Items where Author is "Elmualim, Dr Abbas Ali"Group by: Item Type | No Grouping Number of items: 83. ArticleDarby, H., Elmualim, A., Clements-Croome, D., Yearley, T. and Box, W. (2016) Influence of occupants’ behaviour on energy and carbon emission reduction in a higher education building in the UK. Intelligent Buildings International, 8 (3). pp. 157-175. ISSN 1750-8975 doi: 10.1080/17508975.2016.1139535
Tetlow, R., van Drokelaar, C., Beaman, P. Chatterton, J., Parsons, D., Nicholls, J., Longhurst, P., Bernon, M., Palmer, A., Brennan, F., Kolios, A., Wilson, I., Ishiyama, E., Clements-Croome, D., Elmualim, A., Darby, H., Yearley, T. and Davies, G. (2015) Carbon brainprint – an estimate of the intellectual contribution of research institutions to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 96. pp. 74-81. ISSN 0957-5820 doi: 10.1016/j.psep.2015.04.008 Agha-Hossein, M.M., Tetlow, R.M., Hadi, M., El-Jouzi, S., Elmualim, A.A., Ellis, J. and Williams, M. (2014) Providing persuasive feedback through interactive posters to motivate energy-saving behaviours. Intelligent Buildings International Journal, 7 (1). pp. 16-35. ISSN 1750-8975 doi: 10.1080/17508975.2014.960357
Tetlow, R. M., Beaman, C. P. Agha-Hossein, M., El-Jouzi, S., Elmualim, A. A., Ellis, J. and Williams, M. (2013) Post-occupancy studies of an office environment: Energy performance and occupants’ satisfaction. Building and Environment, 69. pp. 121-130. ISSN 0360-1323 doi: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2013.08.003 Elmualim, A. A. and Gilder, J. (2013) BIM: innovation in design management, influence and challenges of implementation. Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 10 (3-4). pp. 183-199. ISSN 1752-7589 doi: 10.1080/17452007.2013.821399 Darby, H. J., Kelly, F. and Elmualim, A. A. (2012) Whole life carbon – a building case study. Structural Engineer, 90 (12). pp. 38-44. ISSN 1466-5123 Elmualim, A. and Kwawu, W. (2012) Facilities management carbon footprints: an audit of critical elements of management and reporting. Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 6 (8). pp. 944-952. ISSN 1934-7359 Elmualim, A., Valle, R. and Kwawu, W. (2012) Discerning policy and drivers for sustainable facilities management practice. International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, 1 (1). pp. 16-25. ISSN 2212-6090 doi: 10.1016/j.ijsbe.2012.03.001 Lewis, A., Elmualim, A. A. and Riley, D. (2011) Linking energy and maintenance management for sustainability through three American case studies. Facilities, 29 (5-6). pp. 243-254. ISSN 0263-2772 doi: 10.1108/02632771111120547 Elmualim, A., Shockley, D. , Valle, R. , Ludlow, G. and Shah , S. (2010) Barriers and commitment of facilities management profession to the sustainability agenda. Building and Environment, 45 (1). pp. 58-64. ISSN 0360-1323 doi: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2009.05.002 Lindkvist, C. and Elmualim, A. (2010) Innovation in facilities management: from trajectories to ownership. Facilities, 28 (9/10). pp. 405-415. ISSN 0263-2772 doi: 10.1108/02632771011057161 Elmualim, A.A. and Johnson, A. (2009) Application of computer-aided facilities management (CAFM) for intelligent buildings operation. Facilities, 27 (11/12). pp. 421-428. ISSN 0263-2772 doi: 10.1108/02632770910980718 Lindkvist, C. and Elmualim, A.A. (2009) Pervasive technologies for workplace management. Journal of Facilities Management, 7 (2). pp. 98-110. ISSN 1472-5967 doi: 10.1108/14725960910952497 Lindkvist, C. and Elmualim, A. (2009) Pervasive technologies for workspace management. Journal of Facilities Management, 7 (2). pp. 98-110. ISSN 1472-5967 doi: 10.1108/14725960910952497 Elmualim, A. A. (2009) Utility of wind catchers for nocturnal ventilation. International Journal of Ventilation, 8 (1). pp. 85-92. ISSN 1473-3315 Elmualim, A.A., Czwakiel, A., Valle, C.R., Ludlow, G. and Shah, S. (2009) The practice of sustainable facilities management: Design sentiments and the knowledge chasm. Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 5 (Special is). pp. 91-102. ISSN 1745-2007 Elmualim, A. A. and Govendera, K. (2008) Communities of practice in UK large contracting firms: contrasting application and non-utilized merits. Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 4 (3-4). pp. 149-159. ISSN 1752-7589 doi: 10.3763/aedm.2008.0073
