10.1063/5.0171827

Bach, E. ORCID:, Krishnamurthy, V., Mote, S., Shukla, J., Surjalal Sharma, A., Kalnay, E. and Ghil, M. (2024) Improved subseasonal prediction of South Asian monsoon rainfall using data-driven forecasts of oscillatory modes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121 (15). e2312573121. ISSN 1091-6490 doi: 10.1073/pnas.2312573121

Bach, E. ORCID:, Mote, S., Krishnamurthy, V., Surjalal Sharma, A., Ghil, M. and Kalnay, E. (2021) Ensemble Oscillation Correction (EnOC): leveraging oscillatory modes to improve forecasts of chaotic systems. Journal of Climate, 34 (14). pp. 5673-5686. ISSN 1520-0442 doi: 10.1175/jcli-d-20-0624.1

Bach, E. ORCID:, Motesharrei, S., Kalnay, E. and Ruiz-Barradas, A. (2019) Local atmosphere–ocean predictability: dynamical origins, lead times, and seasonality. Journal of Climate, 32 (21). pp. 7507-7519. ISSN 1520-0442 doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0817.1

Bach, E. ORCID:, Radić, V. and Schoof, C. (2018) How sensitive are mountain glaciers to climate change? Insights from a block model. Journal of Glaciology, 6 (244). pp. 247-258. ISSN 1727-5652 doi: 10.1017/jog.2018.15

Back, O., Asally, M., Wang, Z. and Hayashi, Y. ORCID: (2023) Electrotaxis behavior of droplets composed of aqueous Belousov-Zhabotinsky solutions suspended in oil phase. Scientific Reports, 13. 1340. ISSN 2045-2322 doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-27639-8

Bagnall, R. D., Ayres, K. L., Green, P. M. and Giannelli, F. (2005) Gene conversion and evolution of Xq28 duplicons involved in recurring inversions causing severe hemophilia A. Genome research, 15 (2). pp. 214-223. ISSN 1088-9051 doi: 10.1101/gr.2946205

Baines, M. J. and Sweby, P.K., eds. (2004) Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics VIII. Proceedings of Conference on Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics. ICFD, Oxford.

Baines, M. J., Hubbard, M.E. and Jimack, P.K. (2003) A Lagrangian Moving Finite Element Method incorporating Monitor Functions. In: Advances in Scientific Computing and Applications. Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations., Hong Kong.

Baines, M. J. (2015) Explicit time-stepping for moving meshes. Journal of Mathematical Study, 48 (2). pp. 93-105. ISSN 1006-6837 doi: 10.4208/jms.v48n2.15.01

Baines, M. J. (2002) Moving meshes, conservation laws and least squares equidistribution. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Fluids, 40 (1-2). pp. 3-19. ISSN 1097-0363 doi: 10.1002/fld.294

Baines, M. J. (2001) The solution of steady PDEs on adjustable meshes in multidimensions using local descent methods. In: Vande Wouwer, A., Saucez, P. and Schlesser, W. (eds.) Adaptive Method of Lines. Chapman & Hall, New York. ISBN 9781584882312

Baines, M. J. and Christou, K. (2021) A moving-mesh finite-difference method for segregated two-phase competition-diffusion. Mathematics, 9 (4). 386. ISSN 2227-7390 doi: 10.3390/math9040386

Baines, M. J. and Christou, K. (2022) A numerical method for multispecies populations in a moving domain using combined masses. Mathematics, 10 (7). e1124. ISSN 2227-7390 doi: 10.3390/math10071124

Baines, M. J. and Lee, T. E. (2014) A large time-step implicit moving mesh scheme for moving boundary problems. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 30 (1). pp. 321-338. ISSN 1098-2426 doi: 10.1002/num.21812

Baines, M. J. and Partridge, D. (2011) A moving mesh approach to an ice sheet model. Computers and Fluids, 46 . pp. 381-386. ISSN 0045-7930 doi: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2011.02.001

Baines, M. J. and Sarahs, N. (2018) A moving-mesh finite difference scheme that preserves scaling symmetry for a class of nonlinear diffusion problems. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 340. pp. 380-389. ISSN 0377-0427 doi: 10.1016/

