Items where Author is "Boyd, Professor Emily"Group by: Item Type | No Grouping Number of items: 58. Article
Dornelles, A. Z., Boyd, E., Nunes, R. J.
Young, H. R., Cornforth, R. J. Boyd, E., James, R. A., Jones, R. G., Young, H. R. and Otto, F. E. L. (2017) A typology of loss and damage perspectives. Nature Climate Change, 7. pp. 723-729. ISSN 1758-678X doi: 10.1038/nclimate3389 Saeed, A.-R., McDermott, C. and Boyd, E. (2017) Are REDD+ community forest projects following the principles for collective action, as proposed by Ostrom? International Journal of the Commons, 11 (1). pp. 572-596. ISSN 1875-0281 doi: 10.18352/ijc.700
Parker, H. R., Boyd, E., Cornforth, R. Devisscher, T., Boyd, E. and Malhi, Y. (2016) Anticipating future risk in social-ecological systems using fuzzy cognitive mapping: the case of wildfire in the Chiquitania, Bolivia. Ecology and Society, 21 (4). 18. ISSN 1708-3087 doi: 10.5751/ES-08599-210418
Otto, F., Boyd, E., Jones, R., Cornforth, R.
Parker, H. R., Cornforth, R. Boyd, E. and Juhola, S. (2015) Adaptive climate change governance for urban resilience. Urban Studies, 52 (7). pp. 1234-1264. ISSN 1360-063X doi: 10.1177/0042098014527483 Broto, V. C., Boyd, E. and Ensor, J. (2015) Participatory urban planning for climate change adaptation in coastal cities: lessons from a pilot experience in Maputo, Mozambique. Current Opinion In Environmental Sustainability, 13. pp. 11-18. ISSN 1877-3435 doi: 10.1016/j.cosust.2014.12.005 Boyd, E., Nykvist, B., Borgström, S. and Stacewicz, I. A. (2015) Anticipatory governance for social-ecological resilience. Ambio, 44 (S1). pp. 149-161. ISSN 1654-7209 doi: 10.1007/s13280-014-0604-x Elmhagen, B., Destouni, G., Angerbjorn, A., Borgstrom, S., Boyd, E., Cousins, S. A. O., Dalen, L., Ehrlen, J., Hamback, P. A., Hedlund, J., Hylander, K., Jaramillo, F., Lagerholm, V. K., Lyon, S. W., Moor, H., Nykvist, B., Pasanen-Mortensen, M., Plue, J., Prieto, C., van der Velde, Y. and Lindborg, R. (2015) Interacting effects of change in climate, human population, land use, and water use on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Ecology and Society, 20 (1). 23. ISSN 1708-3087 doi: 10.5751/ES-07145-200123 Ban, N. C., Boyd, E., Cox, M., Meek, C. L., Schoon, M. and Villamayor-Tomas, S. (2015) Linking classroom learning and research to advance ideas about social-ecological resilience. Ecology and Society, 20 (3). 35. ISSN 1708-3087 doi: 10.5751/ES-07517-200335
James, R., Otto, F., Parker, H., Boyd, E., Cornforth, R. Boyd, E., Ensor, J., Castán Broto, V. and Juhola, S. (2014) Environmentalities of urban climate governance in Maputo, Mozambique. Global Environmental Change, 26. pp. 140-151. ISSN 0959-3780 doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2014.03.012
Boyd, E., Cornforth, R. J. Boyd, E. and Ghosh, A. (2013) Innovations for enabling urban climate governance: evidence from Mumbai. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 31 (5). pp. 926-945. ISSN 1472-3425 doi: 10.1068/c12172 Bolin, A., Mustalahti, I., Boyd, E. and Paavola, J. (2012) Can REDD+ reconcile local priorities and needs with global mitigation benefits? lessons from Angai Forest, Tanzania. Ecology and Society, 17 (1). 16. ISSN 1708-3087 doi: 10.5751/ES-04498-170116 Jones, L. and Boyd, E. (2011) Exploring social barriers to adaptation: insights from Western Nepal. Global Environmental Change, 21 (4). pp. 1262-1274. ISSN 0959-3780 doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2011.06.002
Boyd, E. and Goodman, M. K.
