Number of items: 166.
Abe-Ouchi, A., Saito, F., Kageyama, M., Braconnot, P., Harrison, S. P.
ORCID:, Lambeck, K., Otto-Bleisner, B., Peltier, W. R., Tarasov, L., Peterschmitt, J. Y. and Takahashi, K.
Ice-sheet configuration in the CMIP5/PMIP3 Last Glacial
Maximum experiments.
Geoscientific Model Development, 8 (11).
pp. 3621-3637.
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doi: 10.5194/gmd-8-3621-2015
Affolter, S., Häuselmann, A. D., Fleitmann, D., Häuselmann, P. and Leuenberger, M.
Triple isotope (δD, δ17O, δ18O) study on precipitation, drip water and speleothem fluid inclusions for a central European cave (NW Switzerland).
Quaternary Science Reviews, 127.
pp. 73-89.
ISSN 0277-3791
doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.08.030
Afzal, M.,
Integrating biotreated wastewater reuse and valorization with enhanced water use efficiency to support the Green Economy in EU and India.
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Afzal, M., Gagnon, A. S. and Mansell, M. G.
Changes in the variability and periodicity
of precipitation in Scotland.
Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 119 (1).
pp. 135-159.
ISSN 1434-4483
doi: 10.1007/s00704-014-1094-2
Afzal, M., Gagnon, A. S. and Mansell, M. G.
The impact of projected changes in climate variability on the reliability of surface water supply in Scotland.
Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 15 (4).
pp. 736-745.
ISSN 1607-0798
doi: 10.2166/ws.2015.027
Allen, M., Blick, N., Brindle, T., Evans, T., Fulford, M.
ORCID:, Holbrook, N., Lodwick, L., Richards, J. D. and Smith, A.,
The rural settlement of Roman Britain: an online resource.
York: Archaeology Data Service, York.
Anderson-Whymark, H. and Garrow, D.
Seaways and shared ways: imaging and imagining the movement of people, objects and ideas over the course of the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition, c. 5000-3500 BC.
In: Anderson-Whymark, H., Garrow, D.
ORCID: and Sturt, F. (eds.)
Contental Connections: exploring cross-channel relationships from the Lower Palaeolithic to the Iron Age.
Oxbow, Oxford, pp. 59-77.
ISBN 9781782978091
Anderson-Whymark, H., Garrow, D.
ORCID: and Sturt, F., eds.
Continental connections: exploring cross-channel relationships from the Mesolithic to the Iron Age.
Oxbow, Oxford, pp176.
ISBN 9781782978091
Anderson-Whymark, H., Garrow, D.
ORCID: and Sturt, F.
Microliths and maritime mobility: a continental European-style Late Mesolithic flint from the Isles of Scilly.
Antiquity, 89 (364).
pp. 954-971.
ISSN 1745-1744
doi: 10.15184/aqy.2015.77
Arnell, N.
ORCID:, Halliday, S., Battarbee, R. W., Skeffington, R. and Wade, A.
The implications of climate change for the water environment in England.
Progress in Physical Geography, 39 (1).
pp. 93-120.
ISSN 1477-0296
doi: 10.1177/0309133314560369
Arz, H. W., Kaiser, J. and Fleitmann, D.
Paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic changes around 2200 BC in sediment cores from the northern Red Sea.
In: Meller, H., Arz, H. W., Jung, R. and Risch, R. (eds.)
2200 BC: a climatic breakdown as a cause for the collapse of the old world?
Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte, Halle (Saale), pp. 53-61.
ISBN 9783944507293
Arz, H. W., Shumilovskikh, L. S., Wegwerth, A., Fleitmann, D. and Behling, H.
Environmental and climate dynamics during the last glacial terminations and interglacials in the Black Sea/Northern Anatolian region.
In: Schulz, M. and Paul, A. (eds.)
Integrated Analysis of Interglacial Climate Dynamics (INTERDYNAMIC).
Briefs in Earth System Sciences.
Springer, London, pp. 121-126.
ISBN 9783319006925
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-00693-2_20
Balasse, M., Fremondeau, D. and Tornero, C.
Rythmes saisonniers des élevages préhistoriques en Europe tempérée. L’outil isotopique traceur de la distribution des naissances du cheptel domestique.
Les Nouvelles de l'Archeologie, 138.
pp. 49-54.
ISSN 0242-7702
Balsamo, G., Albergel, C., Beljaars, A., Boussetta, S., Brun, E., Cloke, H.