Green, S. D. Elmualim, A. A. (2006) Dynamic modelling of a wind catcher/tower turret for natural ventilation. Building Services Engineering Research & Technology, 27 (3). pp. 165-182. ISSN 0143-6244 Elmualim, A.A. and Zhang, Y. (2006) Editorial: Modelling, assessment and control of indoor air quality for FM professionals. Facilities, 24 (11/12 (Spe). ISSN 0263-2772 Elmualim, A. A. (2006) Effect of damper and heat source on wind catcher natural ventilation performance. Energy and Buildings, 38 (8). pp. 939-948. ISSN 0378-7788 doi: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2005.11.004 Elmualim, A.A. (2006) Failure of a control strategy for a hybrid air-conditioning and wind catchers/towers system at Bluewater shopping malls in Kent. Facilities, 24 (11/12 (Spe). pp. 399-411. ISSN 0263-2772 doi: 10.1108/02632770610684882 Elmualim, A. A. (2006) Verification of design calculations of a wind catcher/tower natural ventilation system with performance testing in real building. International Journal of Ventilation, 4 (4). pp. 393-404. ISSN 1473-3315 Elmualim, A.A., Awbi, H.B., Fullford, D. and Wetterstad, L. (2003) Performance evaluation of wall mounted convector for pre-heating naturally ventilated spaces. International Journal of Ventilation, 2 (3). pp. 213-224. ISSN 1473-3315 Elmualim, A. .A. and Awbi, H. B. (2003) Post occupancy evaluation of a building employing windcatchers for summer ventilation. Facilities, 21 (13/14). pp. 323-332. ISSN 0263-2772 doi: 10.1108/02632770310507980 Elmualim, A. A. and Awbi, H. B. (2002) Wind tunnel and CFD investigation of the performance of “windcatcher” ventilation systems. International Journal of Ventilation, 1 (1). pp. 53-64. ISSN 2044-4044 doi: 10.1080/14733315.2002.11683622 Elmualim, A. A., Smith, S., Riffat, S. B. and Shao, L. (1999) Evaluation of dichroic material for enhancing light pipe/natural ventilation and daylighting in an integrated system. Applied Energy, 62 (4). pp. 253-266. ISSN 0306-2619 doi: 10.1016/S0306-2619(99)00014-8 Shao, L., Elmualim, A. A. and Yohannes, I. (1998) Mirror lightpipes: daylighting performance in real buildings. Lighting Research and Technology, 30 (1). pp. 37-44. ISSN 1477-0938 doi: 10.1177/096032719803000106 Book or Report SectionElmualim, A. A. (2013) Intelligent and sustainable facilities management. In: Clements-Croome, D. J. (ed.) Intelligent buildings: design, management and operation. 2nd edn. Thomas Telford, London, pp. 197-213. ISBN 9780727757340 Lewis, A. and Elmualim, A. A. (2011) Development of decision support system for proactive energy and maintenance management decisions. In: Egbu, C. and Lou, E.C.W. (eds.) Proceedings 27th Annual ARCOM Conference. ARCOM, pp. 1135-1144. ISBN 9780955239052 Kwawu, W. and Elmualim, A. A. (2011) Sustainability in facilities management: a review of drivers and policy issues. In: Egbu, C. and Lou, E.C.W. (eds.) Proceedings 27th Annual ARCOM Conference. ARCOM, pp. 1185-1194. ISBN 9780955239052 Elmualim, A. (2010) Culture and leadership in stakeholder management. In: Construction Stakeholder Management. Wiley-Blackwell, London, pp. 174-192. ISBN 9781405180986 doi: 10.1002/9781444315349.ch11 ReportElmualim, A. A., Ludlow, G., Shah, S. and Valle, C. R. , (2009) BIFM Sustainability Survey. The British Institute of Facilities Managers Elmualim, A.A. , (2009) Sustainable management in built environment needs more support. Science for Environment Policy: DG Environment News Alert Service, European Commission. The University of West England, Bristol Conference or Workshop ItemDarby, H., Elmualim, A. A. and Kelly, F. (2013) Time valued life cycle greenhouse gas emissions from buildings. In: SB Graz 13: Sustainable Buildings Construction Products and Technologies, 26-28 September 2013, Graz University of Technology, Austria.. (ISBN 9783851253016) Darby, H., Elmualim, A. A. and Kelly, F. (2013) A case study to investigate the life cycle carbon emissions and carbon storage capacity of a cross laminated timber, multi-storey residential building. In: Sustainable Building Conference, SB13, 23-25 April 2013, Munich, Germany. .. Aghahossien, M., El-Jouzi, S., Elmualim, A. A., Ellis, J. and Williams, M. (2013) Post-occupancy evaluation studies in recently refurbished office building: energy performance and employees' satisfaction. In: CIB World Congress, 5-9 May 2013, Brisbane, Australia.
