Items where Author is "Adloff, Dr Fanny"Group by: Item Type | No Grouping Number of items: 17. ArticleZanchettin, D., Bruni, S., Raicich, F., Lionello, P., Adloff, F., Androsov, A., Antonioli, F., Artale, V., Carminati, E., Ferrarin, C., Fofonova, F., Nicholls, R. J., Rubinetti, S., Rubino, A., Sannino, G., Spada, G., Thiéblemont, R., Tsimplis, M., Umgiesser, G., Vignudelli, S., Wöppelmann, G. and Zerbini, S. (2021) Sea-level rise in Venice: historic and future trends (review article). Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 21 (8). pp. 2463-2678. ISSN 1684-9981 doi: 10.5194/nhess-21-2643-2021 Benedetti, F., Ayata, S.‐D., Irisson, J.‐O., Adloff, F. and Guilhaumon, F. (2019) Climate change may have minor impact on zooplankton functional diversity in the Mediterranean Sea. Diversity and Distributions, 25 (4). pp. 568-581. ISSN 1472-4642 doi: 10.1111/ddi.12857 Somot, S., Houpert, L., Sevault, F., Testor, P., Bosse, A., Taupier-Letage, I., Bouin, M.-N., Waldman, R., Cassou, C., Sanchez-Gomez, E., Durrieu de Madron, X., Adloff, F., Nabat, P. and Herrmann, M. (2018) Characterizing, modelling and understanding the climate variability of the deep water formation in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea. Climate Dynamics, 51 (3). pp. 1179-1210. ISSN 0930-7575 doi: 10.1007/s00382-016-3295-0 Adloff, F., Jordà, G., Somot, S., Sevault, F., Arsouze, T., Meyssignac, B., Li, L. and Planton, S. (2018) Improving sea level simulation in Mediterranean regional climate models. Climate Dynamics, 51 (3). pp. 1167-1178. ISSN 0930-7575 doi: 10.1007/s00382-017-3842-3 Benedetti, F., Guilhaumon, F., Adloff, F. and Ayata, S.-D. (2018) Investigating uncertainties in zooplankton composition shifts under climate change scenarios in the Mediterranean Sea. Ecography, 41 (2). pp. 345-360. ISSN 09067590 doi: 10.1111/ecog.02434 Jordà, G., Von Schuckmann, K., Josey, S.A., Caniaux, G., García-Lafuente, J., Sammartino, S., Özsoy, E., Polcher, J., Notarstefano, G., Poulain, P.-M., Adloff, F., Salat, J., Naranjo, C., Schroeder, K., Chiggiato, J., Sannino, G. and Macías, D. (2017) The Mediterranean Sea heat and mass budgets: estimates, uncertainties and perspectives. Progress in Oceanography, 156. pp. 174-208. ISSN 0079-6611 doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2017.07.001 Slangen, A. B. A., Adloff, F., Jevrejeva, S., Leclercq, P. W., Marzeion, B., Wada, Y. and Winkelmann, R. (2017) A review of recent updates of sea-level projections at global and regional scales. Surveys in Geophysics, 38 (1). pp. 385-406. ISSN 0169-3298 doi: 10.1007/s10712-016-9374-2 Llasses, J., Jordà, G., Gomis, D., Adloff, F., Macías, D., Harzallah, A., Arsouze, T., Akthar, N., Li, L., Elizalde, A. and Sannino, G. (2016) Heat and salt redistribution within the Mediterranean Sea in the Med-CORDEX model ensemble. Climate Dynamics, 51. pp. 1119-1143. ISSN 0930-7575 doi: 10.1007/s00382-016-3242-0 Grimm, R., Maier-Reimer, E., Mikolajewicz, U., Schmiedl, G., Müller-Navarra, K., Adloff, F., Grant, K. M., Ziegler, M., Lourens, L. J. and Emeis, K.-C. (2015) Late glacial initiation of Holocene eastern Mediterranean sapropel formation. Nature Communications, 6 (1). 7099. ISSN 2041-1723 doi: 10.1038/ncomms8099 Adloff, F., Somot, S., Sevault, F., Jordà, G., Aznar, R., Déqué, M., Herrmann, M., Marcos, M., Dubois, C., Padorno, E., Alvarez-Fanjul, E. and Gomis, D. (2015) Mediterranean Sea response to climate change in an ensemble of twenty first century scenarios. Climate Dynamics, 45 (9-10). pp. 2775-2802. ISSN 0930-7575 doi: 10.1007/s00382-015-2507-3 Herrmann, M., Estournel, C., Adloff, F. and Diaz, F. (2014) Impact of climate change on the northwestern Mediterranean Sea pelagic planktonic ecosystem and associated carbon cycle. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (9). pp. 5815-5836. ISSN 21699275 doi: 10.1002/2014JC010016 Sevault, F., Somot, S., Alias, A., Dubois, C., Lebeaupin-Brossier, C., Nabat, P., Adloff, F., Déqué, M. and Decharme, B. (2014) A fully coupled Mediterranean regional climate system model: design and evaluation of the ocean component for the 1980–2012 period. Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 66 (1). 23967. ISSN 1600-0870 doi: 10.3402/tellusa.v66.23967 Ferrer, P., Certain, R., Adloff, F., Bouchette, F., Barusseau, J.-P., Meulé, S. and Robin, N. (2011) Hydrodynamics over a microtidal double crescentic barred beach in low energetic conditions (Leucate Beach, France). Journal of Coastal Research (SI64). pp. 2032-2036. ISSN 0749-0208 doi: 10.2112/SI64-2032-2036.1 Adloff, F., Mikolajewicz, U., Kučera, M., Grimm, R., Maier-Reimer, E., Schmiedl, G. and Emeis, K.-C. (2011) Upper ocean climate of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea during the Holocene Insolation Maximum – a model study. Climate of the Past, 7 (4). pp. 1103-1122. ISSN 1814-9332 doi: 10.5194/cp-7-1103-2011 Book or Report SectionSchmiedl, G., Adloff, F., Emeis, K.-C., Grimm, R., Kucera, M., Maier-Reimer, E., Mikolajewicz, U., Möbius, J. and Müller-Navarra, K. (2014) Holocene climate dynamics, biogeochemical cycles and ecosystem variability in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. In: Schulz, M. and Paul, A. (eds.) Integrated Analysis of Interglacial Climate Dynamics (INTERDYNAMIC). SpringerBriefs in Earth System Sciences. Springer, pp. 115-120. ISBN 9783319006925 doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-00693-2_19 (Springer Briefs in Earth System Sciences) ReportAdloff, F., (2011) Early Holocene eastern Mediterranean ocean climate and the stability of its overturning circulation. Reports on Earth System Science. 107. Report. Max Planck Institute for Meteorology pp146. ISSN 1614-1199 Conference or Workshop ItemFerrer, P., Rey, V., Certain, R., Adloff, F. and Meulé, S. (2006) Les ondes infragravitaires et leur rôle éventuel dans la formation de croissants de plage : cas de la plage de Sète. In: IXèmes Journées Nationales Génie Côtier-Génie Civil, 12-14 Sep 2006, Brest, France, pp. 187-194. doi: 10.5150/jngcgc.2006.019-F |