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Number of items at this level: 96.


Leung, F. Y. N., Stojanovik, V. ORCID:, Jiang, C. and Liu, F. ORCID: (2024) Investigating implicit emotion processing in autism spectrum disorder across age groups: a cross-modal emotional priming study. Autism Research. ISSN 1939-3806 doi: 10.1002/aur.3124


Morris-Bankole, H. and Ho, A. K. ORCID: (2023) Psychotherapy and professional psychological support in multiple sclerosis: uncovering patients' patterns of access and preferences. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 71. 104562. ISSN 2211-0356 doi: 10.1016/j.msard.2023.104562


Barrett, O. E. C. ORCID:, Ho, A. K. ORCID: and Finlay, K. A. ORCID: (2022) Sexual function and sexual satisfaction following spinal cord injury: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of partner experiences. Disability and Rehabilitation. ISSN 1464-5165 doi: 10.1080/09638288.2022.2159073


Morris-Bankole, H. and Ho, A. ORCID: (2021) The COVID-19 pandemic experience in multiple sclerosis: the good, the bad and the neutral. Neurology and Therapy, 10. pp. 279-292. ISSN 2193-8253 doi: 10.1007/s40120-021-00241-8

Przybylski, A. K., Nguyen, T.-v. T., Law, W. and Weinstein, N. ORCID: (2021) Does taking a short break from social media have a positive effect on well-being? Evidence from three preregistered field experiments. Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science, 6. pp. 507-514. ISSN 2366-5963 doi: 10.1007/s41347-020-00189-w


Bell, L. ORCID:, McCloy, R. ORCID:, Butler, L. and Vogt, J. ORCID: (2020) Motivational and affective factors underlying consumer dropout and transactional success in eCommerce: an overview. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. 1546. ISSN 1664-1078 doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01546

Itchakov, G., Weinstein, N. ORCID:, Legate, N. and Amar, M. (2020) Can high quality listening predict lower speakers' prejudiced attitudes? Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 91. 104022. ISSN 0022-1031 doi: 10.1016/j.jesp.2020.104022

Przybylski, A. K., Orben, A. and Weinstein, N. ORCID: (2020) How much is too much? Examining the relationship between digital screen engagement and psychosocial functioning in a confirmatory cohort study. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 59 (9). pp. 1080-1088. ISSN 0890-8567 doi: 10.1016/j.jaac.2019.06.017

Weinstein, N. ORCID:, Vansteenkiste, M. and Paulmann, S. (2020) Don't you say it that way! Experimental evidence that controlling voices elicit defiance. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 88. 103949. ISSN 0022-1031 doi: 10.1016/j.jesp.2019.103949


Aubeeluck, A. V., Stupple, E. J., Schofield, M., Hughes, A., Van der Meer, L., Landwehrmeyer, B. and Ho, A. K. ORCID: (2019) An international validation of a clinical tool to assess carers’ quality of life in Huntington’s Disease. Frontiers in Psychology, 10. 1658. ISSN 1664-1078 doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01658

McPhetres, J., Rutjens, B. T., Weinstein, N. ORCID: and Brisson, J. A. (2019) Modifying attitudes about modified foods: increased knowledge leads to more positive attitudes. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 64. pp. 21-29. ISSN 0272-4944 doi: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2019.04.012

Pekrun, R., Murayama, K., Marsh, H. W., Goetz, T. and Frenzel, A. C. (2019) Happy fish in little ponds: testing a reference group model of achievement and emotion. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 117 (1). pp. 166-185. ISSN 1939-1315 doi: 10.1037/pspp0000230

Przybylski, A. K. and Weinstein, N. ORCID: (2019) Digital screen time limits and young children's psychological well-being: evidence from a population-based study. Child Development, 90 (1). e56-e65. ISSN 0009-3920 doi: 10.1111/cdev.13007

Sønsterud, H., Kirmiss, M., Howells, K., Ward, D., Feragen, K. B. and Halvorsen, M. S. (2019) The working alliance in stuttering treatment: a neglected variable? International Journal of Language and Communcation Disorders, 54 (4). pp. 606-619. ISSN 1460-6984 doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12465

Wolf, L. J., Weinstein, N. ORCID: and Maio, G. R. (2019) Anti-immigrant prejudice: understanding the roles of (perceived) values and value dissimilarity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 117 (5). pp. 925-953. ISSN 1939-1315 doi: 10.1037/pspi0000177


