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Number of items: 34.

AVOID - Avoiding dangerous climate change through stabilising greenhouse gas concentrations

Arnell, N. ORCID: and Lloyd-Hughes, B. (2013) The global-scale impacts of climate change on water resources and flooding under new climate and socio-economic scenarios. Climatic Change, 122 (1-2). pp. 127-140. ISSN 1573-1480 doi: 10.1007/s10584-013-0948-4

AVOID - CROPS - (Agriculture share)

Warren, R., Lowe, J. A., Arnell, N. ORCID:, Hope, C., Berry, P., Brown, S., Gambhir, A., Gosling, S. N., Nicholls, R. J., O’Hanley, J., Osborn, T. J., Osborne, T., Price, J., Raper, S. C. B., Rose, G. and Vanderwal, J. (2013) The AVOID programme’s new simulations of the global benefits of stringent climate change mitigation. Climatic Change, 120 (1-2). pp. 55-70. ISSN 0165-0009 doi: 10.1007/s10584-013-0814-4

Consequences of Climate Change for the Water Environment in the UK

Arnell, N. ORCID:, Halliday, S., Battarbee, R. W., Skeffington, R. and Wade, A. ORCID: (2015) The implications of climate change for the water environment in England. Progress in Physical Geography, 39 (1). pp. 93-120. ISSN 1477-0296 doi: 10.1177/0309133314560369

Developing improved methods to quantify transmission of foot and mouth disease virus

Loureiro, S. ORCID:, Porta, C., Maity, H. K., Perez, E., Bagno, F. F., Kotecha, A., Fry, E., Ren, J., Stuart, D. I., Hoenemann, H., Serrano, A., van den Born, E., Charleston, B. and Jones, I. M. ORCID: (2018) Universal detection of foot and mouth disease virus based on the conserved VP0 protein. Wellcome Open Research, 3. 88. ISSN 2398-502X doi: 10.12688/wellcomeopenres.14655.1

Kotecha, A., Seago, J., Scott, K., Burman, A., Loureiro, S. ORCID:, Ren, J., Porta, C., Ginn, H. M., Jackson, T., Perez-Martin, E., Siebert, C. A., Paul, G., Huiskonen, J. T., Jones, I. M. ORCID:, Esnouf, R. M., Fry, E. E., Maree, F. F., Charleston, B. and Stuart, D. I. (2015) Structure-based energetics of protein interfaces guides foot-and-mouth disease virus vaccine design. Nature structural & molecular biology, 22 (10). pp. 788-794. ISSN 1545-9985 doi: 10.1038/nsmb.3096

Estimating Food and Drink Demand Elasticities

Torriti, J. ORCID: (2019) Elasticity. In: Rinkinen, J., Shove, E. and Torriti, J. ORCID: (eds.) Energy Fables: Challenging Ideas in the Energy Sector. Earthscan. Routledge, pp. 48-56. ISBN 9780367027759

Torriti, J. ORCID: (2019) Flexibility. In: Rinkinen, J., Shove, E. and Torriti, J. ORCID: (eds.) Energy Fables: Challenging Ideas in the Energy Sector. Earthscan. Routledge, pp. 103-111. ISBN 9780367027759

Fruit Breedomics

Urrestarazu, J., Denance, C., Ravon, E., Guyader, A., Guinsel, R., Feugey, L., Poncet, C., Lateur, M., Houben, P., Ordidge, M. ORCID:, Fernandez-Fernandez, F., Evans, K. M., Paprstein, F., Sedlak, J., Nybom, H., Garkava-Gustavsson, L., Miranda, C., Gassmann, J., Kellerhals, M., Suprun, I., Pikunova, A. V., Krasova, N. G., Tortutaeva, E., Dondini, L., Tartarini, S., Laurens, F. and Durel, C. E. (2016) Analysis of the genetic diversity and structure across a wide range of germplasm reveals prominent gene flow in apple at the European level. BMC Plant Biology, 160 (1). 130. ISSN 1471-2229 doi: 10.1186/s12870-016-0818-0