ORCID:, Dee, D., Dutra, E., Muñoz-Sabater, J., Pappenberger, F., de Rosnay, P., Stockdale, T. and Vitart, F.
ERA-Interim/Land: a global land surface reanalysis data set.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19 (1).
pp. 389-407.
ISSN 1027-5606
doi: 10.5194/hess-19-389-2015
Ban, N. C., Boyd, E., Cox, M., Meek, C. L., Schoon, M. and Villamayor-Tomas, S.
Linking classroom learning and research to advance ideas about social-ecological resilience.
Ecology and Society, 20 (3).
ISSN 1708-3087
doi: 10.5751/ES-07517-200335
Banerjea, R. Y.
ORCID:, Bell, M. G., Matthews, W.
ORCID: and Brown, A. D.
Applications of micromorphology to understanding activity
areas and site formation processes in experimental hut floors.
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 7 (1).
pp. 89-112.
ISSN 1866-9565
doi: 10.1007/s12520-013-0160-5
Banerjea, R. Y.
ORCID:, Fulford, M.
ORCID:, Bell, M., Clarke, A.
ORCID: and Matthews, W.
Using experimental archaeology and micromorphology to reconstruct timber-framed buildings from Roman Silchester: a new approach.
Antiquity, 89 (347).
pp. 1174-1188.
ISSN 0003-598X
doi: 10.15184/aqy.2015.108
Beven, K., Cloke, H.
ORCID:, Pappenberger, F., Lamb, R. and Hunter, N.
Hyperresolution information and hyperresolution ignorance in modelling the hydrology of the land surface.
Science China Earth Sciences, 58 (1).
pp. 25-35.
ISSN 1869-1897
doi: 10.1007/s11430-014-5003-4
Bowes, M. J., Jarvie, H. P., Halliday, S. J., Skeffington, R. A., Wade, A. J.
ORCID:, Loewenthal, M., Gozzard, E., Newman, J. R. and Palmer-Felgate, E. J.
Characterising phosphorus and nitrate inputs to a rural river using high-frequency concentration-flow relationships.
Science of the Total Environment, 511.
pp. 608-620.
ISSN 0048-9697
doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.12.086
Boyd, E. and Juhola, S.
Adaptive climate change governance for urban resilience.
Urban Studies, 52 (7).
pp. 1234-1264.
ISSN 1360-063X
doi: 10.1177/0042098014527483
Boyd, E., Nykvist, B., Borgström, S. and Stacewicz, I. A.
Anticipatory governance for social-ecological resilience.
Ambio, 44 (S1).
pp. 149-161.
ISSN 1654-7209
doi: 10.1007/s13280-014-0604-x
Boykoff, M. T., McNatt, M. M. and Goodman, M. K.
Communicating in the Anthropocene: the cultural politics of climate change news coverage around the world.
In: Hansen, A. and Cox, B. (eds.)
The Routledge Handbook of Environment and Communication.
Routledge, London, pp. 221-232.
Boykoff, M. and Goodman, M. K.
Science (and policy) friction: how mass media shapes North American climate discourses.
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Cultural Dynamics of Climate Change and the Environment in Northern America.
Climate and Culture.
Brill, Leiden, pp. 189-205.
ISBN 9789004300712
doi: 10.1163/9789004300712_009
Bradley, R., Lewis, J., Mullin, D. and Branch, N.
'Where water wells up from the earth’: excavations at the findspot of the Late Bronze Age hoard from Broadward, Shropshire.
Antiquaries Journal, 95.
pp. 21-64.
ISSN 1758-5309
doi: 10.1017/S0003581515000177
Branch, N.
Environmental archaeology.
In: Wright, J. D. (ed.)
International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition.
Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 692-698.
ISBN 9780080970868
Branch, N. P.
ORCID: and Morandi, L.
Late Würm and Early-Middle Holocene environmental change
and human activities in the Northern Apennines, Italy.
Il Capitale Culturale, 12.
pp. 537-563.
ISSN 2039-2362
Bray, P., Cuénod, A., Gosden, C., Hommel, P., Liu, R. and Pollard, A. M.
Form and flow: the 'karmic cycle' of copper.
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pp. 202-209.
ISSN 0305-4403
doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2014.12.013
Brindle, T., Allen, M., Durham, E. and Smith, A., eds.
TRAC 2014: proceedings of the twenty fourth Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, Reading 2014.
Oxbow Books, pp158.