Mestre, T. A., Carlozzi, N. E., Ho, A. K. ORCID:, Burgunder, J.-M., Walker, F., Davis, A. M., Busse, M., Quinn, L., Rodrigues, F. B., Sampaio, C., Goetz, C. G., Cubo, E., Martinez-Martin, P. and Stebbins, G. T. (2018) Quality of life in Huntington's disease: critique and recommendations for measures assessing patient health‐related quality of life and caregiver quality of life. Movement Disorders, 33 (5). pp. 742-749. ISSN 0885-3185 doi: 10.1002/mds.27317


Arens, A. K., Marsh, H., W., Pekrun, R., Lichtenfeld, S., Murayama, K. and vom Hofe, R. (2017) Math self-concept, grades, and achievement test scores: long-term reciprocal effects across five waves and three achievement tracks. Journal of Educational Psychology, 109 (5). pp. 621-634. ISSN 0022-0663 doi: 10.1037/edu0000163

Gocłowska, M. A., Aldhobaiban, N., Elliot, A., J., Murayama, K., Kobeisy, A. and Abdelaziz, A. (2017) Temperament and self-based correlates of cooperative, competitive and individualistic learning preferences. International Journal of Psychology, 52 (3). pp. 180-188. ISSN 0020-7594 doi: 10.1002/ijop.12206

Hargis, M. B., Yue, C. L., Kerr, T., Ikeda, K., Murayama, K. and Castel, A. D. (2017) Metacognition and proofreading: the roles of aging, motivation, and interest. Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition, 24 (2). pp. 216-226. ISSN 1744-4128 doi: 10.1080/13825585.2016.1182114

Przybylski, A. K. and Weinstein, N. ORCID: (2017) A large-scale test of the Goldilocks hypothesis: quantifying the relations between digital-screen use and the mental well-being of adolescents. Psychological Science, 28 (2). pp. 204-215. ISSN 1467-9280 doi: 10.1177/0956797616678438


Castel, A. D., Friedman, M. C., McGillivray, S., Flores, C. C., Murayama, K., Kerr, T. and Drolet, A. (2016) I owe you: age-related similarities and differences in associative memory for gains and losses. Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition, 23 (5). pp. 549-565. ISSN 1744-4128 doi: 10.1080/13825585.2015.1130214

Elliot, A., J., Aldhobaiban, N., Kobeisy, A., Murayama, K., Gocłowska, M. A., Lichtenfeld, S. and Khayat, A. (2016) Linking social interdependence preferences to achievement goal adoption. Learning and Individual Differences, 50. pp. 291-295. ISSN 1041-6080 doi: 10.1016/j.lindif.2016.08.020

Goetz, T., Sticca, F., Pekrun, R., Murayama, K. and Elliot, A. J. (2016) Intraindividual relations between achievement goals and discrete achievement emotions: an experience sampling approach. Learning and Instruction, 41. pp. 115-125. ISSN 0959-4752 doi: 10.1016/j.learninstruc.2015.10.007

Marsh, H. W., Pekrun, R., Lichtenfeld, S., Arens, A. K. and Murayama, K. (2016) Breaking the double-edged sword of effort/trying hard: developmental equilibrium and longitudinal relations among effort, achievement, and academic self-concept. Developmental Psychology, 52 (8). pp. 1273-1290. ISSN 1939-0599 doi: 10.1037/dev0000146

Murayama, K., Blake, A. B., Kerr, T. and Castel, A. D. (2016) When enough is not enough: information overload and metacognitive decisions to stop studying information. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition, 42 (6). pp. 914-924. ISSN 0278-7393 doi: 10.1037/xlm0000213

Murayama, K., Kitagami, S., Tanaka, A. and Raw, J. (2016) People’s naiveté about how extrinsic rewards influence intrinsic motivation. Motivation Science, 2 (3). pp. 138-142. ISSN 2333-8121 doi: 10.1037/mot0000040

Murayama, K., Pekrun, R., Suzuki, M., Marsh, H. W. and Lichtenfeld, S. (2016) Don’t aim too high for your kids: parental over-aspiration undermines students’ learning in mathematics. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 111 (5). pp. 766-779. ISSN 1939-1315 doi: 10.1037/pspp0000079

Sugiura, A., Aoki, R., Murayama, K., Yomogida, Y., Haji, T., Saito, A., Hasegawa, T. and Matsumoto, K. (2016) Regional gray matter volume in the posterior precuneus is associated with general self-efficacy. Neuroreport, 27 (18). pp. 1350-1353. ISSN 1473-558X doi: 10.1097/WNR.0000000000000702