Jung, M., Roth, M., Aranzana, M. J., Auwerkerken, A., Bink, M., Denancé, C., Dujak, C., Durel, C.-E., Font i Forcada, C., Cantin, C. M., Guerra, W., Howard, N. P., Keller, B., Lewandowski, M., Ordidge, M. ORCID:, Rymenants, M., Sanin, N., Studer, B., Zurawicz, E., Laurens, F., Patocchi, A. and Muranty, H. (2020) The apple REFPOP - a reference population for genomics-assisted breeding in apple. Horticulture Research, 7 (1). 189. ISSN 2052-7276 doi: 10.1038/s41438-020-00408-8

GHG Platform - Methane Emissions Factors

Hammond, K. J., Humphries, D. J., Crompton, L. A., Kirton, P. ORCID: and Reynolds, C. K. ORCID: (2015) Effects of forage source and extruded linseed supplementation on methane emissions from growing dairy cattle of differing body weights. Journal of Dairy Science, 98 (11). pp. 8066-8077. ISSN 0022-0302 doi: 10.3168/jds.2015-9669

Global Scale Impacts of Climate Change: A Multi-Spectral Analysis

Arnell, N. ORCID: and Lloyd-Hughes, B. (2013) The global-scale impacts of climate change on water resources and flooding under new climate and socio-economic scenarios. Climatic Change, 122 (1-2). pp. 127-140. ISSN 1573-1480 doi: 10.1007/s10584-013-0948-4

Improved control of endemic foot-and-mouth disease by development of virus like particle vaccines

Kotecha, A., Seago, J., Scott, K., Burman, A., Loureiro, S. ORCID:, Ren, J., Porta, C., Ginn, H. M., Jackson, T., Perez-Martin, E., Siebert, C. A., Paul, G., Huiskonen, J. T., Jones, I. M. ORCID:, Esnouf, R. M., Fry, E. E., Maree, F. F., Charleston, B. and Stuart, D. I. (2015) Structure-based energetics of protein interfaces guides foot-and-mouth disease virus vaccine design. Nature structural & molecular biology, 22 (10). pp. 788-794. ISSN 1545-9985 doi: 10.1038/nsmb.3096

Linking farmland Biodiversity to Ecosystem services for effective eco-functional intensification (LIBERATION)

Garratt, M. P. D. ORCID:, Bishop, J. ORCID:, Degani, E., Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Shaw, R. F., Shi, A. and Roy, S. ORCID: (2018) Insect pollination as an agronomic input: strategies for oilseed rape production. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55 (6). pp. 2834-2842. ISSN 0021-8901 doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.13153

Managing grassland diversity for multiple ecosystem services

Ward, S. E., Smart, S. M., Quirk, H., Tallowin, J. R. B., Mortimer, S. R. ORCID:, Shiel, R. S., Wilby, A. and Bardgett, R. D. (2016) Legacy effects of grassland management on soil carbon to depth. Global Change Biology, 22 (8). pp. 2929-2938. ISSN 1365-2486 doi: 10.1111/gcb.13246

National Fruit Collection Tender

Urrestarazu, J., Denance, C., Ravon, E., Guyader, A., Guinsel, R., Feugey, L., Poncet, C., Lateur, M., Houben, P., Ordidge, M. ORCID:, Fernandez-Fernandez, F., Evans, K. M., Paprstein, F., Sedlak, J., Nybom, H., Garkava-Gustavsson, L., Miranda, C., Gassmann, J., Kellerhals, M., Suprun, I., Pikunova, A. V., Krasova, N. G., Tortutaeva, E., Dondini, L., Tartarini, S., Laurens, F. and Durel, C. E. (2016) Analysis of the genetic diversity and structure across a wide range of germplasm reveals prominent gene flow in apple at the European level. BMC Plant Biology, 160 (1). 130. ISSN 1471-2229 doi: 10.1186/s12870-016-0818-0

Jung, M., Roth, M., Aranzana, M. J., Auwerkerken, A., Bink, M., Denancé, C., Dujak, C., Durel, C.-E., Font i Forcada, C., Cantin, C. M., Guerra, W., Howard, N. P., Keller, B., Lewandowski, M., Ordidge, M. ORCID:, Rymenants, M., Sanin, N., Studer, B., Zurawicz, E., Laurens, F., Patocchi, A. and Muranty, H. (2020) The apple REFPOP - a reference population for genomics-assisted breeding in apple. Horticulture Research, 7 (1). 189. ISSN 2052-7276 doi: 10.1038/s41438-020-00408-8