Baines, M. J., Hubbard, M. E. and Jimack, P. K. (2011) Velocity-based moving mesh methods for nonlinear partial differential equations. Communications in Computational Physics, 10 (3). pp. 509-576. ISSN 1991-7120 doi: 10.4208/cicp.201010.040511a

Baines, M. J., Hubbard, M. E. and Jimack, P. K. (2005) A moving mesh finite element algorithm for fluid flow problems with moving boundaries. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 47 (10-11). pp. 1077-1083. ISSN 0271-2091

Baines, M. J., Hubbard, M. E. and Jimack, P. K. (2005) A moving mesh finite element algorithm for the adaptive solution of time-dependent partial differential equations with moving boundaries. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 54 (3-4). pp. 450-469. ISSN 0168-9274

Baines, M. J., Hubbard, M. E., Jimack, P. K. and Jones, A. C. (2006) Scale-invariant moving finite elements for nonlinear partial differential equations in two dimensions. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 56 (2). pp. 230-252. ISSN 0168-9274

Baines, M. J., Leary, S. J. and Hubbard, M. E. (2002) Multidimensional least squares fluctuation distribution schemes with adaptive mesh movement for steady hyperbolic equations. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 23 (5). pp. 1485-1502. ISSN 1095-7197 doi: 10.1137/S1064827500370202

Baines, M.J. (2001) Moving finite element, least squares, and finite volume approximations of steady and time-dependent PDEs in multidimensions. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 128 (1-2). pp. 363-381. ISSN 1879-1778 doi: 10.1016/S0377-0427(00)00519-7

Baker, S. (2015) Approximation properties of β-expansions. Acta Arithmetica, 168. pp. 269-287. ISSN 1730-6264 doi: 10.4064/aa168-3-4

Baker, S. (2014) Generalised golden ratios over integer alphabets. Integers, 14. A15. ISSN 1553-1732

Baker, S. (2015) On small bases which admit countably many expansions. Journal of Number Theory, 147. pp. 515-532. ISSN 0022-314X doi: 10.1016/j.jnt.2014.08.003

Baker, S. (2016) On the cardinality and complexity of the set of codings for self-similar sets with positive Lebesgue measure. Monatshefte fur Mathematik, 179 (1). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1436-5081 doi: 10.1007/s00605-015-0755-2

Baker, S. (2015) On the distribution of powers of real numbers modulo 1. Uniform Distribution Theory, 10 (2). pp. 67-75. ISSN 1336-913X

Baker, S. (2014) On universal and periodic β-expansions, and the Hausdorff dimension of the set of all expansions. Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 142 (1). pp. 95-109. ISSN 1588-2632 doi: 10.1007/s10474-013-0366-0

Baker, S. (2012) The growth rate and dimension theory of beta-expansions. Fundamenta Mathematicae, 219 (3). pp. 271-285. ISSN 1730-6329 doi: 10.4064/fm219-3-6

Baker, S. (2013) A multifractal zeta function for Gibbs measures supported on cookie-cutter sets. Nonlinearity, 26 (4). pp. 1125-1142. ISSN 1361-6544 doi: 10.1088/0951-7715/26/4/1125

Baker, S. and Ghenciu, A. E. (2015) Dynamical properties of S-gap shifts and other shift spaces. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 430 (2). pp. 633-647. ISSN 0022-247X doi: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2015.04.092

Baker, S. and Sidorov, N. (2014) Expansions in non-integer bases: lower order revisited. Integers, 14. A57. ISSN 1867-0660

Baker, S., Dajani, K. and Jiang, K. (2015) On univoque points for self-similar sets. Fundamenta Mathematicae, 228 (3). pp. 265-282. ISSN 0016-2736 doi: 10.4064/fm228-3-4

Baksh, M. F. ORCID: and Kelly, P. (2008) Statistical methods for examining genetic influences of resistance to anti-epileptic drugs. Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology, 1 (1). pp. 137-144. ISSN 1751-2433 doi: 10.1586/17512433.1.1.137

Baksh, M. F. ORCID:, Balding, D. J., Vyse, T. J. and Whittaker, J. C. (2007) Family-based association analysis with ordered categorical phenotypes, covariates and interactions. Genetic Epidemiology, 31 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 0741-0395 doi: 10.1002/gepi.20183

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