Weinstein, N. ORCID:, Farah, K. and NIcole, L. (2016) Enhancing need satisfaction to reduce psychological distress in Syrian refugees. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 84 (7). pp. 645-650. ISSN 0022-006X doi: 10.1037/ccp0000095

Yamagata, B., Murayama, K., Black, J., M., Hancock, R., Mimura, M., Yang, T. T., Reiss, A., L. and Hoeft, F. (2016) Female-specific intergenerational transmission patterns of the human corticolimbic circuitry. The Journal of Neuroscience, 36 (4). pp. 1254-1260. ISSN 1529-2401 doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4974-14.2016


Elliot, A., Murayama, K., Kobeisy, A. and Lichtenfeld, S. (2015) Potential-based achievement goals. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 85 (2). pp. 192-206. ISSN 2044-8279 doi: 10.1111/bjep.12051

Ikeda, K., Castel, A., D. and Murayama, K. (2015) Mastery-approach goals eliminate retrieval-induced forgetting: the role of achievement goals in memory inhibition. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 41 (5). pp. 687-695. ISSN 0146-1672 doi: 10.1177/0146167215575730

Izuma, K., Akula, S., Murayama, K., Wu, D.-A., Iacoboni, M. and Adolphs, R. (2015) A causal role for posterior medial prefrontal cortex in choice-induced preference change. The Journal of Neuroscience, 35 (8). pp. 3598-3606. ISSN 1529-2401 doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4591-14.2015

Kovas, Y., Garon-Carrier, G., Boivin, M., Petrill, S., A., Plomin, R., Malykh, S., B., Spiath, F., Murayama, K., Ando, J., Bogdanova, O., Brendgen, M., Dionne, G., Forget-Dubois, N., Galajinsky, E. V., Gottschling, J., Guay, F., Lemelin, J.-P., Logan, J., A., Yamagata, S., Shikishima, C., Spinath, B., Thompson, L., A., Tikhomirova, T., N., Tosto, M., G., Tremblay, R. and Vitaro, F. (2015) Why children differ in motivation to learn: insights from 13,000 twins from 6 countries. Personality and Individual Differences, 80. pp. 51-63. ISSN 0191-8869 doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2015.02.006

Murayama, K., Matsumoto, M., Izuma, K., Sugiura, A., Ryan, R. M., Deci, E. L. and Matsumoto, K. (2015) How self-determined choice facilitates performance: a key role of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 25 (5). pp. 1241-1251. ISSN 1460-2199 doi: 10.1093/cercor/bht317

Tan, K. W. and Stephen, I. (2015) Healthy body, healthy face? Evolutionary approaches to health perception. In: Studies in Contemporary Psychology: A Collection of Critical Essays. Peter Lang Publishing.

Weidman, A. C., Augustine, A. A., Murayama, K. and Elliot, A. J. (2015) Internalizing symptomatology and academic achievement: bi-directional prospective relations in adolescence. Journal of Research in Personality, 58. pp. 106-114. doi: 10.1016/j.jrp.2015.07.005


Aoki, R., Matsumoto, M., Yomogida, Y., Izuma, K., Murayama, K., Sugiura, A., Camerer, C. F., Adolphs, R. and Matsumoto, K. (2014) Social equality in the number of choice options is represented in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience, 34 (18). pp. 6413-6421. ISSN 1529-2401 doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4427-13.2014

Braver, T. S., Krug, M. K., Chiew, K. S., Kool, W., Westbrook, A., Clement, N. J., Adcock, A., Barch, D., M., Botvinick, M. M., Carver, C. S., Cools, R., Custers, R., Dickinson, A. R., Dweck, C. S., Fishbach, A., Gollwitzer, P. M., Hess, T. M., Isaacowitz, D. M., Mather, M., Murayama, K., Pessoa, L., Samanez-Larkin, G. R. and Somerville, L. H. (2014) Mechanisms of motivation-cognition interaction: challenges and opportunities. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 14 (2). pp. 443-472. ISSN 1531-135X doi: 10.3758/s13415-014-0300-0

Correll, J., Guillermo, S. and Vogt, J. ORCID: (2014) On the flexibility of attention to race. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 55. pp. 74-79. ISSN 0022-1031 doi: 10.1016/j.jesp.2014.05.013

Di Napoli, A., Warrier, V., Baron-Cohen, S. and Chakrabarti, B. ORCID: (2014) Genetic variation in the oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene is associated with Asperger Syndrome. Molecular Autism, 5 (1). p. 48. ISSN 2040-2392 doi: 10.1186/2040-2392-5-48

