Items where Division is "Architecture"
Number of items at this level: 133. 2024
Brookes, A.
Butt, A. Fernbank, D., Bakker, I. R., Willits, S., Hecker, F., Lü, X. and Lu, T. (2024) Case Studies. In: Clements-Croome, D. (ed.) Intelligent Buildings and Infrastructure with Sustainable and Social Values. Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 293-326. ISBN 9781835498194 doi: 10.1680/978-1-83549-818-720243021 2023Alameer, A. A. (2023) Cities and socio-technical transitions: an evaluation of the use of the multi-level perspective for examining the green economy transition in Makkah City, Saudi Arabia. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi: 10.48683/1926.00119031
Butt, A.
Butt, A.
Butt, A. Froome-Lewis, O. (2023) Belonging and the infraordinary city: Georges Perec, walking and propositional map-making. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi: 10.48683/1926.00115822
Gage, S. 2022
Butt, A.
Butt, A. Froome-Lewis, O. and Plaza, P. (2022) DRIVOSAUR. [Project] Froome-Lewis, O. and Plaza, P. (2022) DRIVOSAUR. [Video]
Niblock, C., McGuire, L., Harding, J. Psaila, L. (2022) An analysis of a participatory urban design approach to shared space in Malta. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi: 10.48683/1926.00116737
Rossi, G., Chiujdea, R.-S., Hochegger, L., Lharchi, A., Harding, J. 2021
Butt, A.
Butt, A.
Butt, A. Hatleskog, E. and Samuel, F. (2021) Mapping as a strategic tool for evidencing social values and supporting joined-up decision making in Reading England. Journal of Urban Design, 26 (5). pp. 591-612. ISSN 1469-9664 doi: 10.1080/13574809.2021.1890555 Hatleskog, E. and Samuel, F. (2021) Mapping social values. The Journal of Architecture, 26 (1). pp. 56-58. ISSN 1466-4410 doi: 10.1080/13602365.2021.1883892 Plaza, P. (2021) Rare seeds: how Venezuelan artists are breaking the spell of oil. Energy Humanities. Plaza, P., Bergolla, L. R. and Ferrer, I. (2021) Creating a digital [CCSen365]: exploring ways to deliver a multi-sensorial and inclusive experience of Caracas architectural heritage via mobile phone. [Project] (Unpublished) Taylor, P. (2021) Developing a framework for describing, planning and evaluating empowerment in architectural making projects. PhD thesis, University of Reading. doi: 10.48683/1926.00108018 Wieczorek, I. (2021) Atmosphères en formation : seuils affectifs, champs immersifs et limites actives [atmospheres in formation: affective thresholds, immersive fields, and active boundaries]. In: Tallagrand, D., Tixier, N. and Thibaud, J.-P. (eds.) L’usage des ambiances. Colloque de Cerisy. Éditions Hermann, France. ISBN 9791037006233 Wieczorek, I. (2021) The Cabinet of [Atmospheric] Curiosities. A journey in search of the origins and logic of atmospheric practice. In: Skandarajah, S. and Badenoch, K. (eds.) Cartographies of the Imagination. Cartographies of the Imagination, London, pp. 42-45. ISBN 9781527283862 Wieczorek, I. (2021) Some reasons for talking about Peter Wilson. The Journal of Architecture, 26 (5). pp. 575-598. ISSN 1466-4410 doi: 10.1080/13602365.2021.1949376 2020
Butt, A. Froome-Lewis, O. and Plaza, P. (2020) URBAN COME-ON'S - International Design Workshop Week, University of Antwerp. [Project]
Gage, S.