Goodman, M. K. Boyd, E., Boykoff, M. and Newell, P. (2011) The ‘new’ carbon economy: what's new? Antipode, 43 (3). pp. 601-611. ISSN 0066-4812 doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8330.2011.00882.x Edwards, D. P., Fisher, B. and Boyd, E. (2010) Protecting degraded rainforests: enhancement of forest carbon stocks under REDD+. Conservation Letters, 3 (5). pp. 313-316. ISSN 1755-263X doi: 10.1111/j.1755-263X.2010.00143.x Boyd, E. (2010) Societal choice for climate change futures: trees, biotechnology and clean development. Bioscience, 60 (9). pp. 742-750. ISSN 1525-3244 doi: 10.1525/bio.2010.60.9.11 Barlow, J., Ewers, R. M., Anderson, L., Aragao, L. E. O. C., Baker, T. R., Boyd, E., Feldpausch, T. R. , Gloor, E., Hall, A., Malhi, Y., Milliken, W., Mulligan, M., Parry, L., Pennington, T., Peres, C. A., Phillips, O. L., Roman-Cuesta, R. M. , Tobias , J. A. and Gardner, T. A. (2010) Using learning networks to understand complex systems: a case study of biological, geophysical and social research in the Amazon. Biological Reviews, 86 (2). pp. 457-474. ISSN 1469-185X doi: 10.1111/j.1469-185X.2010.00155.x Tompkins, E. L., Adger, W. N., Boyd, E., Nicholson-Cole, S., Weatherhead, K. and Arnell, N. (2010) Observed adaptation to climate change as initiated transition. Global Environmental Change, 20 (4). pp. 627-635. ISSN 0959-3780 doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2010.05.001 Boyd, E. and Osbahr, H. (2010) Resilient responses to climate change: exploring organisational learning in networked development organisations. Environmental Education Research, 16 (5-6). pp. 629-643. ISSN 1469-5871 doi: 10.1080/13504622.2010.505444 Boyd, E., Grist, N., Juhola, S. and Nelson, V. (2009) Exploring development futures in a changing climate: frontiers for development policy and practice. Development Policy Review, 27 (6). pp. 659-674. ISSN 1467-7679 doi: 10.1111/j.1467-7679.2009.00464.x (special issue 'Development futures in a changing climate') Boyd, E. (2009) Governing the clean development mechanism: global rhetoric versus local realities in carbon sequestration projects. Environment and Planning A, 41 (10). pp. 2380-2395. ISSN 1472-3409 doi: 10.1068/a41341 Hultman, N. E., Boyd, E., Roberts, J. T., Cole, J., Corbrera, E., Ebeling, J., Brown, K. and Liverman, D. M. (2009) How can the clean development mechanism better contribute to sustainable development? Ambio, 38 (2). pp. 120-122. ISSN 1654-7209 Boyd, E., Hultman, N., Roberts, J. T., Corbera, E., Cole, J., Bozmoski, A., Ebeling, J., Tippman, R., Mann, P., Brown, K. and Liverman, D. M. (2009) Reforming the CDM for sustainable development: lessons learned and policy futures. Environmental Science & Policy, 12 (7). pp. 820-831. ISSN 1462-9011 doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2009.06.007 Boyd, E. and Juhola, S. (2009) Stepping up to the climate change: opportunities in reconfiguring development futures. Journal of International Development, 21 (6). pp. 792-804. ISSN 1099-1328 doi: 10.1002/jid.1619 de França Doria, M., Boyd, E., Tompkins, E. L. and Adger, W. N. (2009) Using expert elicitation to understand successful adaptation to climate change. Environmental Science & Policy, 12 (7). pp. 810-819. ISSN 1462-9011 doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2009.04.001
Boyd, E., Osbahr, H. Boyd, E., Corbera, E. and Estrada, M. (2008) UNFCCC negotiations (Pre-Kyoto to COP-9): what the process says about the politics of CDM-sinks. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 8 (2). pp. 95-112. ISSN 1573-1553 doi: 10.1007/s10784-008-9070-x Boyd, E. (2008) Navigating Amazonia under uncertainty: past, present and future environmental governance. Philsophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 363 (1498). pp. 1911-1916. ISSN 1471-2970 doi: 10.1098/rstb.2007.0023 Tompkins, E. L., Lemos, M. C. and Boyd, E. (2008) A less disastrous disaster: managing response to climate-driven hazards in the Cayman Islands and NE Brazil. Global Environmental Change, 18 (4). pp. 736-745. ISSN 0959-3780 doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2008.07.010