Banani, R., Vahdati, M. Elmualim, A. A. (2013) Sustainability in FM: trends in policy and FM competence consequences. In: CIB World Congress, 5-9 May 2013, Brisbane, Australia. Elmualim, A. A. (2012) Influencing energy efficient occupant behavior through improved building and control design. In: Healthy Buildings 2012, 10th International Conference, 8-12 July, Brisbane, Australia.
Almatawa, M. S., Elmualim, A. A. and Essah, E. Darby, H. J., Elmualim, A. A. and Kelly, F. (2011) A Review of Currently Available Standards and Software Tools for Assessing Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Buildings. In: World Sustainable Building Conference, 18 - 21 October, 2011, Helsinki, Finland. Darby, H. J., Elmualim, A. A. and Kelly, F. (2011) Case study on the whole life carbon cycle in buildings. In: World Renewable Energy Congress, 8-13th May, Linköping University, Sweden, pp. 1781-1788. Elmualim, A. A. and Williams, M. (2011) Considering users’ factors in sustainable building refurbishment projects. In: World Renewable Energy Congress 2011, 8-11th May 2011, Linköping , Sweden, pp. 1805-1812. Lindkvist, C. and Elmualim, A. (2010) An examination of actors that impact technology introduction to FM. In: 26th Annual ARCOM (Association of Researchers in Construction Management) Conference, 6-8 September, Leeds. Elmualim, A.A. and Greaves, R. (2009) Analysis of sick building syndrome in hospital offices: The forgotten asset. In: Australian College of Health Services Executives (ACHSE): Building our health system around people and their needs, Gold Coast, Australia. Elmualim, A.A. (2009) Application of digital technologies for sustainable buildings. In: ASE Annual Conference 2009, University of Reading. Elmualim, A.A. (2009) Computer-aided facilities management (CAFM) for assisted homes. In: Intelligence in Assisted Homes, Bruges, Belgium. Lindkvist, C. and Elmualim, A.A. (2009) Developing new technology in facilities management through knowledge roles. In: 25th ARCOM Annual Conference, Nottingham, UK. Booy, D., Elmualim, A.A., Clements-Croome, D., Horner, K. and Perry, K. (2009) Effective space management for facilities management using computer-aided solutions. In: SASBE: 3rd International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Built Environments, Delft, the Netherlands. Elmualim, A.A., Ludlow, G., Pastou, M., Shah, S. and Valle, C.R. (2009) Innovation in sustainable facilities management practice: Implementing a sustainability policy. In: Global Innovation in Construction Conference 2009, Loughborough University. Elmualim, A.A. (2009) Integrated building management systems for sustainable technologies: Design aspiration and operational shortcoming. In: International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, Brighton, UK. Elmualim, A.A. and Howard, S. (2009) Spiral of knowledge, network theory and communities of practice in consulting engineering firm. In: Fifth International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century: Collaboration and Integration in Engineering, Management and Technology, CITC-V, Istanbul, Turkey. Valle, C.R., Ludlow, G. and Elmualim, A.A. (2009) Sustainable FM- tools for the future. In: BIFM Annual Conference: Sustainability in Action: Embedding sustainable facilities management in your organization, Keble College, Oxford. Booy, D., Elmualim, A.A., Clements-Croome, D., Horner, K. and Perry, K. (2009) Variability in the application of space management tools for facilities managers. In: Fifth International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century: Collaboration and Integration in Engineering, Management and Technology, CITC-V, Istanbul, Turkey. Elmualim, A. A., Czwakiel, A., Valle, C. R., Ludlow, G. and Shah, S. (2008) Barriers for implementing sustainable facilities management. In: World Sustainable Building Conference 2008, Melbourne, Australia. Elmualim, A. A. and Johnson, A. (2008) Computer-aided facilities management (CAFM) of intelligent buildings: Concepts and opportunities. In: CIB 70 International Conference in