ISBN 9781785700026
Broto, V. C., Boyd, E. and Ensor, J.
Participatory urban planning for climate change adaptation in coastal cities: lessons from a pilot experience in Maputo, Mozambique.
Current Opinion In Environmental Sustainability, 13.
pp. 11-18.
ISSN 1877-3435
doi: 10.1016/j.cosust.2014.12.005
Brown, A., Banerjea, R.
ORCID:, Dawn-Wynne, A., Stivrins, N., Jarzebowski, M., Shillito, L.-M. and Pluskowski, A.
The ecological impact of conquest and colonization on a medieval frontier landscape: combined palynological and geochemical analysis of lake sediments from Radzyń Chełminski, northern Poland.
Geoarchaeology, 30 (6).
pp. 511-527.
ISSN 0883-6353
doi: 10.1002/gea.21525
Cant, A.
One image, two stories: Ethnographic and touristic photography and the practice of craft in Mexico.
Visual Anthropology, 28 (4).
pp. 277-285.
ISSN 0894-9468
doi: 10.1080/08949468.2015.1052308
Cant, A.
The allure of art and intellectual property: Artisans and industrial replicas in Mexican cultural economies.
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 21 (4).
pp. 820-837.
ISSN 1359-0987
doi: 10.1111/1467-9655.12289
Carson, J., Watling, J., Mayle, F.
ORCID:, Whitney, B. S., Iriarte, J., Prumers, H. and Soto, J. D.
Pre-Columbian land use in the ring-ditch region of the Bolivian Amazon.
The Holocene, 25 (8).
pp. 1285-1300.
ISSN 0959-6836
doi: 10.1177/0959683615581204
Castán Broto, V., Macucule, D. A., Boyd, E., Ensor, J. and Allen, C.
Building collaborative partnerships for climate change action in Maputo, Mozambique.
Environment and Planning A, 47 (3).
pp. 571-587.
ISSN 0308-518X
doi: 10.1068/a140070p
Cater, E.
Back boiler.
In: Cater, C., Garrod, B. and Low, T. (eds.)
The Encyclopedia of Sustainable Tourism.
CABI, Wallingford, p. 43.
ISBN 9781780641430
Cater, E.
Backwash effects.
In: Cater, C., Garrod, B. and Low, T. (eds.)
The Encyclopedia of Sustainable Tourism.
CABI, Wallingford, p. 47.
ISBN 9781780641430
Cater, E.
Ecotourism as a Western construct.
In: Sharpley, R. (ed.)
Tourism and Development. Volume 2 Tourism and Sustainable Development.
Sage library of tourism, hospitality & leisure.
SAGE Publications, London.
ISBN 9781473912410
Cater, E.
In: Cater, C., Garrod, B. and Low, T. (eds.)
The Encyclopedia of Sustainable Tourism.
CABI, Wallingford.
ISBN 9781780641430
Cater, E. and Cater, C.
In: Wright, J. (ed.)
International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2nd ed.
Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 105-109.
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doi: 10.1016/B978-0-08-097086-8.91071-7
Chapman, R. and Wylie, A.
Material evidence: learning from archaeological practice.
In: Chapman, R. and Wylie, A. (eds.)
Material Evidence. Learning from archaeological practice.
Routledge, New York and London, pp. 1-20.
ISBN 9780415837453
Chapman, R. and Wylie, A.
Material evidence: learning from archaeological practice.
Routledge, New York and London, pp380.
ISBN 9780415837453
Chu, W., Thompson, C. and Hosfield, R.
Micro-abrasion of flint artefacts by mobile sediments: a taphonomic approach.
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 7 (1).
pp. 3-11.
ISSN 1866-9565
doi: 10.1007/s12520-013-0157-0
Ciaffi, R., Lelli, R., Muldner, G.
ORCID:, Stantcheva, K., Fischetti, A. L., Ghini, G., Craig, O. E., Milano, F., Rickards, O., Arcudi, G. and Martinez-Labarga, C.
Palaeobiology of the medieval population of Albano (Rome, Italy): a combined morphological and biomolecular approach.
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 25 (4).
pp. 477-488.
ISSN 1099-1212
doi: 10.1002/oa.2316
Collins, C., Craggs, M., Garcia-Alcega, S., Kademoglou, K. and Lowe, S.
Towards a unified approach for the determination of the bioaccessibility of organic pollutants.
Environment International, 78.
pp. 24-31.
ISSN 0160-4120
doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2015.02.005
Coward, F., Hosfield, R.