Muranty, H., Denancé, C., Petiteau, A., Howard, N., Micheletti, D., García-Gómez, B.E., Aranzana, M.J., Confolent, C., Poncet, C., Vanderzande, S., López-Girona, E., Chagné, D., Ordidge, M. ORCID:, Peace, C. and Durel, C. E. (2024) Proposition of an SNP set to replace SSRs for standardized cultivar identification in apple. Acta Horticulturae, 1412. pp. 25-32. ISSN 2406-6168 doi: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2024.1412.4

Winfield, M. O., Burridge, A., Ordidge, M. ORCID:, Harper, H., Wilkinson, P., Thorogood, D., Copas, E., Edwards, K. and Barker, G. (2020) Development of a minimal KASP marker panel for distinguishing genotypes in apple collections. PLoS ONE, 15 (11). e0242940. ISSN 1932-6203 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0242940

Hardner, C., Peace, C., Quero-Garcia, J., Vanderzande, S., Giovannini, D., Barreneche, T., Campoy, J. A., Charlot, G., Liverani, A., Oraguzie, N., Villamil-Castro, M., Cai, L., Ordidge, M. ORCID:, Wunsch, A., Sotiropoulos, T., Kazantzis, K., Patocchi, A., Perren, S., Graetz, D. and Iezzoni, A. (2019) Building international partnerships for the collation of historical data to study the environmental stability of genomic predictions in sweet cherry. In: VIII International Cherry Symposium, 5 Jun 2017, Yamagata, Japan, pp. 47-54.

Howard, N. P., Micheletti, D., Luby, J. J., Durel, C.-E., Denancé, C., Muranty, H., Ordidge, M. ORCID: and Albach, D. C. (2023) Pedigree reconstruction for triploid apple cultivars using single nucleotide polymorphism array data. Plants People Planet, 5 (1). pp. 98-111. ISSN 2572-2611 doi: 10.1002/ppp3.10313

Boccacci, P., Aramini, M., Ordidge, M. ORCID:, van Hintum, T. J. L., Torello Marinoni, D., Valentini, N., Sarraquigne, J.-P., Solar, A., Rovira, M., Bacchetta, L. and Botta, R. (2021) Comparison of selection methods for the establishment of a core collection using SSR markers for hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) accessions from European germplasm repositories. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 17 (48). ISSN 1614-2950 doi: 10.1007/s11295-021-01526-7

Ordidge, M. ORCID:, Kirdwichai, P., Baksh, M. F. ORCID:, Venison, E. P., Gibbings, J. G. and Dunwell, J. M. ORCID: (2018) Genetic analysis of a major international collection of cultivated apple varieties reveals previously unknown historic heteroploid and inbred relationships. PLoS ONE, 13 (9). e0202405. ISSN 1932-6203 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0202405

National Pollinator and Pollination Monitoring Scheme (NPPMS)

Garratt, M. P. D. ORCID:, Bishop, J. ORCID:, Degani, E., Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Shaw, R. F., Shi, A. and Roy, S. ORCID: (2018) Insect pollination as an agronomic input: strategies for oilseed rape production. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55 (6). pp. 2834-2842. ISSN 0021-8901 doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.13153

Garratt, M. P. D. ORCID:, Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Banks, G., Hawes, C., Breeze, T. D. ORCID:, O'Connor, R. S. and Carvell, C. (2019) Capacity and willingness of farmers and citizen scientists to monitor crop pollinators and pollination services. Global Ecology and Conservation, 20. e00781. ISSN 2351-9894 doi: 10.1016/j.gecco.2019.e00781

Carvell, C., Isaac, N., Jitlal, M., Peyton, J., Powney, G., Roy, D., Vanbergen, A., O’Connor, R., Jones, C., Kunin, B., Breeze, T. ORCID:, Garratt, M. ORCID:, Potts, S. ORCID:, Harvey, M., Ansine, J., Comont, R., Lee, P., Edwards, M., Roberts, S., Morris, R., Musgrove, A., Brereton, T., Hawes, C. and Roy, H., (2017) Design and testing of a national pollinator and pollination monitoring framework. Technical Report. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