Facilities Management, Herriot Watt University, Edinburgh. Elmualim, A. A. (2008) Moral leadership education in construction. In: Proc. 24th Annual ARCOM Conference, Cardiff, UK, pp. 393-394. Clifford, C. and Elmualim, A. (2008) The cycle of innovation in a non-linear world conference paper. In: Third International Conference of the CRC for Construction Innovation, Gold Coast, Australia. Clifford, C. and Elmualim, A. A. (2008) The socio-technical shaping of innovation in facilities management. In: 24th Annual ARCOM Conference, Cardiff, UK. Elmualim, A. A. (2007) Building performance measurements and the new paradigm of FM integration. In: International Networking for Young Scientists: Policy Issues of Sustainable Built Environment Research, The British Council Hong Kong and Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. Clifford, C., Elmualim, A. A. and Child, F. (2007) Current challenges and novel solutions in workspace management at Nationwide Building Society. In: BIFM Annual Conference, Keble College, Oxford. Ludlow, G. and Elmualim, A.A. (2007) Future tools for sustainable facilities management. In: BIFM Annual Conference: Shaping the future - the next five years, Keble College, Oxford. Clifford, C., Elmualim, A. A. and Child, F. (2007) Pervasive technologies for workspace management at Nationwide Building Society. In: CIB World Building Congress: Construction for Development, Cape Town, South Africa, pp. 755-767. Elmualim, A. A. (2007) Psycho-social approach for discerning the dichotomy of competition and collaboration to advance mutualistic relationships in construction. In: CME25: Construction Management and Economics: past, present and the future, University of Reading, Reading, UK. Ludlow, G. and Elmualim, A.A. (2007) Sustainable facilities management round table workshop. In: BIFM Annual Conference: Shaping the future - the next five years, Keble College, Oxford. Elmualim, A. A. (2007) The sustainability debate within the UK and beyond. In: International Networking for Young Scientists: Policy Issues of Sustainable Built Environment Research, The British Council Hong Kong and Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Kao, C.-C., Green, S. D.
Larsen, G. D., Green, S. D. Elmualim, A.A. and Govender, K. (2006) The application of Communities of Practice (CoP) in UK large contacting companies. In: ASCE and CIB 2nd Specialty Conference on Leadership and Management in Construction and Engineering "International Perspective", Grand Bahama Island, Bahamas, pp. 234-241.
Elmualim, A. A., Green, S. D. Watts, B., Howard, S., Markham, L., Elmualim, A.A. and Hutchinson, K. (2006) A framework for UK self sufficiency for food and energy from renewable sources. In: World Renewable Energy Congress IX, Florence, Italy. Elmualim, A. (2005) Development of a hybrid wind catcher/tower and heat convector for heating naturally ventilated spaces. In: Sustainable Building South East Asia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Elmualim, A., Fernie, S. and Green, S. D.
Elmualim, A., Fernie, S. and Green, S. D. Elmualim, A. (2005) Towards integrative hybrid low energy and renewable energy systems in buildings. In: World Renewable Energy Congress 2005- Innovation in Europe, Aberdeen. Elmualim, A.A. and Awbi, H.B. (2004) Evaluating a control strategy for a hybrid air-conditioning and windcatchers ventilation system. In: CIB 2004 World Building Congress, Toronto, Canada. Elmualim, A. and Awbi, H. (2003) Post-occupancy monitoring of windcatchers for summer ventilation in the UK. In: Healthy Buildings 2003, National University of Singapore. Elmualim, A. and Awbi, H. (2001) Evaluating the performance of a Windcatcher system using wind tunnel testing. In: 22nd Annual AIVC Conference, 11-14 September 2001, Bath, UK. Elmualim, A. (1998) Measurement and modelling of light pipe for energy efficient lighting. In: CIBSE National Lighting Conference, Lancaster University, UK, pp. 410-419. (Unpublished) Elmualim, A. (1997) Innovation-lightpipes. In: MRETT Conference, University of Nottingham. (Unpublished) |