Eich, T., Murayama, K., Castel, A. D. and Knowlton, B. J. (2014) The dynamic effects of age-related stereotype threat on explicit and implicit memory performance in older adults. Social Cognition, 32 (6). pp. 559-570. ISSN 0278-016X doi: 10.1521/soco.2014.32.6.559

Murayama, K., Pekrun, R. and Fiedler, K. (2014) Research practices that can prevent an inflation of false-positive rates. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 18. pp. 107-118. ISSN 1532-7957 doi: 10.1177/1088868313496330

Pekrun, R., Cusack, A., Murayama, K., Elliot, A. J. and Thomas, K. (2014) The power of anticipated feedback: Effects on students' achievement goals and achievement emotions. Learning and Instruction, 29. pp. 115-124. ISSN 0959-4752 doi: 10.1016/j.learninstruc.2013.09.002

Tanaka, A. and Murayama, K. (2014) Within-person analyses of situational interest and boredom: Interactions between task-specific perceptions and achievement goals. Journal of Educational Psychology, 106 (4). pp. 1122-1134. ISSN 0022-0663 doi: 10.1037/a0036659


Chakrabarti, B. ORCID: (2013) Parameterising ecological validity and integrating individual differences within second-person neuroscience. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36 (4). pp. 414-415. ISSN 0140-525X doi: 10.1017/S0140525X12002099

Haffey, A., Press, C., O'Connell, G. and Chakrabarti, B. ORCID: (2013) Autistic traits modulate mimicry of social but not nonsocial rewards. Autism Research, 6 (6). pp. 614-620. ISSN 1939-3806 doi: 10.1002/aur.1323

Izuma, K. and Murayama, K. (2013) Choice-induced preference change in the free-choice paradigm: a critical methodological review. Frontiers in Psychology, 4 (Article 41). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1664-1078 doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00041

O'Connell, G., Christakou, A. ORCID:, Haffey, A. J. and Chakrabarti, B. ORCID: (2013) The role of empathy in choosing rewards from another's perspective. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7. Article 174. ISSN 1662-5161 doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00174

Przybylski, A. K., Murayama, K., DeHaan, C. R. and Gladwell, V. (2013) Motivational, emotional, and behavioral correlates of fear of missing out. Computers in Human Behavior, 29 (4). pp. 1841-1848. ISSN 0747-5632 doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2013.02.014

Sakaki, M. ORCID: and Murayama, K. (2013) Automatic ability attribution after failure: a dual process view of achievement attribution. PLoS ONE, 8 (5). e63066. ISSN 1932-6203 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0063066

Stewart-Knox, B., Kuznesof, S., Robinson, J., Rankin, A., Orr, K., Duffy, M., Poínhos, R., Vaz de Almeida, M. D., Macready, A. ORCID:, Gallagher, C., Berezowska, A., Fischer, A. R.H., Navas-Carretero, S., Riemer, M., Traczyk, I., Gjelstad, I. M.F., Mavrogianni, C. and Frewer, L. J. (2013) Factors influencing European consumer uptake of personalised nutrition: results of a qualitative analysis. Appetite, 66. pp. 67-74. ISSN 0195-6663 doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2013.03.001


Elliot, A. J., Sedikides, C., Murayama, K., Tanaka, A., Thrash, T. M. and Mapes, R. R. (2012) Cross-cultural generality and specificity in self-regulation: avoidance personal goals and multiple aspects of well-being in the United States and Japan. Emotion, 12 (5). pp. 1031-1040. ISSN 1931-1516 doi: 10.1037/a0027456

Hall, N. R., Millings, A. and Barbosa Boucas, S. (2012) Adult attachment orientation and implicit behavioral mimicry. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 36 (4). pp. 235-247. ISSN 1573-3653 doi: 10.1007/s10919-012-0136-7

Law, W., Elliot, A. J. and Murayama, K. (2012) Perceived competence moderates the relation between performance-approach and performance-avoidance goals. Journal of Educational Psychology, 104 (3). pp. 806-819. ISSN 0022-0663 doi: 10.1037/a0027179

Murayama, K., Elliot, A. J. and Friedman, R. (2012) Achievement goals. In: Ryan, R. M. (ed.) The Oxford handbook of human motivation. Oxford library of psychology.. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 191-207. ISBN 9780195399820

