Items where Division is "Languages and Cultures" and Year is 2009Number of items: 33. Bryden, M. (2009) Beckett's Proust/Deleuze's Proust. Palgrave MacMillan, Basingstoke, pp272. ISBN 9780230239470 Bryden, M. (2009) The embarrassment of meeting: Burroughs, Beckett, Proust (and Deleuze). In: Bryden, M. and Topping, M. (eds.) Beckett's Proust/Deleuze's Proust. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 13-25. ISBN 9780230201415 Everson, J. E., Gianfrancesco, L. M. R., Reidy, D. V., Sampson, L. and Testa, S., (2009) The Italian Academies, 1525-1700: a themed collection database, London, British Library. British Library, Fabry-Tehranchi, I. (2009) Construction impossible et défense improbable : la tour du roi Vertigier dans l'Historia Brittonum de Nennius, l'Historia Regum Britanniae de Geoffroy de Monmouth, le Brut de Wace et le Merlin de Robert de Boron. In: Imaginer la construction au Moyen Age. Presses Universitaires de Paris Sorbonne, pp. 93-112. Fabry-Tehranchi, I. (2009) Le livre de messire Lancelot du Lac" : présentation matérielle et composition des manuscrits arthuriens de Jacques d'Armagnac (BNF fr. 117-120 et 113-116). In: Actes du 22e congrès de la Société Internationale Arthurienne, Rennes, 15-20 juillet 2008. International Arthurian Society, pp. 1-38.
Faloppa, F.
Faloppa, F. Hughes, H. and Wolfel, U. (2009) Women in the workplace and the development of DEFA documentary style. Glossen, 29. ISSN 1093-6025
Jaworska, S.
Jaworska, S.
Jaworska, S. Le Saux, F. (2009) La Faune marine dans le voyage de Saint brendan anglo-normand. Reinardus, 21 (1). pp. 115-123. ISSN 1569-9951 doi: 10.1075/rein.21.08les
Legay, M.-L., Felix, J. Leglu, C. and Le Saux, F. (2009) Reading medieval studies. Reading Medieval Studies, 35. University of Reading, Reading.
Leoussi, A.
Leoussi, A. Martin, A. E. (2009) Frauenzimmerbotanik : Unschuldiger Zeitvertreib und Mode? In: Holm, C. and Zaunstöck, H. (eds.) Frauen und Gärten um 1800 :Weiblichkeit, Natur, Ästhetik. Mitteldeutscher Verlag, Halle, pp. 36-47. ISBN 9783898126472 Martin, A. E. (2009) Raabe’s “English prophet”: Sophie Delffs as translator of Abu Telfan. In: Göttsche, D. and Krobb, F. (eds.) Wilhelm Raabe Global Themes — International Perspectives. Legenda, Oxford, pp. 149-158. ISBN 9781906540012 Martin, A. E. (2009) "Weibliche Pedanterey": Georg Forster über Hester Lynch Piozzi. Georg-Forster-Studien, XIV. pp. 1-16. ISSN 1439-9105 Martin, A. E. and Ritterson, M. (2009) Reading Raabe, writing Raabe: Deutscher Mondschein as collaborative translation project. Germanistik in Ireland, 4. pp. 33-38. ISSN 1863-2939 Nasti, P. (2009) Gli esordi dell'auctor : contaminazione ed auctoritas alle soglie dell'Inferno. In: Invernizzi, S. (ed.) Esperimenti danteschi : Inferno 2008. Marietti, Milan, pp. 25-60. ISBN 9788821194115 Roe, I. (2009) Coding and word order of sentences with dummy-es in a valency dictionary for English-speaking learners of German. Journal of German Linguistics, 21 (2). pp. 193-210. ISSN 1475-3014 doi: 10.1017/S1470542709000245 (special issue 'in honour of Martin Durrell')
Schroeter, M.
Schroeter, M. Tobia, S. (2009) Advertising America: the United States information service in Italy (1945-1956). Il Filarete. Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università degli Studi di Milano, 255. LED Edizioni, Milan, pp324. ISBN 9788879164009 Tobia, S. (2009) La verità e il benessere: l'Usis in Italia tra 1945 e 1956. I sentieri della ricerca. Rivista di storia contemporanea., 9-10. pp. 133-170. Tobia, S. (2009) Questioning the enemy: interpreters/interrogators in British war-crimes investigations and trials, 1945-1946. In: Mediation and Conflict: Translation and Culture in a Global Context Logo of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies 3rd Conference of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS) , 8-10 July 2009, Monash University, Melbourne. (Unpublished) Tucker, G. H. (2009) A Roman dialogue with Virgil and Homer: Capilupi, the 'Cento' and Rome. In: Caruso, C. and Laird , A. (eds.) Italy and the Classical Tradition: Language, Thought and Poetry 1300-1600. Duckworth, London, pp. 204-238. ISBN 9780715637371 Tucker, G. H. (2009) The language of grief and the poetics of conjugal mourning, from Euripides ('Alcestis', transl. Buchanan) to Joachim Du Bellay ('Tumuli' [Poematum libri quatuor], 1558). In: Maes, Y., Papy, J. and Verbaal, W. (eds.) Latinitas Perennis Volume II: Appropriation and Latin Literature. Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History (178 ). Brill, Leiden/Boston, 65-94 . ISBN 9789004176836 Tucker, G. H. (2009) Érotisme, parodie, et l’art du centon dans le 'Gallus' (1543 ; 'Centones ex Virgilio', 1555) de Lelio Capilupi. In: Sacré, D. and Papy, J. (eds.) Syntagmatia : Essays on Neo-Latin Literature in Honour of Monique Mund-Dopchie & Gilbert Tournoy. Humanistica Lovaniensia Supplementa (26). Leuven UP, Leuven, pp. 329-343. ISBN 9789058677501 Tucker, G. H. (2009) The witty art of the Neo-Latin 'Cento': the textual "Patchworks” of Lelio Capilupi of Mantua(1497-1560). In: Alyn-Stacey , S. (ed.) Court and Humour in the French Renaissance: Essays in Honour of Professor Pauline Smith. Peter Lang, Oxford/Bern/Berlin/Bruxelles/Frankfurt am Main/New York/Wien, pp. 147-164. ISBN 9783039105595 Vinall, S. (2009) The early reception of Francis Jammes in Italy. Modern Language Review, 104 (3). pp. 712-729. ISSN 0026-7937 Wolfel, U. (2009) Paradise regained: topographies of the self in the prose fiction of Angela Krauß. In: Clarke, D. and Rechtien, R. (eds.) The politics of place in post-war Germany: essays in literary criticism. Mellen Press, Lampeter, pp. 149-170. ISBN 9780773447363 |