Grytnes, R., Tutt, D. E. Perrotti, D. and Stemke, S. (2020) Can urban metabolism models advance green infrastructure planning? Insights from ecosystem services research. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 47 (4). pp. 678-694. ISSN 2399-8091 doi: 10.1177/2399808318797131 Perrotti, D., Hyde, K. and Peña, D. O. (2020) Can water systems foster commoning practices? Analysing leverages for self-organization in urban water commons as social-ecological systems. Sustainability Science, 15 (3). pp. 781-795. ISSN 1862-4065 doi: 10.1007/s11625-020-00782-1 Plaza, P. and Ijinigba, O. (2020) Tracing the elusive urban imprints of paidia and ludus: an illustrated catalogue. [Project] Samuel, F., (2020) Impact of housing design and placemaking on social value and wellbeing during the pandemic. Project Report. University of Glasgow, Glasgow. Samuel, F., ed. (2020) RIBA social value toolkit for architecture. Report. Royal Institute of British Architects, London, UK. Samuel, F. and Hatleskog, E., eds. (2020) Social value in architecture. Wiley, pp136. ISBN 9781119576440
Vasilikou, C. White, J. T., Kenny, T., Samuel, F., Foye, C., Serin, B. and James, G., (2020) Delivering design value: the housing design value conundrum. Project Report. University of Glasgow, Glasgow. Wieczorek, I. (2020) Catoptric theatres: on devices of atmospheric staging. IDEA Journal, 17 (1). pp. 107-130. doi: 10.37113/ij.v17i01.393 (ISBN: 9783887789169) Wieczorek, I. (2020) The agency of perception. A perceptual apparatus as a tool for critique and subversion, action and mediation. In: Ambiances, Alloæsthesia: Senses, Inventions, Worlds 4th International Congress on Ambiances, 02-04 Dec 2020, e-conference, pp. 156-161. Wieczorek, I., Usman, H. and Percs, M. (2020) The cabinet of [atmospheric]curiosities. A journey in search of the origins of atmospheric practice. [Show/Exhibition] 2019Blackmore, L., Jarman, R. and Plaza, P. (2019) Introduction: charting cultural currents in Venezuela’s pink tide. In: Blackmore, L., Jarman, R. and Plaza, P. (eds.) The Politics of Culture in the Chávez Era. Wiley, pp. 6-18. Blackmore, L., Jarman, R. and Plaza, P., eds. (2019) The politics of culture in the Chávez era. Bulletin of Latin American Research Book Series. Wiley-Blackwell in association the Society for Latin American Studies.
Butt, A.
Lorincz, M. J. Plaza, P. (2019) Untangling the myth of 'culture as renewable oil’: a Barthesian exploration of PDVSA La Estancia’s visual campaign Transformamos el petróleo en un recurso renovable para ti. In: Graves, H. and Beard, D. E. (eds.) The Rhetoric of Oil in the Twenty-First Century: Government, Corporate and Activist Discourses. Routledge.
Vasilikou, C.
Vasilikou, C. Wieczorek, I. (2019) Dispositivos atmosféricos, tecnologías de la inmersión y acumulaciones de espumas, o las paradojas de la burbuja (Atmospheric devices, technologies of immersion and foam accumulations, or the bubble paradox). In: José Miguel de Prada Poole. La arquitectura perecedera de las pompas de jabón. Recolectores Urbanos Editorial, Málaga, Spain, pp. 59-64. ISBN 9788494966316 2018
Butt, A.
Butt, A.
Butt, A.
Butt, A.
Farrelly, L.
Sustainable design of the built environment.
In: Dixon, T.
Gage, S.
Harding, J. Hay, R., Samuel, F., Watson, K. J. and Bradbury, S. (2018) Post occupancy evaluation in architecture: experiences and perspectives from UK practice. Building Research and Information, 46 (6). pp. 698-710. ISSN 1466-4321 doi: 10.1080/09613218.2017.1314692
Heinrich, M. K., Zahadat, P., Harding, J. Izabela, W. (2018) Active materiality. The agency of matter from the phenomenological perspective. [Show/Exhibition] (Collective Exhibition)
Patel, H. and Tutt, D. Plaza Azuaje, P. (2018) Culture as renewable oil: how territory, bureaucratic power and culture coalesce in the Venezuelan petrostate. Routledge Research in Place, Space and Politics. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, United Kingdom, pp192. ISBN 9781138573772 Samuel, F., (2018) Promoting design value in public rented housing. Working Paper. CACHE, University of Glasgow. pp28. Samuel, F. (2018) Why architects matter. Routledge, London, pp252. ISBN 9781315768373 doi: 10.4324/9781315768373 Serin, B., Kenny, T., White, J. and Samuel, F., (2018) Design value at neighbourhood scale. CACHE publications. Report. CACHE, University of Glasgow. pp72. Smith, M. J. and Hyde, K. (2018) Evidence concerning the irrigation of urban green infrastructure using lightly loaded greywater. In: Water Efficiency Conference 2018, 5-7 Sep 2018, Aveiro, Portugal, pp. 147-156. 2017
Butt, A.