Murayama, K. and Elliot, A. J. (2012) Further clarifying the competition–performance relation: reply to D. W. Johnson et al. (2012). Psychological bulletin, 138 (6). pp. 1079-1084. ISSN 1939-1455 doi: 10.1037/a0029606

Murayama, K. and Elliot, A. J. (2012) The competition–performance relation: a meta-analytic review and test of the opposing processes model of competition and performance. Psychological bulletin, 138 (6). pp. 1035-1070. ISSN 1939-1455 doi: 10.1037/a0028324

Przybylski, A. K., Weinstein, N., Murayama, K., Lynch, M. F. and Ryan, R. M. (2012) The ideal self at play: the appeal of video games that let you be all you can be. Psychological Science, 23 (1). pp. 69-76. ISSN 0956-7976 doi: 10.1177/0956797611418676

Sims, T. B. , Van Reekum, C. M. ORCID:, Johnstone, T. and Chakrabarti, B. ORCID: (2012) How reward modulates mimicry: EMG evidence of greater automatic facial mimicry of more rewarding faces. Psychophysiology, 49 (7). pp. 998-1004. ISSN 0048-5772 doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8986.2012.01377.x


Bird, G., Press, C. and Richardson, D. C. (2011) The role of alexithymia in reduced eye-fixation in Autism Spectrum Conditions. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 41 (11). pp. 1556-1564. ISSN 1573-3432 doi: 10.1007/s10803-011-1183-3

Elliot, A. J., Murayama, K. and Pekrun, R. (2011) A 3 × 2 achievement goal model. Journal of Educational Psychology, 103 (3). pp. 632-648. ISSN 0022-0663 doi: 10.1037/a0023952

Elliot, A. J., Thrash, T. M. and Murayama, K. (2011) A longitudinal analysis of self‐regulation and well-being: avoidance personal goals, avoidance coping, stress generation, and subjective well-being. Journal of Personality, 79 (3). pp. 643-674. ISSN 1467-6494 doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6494.2011.00694.x

Illman, N. A., Rathbone, C. J., Kemp, S. and Moulin, C. J. A. (2011) Autobiographical memory and the self in a case of transient epileptic amnesia. Epilepsy & Behaviour, 21 (1). pp. 36-41. ISSN 1525-5050 doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2011.02.022

Lombardo, M. V., Baron-Cohen, S., Belmonte, M. K. and Chakrabarti, B. ORCID: (2011) Neural endophenotypes of social behavior in autism spectrum conditions. In: Decety, J. and Cacioppo, J. T. (eds.) The Oxford handbook of social neuroscience. Oxford University Press, pp. 830-847. ISBN 9780195342161

Murayama, K. and Elliot, A. J. (2011) Achievement motivation and memory: achievement goals differentially influence immediate and delayed remember–know recognition memory. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37 (10). pp. 1339-1348. ISSN 1552-7433 doi: 10.1177/0146167211410575

Murayama, K., Elliot, A. J. and Yamagata, S. (2011) Separation of performance-approach and performance-avoidance achievement goals: A broader analysis. Journal of Educational Psychology, 103 (1). pp. 238-256. ISSN 0022-0663 doi: 10.1037/a0021948

Press, C. (2011) Action observation and robotic agents: learning and anthropomorphism. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 35 (6). pp. 1410-1418. ISSN 0149-7634 doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2011.03.004

Press, C., Cook, J., Blakemore, S.-J. and Kilner, J. (2011) Dynamic modulation of human motor activity when observing actions. Journal of Neuroscience, 31 (8). pp. 2792-2800. ISSN 1529-2401 doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1595-10.2011

Press, C., Heyes, C. and Kilner, J. M. (2011) Learning to understand others' actions. Biology Letters, 7 (3). pp. 457-460. ISSN 1744-957X doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2010.0850

Rathbone, C. J., Conway, M. A. and Moulin, C. J. A. (2011) Remembering and imagining: the role of the self. Consciousness and Cognition, 20 (4). pp. 1175-1182. ISSN 1053-8100 doi: 10.1016/j.concog.2011.02.013

Shikishima, C., Yamagata, S., Hiraishi, K., Sugimoto, Y., Murayama, K. and Ando, J. (2011) A simple syllogism-solving test: empirical findings and implications for g research. Intelligence, 39 (2-3). pp. 89-99. ISSN 0160-2896 doi: 10.1016/j.intell.2011.01.002


Elliot, A. J., Conroy, D. E., Barron, K. E. and Murayama, K. (2010) Achievement motives and goals: a developmental analysis. In: Lamb, M. E. and Freund, A. M. (eds.) The handbook of life-span development. Vol. 2. Social and emotional development. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, pp. 474-510. ISBN 9780470390122