ORCID:, Pope, M. and Wenban-Smith, F., eds.
Settlement, society and cognition in human evolution: landscapes in mind.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
ISBN 9781107026889
Craggs, R., Geoghegan, H.
ORCID: and Neate, H.
Civic geographies of architectural enthusiasm.
ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, 14 (2).
pp. 367-376.
ISSN 1492-9732
Cárdenas, M. L., Robinson, M., Corteletti, R., Ulguim, P., Gregório de Souza, J., Iriarte, J., Mayle, F. E.
ORCID:, Scunderlick Eloy de Farias, D. and DeBlasis, P.
Integrating archaeology and palaeoecology to understand Jê landscapes in southern Brazil.
Antiquity Project Gallery, 348.
Day, C. and Evans, R.
Caring responsibilities, change and transitions in young people's family lives in Zambia.
Journal of Comparative Family Studies, XLVI (1).
pp. 137-152.
Dempsey, K.
Lea Castle: an architectural description.
In: Casey, C. and Dempsey, K. (eds.)
Lea Castle Preliminary Report.
Frenchchurch Press, Portarlington, pp. 7-11.
ISBN 9780953801008
Duranel, A.
Hydrology and Hydrological Modelling of Acidic Mires in Central France.
PhD thesis, UCL (University College London).
Eckardt, H.
ORCID:, Muldner, G.
ORCID: and Speed, G.
The late Roman field army in Northern Britain? Mobility, material culture and multi-isotope analysis at Scorton (N. Yorks).
Britannia, 46.
pp. 191-223.
ISSN 0068-113X
doi: 10.1017/S0068113X1500015X
Ehresman, T.G. and Okereke, C.
Environmental justice and conceptions of the green economy.
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 15 (1).
pp. 13-27.
ISSN 1573-1553
doi: 10.1007/s10784-014-9265-2
Elliott, S., Bendrey, R., Whitlam, J., Aziz, K. R. and Evans, J.
Preliminary ethnoarchaeological research on modern animal husbandry in Bestansur, Iraqi Kurdistan: integrating animal, plant and environmental data.
Environmental Archaeology: the Journal of Human Palaeoecology, 20 (3).
pp. 283-303.
ISSN 1461-4103
doi: 10.1179/1749631414Y.0000000025
Elmhagen, B., Destouni, G., Angerbjorn, A., Borgstrom, S., Boyd, E., Cousins, S. A. O., Dalen, L., Ehrlen, J., Hamback, P. A., Hedlund, J., Hylander, K., Jaramillo, F., Lagerholm, V. K., Lyon, S. W., Moor, H., Nykvist, B., Pasanen-Mortensen, M., Plue, J., Prieto, C., van der Velde, Y. and Lindborg, R.
Interacting effects of change in climate, human population, land use, and water use on biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Ecology and Society, 20 (1).
ISSN 1708-3087
doi: 10.5751/ES-07145-200123
Evans, R.
HIV-related stigma, asset inheritance and chronic poverty: vulnerability and resilience of widows and caregiving children and youth in Tanzania and Uganda.
Progress in Development Studies, 15 (4).
pp. 326-342.
ISSN 1477-027X
doi: 10.1177/1464993415592740
Evans, R.
Negotiating intergenerational relations and care in diverse African contexts.
In: Vanderbeck, R. and Worth, N. (eds.)
Intergenerational Space.
Routledge Studies in Human Geography.
Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 199-213.
ISBN 9780415855310
Evans, R.
Working with legal pluralism: widowhood, property inheritance and poverty alleviation in urban Senegal.
Gender and Development, 23 (1).
pp. 77-94.
ISSN 1364-9221
doi: 10.1080/13552074.2015.1013678
(special issue: Working on gender equality in urban areas)
Evans, R.
ORCID: and Atim, A.
HIV care and interdependence in Tanzania and Uganda.
In: Barnes, M., Brannelly, P., Ward, L. and Ward, N. (eds.)
Ethics of care: critical advances in international perspective.
The Policy Press, Chapter 12.
ISBN 9781447316510
Evans, R.
ORCID: and Skovdal, M.
Defining children's rights to work and care in Sub-Saharan Africa: tensions and challenges in policy and practice.
In: Kallio, K., Mills, S. and Skelton, T. (eds.)
Politics, Citizenship and Rights.
Geographies of Children and Young People, 7.
ISBN 9789814585569
Evans, R.
ORCID:, Mariwah, S. and Barima Antwi, K.