Butt, A.
Butt, A.
Gage, S. Gálvez Pérez, M. A. and Wieczorek, I. (2017) Kindergarten 'El Caracol' and Kindergarten 'La Corita'. [Show/Exhibition] Haenlein, H. and Patel, H. (2017) Design-led procurement: linking the design process with procurement of construction projects. In: Hay, R. and Samuel, F. (eds.) Professional Practices in the Built Environment Conference, 27-28 April 2017, University of Reading. University of Reading, Reading, UK, pp. 6-12.
Harding, J. E.
Harding, J. E. Hay, R., Shasore, N. and Samuel, F. (2017) Research at the RIBA: an institutional history 1958-1971. Architectural Research Quarterly, 21 (4). pp. 328-337. ISSN 1359-1355 doi: 10.1017/S135913551800012X
Melville, S., Brandt-Olsen, C. and Harding, J. Patel, H. (2017) Archive, memory & materiality: An exploration through the DEGW Archive. [Show/Exhibition] Patel, H. (2017) What is a client? [Show/Exhibition] Patel, H. (2017) The library: physicality and enactment. PhD thesis, University of Reading.
Phillips-Jones, M. K., Lithgo, R., Dinu, V., Gillis, R. B., Harding, J. E. Samuel, F. (2017) Symbolic violence. In: Morrow, R., Harriss, H., Brown, J. B. and Soane, J. (eds.) A Gendered Profession. RIBA Enterprises, Newcastle, pp. 269-275. ISBN 9781859469972 Samuel, F. (2017) Supporting research in practice. The Journal of Architecture, 22 (1). pp. 4-10. ISSN 1466-4410 doi: 10.1080/13602365.2017.1280288 Voskamp, I. M., Stremke, S., Spiller, M., Perrotti, D., van der Hoek, J. P. and Rijnaarts, H. H. M. (2017) Enhanced performance of the Eurostat method for comprehensive assessment of urban metabolism: a material flow analysis of Amsterdam. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 21 (4). pp. 887-902. ISSN 1088-1980 doi: 10.1111/jiec.12461 Wieczorek, I. (2017) Materialized immaterialization. Interior Matters (47). pp. 60-65. ISSN 1132-6409 (SOLID Harvard GSD series) 2016
Butt, A. Farrelly, L. and Samuel, F. (2016) Education for uncertainty. In: AEE2016 Research Based Education: Volume 2. Bartlett, London, pp. 326-338. ISBN 9780992948597
Harding, J.
Harding, J. Izabela, W. (2016) Atmospheric materiality. Towards an aesthetic engagement and a phenomenological manifestation. Passepartout, Materialitet, 20 årg (37). pp. 147-163. ISSN 0908-5351 Patel, H. (2016) DEGW design methods. [Show/Exhibition] Plaza, P. (2016) ‘Oil that Harvests Culture’: state, oil and culture in Petrosocialism (Venezuela, 2007-2013). PhD thesis, City, University of London.
Vasilikou, C. Wieczorek, I. (2016) Constructing situations or phenomeno-praxis. In: Ambiances, demain | Ambiances, tomorrow | Ατμόσφαιρες, Αύριο, 21-24 September 2016, Department of Architecture, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece, pp. 719-724. 2015
Butt, A.