Flach, R., Press, C., Badets, A. and Heyes, C. (2010) Shaking hands: Priming by social action effects. British Journal of Psychology , 101 (4). pp. 739-749. ISSN 0007-1269 doi: 10.1348/000712609X484595

Hall, N. R. and Crisp, R. J. (2010) Self-activation and out-group contrast. The Journal of Social Psychology, 150 (5). pp. 423-427. ISSN 1940-1183 doi: 10.1080/00224540903365505

Murayama, K., Matsumoto, M., Izuma, K. and Matsumoto, K. (2010) Neural basis of the undermining effect of monetary reward on intrinsic motivation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107 (49). pp. 20911-20916. ISSN 0027-8424 doi: 10.1073/pnas.1013305107

Press, C. M., Gherri, E., Heyes, C. and Eimer, M. (2010) Action preparation helps and hinders perception of action. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22 (10). pp. 2198-2211. ISSN 0898-929X doi: 10.1162/jocn.2009.21409

Press, C. M., Richardson, D. and Bird, G. (2010) Intact imitation of emotional facial actions in autism spectrum conditions. Neuropsychologia, 48 (11). pp. 3291-3297. ISSN 0028-3932 doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2010.07.012

Rathbone, C. J. and Moulin, C. J. A. (2010) When's your birthday? The self-reference effect in retrieval of dates. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 24 (5). pp. 737-743. ISSN 1099-0720 doi: 10.1002/acp.1657

Tanweer, T., Rathbone, C. J. and Souchay, C. (2010) Autobiographical memory, autonoetic consciousness, and identity in Asperger syndrome. Neuropsychologia, 48 (4). pp. 900-908. ISSN 0028-3932 doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2009.11.007


Murayama, K. and Elliot, A. J. (2009) The joint influence of personal achievement goals and classroom goal structures on achievement-relevant outcomes. Journal of Educational Psychology, 101 (2). pp. 432-447. ISSN 0022-0663 doi: 10.1037/a0014221

Murayama, K., Zhou, M. and Nesbit, J. C. (2009) A cross-cultural examination of the psychometric properties of responses to the Achievement Goal Questionnaire. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 69 (2). pp. 266-286. ISSN 0013-1644 doi: 10.1177/0013164408322017

Press, C., Ray, E. and Heyes, C. (2009) Imitation of lateralised body movements: doing it the hard way. Laterality, 14 (5). pp. 515-527. ISSN 1464-0678 doi: 10.1080/13576500802607990

Rathbone, C. J., Moulin, C. J. A. and Conway, M. A. (2009) Autobiographical memory and amnesia: using conceptual knowledge to ground the self. Neurocase, 15 (5). pp. 405-418. ISSN 1465-3656 doi: 10.1080/13554790902849164


Elliot, A. J. and Murayama, K. (2008) On the measurement of achievement goals: critique, illustration, and application. Journal of Educational Psychology, 100 (3). pp. 613-628. ISSN 0022-0663 doi: 10.1037/0022-0663.100.3.613

Press, C. and Heyes, C. (2008) Stimulus-driven selection of routes to imitation. Experimental Brain Research, 188 (1). pp. 147-152. ISSN 0014-4819 doi: 10.1007/s00221-008-1422-9

Press, C., Bird, G., Walsh, E. and Heyes, C. (2008) Automatic imitation of intransitive actions. Brain and Cognition, 67 (1). pp. 44-50. ISSN 0278-2626 doi: 10.1016/j.bandc.2007.11.001

Rathbone, C. J., Moulin, C. J. A. and Conway, M. A. (2008) Self-centred memories: the reminiscence bump and the self. Memory & Cognition, 36 (8). pp. 1403-1414. ISSN 1532-5946 doi: 10.3758/MC.36.8.1403


Bird, G., Leighton, J., Press, C. and Heyes, C. (2007) Intact automatic imitation of human and robot actions in autism spectrum disorders. Proceedings of the Royal Society: B - Biological Sciences, 274 (1628). pp. 3027-3031. ISSN 1471-2954 doi: 10.1098/rspb.2007.1019

Press, C., Gillmeister, H. and Heyes, C. (2007) Sensorimotor experience enhances automatic imitation of robotic action. Proceedings of the Royal Society: B - Biological Sciences, 274. pp. 2509-2514. ISSN 1471-2954 doi: 10.1098/rspb.2007.0774


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