Struggles over family land? Tree crops, land and labour in Ghana's Brong-Ahafo region.
Geoforum, 67.
pp. 24-35.
ISSN 0016-7185
doi: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2015.10.006
Feola, G.
Societal transformation in response to global environmental change: a review of emerging concepts.
Ambio, 44 (5).
pp. 376-390.
ISSN 1654-7209
doi: 10.1007/s13280-014-0582-z
Feola, G., Agudelo Vanegas, L. A. and Contesse Bamon, B. P.
Colombian agriculture under multiple exposures: a review and research agenda.
Climate and Development, 7 (3).
pp. 278-292.
ISSN 1756-5537
doi: 10.1080/17565529.2014.934776
Feola, G., Lerner, A. M., Jain, M., Montefrio, M. J. F. and Nicholas, K. A.
Researching farmer behaviour in climate change adaptation and sustainable agriculture: lessons learned from five case studies.
Journal of Rural Studies, 39.
pp. 74-84.
ISSN 0743-0167
doi: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2015.03.009
Flohr, P., Finlayson, B., Najjar, M. and Mithen, S.
Building WF16: construction of a PPNA pisé structure in Southern Jordan.
Levant, 47 (2).
pp. 143-163.
ISSN 0075-8914
doi: 10.1179/0075891415Z.00000000063
Fremondeau, D., Horard-Herbin, M.-P., Buchsenschutz, O., Ughetto-Monfrin, J. and Balasse, M.
Standardized pork production at the Celtic village of Levroux Les Arènes (France, 2nd c. BC): evidence from kill-off patterns and birth seasonality inferred from enamel δ18O analysis.
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2.
pp. 215-226.
ISSN 2352-409X
doi: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2015.02.006
Fulford, M.
Retrospect and prospect: advancement of knowledge, methodologies and publication.
In: Fulford, M.
ORCID: and Holbrook, N. (eds.)
The Towns of Roman Britain. The Contribution of Commercial Archaeology since 1990.
Britannia Monograph 27.
The Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, London, pp. 194-211.
ISBN 9780907764410
Fulford, M.
Silchester: the Town Life Project 1997-2014: reflections on a long term research excavation.
In: Brindle, T., Allen, M., Durham, E. and Smith, A. (eds.)
TRAC 2014 : Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Theoretical Archaeology Conference, Reading 2014.
Oxbow, Oxford, pp. 114-121.
ISBN 9781785700026
Fulford, M.
The towns of South-East England.
In: Fulford, M.
ORCID: and Holbrook, N. (eds.)
The Towns of Roman Britain. The Contribution of Commercial Archaeology since 1990.
Britannia Monograph 27.
The Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, London, pp. 59-89.
ISBN 9780907764410
Fulford, M.
ORCID: and Holbrook, N., eds.
The towns of Roman Britain : the contribution of commercial archaeology since 1990.
Britannia Monograph 27.
The Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies, London.
ISBN 9780907764410
Gaffney, C., Harris, C., Pope-Carter, F., Bonsall, J., Fry, R.
ORCID: and Parkyn, A.
Still searching for graves: an analytical strategy for interpreting geophysical data used in the search for “unmarked” graves.
Near Surface Geophysics, 13 (6).
pp. 557-569.
ISSN 1569-4445
doi: 10.3997/1873-0604.2015029
Gallego-Sala, A. V., Charman, D. J., Harrison, S. P.
ORCID:, Li, G. and Prentice, I. C.
Climate-driven expansion of blanket bogs in Britain during the Holocene.
Climate of the Past Discussions, 11 (5).
pp. 4811-4832.
ISSN 1814-9359
doi: 10.5194/cpd-11-4811-2015
Garcia-Pintado, J., Mason, D.
ORCID:, Dance, S. L.
ORCID:, Cloke, H.
ORCID:, Neal, J. C., Freer, J. and Bates, P. D.
Satellite-supported flood forecasting in river networks: a real case study.
Journal of Hydrology, 523.
pp. 706-724.
ISSN 0022-1694
doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.01.084
Garrow, D.
Deposition in pits.
In: Fowler, C., Harding, J. and Hoffman, D. (eds.)
Oxford Handbook of Neolithic Europe.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 729-744.
ISBN 9780199545841
Garrow, D.
ORCID: and Sturt, F.
Continental connections: concluding discussion.
In: Anderson-Whymark, H., Garrow, D.
ORCID: and Sturt, F. (eds.)