Butt, A. Courtonne, J.-Y., Chatzimpiros, P., Perrotti, D., Vernay, A.-L. and Blouin, M. (2015) Le métabolisme énergétique d’un territoire [Eng Transl. The Energy Metabolism of a Region: Aussois, France]. In: Buclet, N. (ed.) Essai décologie territoriale: L'exemple d'Aussois en Savoie [Eng Transl. Essay on Territorial Ecology : The Example of Aussois, Savoy - France]. CNRS Editions, Paris, pp. 179-204. ISBN 9782271088871
Dixon, T. Dye, A. and Samuel, F., eds. (2015) Demystifying architectural research. RIBA Publishing, London. ISBN 9781859465783 Farrelly, L. and Vernini, A. (2015) Schizophrenic urban reality: the changing urban landscapes of the Mediterranean region and developmental influences. In: Lichtenberger, A. and von Rüden, C. (eds.) Multiple Mediterranean realities: Current Approaches to Spaces, Resources, and Connectivities. Wilhelm Fink GmbH & Co., Munchen, Germany, pp. 105-120. ISBN 9783770557400
Harding, J. Patel, H. (2015) Materiality of the data. [Show/Exhibition] Perrotti, D. (2015) Of other (energy) spaces: protected areas and everyday landscapes of energy in the southern Italian region of Alta Murgia. In: Frolova, M., Prados, M.-J. and Nadaï, A. (eds.) Renewable Energies and European Landscapes : Lessons from Southern European Cases. Springer Netherlands, pp. 193-215. ISBN 9789401798426 doi: 10.1007/978-94-017-9843-3_11 Samuel, F. (2015) Home economics. In: Odgers, J., McVicar, M. and Kite, S. (eds.) Economy and Architecture. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138025479 Samuel, F. (2015) La Ciudad Órfica de La Sainte Baume. In: Burriel Bielza, L. and Fernández-Cobián, E. (eds.) Le Corbusier. Proyectos para la Iglesia católica. Diseño, Buenos Aires, pp. 96-117. ISBN 9789873607653 Samuel, F. (2015) Plan voisin. In: Leatherbarrow, D. and Eisenschmidt, A. (eds.) Volume IV: Twentieth-Century Architecture. The Companion to the History of Architecture. Wiley, Oxford. ISBN 9781118887226 Samuel, F., Awan, N., Butterworth, C., Handler, S. and Lintonbon, J. (2015) Cultural value of architecture in homes and neighbourhoods. In: Transvaluation, 21-22 May 2015, Chalmers University, Gothenberg. 2014Farrelly, L. (2014) Room for the future: will Australia’s apartments today work for the ageing population of tomorrow? Architecture AU. Farrelly, L. and Crowson, N. (2014) Representational techniques for architecture. Basics Architecture. Bloomsbury, London, pp184. ISBN 9781472527851 Farrelly, L. (2014) Designing for the third age: architecture redefined for a generation of "active agers". Wiley, New York. ISBN 9781118452721 Farrelly, L. (2014) Housing from 8 to 80: an ideas project. In: Farrelly, L. (ed.) Designing for the third age: architecture redefined for a generation of "active agers". Wiley, New York, pp. 126-135. ISBN 9781118452721 Farrelly, L. (2014) Introduction: redefining reinventing realigning: design for demographic change. In: Farrelly, L. (ed.) Designing for the third age: architecture redefined for a generation of "active agers". Wiley, New York, pp. 8-13. ISBN 9781118452721 Farrelly, L. (2014) New visions: reimagining aging RIBA design competition 2013. In: Farrelly, L. (ed.) Designing for the third age: architecture redefined for a generation of "active agers". Wiley, New York, pp. 112-121. ISBN 9781118452721 Froome-Lewis, O. (2014) Lea Valley Drift: paths, objects and the creation of urban narratives. ARQ, architectural research quarterly, 18 (4). pp. 377-388. ISSN 1474-0516 doi: 10.1017/S135913551500010X