O'Connor, R. S., Kunin, W. E., Garratt, M. P. D. ORCID:, Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Roy, H. E., Andrews, C., Jones, C. M., Peyton, J., Savage, J., Harvey, M., Morris, R. K. A., Roberts, S. P. M., Wright, I., Vanbergen, A. J. and Carvell, C. (2019) Monitoring insect pollinators and flower visitation: the effectiveness and feasibility of different survey methods. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 10 (12). pp. 2129-2140. ISSN 2041-210X doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.13292

Pulse Crop Genetic Improvement Network II

O'Sullivan, D. M. ORCID: and Angra, D. ORCID: (2016) Advances in faba bean genetics and genomics. Frontiers in Genetics, 7. 150. ISSN 1664-8021 doi: 10.3389/fgene.2016.00150

Sustainable Intensification Platform - 1.1B and complete application

Ang, F., Mortimer, S. ORCID:, Areal, F. and Tiffin, R. (2018) On the opportunity cost of crop diversification. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 69 (3). pp. 794-814. ISSN 1477-9552 doi: 10.1111/1477-9552.12272

Sustainable pollination services for UK crops

O'Connor, R. S., Kunin, W. E., Garratt, M. P. D. ORCID:, Potts, S. G. ORCID:, Roy, H. E., Andrews, C., Jones, C. M., Peyton, J., Savage, J., Harvey, M., Morris, R. K. A., Roberts, S. P. M., Wright, I., Vanbergen, A. J. and Carvell, C. (2019) Monitoring insect pollinators and flower visitation: the effectiveness and feasibility of different survey methods. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 10 (12). pp. 2129-2140. ISSN 2041-210X doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.13292

The long term maintenance and scientific curation of the National Fruit Collections

Ordidge, M. ORCID:, Kirdwichai, P., Baksh, M. F. ORCID:, Venison, E. P., Gibbings, J. G. and Dunwell, J. M. ORCID: (2018) Genetic analysis of a major international collection of cultivated apple varieties reveals previously unknown historic heteroploid and inbred relationships. PLoS ONE, 13 (9). e0202405. ISSN 1932-6203 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0202405

The long term maintenance and scientific curation of the National Fruit Collections - EXTENTION

Jung, M., Roth, M., Aranzana, M. J., Auwerkerken, A., Bink, M., Denancé, C., Dujak, C., Durel, C.-E., Font i Forcada, C., Cantin, C. M., Guerra, W., Howard, N. P., Keller, B., Lewandowski, M., Ordidge, M. ORCID:, Rymenants, M., Sanin, N., Studer, B., Zurawicz, E., Laurens, F., Patocchi, A. and Muranty, H. (2020) The apple REFPOP - a reference population for genomics-assisted breeding in apple. Horticulture Research, 7 (1). 189. ISSN 2052-7276 doi: 10.1038/s41438-020-00408-8

Howard, N. P., Micheletti, D., Luby, J. J., Durel, C.-E., Denancé, C., Muranty, H., Ordidge, M. ORCID: and Albach, D. C. (2023) Pedigree reconstruction for triploid apple cultivars using single nucleotide polymorphism array data. Plants People Planet, 5 (1). pp. 98-111. ISSN 2572-2611 doi: 10.1002/ppp3.10313

Boccacci, P., Aramini, M., Ordidge, M. ORCID:, van Hintum, T. J. L., Torello Marinoni, D., Valentini, N., Sarraquigne, J.-P., Solar, A., Rovira, M., Bacchetta, L. and Botta, R. (2021) Comparison of selection methods for the establishment of a core collection using SSR markers for hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) accessions from European germplasm repositories. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 17 (48). ISSN 1614-2950 doi: 10.1007/s11295-021-01526-7

Ordidge, M. ORCID:, Kirdwichai, P., Baksh, M. F. ORCID:, Venison, E. P., Gibbings, J. G. and Dunwell, J. M. ORCID: (2018) Genetic analysis of a major international collection of cultivated apple varieties reveals previously unknown historic heteroploid and inbred relationships. PLoS ONE, 13 (9). e0202405. ISSN 1932-6203 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0202405

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