Contental Connections: exploring cross-channel relationships from the Lower Palaeolithic to the Iron Age.
Oxbow, Oxford, pp. 166-172.
ISBN 9781782978091
Garrow, D.
ORCID: and Sturt, F.
Continental connections: introduction.
In: Anderson-Whymark, H., Garrow, D.
ORCID: and Sturt, F. (eds.)
Contental Connections: exploring cross-channel relationships from the Lower Palaeolithic to the Iron Age.
Oxbow, Oxford, pp. 1-6.
ISBN 9781782978091
Geoghegan, H.
ORCID: and Hess, A.
Object-love at the Science Museum: cultural geographies of museum storerooms.
Cultural Geographies, 22 (3).
pp. 445-465.
ISSN 1474-4740
doi: 10.1177/1474474014539247
Gilchrist, R.
Transforming medieval beliefs: the significance of bodily resurrection to medieval burial rituals.
In: Rasmus Brandt, J., Ingvaldsen, H. and Prusac, M. (eds.)
Death and changing rituals: function and meaning in ancient funerary practices.
Studies in Funerary Archaeology.
Oxbow, Oxford.
ISBN 9781782976394
Gilchrist, R.
ORCID: and Green, C.
Glastonbury Abbey: archaeological investigations 1904-79.
Society of Antiquaries of London, London, pp504.
ISBN 9780854313006
doi: 10.26530/OAPEN_619339
Goodman, M. K.
Afterword: the everyday biopolitics of care-full eating.
In: Abbots, E., Lavis, A. and Attala, L. (eds.)
Careful Eating: Embodied Entanglements Between Food and Care.
Ashgate, Farnham.
ISBN 9781472439482
Goodman, M. K.
Of dialectical food pedagogies and political economies: taking debates forward in an afterword.
In: Flowers, R. and Swan, E. (eds.)
Food Pedagogies.
Ashgate, Aldershot.
ISBN 9781409465041
Goodman, M. K.
Technicolor foods: the everyday biopolitics of Cuba.
Dialogues in Human Geography, 5 (2).
pp. 243-246.
ISSN 2043-8214)
doi: 10.1177/2043820615586690
Goodman, M. K.
ORCID: and Herman, A.
Connections in Fair Trade food networks.
In: Raynolds, L. and Bennett, E. (eds.)
The Handbook of Research on Fair Trade.
Edward Elgar, London, pp. 139-156.
ISBN 9781783474608
Graham, R., Ticehurst, H., Leathes, B., Wade, S., Visman, E., Bayley, S., Kane, C., Shongwe, M., Ferreira, T., Amato, R., Bain, C., Boyd, E., Dilley, M., Janes, T., Lumbroso, D., May, S., Oakley, T., Powell, R., Cornforth, R.
ORCID:, Ewbank, R., Washington, R., Hewitt, C., Jones, R. and Moufouma-Okia, W.,
Scoping, options analysis and design of a ‘Climate Information and Services Programme’ for Africa (CIASA): Final report.
Technical Report.
Department for International Development
doi: 10.12774/eod_cr.may2015.grahamr1
Graham, R., Visman, E., Wade, S., Amato, R., Bain, C., Janes, T., Leathes, B., Lumbroso, D., Cornforth, R.
ORCID:, Boyd, E. and Parker, D.,
Scoping, options analysis and design of a ‘Climate Information and Services Programme’ for Africa (CIASA): literature review.
Technical Report.
Department for International Development
doi: 10.12774/eod_cr.may2015.grahamr
Grisaffi, T.
Rethinking drugs policy in Latin America.
In: West, J. (ed.)
South America, Central America and the Caribbean 2016.
Routledge, London.
ISBN 9781857437850
Gurney, S. D. and Hayward, S.
Earth hummocks in north-east Okstindan, northern Norway: morphology, distribution and environmental constraints.
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift, 69 (5).
pp. 299-309.
ISSN 0029-1951
doi: 10.1080/00291951.2015.1084530
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Halliday, S. J., Skeffington, R. A., Wade, A. J.
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High-frequency water quality monitoring in an urban catchment: hydrochemical dynamics, primary production and implications for the Water Framework Directive.
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Harris, C., Gaffney, C., Pope-Carter, F., Bonsall, J., Fry, R.
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Harrison, S. P.
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Li, G., Harrison, S.
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Routledge, pp204.
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Examining the relationships between Holocene climate change, hydrology, and human society in Ireland.
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Stephens, E.
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