Harding, J. Hyde, K., Smith, M. and Adeyeye, K. (2014) Attributes of greywater reuse; well-controlled greywater treatment and user perception. In: 40th IAHS World Congress on Housing: Sustainable Housing Construction, 16-19 Dec 2014, Funchal, Portugal. Patel, H. (2014) Enactments of the library. [Show/Exhibition] Perrotti, D. (2014) Landscape as energy infrastructure: ecologic approaches and aesthetic implications of design. In: Czechowski, D. , Hauck, T. and Hausladen, G. (eds.) Revising Green Infrastructure. CRC Press , pp. 71-90. ISBN 9781482232202 doi: 10.1201/b17639-6 Samuel, F. (2014) Architectural promenades through the Villa Savoye. In: Blundell-Jones, P. and Meagher, M. (eds.) Architecture and Movement: The Dynamic Experience of Buildings and Landscapes. Routledge, London, pp. 44-49. ISBN 9780415725354 Samuel, F. (2014) Cultural value of architecture in homes and neighbourhoods. In: Beyond Globalisation. Remaking Housing Policy in a Complex World, 1-4 July 2014, Edinburgh. Samuel, F., Awan, M., Handler, S. and Lintonbon, J. (2014) Cultural value of architecture in homes and neighbourhoods. In: The Value of Housing, 15-17 April 2014, York. Wymer, C., Adeyeye, K., Robinson, D. and Hyde, K. (2014) The effectiveness of awareness tools on water use efficiency in university halls of residence. In: 40th IAHS World Congress on Housing: Sustainable Housing Construction, 16-19 Dec 2014, Funchal, Portugal.
Zaera-Polo, A., Bui, C. v., Calabro, V., Gage, S. 2013Farrelly, L. (2013) New occupancy. In: Brooker, G. and Weinthal, L. (eds.) The Handbook of Interior Architecture and Design. Bloomsbury, New York, pp. 139-151. ISBN 1847887457
Gage, S. Perrotti, D. and Henrion, S. (2013) The notion of landscape acceptability as a potential key factor in a new integrated approach to energy and landscape policy. Environmental Practice, 15 (1). pp. 5-18. ISSN 1466-0466 doi: 10.1017/S1466046612000518 2012Farrelly, L. (2012) Materials and interior design. Laurence King, London, pp192. ISBN 9781856697590 Farrelly, L. (2012) The fundamentals of architecture. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 1-200. ISBN 9782940411757 Lemes de Oliveira, F. and Farrelly, L. (2012) The regeneration of a naval city: Portsmouth. In: Ganser, R. (ed.) Parallel patterns of shrinking cities and urban growth: spatial planning for sustainable development of city regions and rural areas. Ashgate, London, pp. 245-256. ISBN 9781409427414 Perrotti, D. (2012) Ruralité urbaine. Les territoires périurbains du Parc Agricole Sud de Milan à l’épreuve de l’Expo Milan 2015 [Eng Transl. Urban Rurality. The Periurban Areas of Parco Agricolo Sud Milano toward Expo Milan 2015]. Environnement urbain / Urban Environment, 6 (1). pp. 100-117. ISSN 1916-4645 2011Farrelly, L. (2011) Drawing for urban design. Laurence King, pp192. ISBN 9781856697187 Perrotti, D. (2011) Il Parco Nazionale dell’Alta Murgia. Un paesaggio [Eng. Transl. The Alta Murgia National Park. A Landscape Perspective]. Edizioni L'Orbicolare, Milan. ISBN 9788895061795 Plaza, P. (2011) De Bentham a Le Corbusier: Vigilancia y disciplina en la vivienda social moderna latinoamericana. El Complejo habitacional Pedregulho, Río de Janeiro, Brasil (1947-1958). Atenea. Revista de Ciencia, Arte y Literatura (504). pp. 111-130. ISSN 0716-1840 2010Plaza, P. (2010) Madre armada y niño. Representación de la Mujer Nueva en los murales de la Revolución Sandinista en Nicaragua. Apuntes. Revista de estudios sobre patrimonio cultural, 23 (1). pp. 8-19. ISSN 1657-9763 |