Items where Division is "Office of the Vice Chancellor"
Number of items at this level: 33. A
Aloisi, C. and Callaghan, A. B
Baker, E. J., Valenzuela, C. A., De Souza, C. O., Yaqoob, P.
Baker, E. J., Yusof, M. H., Yaqoob, P. C
Charlton-Perez, A. DDinnin, M. and Van de Noort, R. (1999) Wetland habitats, their resource potential and exploitation: a case study from the Humber wetlands. In: Coles, B., Coles, J. and Shou-Jørgenson, M. (eds.) Bog bodies, sacred sites and wetland archaeology. WARP, Exeter. ISBN 0951911759 FFletcher, W. and Van de Noort, R. (2007) The lake-dwellings in Holderness, East Yorkshire, revisited: a journey into antiquarian and contemporary wetland archaeology. In: Archaeology from the Wetlands: recent perspectives. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, pp. 313-322. HHuang, I. Y., Raimo, V. and Humfrey, C. (2016) Power and control: managing agents for international student recruitment in higher education. Studies in Higher Education, 41 (8). pp. 1333-1354. ISSN 0307-5079 doi: 10.1080/03075079.2014.968543 IIona, Y. H., Williamson, D., Lynch-Wood, G., Raimo, V., Rayner, C., Addington, L. and West, E. (2022) Governance of agents in the recruitment of international students: a typology of contractual management approaches in higher education. Studies in Higher Education, 47 (6). pp. 1150-1170. ISSN 0307-5079 doi: 10.1080/03075079.2020.1861595 NNikula, P.-T. and Raimo, V. (2023) Education agents: key issues, themes and stakeholders. In: Nikula, P.-T., Raimo, V. and West, E. (eds.) Student recruitment agents in international higher education: a multi-stakeholder perspective on challenges and best practices. Internationalization in Higher Education. Routledge. ISBN 9781032079523 Nikula, P.-T., Raimo, V. and West, E., eds. (2023) Student recruitment agents in international higher education: a multi-stakeholder perspective on challenges and best practices. Internationalization in Higher Education. Routledge, pp268. ISBN 9781032079523 OO'Sullivan, A. and Van de Noort, R. (2007) Places, perceptions, boundaries and tasks: rethinking landscapes in wetland archaeology. In: Archaeology from the Wetlands: recent perspectives. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, pp. 79-89. O'Sullivan, A. and Van de Noort, R. (2007) Temporality, cultural biography and seasonality: rethinking time in wetland archaeology. In: Archaeology from the Wetlands: recent perspectives. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, pp. 67-78. RRaimo, V., Nikula, P.-T. and West, E. (2023) Emerging trends and future directions for education agents and their stakeholders. In: Nikula, P.-T., Raimo, V. and West, E. (eds.) Student recruitment agents in international higher education: a multi-stakeholder perspective on challenges and best practices. Internationalization in Higher Education. Routledge. ISBN 9781032079523 S
Stewart, A. J., Farran, E. K., Grange, J. A., Macleod, M., Munafò, M., Newton, P. VVan de Noort, R. (2014) Bronze Age Boat. University of Exeter. Van de Noort, R. (2001) Bronze Age perceptions of wetlands: recent archaeological work on the Humber estuary. In: Raftery, B. and Hickey, J. (eds.) Recent Developments in Wetland Research. Department of Archaeology, University College Dublin, Dublin, pp. 271-279. ISBN 0953952010 Van de Noort, R. (2002) Flat, flatter, flattest: the English Heritage wetland surveys in retrospect. In: Lane, T. and Coles, J. (eds.) Through wet and dry; essays in honour of David Hall. Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire in conjunction with WARP and English Heritage, Sleaford and Exeter, pp. 87-95. ISBN 0954022408 Van de Noort, R. (2004) The Humber, its sewn-plank boats, their context and the significance of it all. In: Clark, P. (ed.) The Dover Bronze Age boat in context: society and water transport in Prehistoric Europe. Oxbow Books, pp. 90-98. ISBN 9781842171394 Van de Noort, R. (2011) North Sea archaeologies. PhD thesis, University of Exeter. Van de Noort, R. (2011) North Sea archaeologies: a maritime biography, 10,000 BC - AD 1500. Oxford University Press, pp296. ISBN 9780199566204 Van de Noort, R. (2004) Sutton Common (South Yorkshire): a monument at risk in England’s wetlands. In: Nixon, T. (ed.) Preserving archaeological remains in situ? Museum of London Archaeology Service, pp. 79-86. Van de Noort, R. (2001) Thorne Moors: a contested wetland in north-eastern England. In: Coles, B. and Olivier, A. (eds.) The Heritage Management of Wetlands In Europe. Europae Archaeologiae Consilium and Wetland Archaeology Research Project, Brussels, pp. 133-140. ISBN 907697201X Van de Noort, R. (2000) Where are Yorkshire’s terps? Wetland exploitation in the early medieval period. In: Geake, H. and Kenny, J. (eds.) Early Deira: Archaeological studies of the East Riding in the fourth to ninth centuries AD. Oxbow, Oxford, pp. 121-131. ISBN 1900188902 Van de Noort, R. and Fletcher, W. (2000) Bronze Age human ecodynamics in the Humber estuary. In: Bailly, G., Charles, R. and Winder, N. (eds.) Human Ecodynamics. Symposia of the Association for Environmental Archaeology 19. Oxbow, Oxford, pp. 47-54. ISBN 9781842170014 Van de Noort, R. and O'Sullivan, A. (2006) Rethinking wetland archaeology. Duckworth Debates in Archaeology. Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN 9780715634387 Van de Noort, R., Chapman, H. and Cheetham, J. (2001) Science-based conservation and management in wetland archaeology: the example of Sutton Common, UK. In: Purdy, B. A. (ed.) Enduring Records. The Environmental and Cultural Heritage of Wetlands. WARP Occasional Papers 15. Oxbow, Oxford, pp. 277-286. ISBN 1842170481 Van de Noort, R., Fletcher, W. and Thomas, G., (2002) English Heritage wetlands strategy. Project Report. University of Exeter Van de Noort, R., Fletcher, W., Thomas, G., Carstairs, I. and Patrick, D., (2002) Monuments at risk in England's wetlands. Working Paper. University of Exeter Van de Noort, R. (2006) Argonauts of the North Sea: a social maritime archaeology for the 2nd Millennium BC. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 72. pp. 243-266. ISSN 0079-797X Van de Noort, R. (2011) Conceptualising climate change archaeology. Antiquity, 85 (329). pp. 1039-1048. ISSN 0003-598X Van de Noort, R., Cumby, B., Blue, L., Harding, A., Hurcombe, L., Monrad Hansen, T., Wetherelt, A., Wittamore, J. and Wyke, A. (2014) Morgawr: an experimental Bronze Age-type sewn-plank craft based on the Ferriby boats. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 43 (2). pp. 292-313. ISSN 1057-2414 doi: 10.1111/1095-9270.12058 WWolleb, A., Sorace, A. and Westergaard, M. (2019) Language control and executive control. In: Sekerina, I. A., Spradlin, L. and Valin, V. (eds.) Bilingualism, Execution Function, and Beyond. Studies in Bilingualism (57). John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 147-159. ISBN 9789027202437 doi: 10.1075/sibil.57.10wol Wolleb, A., Sorace, A. and Westergaard, M. (2018) Exploring the role of cognitive control in syntactic processing. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 8 (5). pp. 606-636. ISSN 1879-9272 doi: 10.1075/lab.17002.wol |