Items where Division is "Languages and Cultures" and Year is 2009Number of items: 33. ArticleHughes, H. and Wolfel, U. (2009) Women in the workplace and the development of DEFA documentary style. Glossen, 29. ISSN 1093-6025 Le Saux, F. (2009) La Faune marine dans le voyage de Saint brendan anglo-normand. Reinardus, 21 (1). pp. 115-123. ISSN 1569-9951 doi: 10.1075/rein.21.08les
Legay, M.-L., Felix, J.
Leoussi, A. Martin, A. E. (2009) "Weibliche Pedanterey": Georg Forster über Hester Lynch Piozzi. Georg-Forster-Studien, XIV. pp. 1-16. ISSN 1439-9105 Martin, A. E. and Ritterson, M. (2009) Reading Raabe, writing Raabe: Deutscher Mondschein as collaborative translation project. Germanistik in Ireland, 4. pp. 33-38. ISSN 1863-2939 Roe, I. (2009) Coding and word order of sentences with dummy-es in a valency dictionary for English-speaking learners of German. Journal of German Linguistics, 21 (2). pp. 193-210. ISSN 1475-3014 doi: 10.1017/S1470542709000245 (special issue 'in honour of Martin Durrell') Tobia, S. (2009) La verità e il benessere: l'Usis in Italia tra 1945 e 1956. I sentieri della ricerca. Rivista di storia contemporanea., 9-10. pp. 133-170. Vinall, S. (2009) The early reception of Francis Jammes in Italy. Modern Language Review, 104 (3). pp. 712-729. ISSN 0026-7937 Book or Report SectionBryden, M. (2009) The embarrassment of meeting: Burroughs, Beckett, Proust (and Deleuze). In: Bryden, M. and Topping, M. (eds.) Beckett's Proust/Deleuze's Proust. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 13-25. ISBN 9780230201415 Fabry-Tehranchi, I. (2009) Construction impossible et défense improbable : la tour du roi Vertigier dans l'Historia Brittonum de Nennius, l'Historia Regum Britanniae de Geoffroy de Monmouth, le Brut de Wace et le Merlin de Robert de Boron. In: Imaginer la construction au Moyen Age. Presses Universitaires de Paris Sorbonne, pp. 93-112. Fabry-Tehranchi, I. (2009) Le livre de messire Lancelot du Lac" : présentation matérielle et composition des manuscrits arthuriens de Jacques d'Armagnac (BNF fr. 117-120 et 113-116). In: Actes du 22e congrès de la Société Internationale Arthurienne, Rennes, 15-20 juillet 2008. International Arthurian Society, pp. 1-38.
Faloppa, F.
Faloppa, F.
Jaworska, S.
Jaworska, S.
Leoussi, A. Martin, A. E. (2009) Frauenzimmerbotanik : Unschuldiger Zeitvertreib und Mode? In: Holm, C. and Zaunstöck, H. (eds.) Frauen und Gärten um 1800 :Weiblichkeit, Natur, Ästhetik. Mitteldeutscher Verlag, Halle, pp. 36-47. ISBN 9783898126472 Martin, A. E. (2009) Raabe’s “English prophet”: Sophie Delffs as translator of Abu Telfan. In: Göttsche, D. and Krobb, F. (eds.) Wilhelm Raabe Global Themes — International Perspectives. Legenda, Oxford, pp. 149-158. ISBN 9781906540012 Nasti, P. (2009) Gli esordi dell'auctor : contaminazione ed auctoritas alle soglie dell'Inferno. In: Invernizzi, S. (ed.) Esperimenti danteschi : Inferno 2008. Marietti, Milan, pp. 25-60. ISBN 9788821194115
Schroeter, M. Tucker, G. H. (2009) A Roman dialogue with Virgil and Homer: Capilupi, the 'Cento' and Rome. In: Caruso, C. and Laird , A. (eds.) Italy and the Classical Tradition: Language, Thought and Poetry 1300-1600. Duckworth, London, pp. 204-238. ISBN 9780715637371 Tucker, G. H. (2009) The language of grief and the poetics of conjugal mourning, from Euripides ('Alcestis', transl. Buchanan) to Joachim Du Bellay ('Tumuli' [Poematum libri quatuor], 1558). In: Maes, Y., Papy, J. and Verbaal, W. (eds.) Latinitas Perennis Volume II: Appropriation and Latin Literature. Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History (178 ). Brill, Leiden/Boston, 65-94 . ISBN 9789004176836 Tucker, G. H. (2009) Érotisme, parodie, et l’art du centon dans le 'Gallus' (1543 ; 'Centones ex Virgilio', 1555) de Lelio Capilupi. In: Sacré, D. and Papy, J. (eds.) Syntagmatia : Essays on Neo-Latin Literature in Honour of Monique Mund-Dopchie & Gilbert Tournoy. Humanistica Lovaniensia Supplementa (26). Leuven UP, Leuven, pp. 329-343. ISBN 9789058677501 Tucker, G. H. (2009) The witty art of the Neo-Latin 'Cento': the textual "Patchworks” of Lelio Capilupi of Mantua(1497-1560). In: Alyn-Stacey , S. (ed.) Court and Humour in the French Renaissance: Essays in Honour of Professor Pauline Smith. Peter Lang, Oxford/Bern/Berlin/Bruxelles/Frankfurt am Main/New York/Wien, pp. 147-164. ISBN 9783039105595 Wolfel, U. (2009) Paradise regained: topographies of the self in the prose fiction of Angela Krauß. In: Clarke, D. and Rechtien, R. (eds.) The politics of place in post-war Germany: essays in literary criticism. Mellen Press, Lampeter, pp. 149-170. ISBN 9780773447363 Conference or Workshop ItemTobia, S. (2009) Questioning the enemy: interpreters/interrogators in British war-crimes investigations and trials, 1945-1946. In: Mediation and Conflict: Translation and Culture in a Global Context Logo of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies 3rd Conference of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS) , 8-10 July 2009, Monash University, Melbourne. (Unpublished) BookBryden, M. (2009) Beckett's Proust/Deleuze's Proust. Palgrave MacMillan, Basingstoke, pp272. ISBN 9780230239470
Jaworska, S. Leglu, C. and Le Saux, F. (2009) Reading medieval studies. Reading Medieval Studies, 35. University of Reading, Reading.
Schroeter, M. Tobia, S. (2009) Advertising America: the United States information service in Italy (1945-1956). Il Filarete. Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università degli Studi di Milano, 255. LED Edizioni, Milan, pp324. ISBN 9788879164009 Web ResourceEverson, J. E., Gianfrancesco, L. M. R., Reidy, D. V., Sampson, L. and Testa, S., (2009) The Italian Academies, 1525-1700: a themed collection database, London, British Library. British Library, |