Lemos, M. C., Boyd, E., Tompkins, E. L., Osbahr, H. Boyd, E., May, P., Chang, M. and Veiga, F. C. (2007) Exploring socioeconomic impacts of forest based mitigation projects: Lessons from Brazil and Bolivia. Environmental Science and Policy, 10 (5). pp. 419-433. ISSN 1873-6416 doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2007.03.004 Boyd, E., Gutierrez, M. and Chang, M. (2007) Small-scale forest carbon projects: Adapting CDM to low-income communities. Global Environmental Change, 17 (2). pp. 250-259. ISSN 0959-3780 doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2006.10.001 Book or Report SectionJames, R. A., Jones, R. G., Boyd, E., Young, H. R., Otto, F. E. L., Huggel, C. and Fuglestvedt, J. S. (2019) Attribution: how is it relevant for loss and damage policy and practice? In: Mechler, R., Bouwer, L. M., Schinko, T., Surminski, S. and Linnerooth-Bayer, J. (eds.) Loss and Damage from Climate Change: Concepts, Methods and Policy Options. Climate Risk Management, Policy and Governance (CRMPG). Springer, pp. 113-154. ISBN 9783319720265 doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-72026-5_5 Mechler, R., Calliari, E., Bouwer, L. M., Schinko, T., Surminski, S., Linnerooth-Bayer, J., Aerts, J., Botzen, W., Boyd, E., Deckard, N. D., Fuglestvedt, J. S., González-Eguino, M., Haasnoot, M., Handmer, J., Haque, M., Heslin, A., Hochrainer-Stigler, S., Huggel, C., Huq, S., James, R., Jones, R. G., Juhola, S., Keating, A., Kienberger, S., Kreft, S., Kuik, O., Landauer, M., Laurien, F., Lawrence, J., Lopez, A., Liu, W., Magnuszewsk, P., Markandya, A., Mayer, B., McCallum, I., McQuistan, C., Meyer, L., Mintz-Woo, K., Montero-Colbert, A., Mysiak, J., Nalau, J., Noy, I., Oakes, R., Otto, F. E. L., Pervin, M., Roberts, E., Schäfer, L., Scussolini, P., Serdeczny, O., de Sherbinin, A., Simlinger, F., Sitati, A., Sultana, S., Young, H. R., van der Geest, K., van den Homberg, M., Wallimann-Helmer, I., Warner, K. and Zommers, Z. (2019) Science for loss and damage. Findings and propositions. In: Mechler, R., Bouwer, L. M., Schinko, T., Surminski, S. and Linnerooth-Bayer, J. (eds.) Loss and Damage from Climate Change: Concepts, Methods and Policy Options. Climate Risk Management, Policy and Governance (CRMPG). Springer, pp. 3-37. ISBN 9783319720265 doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-72026-5_1 Ensor, J., Boyd, E., Juhola, S. and Castan Broto, V. (2014) Building adaptive capacity in the informal settlements of Maputo: lessons for development from a resilience perspective. In: Inderberg, T. H., Eriksen, S., O'Brien, K. and Synga, L. (eds.) Climate Change Adaptation and Development. Routledge, pp. 19-38. ISBN 9781138025967 Boyd, E. (2014) Climate change and development. In: Potter, R. and Dessai, V. (eds.) Companion to Development Studies. Third Edition. Hodder Education, pp. 341-345. ISBN 9780415826655
Boyd, E. and Cornforth, R. J.
Cornforth, R. Boyd, E. (2013) Exploring principles of adaptive governance for managing tipping points. In: Lenton, T. and O'Riordan, T. (eds.) Addressing Tipping Points for a Precarious Future. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780197265536 Cornell, S., Downy, C., Fraser, E. and Boyd, E. (2012) Earth system science and society: a focus on the anthroposphere. In: Cornell, S., Prentice, C., House, J. and Downy, C. (eds.) Understanding the earth system : global change science for application. Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-38. ISBN 9781107009363 Boyd, E. (2011) Adapting institutions to global climate change: evaluating resilience in two public institutions. In: Boyd, E. and Folke, C. (eds.) Adapting Institutions : Governance, Complexity and Social-Ecological Resilience. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 240-263. ISBN 9780521897501 Boyd, E., Street, R., Gawith, M., Lonsdale, K., Newton, L. and Johnstone, K. (2010) Leading the UK adaptation agenda: a landscape of stakeholders and networked organizations for adaptation to climate change. In: Ford, J. D. and Berrang-Ford, L. (eds.) Climate Change Adaptation in Developed Nations. Advances in Global Change Research, (42). Springer, pp. 85-102. Boyd, E. (2009) The Noel Kempff project in Bolivia: gender, power and decision-making in climate mitigation. In: Terry, G. (ed.) Climate Change and Gender Justice. Working in Gender and Development Series. Oxfam and Practical Action Publishing. ISBN 9781853396939 Liverman, D. M. and Boyd, E. (2008) The CDM, ethics and development. In: Olsen, K. H. and Fenhann, J. V. (eds.) A reformed CDM - including new mechanisms for sustainable development. Forskningscenter Riso Roskilde, pp. 47-58. Report
Graham, R., Ticehurst, H., Leathes, B., Wade, S., Visman, E., Bayley, S., Kane, C., Shongwe, M., Ferreira, T., Amato, R., Bain, C., Boyd, E., Dilley, M., Janes, T., Lumbroso, D., May, S., Oakley, T., Powell, R., Cornforth, R.
Graham, R., Visman, E., Wade, S., Amato, R., Bain, C., Janes, T., Leathes, B., Lumbroso, D., Cornforth, R.
Brown, S., Cornforth, R. BookBoyd, E. and Folke, C., eds. (2012) Adapting institutions: governance, complexity and social-ecological resilience. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp312. ISBN 9780521897501 Newell, P., Boykoff, M. and Boyd, E., eds. (2012) The new carbon economy. Antipode book series. Wiley-Blackwell, pp195. ISBN 9781444350227 Boyd, E. and Tompkins, E. (2010) Climate change: a beginner's guide. OneWorld, Oxford, pp208. ISBN 9781851686605 |